
Accidental text

This was not supposed to happen, but now I’m glad it did

This happened this weekend and it all happened because of XNXX/stories.
I’ve posted 3 stories on this site so far and I seem to be enjoying the idea of finally exposing all these events that have happened to me over my life and have them read by strangers. I love the comments and the Private Messages. Very rewarding!
(keep the following information in mind while reading the rest of the story…for those of you who have never posted a story on this site, they recommend you write out your story and then copy and past it because they fear that the system might time-out and you will lose all you have written. So I have gotten in the habit of doing just that, I write the stories on my phone in my spare time and then copy and past)
Back to the story:
Friday night, my wife and I had our friends from the neighbourhood over for drinks. This type of party happens every other weekend and almost always with the same group of 5-10 couples. Before everyone had arrived, the house was clean, everything was ready and my wife was running last minute errands so I had some time to finish a Dom/Sub story (my first fiction story that I was going to post) and just as I copied it and was about to past to the site, my first guest showed up early.
Same people as usual showed up, as well as a new couple from the neighbourhood. They were close friends with Christine, my neighbour. We’ve known Christine and her husband Mike the longest and hung out with them every weekend. Regardless of the fact that she had a very sexy thick body, medium size tits and beautiful face, I never really had sexual thoughts. Cant explain why, it’s just the way it is.
At this party, I had made a dish that everyone was talking about and mentioned that I would share with them the recipe. As the night went on, my neighbour Christine, asked if I could text her the link to the recipe. As I searched through my phone to find the link, I “thought” a chose copy and proceeded to find her name on my phone and text it to her.
I’m sure you know where this is going……
Found her name, pressed “past” and not even thinking for a second as I looked up at her and said “there you go, just sent it”.
(As you may have figured out by now, I did not send her the link to the recipe, I sent her the Dom/sub story that I was just about to post on this site before everyone arrived.
In the story, there are parts that talk about being tied up in a door way and teasing for hours, blindfolded, squirting, another women bla bla bla – you will have to come back and read it when I post it)

As far as I was concerned, nothing special. Sent her a text and kept chatting it up with the neighbours Christine told everyone that she has to go home to go get something and she will be back in a bit.
About an hour later, she walked in and we crossed paths in the hallway and she says quietly and in a shy voice “when you sent me that text earlier, was that for me or did you mean to send it to someone else?” I told her it was for her and “let me know what you think?”

She was silent for a couple of seconds and said “ok” and then she said she’ll get back to me and I thought nothing of it.
She replied via text about 30 minutes later and said.

“I’m shocked to be honest that you felt that way and I didn’t expect you to tell me like that. Btw, your sick! 😉

But I’m not going to lie, it’s the reason I went home and I read it and reread it, came twice – how’s that for my thoughts? Lol.

Please delete though and don’t tell anyone!!!!! He checks my phone once in a while so PLEASE delete, I don’t think your wife would be happy if she sees that you sent that to me….see you tomorrow;)”

As I was reading this message from her, I was thinking WTF!!!, she must have meant to send it to someone else but I looked at my texts to her and good god!!! I sent her the pasted story for this site.
My body felt so heavy, that same feeling you have when you forget your phone somewhere or lose your wallet or purse or car keys but 100 times worse than that. I had to step outside to catch my breath and cool down because my mind was all over the place:
– how could I have sent that?
– So stupid!
– I’m fucked!
– What if her husband/my friend finds out?
– How do I explain me writing that story in the first place?
– My wife is going to flip out!
– Our relationship and that of out friends is over!
– Everyone is going to be talking about it!!!!!!

BUT WAIT – *deep breath! I re-read her text and her words of acceptance and her opening up about cumming twice and wanting to see me later and her wanting me to delete the message?

Was I safe? NOW WHAT? – Now I was turned on! I made my sexy neighbour go home and sneak away and masturbate based on what I sent her and she thought I was writing about what I wanted to do to her and she was INTO IT!!

This became one of those moments that changed everything.

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