
A Whole Nude World (Part Three)

Hello again everyone, It’s been awhile since I’ve posted so I wanted to get this out there. It’s a little shorter than the last two parts but I wanted to split it up as part four will be a lot more detailed and I didn’t want it to be too long. It’s not as sexually intense, but the story needs to be moved along outside of sex and I wanted to frame the plot up a bit more. Hopefully you enjoy and if you like this I promise I will be back with the next part shortly. Thank you

The morning sunlight shone through the window of Ryan’s bedroom on that Sunday morning. The day before, Ryan had woken up with the expectations that it would be just another average Saturday in his average world, but what he received was far from that, both mentally and physically. The teenager was not keen on the events that began his day yesterday, but he grew to appreciate them in it’s raw form. He became uninhibited in how he presented his feelings toward this new world. Ryan was afraid of showing himself to his own family yesterday morning, but as the day continued he became more free spirited with it all. He fucked his sister in front of plenty of strangers, met a girl at the waterpark and fucked her. Then he came home and participated in an orgy with his family before taking two beautiful naked girls back to his room and fucking the life out of them. All that in a 15 hour span or so.

Ryan laid on his stomach as he opened one eye, his head facing the wall as he looked at the poster of his favorite baseball team’s logo. The poster that had been there in the clothed world since he got it when he was younger. Sierra was not where she was last night, laying next to him after being freshly pounded and cum in by Ryan. Maybe she was a figment of his imagination. Maybe this whole thing was just some long and convoluted dream. He felt dissapointment in himself as he closed his eye again, it was too good to be true. He shifted his body over and laid on his back, trying to get more comfortable and maybe get a few more minutes of sleep. Instead, Ryan’s eyes shot open with a darting look at the ceiling.

He was still naked.

Ryan could feel the percale sheets against his back and nude butt. His boxers were not on him like he remembered two nights ago. He was naked from head to toe. Ryan put a hand on the spot that Sierra had originally laid and felt the condition of his sheets. Clean is not one way to describe them, as he DEFINITELY will need to wash these sheets before he uses them again tonight.

He then turned his body to his left and saw the beautiful petite figure next to him. Kaitlyn laid there peacefully and still sleeping. She was passed out with her body in a similar position of what Ryan’s was moments ago. Her head faced away from the boy as her hair was disheveled against her head. Her arms flailed out from her side and above her head, laying underneath the pillow. Ryan stared at her beautiful body as it maintained a still position, bobbing up and down with her deep breaths as she slept. His eyes gravitated from her sturdy yet smooth back to her soft butt as the cheeks slightly elevated over the rest of her body. He saw behind the figure his dresser was still missing and a futon still resided in it’s place, it’s now rightful place. The lack of a dresser was the final indication Ryan needed to confirm that he was still living in this naked world, as if his younger sister’s best friend sleeping nude in his own bed wasn’t enough of a giveaway.

Ryan sat up and sent his arms high in the air, clenching his fists in solidarity. Half of it was an act of stretching and the other half a motion of triumph. His life will continue in its promiscuous and textile-free ways, and Ryan had asked for exactly that.

Ryan looked over the still sleeping girl and saw his alarm clock. The time read 8:34. It was Sunday, and as far as he knew there wasn’t anything he needed to do today other than relax and watch the clock slowly tick back toward another week of school. School. Ryan had no idea what to expect in regards to that. How was his schooling like in this world? Ryan felt as if he had a reminder as to what he just did last week in the clothed world: AP Government test, a Statistics homework assignment that he took what felt like hours, and the baseball game he played last week when they crushed Dormont and Ryan had 2 doubles. He also had this hazy remembrance of the same things, but in the nude world. He remembered taking the test without anything on his body, but how?

Ryan shook off the thoughts of school for the time being. It was Sunday, and the last thing he wanted to do was think about school.

He slowly snuck himself out a bed and left the girl to get some more sleep. She was exhausted after last night, and he didn’t want to wake her prematurely. Ryan opened and closed the door slowly behind him as to not make noise. Sierra must have closed the door after she left. He stumbled into the bathroom and relieved himself for the morning before looking in the mirror. He could feel the grossness on his body as sweat and cum had dried on himself overnight. His hair felt greasy to the touch. He needed to clean himself, but even with a shower right behind him he didn’t bother. Now would be a good time to try out the outdoor shower against the side of the house.

Instead of going to clean himself, Ryan decided to walk around and see what the rest of his family was getting into. He hadn’t seen his sister or parents room yet, so some investigating was in order. Jenny’s room was first down the hall, as he turned to his right and saw her door open. His sister lay there peacefully as she slept with a funny facial expression, her mouth hanging open and in deep sleep, possibly snoring. If only Ryan had a camera to take a picture of this scene. That’s another thing that hit Ryan, what about his cell phone? He hadn’t seen it, nor seen anyone with one. An arm was wrapped around her waist as Ryan saw the form of a boy spooned behind her. Alex had fallen asleep with her and they slept together in his arms.

Ryan surveyed the room around him as he looked at what it had. She obviously lacked the dresser and space needed for clothes as a nice couch filled in that spot, facing her tv. Her desk looked pretty similar, cluttered with random things. The framed picture of her club volleyball teammates placing in some tournament was still there, the girls side by side holding the medals around their neck, except this time they were all completely naked. Other photos littered her wall, with some of her friends, and even one of her and Ryan. Both of them sitting on the couch smiling at the camera in what he can only assume was a picture their mother took randomly. He had her arm wrapped around her shoulder as Jenny leaned her head into his chest. Her hand was on his hard cock. Other posters that Ryan remembered scattered her room as well, including the old unicorn pictures that Jenny used to love growing up. A poster of Harry Styles from his latest album was also on the wall that he remembered clothed, but instead Harry was naked with, he guessed it, a hard cock.

Ryan left the two teens to sleep as he moved down the hall to his parents room. As he approached the room he could hear some fumbling inside it. Ryan slowly peaked his head into his parents room. It was a simple looking room, a king sized bed with a table for a tv and a desk. He saw the large family photo hanging against the wall opposite of the bed. The clothed world had his parents and sister standing out front of the house. This photo was identical, except everyone was nude and him and his dad were hard. Was EVERY photo of him hard? Or was it just common practice to get hard for the photo? In fact, Ryan remembered taking this exact same photo, where his mom and sister both stroked them to get hard for it. How did he remember that memory without actually being there?

In the bed, he saw his mom and dad slowly kissing each other, his mom on top of his dad and running their hands on each other’s bodies. Ryan kept his distance and stayed out of their sight, not knowing he was there. He was happy to see his parents showing their natural affection to each other after what he saw yesterday. It was if they had fun with other people but their true love was with each other, and no matter what happened before with whomever it was with, they would find each other and were meant for each other. Ryan smiled and felt relief seeing this. The past 24 hours had given him some confusion as to how relationships work in this sex filled world. He had heard about swingers from his friends joking around once, and it seemed like a similar situation here: fooling around with others while staying loyal to each other.

Ryan walked back down the hall and down the stairs toward the kitchen. A few people were passed out on the couch sleeping, Ryan recognized the one woman as the secretary he stepped in with for his dad, the man who’s lap her head was with them as well.

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