Aftermath of Steve dropping the bomb on Marie (S3)
Aftermath of Steve dropping the bomb on Marie (S3)
Sex Story Author: | batonag |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "If it's ok with you, I'd like you to be his slave. I don't know, I also kind of like |
Sex Story Category: | Bondage and restriction |
Sex Story Tags: | Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Fiction, Humiliation, Incest, Oral Sex, School |
Saturday at lunch
„You told her? Are you crazy?“
Jenny can’t believe what her step-brother is telling her. How does he not realize that this was a bad idea?
“Of course I told her.” Steve says, “You don’t build a relationship on a lie.”
In comparison to his sister, Steve seems pretty calm about the fact that he could have scared Marie of for good. And that after only one date. At the very least he is confident that he made the right choice in telling Marie about him and his sister.
“Lying is completely different from not telling her, or at least waiting for the right moment to drop such a huge bomb. I mean what did you think. If I go on a date and the boy tells me he has a BDSM relationship with his sister I’d be running to the hills in no time!”
His sister can’t control herself. For a slave, she is way out of line but Steve likes it. Not that she misbehaves as a Slave but that she can still be his sister who is looking out for him.
“Marie is not like you,” he says a bit amused about his sister’s outrage.
“My point exactly. She is way more innocent! If it scares me off what do you think it will do to her?”
Steve can’t argue with that. His sister adds, “At least admit that you made a mistake in telling her!”
As she speaks these words her gut tells her that there is something seriously wrong with what she just said. After a moment her brother tries to explain, “For years now I took her choice, I made it for her. I ignored the way she spoke, the way she acted, the way she looked at me. I won’t do it again. If she wants me, she should at least know what she gets.”
Jenny looks in her brother’s eyes; There’s a sadness. In disbelieve, she says, “You want her to reject you … Why?”
Steve lowers his head. Jenny never knew her brother to make mistakes. And that didn’t change. “But you love her, right?” she asks.
“Yes, I do …”
Trying to reconstruct what is going on in Steve’s head Jenny adds, “But you don’t think you’re good enough for her …”
That’s what it is. Steve lifts his head again. It’s painful for Jenny to look at her brother in this condition. His eyes are glassy. It’s the most vulnerable she has ever seen him. For a moment they are just staring at each other until Jenny can’t bear it any longer. She stands up, walks around the table, sits down on her brother’s lap, and hugs him. She whispers in his ear, “You think too low of yourself …”
After the hug, she says, “You got to talk to her.”
“She told me she needs some time.”
“Fuck time. Time to think of all the reasons why it’s a bad idea to have you as her boyfriend? No, no, no, you’ll at least call her!”
Again, she’s got a point and Steve knows it but he can’t bring himself to respond.
“Fine,” his sister says, “If you’re not willing to stand up for your own good, I will.” She stands up to grab her phone. Her brother was faster. He grabs her arm before she can reach it. “Don’t!” he says in this calm voice. Normally it would frighten Jenny when her brother gets that way but this time, she is too angry at him. Why would he ever even think that he isn’t good enough for Marie?
Steve sees her hesitation and adds, “I’m serious. You won’t call her. Do you understand?”
After a very intense staring match his sister gives in, “Fine. Man, you’re stubborn. I won’t call her but I still believe you should.”
And there’s the sadness again. “Come here,” she says and hugs him. She whispers in his ear, “I always knew you were a pussy.”
Oh, she is so gonna regret this statement, Steve thinks, but not right away. As his slave or his sister, one thing is for sure. He’ll make her pay somehow.
Saturday afternoon
Marie opens her door, “Jenny? Wha.” She can’t finish her question because Steve’s sister just talks over her.
“You can’t leave him! It was all my idea. He didn’t even want to do it at first, I mean sure he wanted but he rejected me. I talked him into it. It’s so unfair for you to hold that against him! If you want to be angry at someone, be angry at me. I started it. I was so selfish but he is so perfect. It might not look that way at first but he is a really nice, I mean awesome guy.” “Jenny.” “I mean look at him what’s there not to like. He’s so handsome and good and the best brother I could wish for and he’s”
“Jenny!” Marie screams. It wasn’t easy but Jenny stops talking like a waterfall and asks, “What?”
“I won’t leave him,” Marie says.
“You don’t?”
“But I wanted to talk to you anyway. Do you have a few minutes?” Marie asks. “Eh, of course.” Jenny answers.
Marie turns around and screams up the stairs, “Julia! I’m going for a walk, I’m back in a few minutes!”
As the two of them walk down the street Marie says, “It’s pretty obvious why you’d think I’d reject the idea of Steve … eh … sleeping with you. To be honest I expected him to come by himself and talk to me but now I found you on my doorstep. Did he send you?”
“He doesn’t even know that I’m here,” Jenny admits, “More like the opposite. He wanted to give you space and I disagreed and wanted to call you. He asked me not to.”
“Well, you didn’t call,” Marie says and laughs.
“Oh, if he’d knew I’m here talking to you he’d be furious.” Jenny wants to laugh too but the thought of how her brother would react if he’d see her right now hinders her from it. She settles for a nervous giggle. “You said you wanted to talk to me about something?” Jenny asks.
“Yes,” Marie tries to prepare herself for the question, “Do you like being his slave?”
Jenny blushes and answers truthfully, “I do.”
“I mean do you love Steve?”
Again, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, “I love him as a brother but I don’t think you wanted to know that. You’re asking if I love him like a boyfriend. I got to say that there is this strange attraction but no. I don’t think I’m in love with him. Let’s just say, playing with him is more like masturbating for me. And from what I can tell it’s the same for him.”
“Masturbating?” Marie asks.
“Yeah, we both enjoy it. We are living one of our darkest fantasies. Instead of just imagining it we take it a step further. I don’t see how it’s so wrong. I can understand why others might think it is but not why we shouldn’t have done it.”
Marie grins, “You know you’re talking about incest combined with things most people can’t even imagine.”
“Partial incest.” Jenny corrects her.
“You two grew up together!”
“Yeah, but we are not related,” Jenny says.
The conversation takes a pause as both don’t really know what to say. At some point, Jenny says, “I’m going to tell my brother that it’s over between us. You should have seen him; he really cares about you.”
Marie hesitates but then she responds, “I don’t know if I want you to do that.”
“But you said you won’t leave him. I mean, how …” Jenny realizes the implication, “Oh. I mean, of course. But how can you be ok with your boyfriend having his personal sex slave?”
“Don’t get me wrong,” Marie says, “There will be boundaries. I won’t grant you an all-access path. I think it’s alright with Steve, he told me he’d stop everything with you on my wish. I mean, I was kind of relieved when he told me about you. He started the conversation by telling me about his fetishes and I soon realized that on the pervert-scale he is way higher than I am. I even think he left out a few of his dirty secrets. I feared he wanted me to be his slave and I didn’t know if I could handle that. I didn’t know it this morning but the more I think about it the more I like the idea of him having you to fulfill all these strange desires. I mean orgasm denial? That thing can drive you mad.”
“Tell me about it,” Jenny says sarcastically. Marie looks at her interested as Jenny realizes what she just gave away. Sheepishly she adds, “He teased me the whole week. But I kind of liked it.”
Marie laughs, “Anyway,” she says.
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