

Young high school girl gets pulled into the escort business

A TEENAGE ESCORT – Pt. 1, The Training

A long, detailed story for the girl who wants to be a very high end, expensive whore. Or the guy who wants to have one.

My family was fairly poor, no, really poor. As a child through high school I was teased about my clothes, shoes, everything other kids had that were nicer. By the time I got to 10th grade at 16 years old I was sick of it. My parents were wonderful just not educated and had lousy jobs. We never went hungry or anything like that but the teasing had scarred me to my soul.

One thing I had going for me was I am pretty with a great body. That led to many of the mean insults from other girls because their boyfriends wanted to fuck me. Not date me, not the trailer park poor hot chick, but hot chick to slam a few times without being seen out with me.

For the longest time my studies were all I was interested in, having seen what being high school dropouts did for my parents.

At a local Goodwill store, the ones where donated stuff gets sold for charity, I was looking at some clothes. It’s really kind of awesome what you can sometimes find for a buck or two. This lady comes over to the rack I was at and says, “oh that would look so good on you.” It surprised me because she wasn’t one of the volunteers that work there.

“Uh, thank you but it’s a few more dollars than I have to spend”, I replied. “My name’s Brendy”, she said as she extended her hand to shake mine. “Hi Brendy, I’m Rhonda.”

She flashed a big smile. Looking at her outfit took me aback, she was dressed in what must have been a very expensive dress, Fendi handbag, and beautiful stiletto heals. “Well Rhonda it is my pleasure to meet you”.

“You don’t look like you shop here often Brendy”, I commented. “Oh I buy a lot of stuff here for my girls, they go through a lot of clothes on the job.”

“How many daughters do you have?” Brendy smiles big again, “none, they work for me.” Inquisitive now about what they do and why they go through so many outfits I asked her, “what do they do to go through so many clothes?”

She shakes her head slightly and replies, “this and that, they use many for costumes, some get ripped up, some kept as souvenirs by their, uh, dates.”

I’m really curious now, uh dates…? “Dates, souvenirs, ripped up, what do your girls do exactly?”

She looks me dead in the eyes and says,”Rhonda, you’re a beautiful young girl with an angelic sweet face and a super hot body, you could make a lot of money working for me.” I’m interested in the idea of making a lot of money. My brow furrows, “and what exactly would my job be?”

“Well,” she continues, “I have many gentlemen, very rich gentlemen, that want a nice young girl to spend time with, and they pay well. Looking at you I can say you’d make about $2,000 to $3,000 a week, cash. Does that sound interesting Rhonda?”

My eyes get wide open, first at the amount of money then ask, “you say spend time with but for that kind of cash they must want more than company.”

“Most do but some not, they like the company of a young pretty soft girl, but yes, some want more… way more but they pay really, really well.” My face is turning red and I’m getting a warm feeling rushing through my body. I’m a virgin, only seen a dick a few times but used to sneak my parents porn movies when they were gone and rub my pussy.

I’ve seen them enough to know how dirty people can get, licking pussy, sucking cock, fucking, ass fucking, 2 or more guys ravaging a girl. Now the clothes comment makes sense. In these movies there are schoolgirls, nurses, street whores, simulated rape, spanking, girls getting tied up, slapped around.

“Gee Brendy, that’s tempting but I have to be honest with you, I’m a virgin and though I’ve seen porno’s enough to know about almost all sex I’m not sure I could do it, ya know?”

And there’s that big smile again. “Oh Rhonda, a virgin gets $5,000 or more the first client they have. Depending on what you’re willing to do you could get up to $10,000, but you’d have to really be at the disposal sexually to the client, maybe even more than one at the same session.”

“If I tried and couldn’t go through with it what happens?”, I ask. “The client isn’t charged and you go home, but won’t be called again for an escort”, she explains.

I’m thinking about this hard, up to $10,000 for the first time, that’s better than the shitty McDonald’s some rich asshole punk in school would give me to try to fuck me. And a regular weekly income of thousands, I could tell my parents I got an after school job, help with the bills, wear nice clothes and tell all those snotty bitches at school to fuck off.

This is the turning point, F-YOU snob cunts! “Look Rhonda, let’s do a trial run to see if you want to do this, ok?” Trial run…?

“I have a client tomorrow I take care of personally, his money allowed me to start this business and get other girls working for me,” she says. “He likes what is called a ‘triple play’, blowjob, fuck, and anal. You can come along and just watch to see how it works. He’ll pay you $500 to play with your pussy while he does me and you said you like porn so it’d just be like live porn.”

“But I don’t have anything decent or sexy to wear.”

“No problem, we’re about the same size, I’ll pick you up early and we’ll raid my closet and get you set up.” Looking at her outfit I bet she’s got some really nice stuff I could wear. “Ok, I get out of school at Lee High at 3pm, pick me up there ok?”

“Sure sweetie, that will give us plenty of time to get worked up and ready, see you then,” she says then turns and walks out to a red Mercedes convertible.

All that night and next day at school I’m anxious, nervous, and turned on. Classes seem to drag on forever. When that last bell rang I practically sprinted to the parking lot. Not seeing her car was disappointing until I heard this honk-honk. Looking across the street was a limousine. The dark tinted window slides down and Brendy leans out and waves to me.

You should have seen the looks on people’s faces as I crossed the street and the driver opened the door for me. I was hooked, F-U snobs was all I could think.

“Is this yours,” I ask Brendy. “No, it belongs to our client, he’s a very, very wealthy businessman. There are a lot of perks in this business Rhonda. Now let’s go get you prepped, raid the closet, and enjoy a fantastic dinner then have some fun!”

Next thing I know is we are at a beauty salon, an expensive spa as the rich call them. “Come on Rhonda, it’s time we get pampered.”

The doorman guides us in and it is awesome. In the front is a tray with champagne, he hands a glass to each of us. Quickly an immaculately dressed and coiffed woman smiles and says, “Brendy, so good to see you, and who is this beautiful girl with you?”

“This is Rhonda, hopefully you’ll be seeing her often.”

“Ladies, follow me please” as she leads us to the spa area. We enter dressing, or rather undressing rooms, and strip naked then wrap ourselves with warmed soft large towels. I hear Brendy calling and step out of the dressing room.

“Follow me Rhonda” she says then heads around to a large room. There are padded tables that have a hole where your head would be. Doing as she does I lay down on the table putting my face in that open area. It coddles my face.

Soon two women enter and take our towels off leaving me naked. I feel warm oil being poured on my back and legs. Sliding hands start to rub me. Good gawd this feels good! Scented candles are lit and low and soothing music is playing and this woman is massaging my body nearly putting me to sleep. This goes on for about a half hour before we are wrapped back into the towels.

Again, following Brendy we go to another room. Here we get our hands massaged then dipped in warm oil. The two Asian women begin to work on our finger nails as our feet are soaking in a tub of warm oil then massaged.

I can’t believe this, for the first time in my life I got a massage and am getting a manicure and pedicure. Sure, I’ve read all about spa treatments in my women’s magazines but for a girl who wears $1 shirts this is unreal. Brendy is getting me hooked harder and harder, she knows the game.

After we are done there two men, gay as hell, come in and walk (or prance) us to the hair salon area. We are washed, conditioned, cut, dried and styled. When they turn me around to the mirror I almost cried. My hair looked like those bitches at school. Then we go to yet another room filled with mirrors and lights around them.

Oh fuck, I’m going to get a professional make-up job. Thanks to the towel all the pussy juice that I was flowing didn’t leave stains on the chairs. During all this Brendy is talking so sweet to me and telling me how I could have this all the time. Yeah I thought, just got to suck and fuck to get it.

No big deal I rationalized, to live this lifestyle I probably have to marry some fat ass and do the same with him. At least I could do it on my own terms.

We left the spa and entering the limo more champagne was waiting. “Rhonda, we’re heading back to my penthouse apartment to get ready. As the limo pulls up to this high rise building my awe grows. Penthouse? The only penthouse I thought I’d see was the magazine on the porn rack behind the counter at the local zippy mart.

A uniformed doorman opens the limo door, “good day miss Brendy,” he says. “Oh very well Jim, and how’s that wonderful family of yours?” She really knows how to work people and I find it intriguing.

To the exclusive express elevator we go up to her apartment. It was flashy but in a good way.

“Oh come dear, let’s get out of these clothes and take a bath.” This bathroom was larger than my whole trailer. “Be careful not to wet your hair or rub your face sweetie. The dressing area is over here.” I follow her. Seems like a lost puppy but my head is spinning from all this.

She opens these two large French doors to reveal a ‘closet’ that is a clothing store, shoe store, and accessories store combined. There are chairs and a table in there. Chairs and table in a closet?

We undress and slip into the tub. She has scented oils and rose petals floating on top. It is odd that I have no shyness being nude around her. The tub is so large we don’t even touch each other. A light bubbling is coming out of places all over the tub and is invigorating.

She pours two glasses of champagne, apparently rich people drink a lot of champagne. My head is getting light, I’m not used to alcohol.

“Our client likes everything smooth,” she says as she grabs a razor. She moves over to me and lightly kisses me on the neck placing the razor on the ledge. I never thought about being with a woman but I don’t recoil. Moving up my neck to my ear I feel tingling in my pussy. Her light kisses and tongue moves across my cheek and she is now licking my lips.

Her kiss becomes firmer then her tongue parts my lips. My mouth opens to her tongue and my tongue meets hers.

There I am making out with this beautiful woman and liking it. Her hands are stroking all over my body making me squirm a little. That good squirm of excitement.

Backing away she gets the razor and pulls one of my legs up, lathering it with some good smelling gel. She shaves me from ankle to hip, very gently and sexy.

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