A Weekend with My Niece PArt 2 Revised for easier reading
A Weekend with My Niece PArt 2 Revised for easier reading
Sex Story Author: | Truthinmemories |
Sex Story Excerpt: | That brief flash of stocking to and flesh was enough to set my hormones flowing. As I looked back up |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Incest, Older Male / Female, True Story |
Weekend with My Niece – Day Two
I slept like a log and woke at 7:30 and proceeded to the hotel facility to do my morning workout. All through it I debated in my mind if the events of the previous evening were going to be good or have me ostracized by my in-laws for the rest of my life.
As you might remember I had started out to give my niece a massage for her sore neck. With the aid of some wine and beer this had progressed to me performing all out oral sex to the point where her second orgasm resulted in her passing into unconsciousness.
Everything now depended upon how well I had read Alex’s signals the night before and what frame of mind she woke up in this morning. I hoped that both would be positive as I replayed the events in my mind my workout fairly flew by and I was actually at it for 40 minutes when I checked the time. Although I had really enjoyed last night, I sincerely didn’t want to jeopardize my relationship with my niece.
After a shower I was finishing breakfast when my cell displayed a call coming in from Alex. Bracing myself for the worst I answered as cheerfully as possible, “Good morning and how is my beautiful niece feeling today?”
My fears were quickly set aside as she proceeded to tell me that she felt fantastic and that my massage had her neck feeling better than it had for months. She wanted to know if I would meet her for lunch as her way of saying thank you. We verbally celebrated her state of health and I breathed a huge sigh of relief at the apparent outcome. What I didn’t know at this point is how much of last night she actually remembered.
We met at the lunch spot she had picked out at noon and she looked even more radiant than normal. Her smile was huge and she came straight to me and gave me a bigger hug than normal which helped reduce my anxiety further. She was wearing a deep green coloured loose blouse and a tan skirt that ended halfway up her thighs, clearly defining her shape from the waist down. The outfit was set off by 4” tan heels adding that great tone to her legs as she walked. She had picked a table near the window and a bit away from the other diners. As we walked I was able to almost see right through her skirt defining her legs clearly up to her crotch and I was not able to see any markings of underwear at all.
After we were seated, placed our food order and received our drinks she asked if she could do the talking for the next few minutes without interruption. I had a full drink at the ready and agreed to be silent.
She started with,” I hope that you are feeling good about what happened last night at my apartment, because after some thought this morning I feel great about that and my future love life plan. At first when I woke up I thought I had a very sexy and satisfying dream, but the sensations filling me as well as just how relaxed all of my body felt told me this was different from a dream or fantasy”. At this point she paused and reached for my hand on the table with a wistful look in her eyes.
Looking down at the table she continued “I know what happened last night physically and I have a pretty good idea about what happened emotionally for me, but I don’t know just what happened emotionally for you. At some point I would like you to tell me that, but for now it is still my turn to talk.” She paused briefly to stroke my hand and look directly into my eyes for some type of sign before she could continue. I gave her what I thought was a warm and loving smile and it seemed to be received that way as the smile returned to her face.
“I have never had anyone in my life spend that much time focused on just my needs, without expecting or taking anything for themselves. I find that both wonderful and a bit confusing, however knowing you as I do I am sure that you had no ulterior motives. With that in mind I am thinking that I need to look at spending more time with men who are more mature, especially about how to make a lady happy.”
At this point she crossed her legs and squeezed her thighs together making me remember how those thighs felt around my head last night. I must have had a blank look for a moment, because the next thing I remembered was her shaking my hand and saying “Are you alright, I didn’t think how this might hit you, coming from me so soon and straight out”.
I assured Alex that I was fine and actually relieved with everything I was hearing from her. That I appreciated that she felt comfortable talking to me about it and I confessed to the reason for my short zone out. This made her blush slightly and again squeeze her thighs together saying “Actually I was thinking the same thing when I did that, so maybe we really are in tune”.
At this point I assumed that it was OK for me to talk “Alex I have to say that for me last night was fantastic. I truly enjoyed every minute and got to realize my fantasy of both giving you pleasure relief from your pains. And I also got to see you naked, which I must admit I have wanted to see for a couple of years now. However, I have to tell you that I have had some excellent instructors in my time and I want to warn you that just being older does not make a man a better lover”.
At this point I saw the waitress approaching with our food, so I raised an eyebrow to Alex so that she would know and went back to briefly admiring our waitress. She was about 5’2” wearing runners with tight shorts that showed a defined camel toe and a light T shirt that made it obvious that she was not wearing a bra around her B+ cup breasts. She moved smoothly, but with a bit of a bounce to emphasize that she was not wearing a bra and I suspect to solicit slightly larger tips from the male patrons. However, she was very pleasant and efficient at her job, which I always appreciate. My few moments of concentrating on a female other than my companion were over and I gave my full attention back to Alex as soon as I checked out the nicely rounded butt on the back side of those tight shorts.
As we ate I asked Alex some more detailed questions as to her normal state of pain and how different she actually felt today. Although I know that good sex releases all kinds of endorphins I was a bit concerned that the muscle contractions during her orgasms might have undone some of the effects of the massage. She responded that she did not have one single sore muscle and that she woke up more refreshed and more rested than she could remember. She also said that she felt more sexually satisfied than she could ever remember. Her appetite and how she was eating backed up her claim. She acknowledged my earlier caution and recognized that she would have to do more research on the subject, but said that she was looking forward to doing that practical research.
By now we had finished eating and Alex true to her word had paid the bill. We talked about where to have dinner and she said that the restaurant in my hotel was reported to be a good one, which I could vouch for and there were a few other good ones in walking distance from that location. She said that she had some errands to run and would meet me at the hotel around 6 and we could decide from there.
We hugged goodbye and I headed back to my hotel to do a bit of work, then showered and got ready for dinner. I had made a reservation for 7 at the hotel thinking that it would be easier to cancel on a Saturday than to make at the last minute.
At 6 PM sharp I had a call from the lobby to say that I had a guest waiting for me in the bar. I had told Alex my room number in case she wanted to come up, but was happy to meet her downstairs. As I entered the bar it reminded me of the scene in Pretty Woman but my first look at Alex put Julia Roberts to shame. She was wearing a structured black dress that was low cut in the front and the back, form fitting and reached to just above her knees. It had some sheen to it which set off the emerald green six inch closed heel stilettos that matched the purse she was holding in front of her. I may have forgotten to mention that she has a love of heels and very smart collection of ones that really set of her long legs to maximum effect. Her auburn hair was down and swept to the right side of her neck at the front and back. The combined exposed skin of the dress and her neck made her neck appear very long and exposed and accessible which I find very attractive. The dress had a single neck strap and the form of her bust indicated that it had a built in bra or support. Based on that and the lack of panty lines it was apparent that she was going commando for dinner.
I gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek and snuck a quick one on her exposed neck as well. That didn’t seem to shock her and I said “Wow, you look fantastic. I am one lucky guy to have you for a dinner companion. I can see that every male in this place is jealous”.
She responded with a “Thank you very kindly Sir, I’m glad that you approve of my choice for the evening”. It turned out that the dress was one she had bought to wear to a formal occasion, with the side of her family I am not married to, a year or so back and unfortunately she had been chastised for it being to revealing. It had been in her closet since that event and I was the one blessed to see her in it tonight.
As we had some time before dinner I asked her if she would like a drink before dinner and she readily placed an order for whiskey and water and I ordered a scotch, making sure that the bartender used the better brands for our drinks. AS she perched on the bar stool and crossed her legs I had a great view of those long limbs swinging through the air and noticed a sheen indicating that she was wearing pantyhose which could explain the lack of any panty lines.
At any rate I enjoyed the view and took my place standing beside her enjoying my drink and her company. We chatted about how her errands had gone this afternoon, what she might want for dinner and what her plans were for the next year at university. As it turned out she has quite a way with children and had decided to be a teacher. She wasn’t sure just what type, but she definitely wanted to teach young people. I could understand this as I had seen her growing up taking care of her sisters and any younger cousins at family gatherings. She took to this naturally and rarely if ever had any difficulty with any of them outside of her sisters, since siblings always resent being directed by each other.
We ordered refills to come to our table as it was now time for dinner and I followed her and the host to our table trying very hard to not bump into too many people or things as I watched her move. Side glances confirmed that I wasn’t the only one watching her move and I was joined by both male and female viewers.
Once we were seated I reminded her that this was her weekend and that as far as I was concerned the menu was totally open for her to have whatever and as many items as she wanted. After she made her choice I did likewise and ordered a bottle of good wine to complement both meals. With the work out of the way we settled in for a relaxing mealtime with good service.
I told Alex that I didn’t want to seem forward but regarding the previous night I wanted her to know that I would make myself available at her request any time to repeat only the massage or the full package at her discretion. Without hesitation and with a large smile she said thank you and that she would hold me to that offer. She then asked if I could help her after dinner to make some decisions regarding her future plans. I said that I would be as helpful as I could be but that I may not be the best person to use as a resource. She assured me that regarding these decisions she was sure that I was very qualified.
Through dinner we chatted about all manner of topics and killed the bottle of wine during the meal, then repaired to the bar for a liqueur to cap off the meal. As we sat in the bar she was getting many more admiring looks with some being very bold, mind you the low height of the seats caused more of her legs to be on display, which I was enjoying myself. The conversation at her direction steered more toward how to obtain a more satisfying sex life for her moving forward. She had all kinds of questions regarding how to identify better partners. As she shifted in her chair her thighs were exposed enough to show mw that instead of pantyhose she was actually wearing stay up stockings, which were not that common at the time.
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