
A Weekend with My Niece Part 4

A Weekend with My Niece 4 – Sunday Evening
I woke up about a half hour later feeling rested and explored Alex’s body with my fingers. She responded by reaching out for my cock and stroking it to life then slowly opened her eyes. It was now about 4:00 PM so I suggested that we take our activity back to the shower to get ready for an early dinner and a long evening together. Alex answered by swinging her legs out of the bed still holding my penis and made me into a pull toy moving toward the bathroom. She put her hair up to save the drying time if possible and turned on the water in the shower to warm up. Since I was captive I took the brief time to close in behind her kissing her shoulders and exposed neck while reaching around with one hand moving to her breasts and the other to just above her crotch. I squeezed her back into me with my now released and fully stiffened cock resting between her butt cheeks. I bent at my knees lowering the head of my cock to the junction of her pussy and rosebud, just as she leaned forward to check the water temperature. With an opportunity like this it was hard to resist simply sliding into either opening to continue the adventure.

However, I simply grabbed my shaft and proceeded to rub the head against each opening saying, “eanie, meanie, minie, mo; slide the head into a hole; if she hollers……” was as far as I got before Alex stood back up and said “That would be No, but just for now. Time to get cleaned up and let those openings rest for a bit. They have been stimulated and pleased a great deal in the last 36 hours. I have loved every minute, but I’m not used to so much attention and love”.

With the water to temperature we stepped and carefully washed each other spending a little extra time on our favourite areas, but being relatively quick overall. Since we planned a casual dinner we didn’t dress up and headed out shortly for one of Alex’s favourite local spots, which was in walking distance from the hotel. We walked easily with an arm around each other’s waist most of the time requiring us to be pretty much in step as we went.

We reached the restaurant and settled into the bar for a drink while we waited for a table to come free. Since we were off on our own in the bar area we chatted casually about the events of the weekend identifying favourite acts, tastes and sensations we had experienced. We were surprised to find that many of the favourites were mutual ones. I told her how much I appreciated her fashion show approach to break the ice last night and she expressed her appreciation of the massage with a happy ending on Friday. She went on to say that she had woken up much more refreshed from her sleeping since then and that her neck pain had not shown itself again since. She then stroked my hands and each individual finger saying ho magical they were.

Just at that point a female voice sounded from beside us. “Well aren’t we the cozy pair of lovers siting off on our own and being secret.” The intrusion surprised me even though the voice was somewhat familiar and I looked up to see Sierra bending down to get into our personal space. I stood greeting her and received a very warm and full contact hug from her as a reward ‘for being a gentleman’ as she put it. It was obvious that she had a couple of drinks at that point with a half finished one in her hand.

I offered her my seat and shifted around the table to a free chair. Sierra immediately launched into a conversation with Alex about her weekend activities since Friday. I excused myself to go to the men’s room and have a smoke while they caught up. As I passed by Sierra casually reached up and grabbed the inside of my thigh just below my crotch, stopping me in my tracks. I looked down at her and smiled casually and was wondering where her hand might go next, but was saved from the thrill or disappointment as Alex reached over to remove Sierra’s hand and set me free at the same time mouthing to Sierra to behave herself. As I looked down at both ladies leaning in for this action I was treated to a view of four excellent breasts, or at least the top half of them, which I counted as a bonus. Sierra grabbing me didn’t bother me, but I wasn’t sure just how it would affect Alex. She seemed to handle it in stride and apparently had seen this manoeuver performed by Sierra in the past. It definitely seemed to be designed to startle the recipient and give Sierra an edge of control in the situation.

With a smile to both ladies I continued on my way and was absent for about 15 minutes. As I returned they were ordering a new round of drinks and Sierra was giving me a strange look which I couldn’t interpret. I took my seat in the triangle across from both ladies and settled into the low chair. As my eyes rose from the table there was Sierra’s exposed crotch staring me in the face, but trying not to give her more power I continued my gaze upward past her braless breasts with the nipples poking out the thin fabric of her top to look her directly in the eyes. I gave her my best friendly smile and tried to convey that although I appreciated her charms I was not going to be controlled by her.

“So how is the catching up going ladies” I asked?

Sierra was the first to respond with “Very well indeed. Alex has been filling me in on all of your activities together this weekend”. She was looking for some kind of response from me suggesting that Alex had not divulged much.

“Well in that case please be honest with me and tell me if I have been boring her to death or if some of the time has been enjoyable for her, because I have been having a wonderful time” I replied.

Alex visibly relaxed seeing that I was not going to give anything up. She had told me that she would probably end up telling Sierra about some of our time together, when they were drunk some night, but she wanted it to be on her own terms.

Sierra pressed a bit asking what some of my favourite activities had been, to which I simply replied that any time I spent in Alex’s company was my favourite regardless of the activity.

At that point we were told that our table was ready and I invited Sierra to join us. She said that she had already eaten, but would appreciate sitting with us while she finished her drink. At the table she positioned herself to insure that she could continue flashing me in the hope of getting a reaction. I guess this normally worked for her, but I have a very good memory and I didn’t need to keep looking to be able to visualize her bare crotch very clearly in my mind.

When this action failed Sierra switched tactics and asked some direct questions. “Alex tells me that your wife considers you quite the accomplished lover, perhaps someday you can help me with my education in that area?”

“Although I appreciate the compliment Sierra, I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to conduct that type of education with one of my niece’s close friends. It could make things a bit awkward in the future. The thought is a nice one though since you are a very attractive young woman, with I assume some degree of sexual experience.” This response had her a little confused since I didn’t directly say no and I had complimented her as far as she was concerned. That soothed her ego a bit and she backed away from the topic.

“However I do believe that we are being rude to Alex at this point by way of ignoring her and I try very hard never to ignore a beautiful woman” I said raising my glass and bowing slightly in salute to my date for the evening.

“Actually I was enjoying being a fly on wall for your discussion. I don’t think that Sierra has ever had anyone refuse her advances” responded Alex.

“I wasn’t actually refusing her advances. Someone my age always appreciates such an invitation. I was respectfully declining the invitation, while admitting that I found it complimentary” I clarified. Who knows, if I found myself alone with Sierra in the future and she was serious, I just might willingly increase her experience, possibly to levels she had not planned on.

“Now have you decided on dinner and what would you recommend for me to taste tonight?” My innuendo was not lost on either of the ladies.

Sierra couldn’t resist the opportunity saying “I know what I would recommend, but you won’t find it on that menu.” With that she gave me one more flash, finished her drink and rose to leave. I stood as well and taking one of her hands I thanked her for her company and placed a kiss on the back of her hand applying medium suction to her skin as I did. That caught her a bit off guard and her hand stayed in position for a few seconds after I had released it.

After Sierra departed I sat back down and Alex gave me one of her smiles saying “I do so like to watch someone hold Sierra at bay in a conversation when she is playing her games. It is such a rare thing for a male not to be controlled by her flashing and leading comments.”

“I’m sure that her antics are generally successful. That pussy of hers looks pretty inviting, but I get the sense that it isn’t nearly as available as she likes to make it appear and she I suspect that she is carrying some baggage in the area of control and relationships that would make her a difficult partner” I commented.

“You seem to have a pretty good read on her Unc.

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