
Abductor for Hire

Abductor for hire.

He looked at the photograph, memorizing the face and eyes until he knew he could not miss her in a crowd. The woman was dressed in a business suit, with dark hair down past her shoulders and green eyes. If it were not for the arrogant glint in her eyes he would have found her quite striking.
Do we have a deal? The words typed across his computer screen in the private chat room he and his client had arranged to ‘meet’ in. This way of communicating was not only secure, but entirely discreet and anonymous.
Yes, he typed back simply, we do, 25,000 down and the remainder on delivery.
Agreed. Remember, she isn’t to be permanently harmed, but I want her humiliated in every possible way.
Understood. I will be in touch when the job is done for payment arrangements and delivery options. He stopped and disconnected from the internet in the sleazy hotel room, shutting his laptop down. After slipping it into its case he glanced at the picture again and rose, headed for the door.

He stood leaning against the cab as though he had been there for sometime, taking a break. In fact, he had pulled up only moments earlier in front of the huge office building. It was late at night and from his observations he knew she would be leaving any minute now.
Sure enough, there she was. Tall, and thin with an athletic figure she stalked out of the automatic doors of the law firm in a mocha colored skirt and jacket, matching stiletto heels clicking angrily on the concrete.
As she got closer he saw that one arm was struggling with her heavy bags and the other held a cell phone to her ear.
“Since when do we care if the client is guilty, we’re paid to get them acquitted. If you don’t pull your head out of your ass, you’ll never make partner.” She snapped the cell phone shut and dropped it into her purse. “Prick.”
She glanced up and noticed that a man was crossing the street from the opposite side and hurried to beat him to the cab. They met at the same time, both wanting a ride in two different directions.
“Listen, asshole, I’m a lawyer, so unless you want a lawsuit on your hands…”
The man held up his hands defensively and backed away in an apologetic tactical retreat.
“Easy lady.” He said, shaking his head as he turned away in search of another cab.
“I didn’t think so.” She turned and gave the man she believed to be the cabbie a withering look, dumping her bags in front of him. “Hurry up and get my bags in the car, I haven’t got all day. And stop staring at my ass.” She stopped to light a cigarette, shaking her head in disgust. “What a fucking day.”
He shrugged and unlocked the trunk, making sure she didn’t follow him. Lifting the lid he dumped the bags in on top of the current occupant, earning a muffled grunt of pain.
She failed to hear it, or notice how quickly her cabbie closed the lid. Instead, she exhaled a white cloud of smoke that seemed to calm her nerves. “At least I’ve had one stroke of luck today. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a cab in this part of town, this late at night?”
She flicked the half smoked cigarette in the general direction of the nearest trash can and stooped to climb into the cab.
He stepped up behind her, pulling the hypodermic needle from his jacket pocket and removing the cap.
“Maybe today’s your lucky day.” He said, pressing the tip through her tight skirt into the nicely rounded rump beyond. She jerked in surprise and turned toward him, eyes already rolling up into her head.
“What the…” She managed before sliding limply to the floorboard of the backseat.
“Then again, maybe not.”
He looked around to be sure no one had seen him and then closed the door behind her.

Hours later the cab was found by police under a bridge, the rightful driver bound and gagged and groggy in the trunk from a similar sedation he had received, but otherwise none the worse for wear.

She awoke hours later, miles from where she had been, in total darkness, or so it would seem. In fact she was blindfolded, gagged and bound hand and foot. She had been lying on her right side long enough that the corresponding arm had gone numb. Rolling over she found that she was lying on a floor of some kind, and tried to sit up.
It was then that she heard the voice.
“Don’t be afraid.” It counseled her mechanically, and very close to her left ear. She turned on instinct, but could see nothing through the thick cloth of the blindfold. “You’ve been abducted and are being held for ransom.”
The speaker gave her a moment to think that over. “We are going to make a ransom video to send to your law firm, do you understand?” She nodded, looking up blindly in the direction of the startling voice.
“I am going to untie your ankles to allow you to walk, but don’t think I can’t tie you back up again if you resist, understood?” Another nod.
“Now,” He said, the cold of a knife blade brushing her ankle sent a shiver through her whole body. “I want you to listen very carefully.” The heavy cloth wound around her legs fell away with one stroke of the knife and she felt a twinge of pain as feeling flooded back from that area of her body as well.
He helped her to her feet, and she realized that she was barefoot for the first time. Come to think of it, she couldn’t feel her pantyhose, or panties for that matter.
“I’m going to guide you to a chair where we can film you, do you understand? Good. Now sit down.” She settled into the chair obediently, shifting until she could find a comfortable place for her arms, since they were tied behind her.
“We have a script we want you to read aloud for the camera, understand? Good.”

Moments later she sat in the hard-backed chair, arms retied through the back, legs spread and tied to the chair legs at the ankles and knees. Little did she know that her bare vagina showed from the existing camera angle, and was in plain view during the entire recording. She noticed the digital clock sitting on the table beside her, its bright red letters and numbers barely visible in the overhead glare.
Her blouse was gone along with her bra and her firm breasts were concealed only by her suit jacket and it was only buttoned on the bottom, allowing a very enticing view of her chest. Her blindfold and gag had been removed and she squinted in the glare of floodlights pointing down at her, trying to read the script placed in her lap.
“I have been kidnapped, and my kidnappers want two million dollars in unmarked, non-sequential bills delivered to the address included with this video. You have until midnight tomorrow night tonight to do so or face the consequences.”
She looked up at the lights, trying to spot her abductor in the shadows that lay beyond. “What consequences?” She asked, not sure she wanted to know. Suddenly a foul smelling cloth slipped over her mouth and nose and more than the lights went out.

She awoke to someone gently patting her on the cheek, the ass cheek. She was blindfolded and gagged again, this time tied in a standing position, arms and legs spread in an ‘X’ fashion. The first thing she noticed was that she was wearing her high heels again, and was instantly aware of how hard it was to balance in them in her current predicament.
The second thing she noticed was that her pussy itched.

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