A Willing Participant #1 (revised 10/20)
A Willing Participant #1 (revised 10/20)
Sex Story Author: | Gordietown |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I can tell you're a good mother, one that will do anything to protect her son." John held her |
Sex Story Category: | Fantasy |
Sex Story Tags: | Diary |
This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18.
A Willing Participant #1, Road Trip
Chapter 1
“Road Trip!” Mary cheerfully called out as she happily scurried about, gathering up the things they need for their trip. She was trying to get her teenage son excited about their trip to visit her sister, but Travis wasn’t buying it.
“Ooo… Yea… Road Trip.” He replied sarcastically in a low monotone voice. He didn’t share his mother’s enthusiasm.
“Bull shit.” He added under his breath.
His mother could be such a pain in the ass. He didn’t want to go on this trip, but she was making him. She insisted he go, thinking it would bring them closer together. She felt they were drifting apart because he spent so much time with his dad.
Travis was dreading the long drive to visit his aunt and cousins in Sacramento. A whole week they would be staying. He didn’t know if he could stand his little bratty cousins for that long.
“I heard that! Oh come on. It’ll be fun!” Mary said excitedly. Even though she had no special plans, she was looking forward to getting away. She just wanted to lounge by her sister’s pool and enjoy some fun in the sun and margaritas.
And… she also hoped for a girl’s night out with her sis. It might be just what she needed to jump-start her comatose love life.
With the car loaded, mom and son headed out.
Travis sat next to his mom sporting his dark shades, apparently engrossed in a magazine, but he wasn’t reading. He was looking over the magazine, looking at his mom, checking her out, ogling her. He was obsessed with his mother… sexually, and had been for a long time.
As they drove, Travis looked his mom up and down. Just because he was pissed at her didn’t mean he wasn’t going to make the most of the situation, and she did look hot! Staring at her shapely legs, his mom’s dress had ridden up quite high exposing her smooth shapely thighs, and her knees came apart as she drove. It made his heart race, imagining just a glimpse of the delights that lay between. It was making him horny, and he could feel his cock swelling.
He stared at her breast. She could barely fit behind the steering wheel. She was a short petite little woman with big tits. She had the seat moved so far forward to reach the pedals, that her boobs were practically squashed against the steering wheel.
He was tall and lean, and he had a hard time imagining they were related. He’d gotten his height and build from his dad, and he was grateful for that. Travis thought the only good thing coming from this stupid trip was getting to see his mom in a bikini.
Travis could still remember when his obsession started. It was the first time one of his buddies said, “Hey Dud, Your mom’s Hot!” At the time he protested. He didn’t see his mom that way, not then. They almost got into a fight over it. But that was then, and that was the seed that grew into a monstrous sexual obsession.
Over time, he began to objectify his mom just like his friends. She had big tits. Not crazy big, but big. She was petite, and her big tits looked even bigger on her small frame. And she had a nice big round bubble butt, in a good way. And she had a slim waist and flat stomach, especial for a woman her age, giving her a very sexy hour glass figure.
Travis even started offering his mom up as bait when he wanted to manipulate his buddies.
“Hey, why don’t we hang out at my house. My mom will be there, and I think she likes you. You know how horny MILF’s are, they like younger guys.” He would tease his friends.
Travis also knew that his mom loved the way his friends drooled over her. He got a kick out of watching his mom flirt with all his buddies. It wasn’t in an overt, over the top, sexual way, but just enough to get his horny buddies going. All that played into his sexualizing his mother.
Despite how hot she was, Travis was pretty sure he his friends where the only males in her life, she didn’t go out, didn’t date, and didn’t even work with any men as far as he knew. That meant his friends where the only guys around she had to flirt with. He figured she was just a lonely cock tease needing a good fuck.
They were well on their way to Sac. But unfortunately for Mary, in her haste and excitement to get on the road, she’d forgotten to get gas. They left Reno with less than a quarter of a tank, and by the time she noticed, the needle was on ‘E’.
“Oh shit! We’re on empty! I forgot to fill-up before we left! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! How could I be so stupid? We’re out in the middle of fuck’n nowhere, and about to run out of gas.”
Mary’s earlier enthusiasm instantly drained from her. They were far into the mountains and long past any filling stations. She decided their only option was to press on, and hopefully they would make it to a gas station.
They did get a few miles, but as fate would have it, the car sputtered and died.
Mary had no choice but to pull the lifeless vehicle over to the side of the road.
“Oh great! Now what are we going to do?” Travis said sarcastically. His pessimism wasn’t helping Mary’s mood. “I’ll call your aunt. Hopefully she can help us… Damn! No cell.” What were they going to do? Mary agonized.
She put on the emergency flashers, got out, and lifted the hood. She didn’t know what else to do. Maybe a passing motorist would stop and help them. Yet, the thought of attracting strangers on this deserted highway frightened Mary. But what other choice did she have?
They waited for hours… A few cars whizzed by unconcerned for their plight. It was starting to get dark, and Mary was feeling desperate and scared.
Chapter 2
A pick-up with two men in it sped by.
Mary saw that far up the road the truck had pulled over. It just sat there for a few minutes… then turned around and pulled to a stop in front of them.
Two men got out and approached their disabled vehicle. Cautiously Mary got out and greeted them. With great embarrassment, she explained how they had run out of gas, and asked if they could help.
The men seemed friendly, and willing. “Yea… Sure… We can get you some gas” said what appeared to be the older of the two men. “We have a couple of 5gl cans back at the house. That should be enough to get you to the next station. We’ll be right back.”
He started back towards his truck, and then stopped: “AH… You know, it’ll be getting dark soon… and it gets dark fast in these canyons, I don’t feel good about leaving you two here so… why don’t you lock-up your car and ride back with us to get the gas.”
Mary was a little nervous about going with these two strangers. But they seemed okay, and genuinely concerned. They were very nice and clean, and not all that bad looking, handsome even, and truthfully… she had to admit she was kind of attracted to them. They were both cute and very well built. One was about her age, she guessed, and the other a little younger. She could easily see herself dating either one of these guys.
It had been eight years since Mary’s divorce. She was 38, quickly approaching the dreaded 40, and she hadn’t dated in a long time. She was ready now, ready to let a man back into her life… or at least into her bed. Her toys where great, many times they had saved her sanity, but she was ready now for the real thing.
Travis was older now, and much more independent, sometimes too much of an independent smart ass, but she could now start thinking about herself, and about her needs. She was tired of spending night’s home alone masturbating. In fact, Mary hoped that her sister might introduce her to someone nice.
Mary agreed. They should ride along.
“Okay… Let’s go get some gas! Oh and by the way, my names John, and this is my little brother Billy.” said the handsome man.
“Younger, not littler.” Billy coolly added setting the record straight.
After everyone introduced themselves, John said, “We only have room for three up front… so… if it’s okay… can Travis ride in the back?” Mary thought for a moment… and then decided it would be okay for a short distance.
So they all climbed into John’s truck. Travis got in the back, and Mary squeezed in between the two handsome, muscular men. She had to laugh to herself, Guess I’m riding pussy.
John soon turned off the highway on to a series of bumpy dirt roads with many turns and forks. It was rapidly getting dark, and Mary was lost. She had no idea where they were, or where they were heading, and it was much further than she had thought it would be.
The road was rough and filled with pot-holes, and the three bounced around in the cab.
As she was jostled about, Mary could feel the arms of the two men brushing against her large breast. She assumed it was accidental, and unavoidable, and the truth be told, she kind of like it! It stirred something in her. She could feel her nipples hardening. It had been a long time since a man had touched her big tits.
The rougher the road got, the more their arms rubbed on her tits. She was pressed between the two big men, and it seemed, they were using her boobs as arm rest. The more the road bounced, the more they rubbed on her tits. Now, she was almost certain they were doing it on purpose, but she wasn’t sure, so she decided not to say anything.
After one big bump, Billy’s hand fell onto her thigh. She’d worn a cute little muslin blouse and skirt for the trip, not only would it be comfortable for the long drive, but she thought she looked pretty damn sexy in it. The blouse was short at the waist, hanging nicely off her big boobs, and showed off her still sexy midriff. The skirt was comfortable and loose, and not to short, just above the knees. Except now, with all the bouncing around, her skirt had ridden up around her waist, exposing of her smooth shapely thighs, and nearly showing off her panties.
Mary could feel Billy’s hand on her bare flesh. She thought for sure he would move it. She didn’t want to be rude, so she didn’t say anything right away. But when he started caressing her leg, she knew something was up and she’d better put a stop to it.
“Hey, I really appreciate what you guys are doing for me and my son, and I don’t want to sound ungrateful, and I do admit I find you guys attractive, but you really shouldn’t be touching me like that.” Billy just looked down at her and smiled as he moved his hand closer towards her crotch. Mary quickly tried to push him away, but he was too strong. She couldn’t even budge him.
Chapter 3
Mary’s heart sank. Instantly she realized what these guys had in mind and she started to panic.
“Okay please stop the truck! Just take us back to our car! I can get gas somewhere else! I’m sorry, but I think there’s been a big misunderstanding. I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but I just want to go back to my car!”
John slowly brought the truck to a stop in the middle of the deserted woods. His hand joined Billy’s on her soft, smooth thigh as he calmly, yet very firmly spoke: “Yea you’re right, there has been a misunderstanding. Let me clear things up for you. I’m glad you like us, because we like you too. And I’d really hate to, HURT you, or your son. But we’re going to get what we want from you, one way or the other. And I think you know what we want. Now there’s two ways we can do this.
One… you cooperate, and no one has to get hurt. I’d really hate to have to hurt you. And I’m sure you don’t want any tragedy to befall your handsome young son.
Or two… you make a big stink, we have to get rough, and you and your son could get badly hurt… or even WORSE. Either way we’re going to get what we want. Personally I hope you choose option one. And who knows, you might even enjoy yourself.”
Mary fell into deep despair. She felt so helpless and afraid… and guilty. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have gotten herself into this mess and put her son’s life in danger?
“Please don’t do this! My son, not in front of my son!”
“Oh we’re going to do this alright. But it’s up to you how it affects your son. I’m giving you the option of sheltering, and making things go a lot easier on him…
Now we got a little ways to go yet, so why don’t you just give it some thought and decide how you what to handle this.”
John spoke so coldly, it gave Mary chills. She started to cry.
“Now that’s not going to help you at all. If your son sees you crying, he’s going to get upset. And that’s how things get out of control, and people get hurt.”
Mary was terrified. She knew even though Travis was tall and strong like his father, the two of them couldn’t fight off these two brutes. She feared a struggle would get them both hurt. She knew they had total control, and they could do anything they wanted.
As they drove on, her mind raced, trying to figure a way out of this mess. Sadly, she could come to only one conclusion, the painful realization that the only thing she could do was ‘cooperate’. She had to let them fuck her. It wouldn’t do any good to try and fight them. It would only put her son’s life in greater danger. She had to let them fuck her. It was the only way. It was the only thing she could do.
So Mary dried her eyes. She knew what she was going to have to do, and what they were going to do to her.
She could do it… for her son. They wanted her to ‘cooperate’ while they raped her. She wasn’t sure if she could pull it off. But she had to, for her son’s sake.
She would let them do whatever they wanted and be done with them. And it wasn’t like she didn’t like sex. Just because she hadn’t had a man in a long time didn’t mean she wasn’t sexual.
She fantasized and masturbated all the time. She could even go for hours if given the time. And really get her ‘freak-on’. Many a lonely night, she locked herself in her room and masturbated for hours, cumming over and over again, each time stronger than the last, until she was spent and exhausted.
She could get through this. She wouldn’t fight them. She wouldn’t resist. She didn’t have any other choice. She didn’t really have to do’ anything… but submit.
Travis wondered why they’d stopped in the middle of no-where. He wonder if they were lost. He wondered if he should get out. He didn’t know what to do. It looked like his mom and the men were discussing something. Then they started moving again.
By the time they reached their destination, Mary had pulled herself together the best she could. She resolved herself to the reality of what she had to do. She would do whatever these men wanted. She would do it to protect her son. She had no choice. She just hoped they wouldn’t hurt her or her son, and that they would let them go when they were done.
It was nearly dark when they pulled into a clearing where a surprisingly nice large house stood. Mary got out of the truck, frightened and apprehensive.
John warmly asked them in, and asked them to make themselves at home. His demeanor seemed to have changed. He was cheerful, friendly. It was a sharp contrast from the cold, forceful conversation they’d had earlier. He flashed a devious smile at Mary and winked. He was hiding his true intentions, hiding them from her son, hiding that he was going to rape his mother, and Mary was grateful for that. She put on a brave face to hide her fears.
Chapter 4
As Travis climbed out of the truck he couldn’t help but notice that John had put his arm around his mother. It confused Travis, Mom must really like this guy, he thought. But it seemed kind of sudden, they had only just met. John did seem kind of nice though, and they were helping them out.
Travis knew someday his mom would start dating again. They’d even talked about it once. He’d asked her why she never went out, nor had a boyfriend. His dad, who he saw regularly, had lots of girlfriends. She just said she was too busy to date, but admitted someday she might like to date again. She’d asked him how he felt about that. He just shrugged and said he didn’t care. In fact, he was surprised she wasn’t dating. He knew his mom was Hot! And all his friends thought she was hot too.
Mary had dated a few times after the divorce, but it was just too difficult. The divorce had been hard on her. Travis’s father left her for a younger woman; one that Mary thought was prettier. The blond bitch was tall and slender with perky little tits and a tight little butt. She was the exact opposite of Mary, who was short, with dark hair, giant boobs, and a big round ass. Mary hated that bitch.
Mary knew men were still attracted to her, but the divorce had damaged her self-esteem, leaving her feeling very insecure. She decided to devote herself to her son, and not see any men for a while, at least not until she got her confidence back.
John politely asked his brother Billy if he would entertain Travis, while he and Mary went into the other room to discuss what needed to be done to get their car back on the road.
Billy was obviously annoyed, but reluctantly complied.
Before they left the room, Mary turned and snapped at her son, “Stay right here, don’t go anywhere.” His mom seemed a little up-tight, Travis thought. And what did they need to discuss? He wondered. They just needed gas.
Travis took a seat with Billy on the sofa, in front of a large flat screen TV mounted to the wall. He watched as his mother was led off, noticing, just before they were out of sight, Johns hand moved from his mom’s waist, to her ass, and she didn’t seem to mind.
“Your mom’s pretty damn hot! She’s got a nice body. Ever sneak a peek at that hot little bod?” Billy asked.
“NO!” Travis said as if he was offended, which was a lie. The question surprised and embarrassed him. He was surprised by the frank nature of the question, and embarrassed because… yes he HAD tried to ‘sneak a peek’ at his mom… many times.
The embarrassing truth was Travis was always trying to get a glimpse at his mother’s hot bod. He would peep in on her when she was showering, or dressing, and even when she slept.
“No?” questioned Billy. “Boy I sure did when I was your age. I was always trying to get a look at my mom’s big tits, or her bush. I remember this one time, I’m peek’n in the bathroom, she’s got her arms up over her head mess’n with her hair, and her robe falls open! Man I got the full show, I could see her tits, and her pussy, everything, and she just stood there, fuck’n with her hair. Her tits where jiggling and shaking, man it got me so horny I jerked-off right there in the hall. To this day I think she knew I was there, fuck’n cock tease’n bitch.”
Billy laughed at his own story, and Travis couldn’t help but laugh to, he could relate. Travis decided Billy was cool, and pretty funny to.
“Hey you want something to eat?” Billy asked as he hopped up and then disappeared into the kitchen. After a minute he returned with a big bag of chips and a twelve pack of beer.
Travis was a little nervous about the beer. He liked beer. He’d gone to lots of parties at friend’s houses, but he never drank in front of his mom.
He didn’t want Billy to think he wasn’t cool, or mature, so he popped open the beer and gave it a hearty chug.
“Woe. Slow down there dude. There’s no hurry, and there’s plenty more where that came from. Hey, how about some TV.” Billy said as he plopped back down on the sofa and grabbed the remote.
The TV came to life, and much to both Billy’s and Travis’s surprise and embarrassment was a woman on her knees eagerly sucking a big wet cock, and in her hand, she was stroking a second.
“Oops! Sorry about that. I forgot that was in there.”
After a quick look around, Billy asked: “Hey, do you want to watch some? I won’t tell.”
“Sure.” Travis said nonchalantly, trying to sound it cool. Truth was he liked porn. He liked it a lot. He looked at it whenever he could get away with it, mostly on the internet.
He really liked the ones that were supposedly ‘Mother and Son’. He knew it wasn’t real, but they turned him on, fueling the fantasies he had of his mom.
So Travis sat with his new buddy, drinking beer, and watching porn while his mother and John were in the back room discussing auto repairs.
As they watched the porn, Billy added some off color commentary to the flic: “I really like this bitch!” He said. “She’s hot, and you can tell, she really likes sucking cock. Man, I’d love to fuck her face.”
Travis laughed. He thought Billy was pretty cool. So he sat back, relaxed and drank his beer. And, being an unexperienced drinker, Travis quickly got a buzz from a few beers, and as he became engrossed in the nasty video, he sat there half drunk with a big uncontrollable hard-on.
Chapter 5
Once in the back room, Mary was prepared to be pounced on. She would ‘cooperate’, just enough to get herself, and her son, through this mess.
She figured they were going to take their turns with her. Afterwards she hoped they would just let them go.
John didn’t pounce. He walked over to a cabinet and got out a bottle of tequila. He poured a shot for Mary, and then took a hit straight from the bottle. Mary took the shot and gulped it down. Then, she grabbed the bottle, and took another big swig.
“Good, that’s the attitude! Relax and enjoy yourself, we’re going to have some fun!” John said with an enthusiastic smile.
“How much fun’ do you really expect me to be? You’re forcing me to do things against my will.”
“Hmm… that’s a fair question. I’d suggest you find that ‘fun place’ in your head. Do it for your son. You see, I can take it any way I can get it, but Billy, he likes it rough. Now he’ll be a good boy, as long as he doesn’t get bored. You just need to keep him entertained, and we’ll all have a very happy ending.”
“I’ll cooperate… for my son’s sake”
“Good. Cooperation is good… smart, but you need to go a lot further than just cooperating.” John stepped closer to Mary, looking at her hungrily, he touching her hair, running his hands down her arms to her waist.
Pulling her close, he whispered in her ear. “You need to ‘participate’, you to need to be an eager’, and willing’, participant. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“I’ll do anything you want. Please… just don’t hurt my son.”
“I know you will.
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