
A Very Difficult Daughter – Chap 2 – “It’s your body Sally”

As the title suggests this is a sequel. It should be read after the first part,: A Very Difficult Daughter to get the best out of it.
I do suggest you read that first if you haven’t already. It is one of the highest rated stories on the site and if you don’t like that then you’ll probably be disappointed here.

You can get to it easily by clicking my name at the top of the page. Cheers MT


This was the day Jeff had been looking forward to for weeks. The day his daughter Sally was arriving to travel around Europe with Kylie and himself for a couple of months. He had missed Sally terribly in the year since she had gone to college and he and Kylie had left to see the world together.

At this moment his mind wasn’t on Sally; his mind and his eyes were on Kylie as she stood naked in front of the mirror brushing her wavy, golden hair after her shower.

After two years Jeff felt that Kylie was more beautiful every time he saw her. Every time they made love it was as sensual, as erotic, as thrilling and intense as the first time. More than that, every time it more loving Two years since Kylie had been the one who hadn’t cared about their age difference and had overcome his reservations to get him into bed.

Jeff’s reservations hadn’t been about his feelings towards Kylie; he realized later that he had fallen for her within half an hour of meeting her. His reservations hadn’t been about her looks, she was a stunning teenage beauty with a classically delicate bone structure, an expressive face which was most often in a beautiful smile. Her legs were long, shapely and slim, her B-C breasts, capped with pink aureoles were uplifted. Her pussy, on display from her Brazilian, was an enticing mound with plump, neat folds of feminine intimate excitement.

Jeff’s only reservation had been that when they had met he was 40 and Kylie was only 16, exactly the same age as Sally, his daughter. However those reservations had vanished forever when Kylie had finally managed to get him into bed..

Sally’s reservations about her father bonking a girl the same age as herself had taken longer to dispel but soon she and Kylie became soul-mates. The three lived together in Jeff’s apartment as Sally and Kylie finished their last year at school, During that year Sally had two boyfriends in what Jeff had guessed were intense relationships but Sally had finished them both of them within two weeks.

For most of that year, outside the bedroom, they were a almost inseparable. Going to movies, dancing, nightclubs and restaurants together, skiing and surfing and hiking or just sitting in his apartment reading and talking and laughing.

It had been a tearful farewell at the end of that year when Sally went away to college and Kylie and Jeff set off. They never had much money, they traveled economy, lived in backpackers, did menial jobs and were deliriously happy together.


Kylie could see Jeff watching her as she brushed her hair. He had chosen a position so that he could see the reflection of her front in the mirror as well as her back.

“God you’re a pervert,” she said with a mock frown. “Haven’t you got your eyeful yet?”

“Not in a million years.”

He went to Kylie and held her from behind and nuzzled her neck. His hands moved to cup her breasts and caress her nipples and she sighed and leaned back into him. She turned her head and shoulders so they could gently kiss with their tongues entwining.

Jeff’s right hand traced down Kylie’s stomach sending little shivers through her abs then moved to her pussy. Kylie took his left hand and looked at his wrist-watch.

“We’ve got time if you hurry.” Her voice was an urgent whisper as she took his hands away and went to the bed, kneeling down with her head on the pillow and her hands grasping the headboard.

Jeff looked at Kylie’s firm round buttocks pushing back and high and at her pussy and anus beckoning him. He pushed his trousers and briefs to his knees, knelt behind Kylie, eased his hard cock between her pussy lips and started a gentle motion.

“Hurry up. Harder,” hissed Kylie. “We don’t want to be late.”

Jeff’s ears and cock were now giving him exactly the same message and so he pounded. Kylie’s body bounced as his loins smacked into her backside, her cervix sent shudders through her womb as his knob banged deep. He could hear her delighted moans which increased his frenzy.

Kylie’s moans became panting whimpers and when Jeff felt her vagina convulsing from her orgasm and heard her primitive little shriek, he gave one last deep thrust and groaned ecstatically as he felt his load surge through his loins, through his rod, explode through his knob and spray into Kylie’s feminine depths.


They drove to Paris airport and Kylie didn’t say anything as she smiled and held Jeff’s hand between her thighs. Jeff thought about Kylie. How perfect their sex was: sometimes a frantic quickie as before, sometime staying in bed for intimate days at a time, sometimes going to sleep, cuddled in each other’s arms and legs with his erection deep inside her, not moving, just relishing the sensuous and devoted embrace.

Since he had met Kylie Jeff had never felt the slightest interest in any other woman. He couldn’t imagine being in bed with another woman, he was absolutely committed to Kylie for life: emotionally and physically and he knew she felt exactly the same about him..

“Jeff, how long will everything be as perfect as this?” Kylie leaned over and kissed his ear.

“Forever,” he replied instantly and with total certainty.

Kylie punched him hard on the arm. “You fucking shithead. How dare you say that,” she growled.

“What’s the matter? I said we’d love each other forever.”

“It’s going to be much longer than that.”

They parked their old campervan and Jeff’s thoughts turned to his daughter. When he and his wife had separated Sally lived with her mother and he had missed her through to his bones. It had been heart wrenching for them to part after such a short time together but had been no alternative.

They had spoken by phone, emailed and swapped photographs and videos and his anticipation mounted as he and Kylie went into the arrival lounge. Their timing was perfect as Sally was entering from the other end after coming through customs. Jeff almost ran the 50 meters to her and when she noticed him, Sally’s face broke into a wide smile, she took her hands off her luggage trolley and spread her arms to greet him.

Jeff and Sally stood in a bear like hug, their cheeks touching and didn’t say anything for half a minute. He started to feel her sobs and felt tears come to his eyes. Still holding his daughter, he drew his face back and gazed into her dark eyes.

“Nice to see you Sally,” he whispered.

“Nice to see you Dad,” she whispered, then laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“It’s been far too long,” He pecked away her tears.

“Far, far too long. I love you so much Dad.” Sally kissed Jeff’s cheek and tightened her hug and Jeff felt his tears well up.

“And I love you, Sally,” he managed to croak, not trusting himself to talk any more, and hugged his daughter even more tightly.

“Hey, it’s my turn,” said Kylie indignantly after a few more seconds.

Reluctantly Jeff stood back and Kylie and Sally had a similarly all embracing hug and kissed the other’s cheek and tears of happiness flowed.

Jeff took the opportunity to look at Sally. There was a new elegance to her willowy, 18 year old beauty. Kylie was tall, but Sally was slightly taller. Kylie was slim but Sally was slightly slimmer. Sally was wearing jeans but Jeff remembered her legs which had seemed to go on forever.

Sally had inherited his black hair which was cut half way down her neck in a fashionable style. She had also inherited her father’s dark brown eyes and his strong bone structure. Her cheek bones were pronounced, her lips were full and her complexion had a wonderfully healthy glow.

“She’s really become something, quite something,” Jeff thought with fatherly pride. “Absolutely exquisite. I can’t understand why she can’t get a nice boyfriend.”

“The weather forecast is crap here for the next for days,” said Jeff as the got to the campervan. “We thought we might drive straight to the south-west coast to get some sun and surf.”

“Whatever you want Dad, we’ve got two months. I don’t care, it’s just so good to be here with you and Kylie,” Sally said as she settled onto the bench seat beside him.


None of them noticed the rain as the conversation and laughter flowed between the three. Jeff gave a little prayer of thanks that he and Kylie had been able to renew their relationships with Sally as though they had never been apart and he was glad to see Sally looking so happy and relaxed.

He glanced sideways to look at his daughter from time to time. She had been beautiful the year before, but now she had blossomed into such a classical beauty. He felt more fatherly pride. Once Sally noticed his gaze and smiled back at him and brushed his cheek with her lips.

“Hi Dad.”

“Hi Sally,” Jeff smiled as he tousled her hair with his free hand and was rewarded with a lovely smile which melted his heart.


At the camping ground they had a quick meal and Sally started yawning and said she was tired after her long flight. Jeff and Kylie went to their tent and left her to sleep in the campervan.

“Isn’t it perfect having Sally with us again,” said Kylie as she snuggled into Jeff.

“Sure is,” he agreed. “In some ways it seems as though we haven’t been apart. We’re all just fitting in together the same way as a year ago.”

“I do love her so much, we’re soul-sisters” sighed Kylie. “And it’s wonderful to see you looking so happy with her here again. The three of us are really special don’t you think?”

“Sure do.”

She’s even more beautiful than before, isn’t she?”

“Mmmm, she really is gorgeous.”

“I feel a bit sorry for her,” said Kylie. “I just love being in bed every night with you, and she’s by herself in the campervan.”

“Well we told her she could bring a boyfriend, but she didn’t have anyone. Maybe she’ll find someone on the trip.”

“Mmmmm maybe,” said Kylie, then she hugged Jeff and looked into his eyes.

“Now, Mr Jeff Bradley, don’t you dare give me one of those quickies you forced on me this morning.”

Jeff was about to protest that Kylie had been the one saying hurry up, but then said nothing as she kissed him with her open mouth, raised her knees high and guided his erection to her lubricated anus. Although they had had anal sex hundreds of times he still felt the same thrills as his knob pushed past her anus and into her smooth, tight bowel.

When Jeff was deep inside he didn’t move as Kylie clenched her sphincter muscles around his engorged cock. They gazed adoringly into the other’s face, loving the intimacy, loving the sensations and most of all loving that they were sharing with each other. Jeff commenced a gentle thrusting and Kylie mewed with delight then thrust her tongue deep into his mouth.

Jeff knew Kylie’s reactions well and kept her on the brink of her orgasm, slowing down as her panting became ragged, feeling her thrust her buttocks into him to heighten her delight. But he could tell when she couldn’t take the frustration any more and plunged deep into her anal cavity. Kylie lost control of her body as it trembled and gave a shriek of joy as her orgasm thudded through her vagina and bowel.

Kylie lay panting in Jeff’s arms, her face in a contented smile. Then, keeping her arms and legs around him and his flaccid cock inside her, she rolled onto her side and went to sleep with her head on his shoulder.

Jeff lay on his back and again thanked the Gods who had granted him paradise on earth. He adored Kylie and she adored him. They were kindred spirits, united forever with a sex-life that he had never even fantasized about before he had met her. He knew that as long as the sun rose in the east, he would never have sex with another woman.


It was still raining when they set off the next morning but the weather cleared briefly when they came to a beautiful old medieval town and they did some sightseeing.

Early on Jeff had learned that Kylie loved holding hands. At first he had resisted as, with their age difference, they attracted a lot of curious and sometimes antagonistic glances. Once he had tried to pull away.

“Why are you doing that?” Kylie had asked indignantly. “Don’t you like it?”

“Of course I do. But everyone stares at us. Look at those men.”

“They’re just jealous of you.”

Jeff had thought this was probably true. “But what about those women? They’re staring as well.”

“That’s because they jealous of me, silly.”

Kylie had stopped walking, had hugged him in a full frontal body hug in front of the voyeurs and had then kissed him passionately for a minute.

“Get used to it Buster. I’m not going to stop.”

He did get used to it and relaxed and enjoyed it. It was made easier when they got to continental Europe where hand holding was far more common. Girls and young women who were obviously not gay held hands and fathers held hand with daughters the same age as Kylie.

So it was natural that when Kylie walked between Jeff and Sally she held a hand of each of them. She sensed Sally’s unease.

“Everyone holds hands here,” said Kylie and Sally looked around, saw this was so, relaxed and soon felt it was just right.

They wandered around a church and a chateau then Jeff saw an indoor public swimming pool. With his and Kylie’s age difference he always made a big effort to keep in shape.

Neither girl wanted to swim so they had a coffee in the cafe beside the pool. This was the first opportunity for them to talk, just the two of them.

“Sally it’s so wonderful being together again. You’re more beautiful than ever.”

“You’re looking wonderful too. All this fucking must be doing you good. Still the same as a year ago. I heard you last night and this morning.” Sally giggled.

Kylie was embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be sorry and you mustn’t stop because of me. I think it’s great that you have a sex life like that,” Sally laughed then her face became sadder. “Sometimes I do feel a bit jealous. It’s never been like that for me.”

Kylie knew that with her looks and vivacity Sally had young men swarming around her. She knew that she had gone to bed with two of them in that year they all had together. Sally hadn’t talked about it, but Kylie could tell that it hadn’t been all that wonderful for her.

“Didn’t you meet some nice boys at college?”

“There were lot’s of nice boys and I did go with two of them.” Sally took Kylie’s hand. “I got excited as things built up, the first time in bed with each of them was exciting, but when I thought about it afterwards, it was sort of empty. The next times, without that first excitement, there really wasn’t anything. It must be my fault. There must be something wrong with me.”

“Don’t be silly, there’s nothing wrong with you. Those boys weren’t right for you and probably didn’t know what they’re supposed to do.”

“Well, I thought about that. And thinking about you and Dad I hitched up with an older guy through the internet.” Sally gave a quick laugh. “Older, that’s for sure. His photo must have been taken 10 years before. He was as old as Dad. A lot older in some ways, he was so boring and pompous. I didn’t even let him hold my hand.”

Both girls sipped their coffee and were quiet for a while.

“Kylie, I hope I’m not being rude ,” Sally’s voice was hesitant. “I can see how much you and Dad love each other, how happy you are and how your life is exciting and so much fun.

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