

A man finds out why he has become addicted to a woman

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“So Doc, ahh crazy question – is it possible to be um, like, addicted to a person?” It was a crazy question and Tom was somewhat embarrassed by even asking it, but it was a question that he had been wondering about for days now.

The doctor, actually a psychologist, was a bespectacled balding man in his fifties, who had heard a whole lot of crazier things in his twenty odd years of practice. He was aware that Tom was serious and he needed more information before he could give an answer. “Do you think that you are addicted to a person Mr. Jensen?”

Tom took a deep breath and scratched his forehead before answering “Well, there’s this girl that I kinda like, I guess, but I like lots of girls if you know what I mean.” He glanced up at the doctor who was writing something on his clipboard, then continued. “I mean, I kinda play the field right now, you know, I’m not really ready to settle down just yet. But then there’s this girl who is hot, and I went out with her a few times, and it was good you know, but it was just like any other time and any other girl. She was just a… a distraction I guess. You know she was fun and all, but not any more than that.” He stopped to think about what else to say because the rest was tricky.

The doctor looked up and adjusted his glasses “Go on Mr. Jensen, you’re doing fine.”

Another sigh and then “Well, we went out like, maybe three times and I was still seeing other girls. She knew that too. I told her that I wasn’t exclusive with her from the beginning, it wasn’t like I was hiding it you know. And then, one night, she calls me out of the blue and says she wants to see me. Actually she told me that she wanted sex. It wasn’t the first time we had sex either. So I went over and, like one thing leads to another you know and we get undressed and she, like pulls my face down to her… you know.”

“She wanted you to perform oral sex on her.” the good doctor finished for him.

“Yeah that’s it. So like I go down there and I smell her… and it’s like there’s something about her smell. It’s not normal, but not in a bad way or anything. It was like I couldn’t get enough of her smell, and she kept encouraging me to. ‘Keep smelling me’ she says and ‘that’s it, breathe it all in’. It’s like she knew something, but at the time I didn’t realize anything was wrong. I just kept smelling her scent and it was like heaven.” He glanced up at the doctor and realized that he was listening intently this time, not writing anymore.

“Can you describe what you felt as you were smelling her?”

“I really didn’t think so at the time but later when I thought about it I realized that I felt… almost high. Like I was intoxicated by her odor. The weirdest part of this is that I keep having these cravings now. I can’t stay away from her for more than a day or I have… withdrawals.”

The doctor adjusted himself in his chair, as if he had become uncomfortable, and asked his next question. “Can you explain what you mean by ‘withdrawals’?”

“Well, I haven’t gotten sick or anything, but I get really tense and I can’t think clearly. All I can think about is getting back between her legs and smelling her and licking her. Even when I’m with another woman, we could be having sex and I could be eating her pussy” he paused when he realized how crudely he just spoke and looked to see if he had offended the doctor. There was no discernible difference in his demeanor so Tom continued “Sorry, I could be performing oral sex and I’m still thinking about how quickly I can get out of there to go see Ka- the other girl. It’s bizarre.”

“What about your job, has that suffered at all?” The doctor inquired.

Another deep breath from Tom and then “Yeah, I think about her at work all the time. My boss has noticed that I haven’t been myself and was asking me what was going on. I told him that I have some personal issues that I’m dealing with. Doc, it’s affecting every aspect of my life lately. If I go more than one day without seeing her, without smelling her, I can’t sleep, I can’t function, and I’m afraid that it’s getting worse.”

“When was the last time you was with her?”

“I went to her place last night around eight o’clock and every night I feel the need to go over earlier. Just a few days ago I could hold out until ten P.M. And when I go to her place, even when I just pop in without calling, she’s expecting me, like she knows I’m going to show up.”

The good doctor sat for about twenty seconds thinking about what he had been told then gave his perspective “Well, to be honest Mr. Jensen, you can’t become addicted to a person’s smell; however, the juices that an aroused female produces from her vagina can be quite an aphrodisiac to a heterosexual man, and may create the feelings that are similar in fashion to an addiction. It seems to me though that your reaction is much more intense than normal. It has affected all aspects of your life and that is not a good thing. Not to belittle you Mr. Jensen, but I believe that what you are experiencing is all in your head. Perhaps your feelings for this young lady are deeper than what you are willing to admit. Love works in strange ways you know.”

“I’m NOT in love with her, if that’s what you think. She’s cute and all, but she’s not really my type.”

“But you’ve slept with her.”

“Yeah, she was a good time and all, but I don’t want to marry her or anything.”

Nodding his head, the doctor of psychology stood up and glanced at the clock on the wall. “I’m going to teach you some exercises to help calm you and focus you. I believe that this will be an easy fix, but you just need to focus your brain on something other than the young lady that has got you in such a fix. I’m also going to recommend that you get an over the counter sleep aid to help you get a good nights rest. I think you can take care of this relatively easy Mr. Jensen, and you’ll realize that you are not really addicted to her at all, just infatuated.”

“I hope you are right doc.”


Later that evening, Tom started feeling the urge again around five P.M., and he immediately started doing the breathing exercises that he had learned earlier. Deep breathing and shaking out the stress helped him feel better after ten minutes and he was confident that it was going to work. The doctor told him that if he could resist going back to her, his body would forget the craving and he could go back to his normal life. It lasted about twenty minutes while he attempted to keep himself busy, but then he started to think about her again. He resisted for ten minutes then did the breathing again until he was relaxed and thinking clearly again. This time it took him twenty minutes to calm down and it was now six o’clock.

He made himself busy cooking dinner and tried singing along to the radio, but soon found himself with the cravings again. He glanced at the clock and was surprised to see that it was only ten past six and he felt even more jittery than before he did the calming exercises the second time. He had planned to tough it out until eight o’clock and then take a sleeping pill, hoping that if he made it through the night, he would put as much distance between himself and her as possible.

He tried to ignore the feelings that were building in him, he was still cooking after all, but soon he was so preoccupied that he wound up burning his meal. Hungry and angry at himself, he sat down and started once more with the breathing. Even doing his exercises, he still couldn’t calm his incessant cravings and after just ten minutes of trying, he decided he needed the sleeping pills. The problem was that when he left the doctor’s office, he had forgotten to stop at the pharmacy and that meant that he had to go out now. Grabbing his keys he headed out the door.

He nearly made it to the pharmacy before he turned and headed toward Kayla’s house. He was convinced that she had done something to him and he was determined to confront her and find out what. He broke more than one speed limit on the way and finally pulled into her driveway. It was seven o’clock.

Tom jogged up the front steps and stopped at the door. He took a deep breath and let it out between pursed lips and then knocked loudly. As he waited rather impatiently, he noticed that his usually steady hand was trembling badly. He made a fist and crossed his arms over his chest. A few seconds later, he heard a female voice from inside the house call out “You can come in Tom.” It was definitely Kayla, but how did she know it was him?

He opened the door and walked into the foyer, closing the door behind him. He made his way down the short hallway to the room he assumed she would be, and as he walked he was struggling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was angry with himself for being so weak and angry with Kayla because he was sure that she had something to do with his problem; on the other hand, he was excited and couldn’t wait to be in the same room with her.

He turned right and walked into the living room and was relieved to see she was lounging on the couch. She looked the same as always; shoulder length, fiery red curly hair, a smattering of freckles on her cheeks and forehead, thick soft red lips, and a cute little nose. Her eyes were what Tom always noticed first though. Her eyes just had a way about them that he found super sexy. No matter what the conversation was about or what she was looking at, he thought that her eyes were her best feature. Her body wasn’t too shabby either, although in his mind, she could have lost a few pounds. She wasn’t fat by any means, but she had a little more belly fat than he preferred. He also thought that her ass had too much cushion. Even though he would agree that she was a beautiful woman, and perfect for some lucky guy, she wasn’t right for him because he wanted to be seen with a Barbie doll girl.

“Hi Tom, I’ve been waiting for you.” She said, smiling sweetly.

Tom was confused because he hadn’t told her he was coming over. “Why, were expecting me?” he asked.

“Come on Tom, we both know that you can’t resist me.”

Tom had all he could do to keep himself from rushing over to her and diving between her legs, but his anger was also rising. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME!?!” he shouted, stepping around a table, but resisting the urge to jump on her.

Showing no fear, Kayla said “Sit down Tom.”

Feeling a drop of sweat rolling down his temple Tom was shocked by her attitude. After all, he was a strong man and she was a just a woman. He could easily have his way with her if he wanted, and yet she didn’t seem the least bit worried. He fought the urge to keep yelling and said “I don’t want to sit down, I want to know the truth.”

“Tom, when I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it and not question it. Now sit your ass down.”

He paused for only a second, and then he sat on the footstool in front of her. If someone had asked him later why he had sat when she ordered him, he would have said it was because he wanted to know what she had done to him, but the truth was, he didn’t know why he obeyed her.

“Good boy.” She beamed brightly again. “Okay, so you want the truth huh? I knew that you would soon enough. So, where to begin? Well to start with, the company I work for, Scent Designs, started testing what we like to call ‘designer scents’. The idea is that they will take a sample of a clients DNA and use that to make a scent that is perfectly matched to that person. They needed a variety of DNA from several different people and I volunteered. They made scents for twenty different people and started testing it on the first five volunteers. I was in the last five so I originally didn’t get any of my special scent.

The tests were a success, at first. The first five volunteers were told to bring in their favorite perfume or cologne. They used the store bought stuff on one arm and the specialized scent on the other. A panel of judges were assigned the task of smelling each arm individually, and then picking which scent they preferred. Apparently, it became quite obvious that something was different when the judges were smelling the designer scents. They all picked the DNA enhanced versions without first being told which arm was which.”

“A day after the initial tests were conducted, both the judges and the subjects all started to experience some peculiar side effects. The judges were desperate to get back to the person that they originally smelled. They had become addicted, because of one smell. Meanwhile, the test subjects all begged for more of the scent. Well the testing should have stopped right then, but instead, the judges and the test subjects were given what they wanted. Each test subject was given more of their individual scent, and each judge was allowed to smell them. I was lucky enough to be able to watch what was happening, and I’ve got to tell you Tom, I was enthralled.”

“These people were relative strangers, but it was as if they had lost their inhibitions. No one got naked or anything, but I’m talking, judges were sticking their noses in places that they would never had done had it not been for the scent, and no of them seemed to care in the least, as long as they got what they wanted. Well after that, all production of new designer scent was halted until our scientists could figure out the whole addiction thing, and the other fifteen test subject were put on hold, no one else could use the stuff. I mean, we wanted something that people were going to love, but not become addicted to.”

“Meanwhile, the original five test subjects and judges continued on with the experiment. At least for a few more days anyway. You see, one other side effect became apparent after a few days of usage. Parts of the test subjects bodies were…enlarging and becoming more sensitive with each application of the scent. It was determined at that point that there were too many risks to continue the program, so it was shut down. All the people who became addicted had to go through specialized detox. There was no long term damage done, but the rest of the designer scents that were made were all supposed to be destroyed. I didn’t want my batch to be destroyed Tom, I wanted what the test subjects had, and I needed to find a way to get my scent before it was destroyed.”

“Luckily for me though, the guy that was responsible for destroying the samples likes me. He’s a nice guy, but he’s kind of a geek, not at all like you. All I had to do was bat my eyelashes a few times and promise him a blowjob and he snuck out my sample. Then I just needed to pick the perfect person to be my bitch, and after I found out how good you are in the sack, all I had to do was invite you over for sex and spray on some of my special scent. You were hooked immediately, and every time that you smelled my pussy after that you were more addicted until now.”

Tom was incensed and yet he could only think of getting his fix. He started mumbling out loud, his mind a jumbled mess “I knew it was something. I told him but he didn’t believe me. He will now though, he has to believe me.” Tom didn’t even realize that he was talking out loud.

Kayla heard it all and quickly leaned forward “Who did you tell Tom?” she asked. She watched his eyes darting around and realized that he needed a fix to clear his mind. She hadn’t yet sprayed herself with the scent so she said “Tom, wait here, I need to freshen up and then you can have this.” She pointed to her crotch and saw his eyes light up. “I’ll be right back” she assured and quickly hurried to the bathroom. She could hear Tom still mumbling as she went. Once in the bathroom, she yanked her shorts down and grabbed the spray bottle. She pointed the sprayer at her pussy, but stopped before she sprayed. A wicked smile played over her face as an evil idea came to her. She bent forward at the waist and with her right hand she pulled her right ass cheek open. Then, with the bottle in her left hand, she placed the nozzle right up against her puckered asshole and squeezed the trigger. She felt the cool liquid spray in her anus and laughed out loud. She felt so wicked and couldn’t wait to see Tom’s face.


She walked back to the living room naked and saw Tom perk up when he saw her. She moved to the couch and sat in the center, spreading her legs wide apart. Tom nearly dove face first into her pussy and started sniffing all around. She watched him with amusement as he searched all around her sex but still wasn’t getting what he desperately needed. Finally he looked up at her in confusion. She burst out laughing at the expression on his face, she couldn’t help herself, he looked so pathetic. She took his face in her hands and pulled him up close to her face. “Honey,” she cooed “I’ve got a special treat for you tonight. I’ve hidden what you need somewhere on my body and it’s up to you to find it, if you really want it.”

Of course he really wanted it, and he was determined to find it too. Like a hound dog searching for a fox, he started sniffing all over her body, his nose tickling her. He was absolutely frantic as he sniffed up one side and down the other. He went up and down both arms and legs. Her feet had a unpleasant cheesy smell, but he worked his way around every inch and up the back of her legs. Finally he looked at her and said, “It’s not here, I’ve gone over every inch of you.”

Smiling again Kayla said “You haven’t smelled every inch yet.” and she motioned to the one part that he hadn’t smelled, the part she was sitting on. Her ass. He looked down at where she was sitting and back at her eyes. A tear rolled down his face as he realized how low he was at this point. Kayla reached up and wiped away the tear then said “If you want your fix, you need to lay on the floor.”

A once strong man who would never have let a woman treat him like this a few weeks ago, Tom hung his head dejectedly and rolled onto the floor. His brain didn’t want this and kept yelling at him to fight this feeling, but his body craved it so bad that his brain was overruled. He watched as she crawled on top of him and scooted her ass up to his chin. Looking down into his eyes she said “I’m afraid that your gonna have to go digging for it.”

He wondered what she meant as she slid over him. He looked up at her ass and from this perspective it seemed enormous. He started sniffing all over the globes of her cheeks first as she hovered about an inch over him. When that didn’t bring the results he craved, he stuck his nose into her sweaty crack and inhaled her womanly scent. Her smell was strong musk but not too unpleasant and he did get just a slight rush as a tiny bit of the designer scent was also inhaled. A little more investigation and he came to the realization that it was not on her ass but in her ass. He whimpered at the thought of what he had to do. He reached up and grabbed her by the waist and guided her asshole to his nose.

“Oh there you go, you got it now.” Kayla said as she let him pull her where he needed. She felt his nose sink into her crack and push up against her anus. She was absolutely loving the feeling of power she was feeling right now and thinking to herself that if it felt this good with one man, how great would it be to have more.

This wasn’t the first time Tom had been this close to a woman’s asshole, but this was quite different. In the previous instances, he had been the aggressor. Hell he was always the aggressor with women. In his mind that was the way it was supposed to be. The stronger male was the dominant one while the weaker female was the submissive. What was happening here was all wrong.

He kept sniffing deeply and was getting some of what he needed, but not nearly enough. It was like an alcoholic who only has one wine cooler. It is alcohol, but not enough. As degrading as it was, he was trying to insert his nose into her asshole, but it just wasn’t working. Then he heard her say something that made him wince. “Try sticking your tongue up there, that should work.” He cringed but he knew she was right. It was a horrible sinking feeling to think that he had to stick his tongue in her ass to get what he wanted, but his craving was so strong at this point that he tried. He tried but her sphincter muscle was too tight. He could feel himself getting frantic until he heard Kayla’s calming voice say, “Lick around it gently and it will open for you.”

He would try anything at this point so he started licking all around her puckered anus, lubing it up with his saliva. Kayla enjoyed the feeling of having her asshole licked and this being her first time, she decided then and there that she wanted to do it more. For about a minute that seemed like a lifetime to Tom, he licked her wrinkled brown hole. He was starting to think that licking gently wasn’t working when he realized that his tongue was actually sinking in deeper each time he slid it over. It was loosening so he took a chance and pushed hard and was rewarded as he sank in deeply. He heard Kayla moan loudly, but to him she seemed miles away.

There was a slight tingling sensation on his tongue and he felt a rush go through his body. It was so intense that his penis expanded rapidly and his mind came into clear focus. He had definitely hit the pay dirt that he was searching for, and he wanted more. The smell and taste were forgotten as was the depressing feelings he had felt and the shame. What he felt now was his need being taken care of. It was like a vampire who was feeding on the neck of a victim and getting strength from that feeding.

The feelings Kayla were experiencing was quite different. She was shocked at how good this ass play felt and she started rubbing her sopping pussy. She couldn’t remember the last time her pussy got this wet without anyone touching it. In fact, she was so turned on, she could smell her arousal stronger than ever before. Even that heightened her excitement. As the feelings intensified, she rubbed her clitoris faster and soon forgot that there was a man beneath her ass.

She lowered herself down so she was sitting full weight on his face. Her breathing had become a series of short sharp breaths sounding almost like a locomotive chugging down the tracks. “WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO” Her fingers became a blur and she stretched her legs out straight which put more weight on Tom’s abused face. The muscles in her legs tightened up as the pressure built, this caused her ass cheeks to squeeze together, clamping down forcefully on his nose.

When Tom started getting what he needed out of Kayla’s ass he was in heaven, but as she lost control of her muscles and dropped on his face, he was just in pain. At first, the weight of her pressing on his face was bad enough, but at least her chunky ass was soft. He still had his tongue deep inside her and for the moment he was still able to breathe with some difficulty. But when her muscles clamped down, the softness disappeared and became hard. He couldn’t breathe anymore and his nose felt like it was about to snap like a twig. He pushed with his hands, trying to lift her up to relieve the pressure, but in his position, he had no leverage, and the little that he moved her only made things worse when he dropped her. He heard a snap and saw bright lights flash as the pain exploded in his head. He dug his fingernails into her thighs, shaking in agony and yelping, certain that his nose was busted now.

With absolutely no care in the world for the whimpering man underneath her, Kayla started bouncing her butt every so slightly up and down as her orgasm overtook her. Her body was covered in a sheen of sweat, her muscles ridged, her breath caught in her throat, and her pussy and ass contracting in ripples as she rode the pleasure wave. Sometime during her orgasm, her pussy squirted a small jet of clear fluid which dripped down into Tom’s hair, and she lost control and farted. She wasn’t screaming during her intense cum, she wasn’t much of a screamer anyway; instead she was gritting her teeth, her eyes rolled back, and her body trembled like a leaf in the breeze.

The agony for Tom intensified when she started to cum because she bounced up and down. Her ass that had been so soft earlier was now hard and unforgiving. Yet throughout the pain, he was still trying to get to the sweet nectar that was slowly dripping out of her ass. His need was being satisfied, his addiction being sated in spite of his pain and his asphyxiation. When she started cumming though, his tongue was forced out by her sphincter clamping down hard. He was just a seat now, for he was not helping her cum anymore. He felt wetness on his head and almost instantaneously his cheeks were filled with a powerful blast of hot fetid air. The gas that escaped her ass was sealed in completely by his face and much of was inhaled in his injured nose. Now his nose felt like it was on fire from the inside and he started slapping on her thighs with his hands, desperate to dislodge her.

The slapping on her thighs was a minor annoyance after the monumental orgasm left Kayla in a haze of bliss. She sat for another thirty seconds while her heart slowed and her muscles stopped trembling. Finally she slid her ass back to his chest, and gasped when she saw his face. He had been completely out of air for well over a minute and had nearly passed out. His face had gone past red and was nearly blue. A pulsating vein stood out on his forehead. His eyes were bloodshot and haggard looking. He had two black eyes and his nose was crooked. There was milky white cream mixed with brownish slime all over his face like a glazed donut. He looked as if he had just fought a heavyweight boxer. His eyes were open and he still awake, but barely. Kayla slapped him lightly on his cheeks until he woke up fully, then climbed off him to let him recuperate.

Tom rolled on his side and held his face in his hands. “You broke my fucking nose.” he said, although it sounded more like “You bwoke my fuckin dose.” Kayla genuinely felt bad for breaking his nose but she didn’t want him to know that so she bit her lip and said “Oh you poor baby, you’re lucky I didn’t smother you to death. Now, if you want to be able to get what you need easier next time, you’ll tell me who you talked to about me.”

Tom turned back to look at her “What?” he asked, forgetting that he had said anything.

“After I told you about the designer scents you said ‘I told him but he didn’t believe me.’
So who did you tell Tom?”

Tom closed his eyes as he was suffering through the worst headache ever. “I was talking to my psychologist Dr. Hewes, but I ah, I didn’t tell him your name I think. He didn’t believe me anyway. Wait till I tell him this story though. Maybe he’ll HUUAAAH…”he didn’t get to finish his sentence because she suddenly turned and plopped her ass back down on him, this time landing right on his belly. He wasn’t expecting it and she knocked his breath right out of him.

“You won’t tell him anymore because the next time you go see him, I’m going with you.”

Confusion would have been evident on Tom’s face if his face hadn’t been broken and battered. For now though, he was in too much pain, and he just nodded in agreement.


Tom spent the night with Kayla, but not in her bed. She made him sleep at the foot of her bed on the floor and she gave him a bag of frozen peas to put on his swollen face. The next morning, he made two phone calls. The first was to his job, which he lied and said that he was much too sick to work and would be out the rest of the week. It was Thursday anyway so he would miss only two days and he had several sick days already built up.

The second call was to Dr. Hewes office. He called before they opened for patients and asked the receptionist if he could get an emergency appointment with the doctor. He told her that he really needed the latest possible appointment, preferably the very last of the day. She told him that he was in luck and could see the doctor at four o’clock that afternoon, the last appointment. He had no idea why Kayla wanted to see Dr. Hewes or why she wanted to be the last appointment, but he really didn’t care either. As long as she took care of his needs.

Afterward, he went into the bathroom and looked at his battered face. His nose looked somewhat straighter after he had tried snapping it back into place the night before. He had taken three aspirin and had numbed it somewhat with the frozen peas before trying to re-align it. His face still looked like he had been in a car accident though. His still had two black eyes and his nose was also discolored.

They had breakfast together and Tom asked Kayla just what she had in mind at Dr. Hewes. She grinned a somewhat evil looking grin and said “I think Dr’ Hewes will be very interested to find out that you were telling the truth. I was under the impression that doctors were supposed to listen to their patients and try to help them, not dismiss their problems as something in their heads.”

“So you’re going to tell him about this magical spray stuff then?”

“I’m going to do better than that Tom. I’m going to make him smell it, and you are going to help me. That is if you want more of my pussy.” Tom knew that she wasn’t just talking about her pussy, but about the spray that he would be having withdrawal symptoms from if he didn’t get his daily fix in time. The thought of having someone else addicted to Kayla made him nervous. What if she ran out of the spray? She did say after all that it wasn’t being made anymore. Plus, he was a little bit jealous.

“I don’t think I’m okay with helping you do that.” He said “I mean, why would you even want to do that?”

Kayla put her fork down, picked up her napkin and wiped her mouth before looking him in the eyes. “First of all,” she said coldly “you don’t get to have an opinion. You’re just an ass eating slave. Second, if you don’t like it then you can leave anytime, I’m sure that you can overcome your addiction to me eventually.” she picked her fork back up and took another bite of egg before saying while chewing “Why don’t you get under the table and put your fucking tongue to work. I’m horny.”

Tom sat for a moment looking down at his half eaten breakfast. He was still hungry and he was ashamed for having so little willpower. He wanted to tell her to go get fucked but he knew that he wouldn’t. he glanced back at Kayla who had resumed eating and then he slid forward out of the chair and onto his knees under the table. It was a small round table with four chairs around it and a white tablecloth covering it.

Once under the table, he felt like he was in a cocoon. He reached over and pulled apart the sides of her robe, exposing her cotton panties. He could faintly smell her womanly odor. Taking both sides of her panties, he edged them down past her thick thighs, around her folded knees and down her calves until they fell off her feet. As he glanced back up at her exposed vagina, he smelled her aroma again, now much sharper than before.

Realizing that he would have difficulty reaching her like she was sitting, she scooted her ass forward to the edge of the chair and sighed deeply as she felt his mouth attach to her moistening pussy. She hadn’t sprayed any of the scent on this morning so she knew that he wouldn’t get anything out of this other than maybe an erection. For the first few minutes she kept eating her breakfast while he was eating her, but as the feelings intensified, she put down her fork and gripped the side of the table. His tongue was fluttering all around her clit and then he would slide down lower and stick his tongue into her pussy hole before going back to her sensitive clit again.

Something was strange though and Tom realized it the more he licked and sucked her. Her clitoris seemed to be bigger than he remembered it being. He understood that the clitoris was like a miniature penis and that it filled with blood, thereby making it larger, when it was excited, but he had been down here before a few times and he never remembered it being this big. In fact, the first few times he had gone down on her, he had had trouble finding her clit. Now, her clit stuck out more than a half inch and was swelled up to the size of his thumb. It was certainly much more convenient this way and he wrapped his lips around it and whipped his tongue over it as fast as he could.

The sensations for Kayla were inexplicably heightened. To her it felt like he was doing something different than he had done before and it felt divine. She was getting closer and closer and then “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHSSSSHHHHIIIIITTTTTT” she screamed in ecstasy and was overtaken by her orgasm. Her legs clamped together on Tom’s head reminding him that he still had a headache, and she felt the sudden urge to pee, although she hadn’t had to pee before. She made a split second decision and decided to let it spray, not sure if it was urine or not. She pushed like she was peeing and felt a jet of fluid spray from her twitching cunt. It only intensified the already overwhelming feelings and she opened her mouth and screamed again. This time “OOOOOOOHHHHHHYYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS”. She couldn’t remember ever having an orgasm so powerful, or one that lasted so long. It seemed to go on and on and by the time it wound down, she was out of breath, covered in a sheen of sweat, and shaking uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Tom’s face was wedged between her thighs and he was trying not to drown in her ejaculate. He hadn’t been expecting the sudden forceful spray and his mouth was filled quickly. Some went down his throat and made him cough. He pulled back and bumped his tender nose causing him to yell in pain and lose his erection.

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