
A Story of Squirt and Wit

This story is about the love between two siblings as they explore their feeling for one another. It is broken into three parts and is somewhat lengthy in total. Your comments are always welcome and I hope you enjoy.

Part I

It was another warm spring Saturday and school had just let out for the year for most, but for me, it had just let out permanently. I had just graduated high school and hadn’t decided what was next in my future. There was college, although I had never excelled in the studying department. There was finding a job, but I guess I wasn’t that motivated to actually start my adult life off bagging groceries or flipping hamburgers. There was always the military, but I guess I worked hard to gain my independence and the thought of giving it right away didn’t make much sense to me. I guess that I was a typical 17 year-old stud out of school; I had no idea what I wanted for myself, but I would figure that out later, because right at that moment, it was a Saturday, it was spring, it was warm and we had a pool, so the only decision that was pressing was how long can I stay out in the sun before I start to burn.

My family was made up of four people, two men and two women, well one woman and a “Squirt”.
My younger sister was the squirt since she was born. She is officially three years and seven months to the day younger than I am and that makes her 13 and change years old. I know what most of you are thinking; she’s a bratty kid sister, but generally, that’s not the case. We have always gotten along real well; oh there are times when we, shall I say, disagree somewhat on something trivial, but over all, she’s a good kid and a great little sister.

My parents, on the other hand, are Realtors; they own their own company and are rarely home. This may sound great for those uninformed people out there who can only think of the positives in being alone, but a daily menu of it gets old rear quick. But Squirt and I have adjusted and do our thing when it comes to food preparation and clean up. We are responsible as far as not having wild parties or anything like that and we actually keep the house basically clean. It’s just the not having a parent around to ask questions of when they do pop up. I guess that’s why I’m having trouble deciding what I am going to do now that high school is over.

On that warm Saturday spring morning, I couldn’t care less whether my parents were home or not, whether I had to fix dinner that evening or for that matter, if they were even coming home tonight; all I cared about was that cool water in the pool and the warm sun baking upon my body. As I headed out to the pool area, I ran across Squirt coming out of the kitchen and said to her, “I’m going swimming in that gloriously cool pool and lie out and catch some rays. So you want to join me?”

She thought for a moment and then replied, “Oh Wit, I’d love to but I’ve got to clean my room and do the laundry. Maybe after I get through if you’re still out there I’ll join you.” As she walked past her she added, “Thanks Wit, I appreciate you asking.”

That’s right, it’s not a miss spelling or anything like that, the people in my life that mean the most to me, call me by my initials, WIT, for William Irvin Taylor. My friends at school called me Will or Bill, my parents and teachers call me William, but my real friends; my true close friends, all call me by my initials, Wit. Squirt is in that category of true, close friends.

Squirt isn’t her real name, obviously. She was born Patricia Ann Taylor, but when she came home from the hospital, she was so tiny and, me being only three years old, I said she looked like a little squirt and the name stuck, for me anyway. So, here we are, two siblings, fending for themselves, Wit and Squirt, on their own.

I was on my third drying cycle when Squirt made her appearance from her chores and immediately jumped into the pool, making a splash that almost reached me. As she came up I said, “Nice try Squirt, you almost got me wet. But if you want to see how it’s done,” I said getting up and running towards the pool, “then watch this!” I canon balled my entrance and a water suction gusher followed that sprayed her already wet head.

“You got me all wet,” she cried in her most indignant pout. “All show you,” she said and with two powerful strokes, she was on top of me, ducking my head under the water. I came up sputtering and retaliated in kind. I never had to worry about playing too rough with Squirt; she could swim like a fish. She could hold her breath longer than anyone I knew and was strong as an ox in the water. So we continued our little game of dunking and water wrestling, we grabbed and manhandled each other until I started feeling a strange reaction.

I recognized the twinge down between my legs as we continued to frolic around doing our rendition of a water ballet, but with every bodily contact I made with this 13 year old beauty of a sister of mine, it became a growing concern; pun intended. Squirt was a little bit of a thing; maybe 5 feet tall and 80 or 90 pounds, but she had been filling out nicely for the better part of a year or so, and I must say, she had turned into a little fox.

She had always been cute as a bug ear, with her pug nose and her dimpled cheeks, but those eyes, those deep blue eyes that when you looked into them, all you could see was the depth of her soul. She wore her long blond hair generally in a pigtail to look her age, but on those rare occasions when she wore it down, my gosh what a looker. I had never noticed this total development of my sister until just this minute and I was starting to get aroused. I was doing more than just get aroused, I was getting turned on. I was getting a HARD ON! My God, Squirt was making me hard! I had to stop these feelings.

“That’s enough, truce,” I declared and swam down to the other end away from her. What’s wrong with me anyway, I know it’s been awhile since I broke it off with my girl friend; my sexually active girl friend, but to get turned on by my sister? No, something had to be wrong with me.

“Can’t take it anymore, huh?” Squirt cried out in triumph. “You’re so pitiful, Wit, letting a girl beat you in water wrestling,” she teased. “What a woos.”

I turned my back to her and adjusted my problem so as not to telegraph it and then I announced that I was getting out. I quickly made my exit to the house and directly to my room to change out of my wet suit. I went in to take a shower and got dressed to mow the lawn.

I worked around the house that afternoon, taking care not to confront Squirt and tempt her curiosity. I don’t know what I would have said if she had noticed the bulge in my pants. I couldn’t get it to go down beyond it being mostly limp but swollen. You know how you think it’s gone away then at the least provocation, it rears its ugly head. Well, I didn’t want any displays of ugliness of its head or any other part of its body, so I decided that the better part of valor was to make myself scarce.

That worked all afternoon but as I was coming in from trimming the hedge, I ran into Squirt in the kitchen and she asked me what I wanted for dinner. “You got a call from Mom didn’t you,” I asked but I knew the answer all ready.

“Yeah, she said not to wait up for them tonight because they had a dinner meeting that will probably go on all night. So what do you want, call out for pizza?”

“Sounds good to me,” I said with a little disgust in my voice.

“Wit, that’s okay, what can we do about it? We’ll just watch a movie like we always do,” she said trying to convince herself as much as me.

“Yeah, I’ll go and get cleaned up,” I said shaking my head and walking to my room. Oh well, at least I lost my problem down between my legs. It had never felt so deflated. I guess I can get into my pajamas now that the crisis has past.

I came out of my room and sat down on the couch and waited for the pizza to arrive. Squirt was nowhere to be seen. I turned on the TV and channel surfed until the doorbell announced the arrival of our dinner. I yelled out as I came from the front door carrying the Italian nectar, “Squirt, the pizza is here. You’d better come and get your share or else it will all be gone.” I listened carefully and heard the shower running from the bathroom so I knocked loudly at the door and announced, “The pizza’s here,” and listen for her response.

“Okay, thanks Wit, I’ll be right there. Don’t eat it all,” she said, knowing that I just might. I smiled to myself and meandered back to the couch where I had made my stake for the remainder of the evening. I had devoured two slices before she made her appearance wearing her night shirt that said a faded “Girls Rule” across the front. Grabbing two pieces, she sprawled out on her tummy on the floor in front of the TV and started munching down the pizza.

Suddenly I stopped in mid-chew as I glanced down at her position on the floor in front of me. All I saw were legs, bare legs, separated slightly and her panty covered butt. I could see the crotch of the white silk panties that stuck out from under her night shirt and suddenly my problem raised its ugly head, its neck and shoulders, hell, its entire body. I suddenly had a tent in my pajamas that was impossible to miss. I grabbed a pillow and placed it on my lap as I thought, please make it go away.

My eyes kept staring at where her legs joined with her butt, defying my minds will. No matter how hard I tried to make them watch the movie, they rebelliously stayed turned to the other show of Squirt’s. She finished her first two pieces and rolled over and sat up in one motion. She semi-caught my gaze on her legs and looked puzzled and asked, “What?”

I said the first thing coming into my mind and answered, “What?” and shrugged my shoulders. She indicated with her expression and eyebrows that it was nothing, and, grabbing two more pieces of pizza, turned back to her original position, but this time, checking her hem line, pulled her shirt down a little and tried to cover my view. I knew I had been caught, if nothing else by the redness of my face that I could feel. I kept the stare up because, although she had managed to cover most of the show she had granted me at first, she still let there be a sliver of her crotch show.

I was mesmerized by the sight of my sister’s crotch display from the rear. Her thin little white silk panties that were padded at the crotch; were still thin enough that as it covered her parts down below, it wasn’t so tight that it spanned the gulf tightly. It kind of lay there touching her on her crotch and I could make out the slight indentation which I swear was her crack. My mind was going wild with possibilities, did I see this, or was it that. If she moved a smidgen this way then I could see into her crotch. I wasn’t thinking rationally any longer, so what came out of my mouth next even surprised me.

“Hey Squirt, how about a back rub,” I suddenly blurted out.

“Now Wit? I’m watching a movie. Maybe a little later when it’s over I’ll give you one,” she said impatiently.

“No Squirt, I’m offering to give you one,” I explained.

“You want to give me a back rub?” she asked as she looked over her shoulders. “I can’t past that up. Sure,” she said readily and scooted down as she cradled her head with her arms.

I jumped off of the couch and straddled her legs right above the knees as she continued to nestle down and get comfortable. I began to lightly rub her shoulders to get them warm before I started the massage in earnest and as I continued to go over her neck and shoulder muscles, the pressure I exerted with my hands increased. I had experienced professional massages before so I somewhat knew what felt good and where to rub.

After gently but firmly kneading the knots out of her neck and shoulders, I moved downward to her actual shoulder blades and mid-back muscles. With every move up her back, I would take her night shirt with it and before long it had ridden up her back and was up to her waist, leaving a clear view of her thin white panties and her crack showing through the fabric. It drove me on to higher and riskier movements.

I slipped my hands under her night shirt and ran them up on the bare skin of her mid-back where they continued their task of massaging her muscles. She didn’t seem to mind this intrusion on her personal space, so I would attempt to find out how far I could go after I manipulated her muscles into submission. I again worked my way down her body onto the small of her back, applying a gentle pressure as I went.

Her night shirt was up to her shoulders in the back but was caught under her body in front, so when I would occasionally move my hands up to her shoulders again, I had a clear view of her bare back, unobstructed, but I wanted more. So as I moved my hands to her sides and started massaging her rib cage, they soon met up with her night shirt and had to stop because of the bunched up fabric.

“Let’s move this up a little,” I casually said as I indicted my desire by tugging at her shirt. She complied by raising her body just a tiny bit to allow the shirt to slide up over her breasts and then she reclined back down, again, no mention of not enjoying and agreeing. The only thing she muttered was to say, “Oh Wit, I never knew you could give such great back rubs. I’ll have to remember this for a long time.”

I don’t know when I lost control over my hands, my mind or the situation, but somewhere I definitely did, because from this point forward I couldn’t have stopped myself if I had tried and I certainly didn’t try. I rubbed her sides from near her breasts to her hips, probing the muscles with my constant pressure of my fingers. Feeling her texture of her spreading muscles, I continued to explore the sides of her breasts and into her the front of her hip area. I was kneading and exploring with every venture I made.

My next experiment was down at her waist and hips, but most importantly, the waistband of those panties; those beautiful white, thin silk panties. As I moved my touch down to the band protecting her butt from my gaze, I would rub deeper and deeper on her butt, pushing her skin down under the waistband and I would insert a finger or thumb under the restraint. As I removed my finger I would lower the panties on her butt until I had moved the band down to the crack of her butt.

I thought I had not better press my luck any further so I moved my massage down to her firm hamstrings and started massaging her soft, yet athletic legs with vigor. As I ran my hands over her outer leg muscles up to her panty lines with both hands, I would then circle my stroke towards her junction and run my hands down to her knees on the inside. After several rotations I decided to make a bold move.

I placed my knee between her legs and asked her to spread them out. She hesitated for a moment and then complied. I moved the other knee between her legs as now they were about a foot and a half apart and I had a perfect view upward to her crotch. I swallowed hard as I kneaded her inner legs hard and steady. My fingers massaged up to the crotch of her panties and then barely made contact with it. She stiffened and moved her legs around to protect against any further contact.

She looked over her shoulder at me and said, “Wit, what are you doing?”

I was crazed by this time and as I swallowed hard once again I lied and asked, “Did I touch you? I’m sorry; I just was trying to get those muscles high on your legs. I’ll be careful from now on.”

“I think we had better stop with the back rub; don’t you?” she was putting a stop to all of my plans and I wasn’t about to quit now.

“Oh come on Squirt, doesn’t it feel good? I just want to make it feel real good. I’ll be careful, really. You can lie on your back and I’ll massage your thigh muscles now,” I insisted.

She slowly and wearily agreed and lay back down with me in between her thighs on my knees. I began massaging her thighs as I scoped out her crotch area again. I could see a darker outline where the double crotch of her panties ended and the single layer of fabric took over. My eyes were glued to that darkness as my hands began to massage her upper thighs. I would rotate my hands up the outer thighs and back down the inner thighs and with each rotation I was getting bolder and closer to her crotch.

I was going wild with anticipation and I abandoned any hope of getting her permission. I could wait no longer so on my next rotation I went for it. Sliding my hands up the outside and rotating them towards her crotch, I pressed forward and placed my fingers directly into her crack. She reacted violently by putting her hands upon mine and pushing them away.

“Wit, what are you doing to me down there? Are you trying to feel me up? My God, Wit, you can’t do that, I’m your sister for God’s sake! Stop it right now!” she commanded.

I heard her plea and I knew it was wrong, but my mind kept saying to take it if she wouldn’t give it, so I ignored her objections. I pressed harder with my fingers and found her crack that led up to her little hooded knob. Finding it hidden between her firm labia lips, I brought my finger to bare on it as she fought my hand to save its intrusions. I rubbed it roughly as she screamed her indignant objections and fought back my lustfulness. I had to have her and I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

She was kicking wildly into the air, trying to make contact with something of mine. She was moving her hips away from my advancing fingers and all the while, she was verbally questioning why. My mind was lost to the impending lust that I was experiencing; I must see her, touch her and smell her. I had lost all control.

I took her by the back of her legs and pushed hard until they rose up and folded at the hips, exposing her butt to my lustful eyes. With my free hand I lifted her hips off the floor and grabbed the waistband of her panties and pulled them up over her butt. What I saw drove my lustfulness even higher. Her thighs were parallel to the floor and her knees were together; her panties were bunched up just below her knees and acted as a restraint keeping them together. I could not believe my eyes.

I saw the backs of her two white legs, but in between them, down at her crotch, were two of the most delicious looking labia lips I have ever seen, with just a hint of moisture escaping from the folds. I let out a loud cry and drove my finger down into the crack in search of the source of the moisture and, finding it, impaled it as deep as it would go. She shrieked and tried to push her legs back down and cried out, “Wit NO! My God, Wit, STOP PLEASE! No Wit, Please,” and her voice trailed off into silence.

I ran my thumb up to her hidden treasure and started stoking on it tenderly at first but then much harder. She was starting to respond a little as I kept up the digital assault. I reached up under her night shirt and fondled her breast with my free hand as she started to moan a little. “Oh Wit, please stop now. Oh God Wit, let me up please?”

My mind did not hear or at least did not respond. I had to have her; sister or not, I HAD to have her. So I released her breast and removed my pajamas down to my thighs and scooted up closer to her vaginal area. She cried out, “OH MY GOD WIT, NOT THAT! YOU CAN’T WIT, NOT THAT! OH MY GOD, NOOO!”

I placed it at the entrance and started my penetration into her virginal canal. I had only entered her an inch or so when she bucked and screamed, “OUW, OH WIT, OUW IT HURTS. OH MY GOD, WIT, YOU’RE HURTING ME. OH PLEASE STOP, OH PLEASE!”

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Squirt, try to relax, I don’t want to hurt you but I’ve got to have you. Now try to relax.”

She quieted down somewhat but as I continued my intrusion, I could feel that she had not really relaxed any and if anything, she had tightened up even more. She was crying now, quietly sobbing, tensing at every little intrusion I made. She would cry out, “Oh no Wit, it hurts. Oh you’re hurting me,” very softly but she was lying there not moving at all.

Then I felt my release building suddenly. “Oh no, not yet,” I thought, but it was too late. I shot my sperm out into her vagina, a mere three inches into her. I hadn’t even attempted a full penetration. I HADN’T EVEN FUCKED HER YET AND NOW I’VE SHOT MY WAD! OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?

I pulled out quickly and rolled out from between her legs. The look on her face made my heart sink; it was one of sheer pain, disgust and disbelief. Suddenly it dawned on me I had just raped my sister. She got up without saying a word and walked to the bathroom wiping the tears from her cheeks.

I cleaned the juices from my crotch area and as I was pulling my pajamas back on, Squirt came out of the bathroom and went directly to her room. I didn’t know what to do or say. The realization of my actions suddenly came to me. I had just raped my sister; my loving, 13 year old baby sister. I had forced her to submit to my lustful, evil actions. I was scum!

I reluctantly followed her to her room and gently tapped on the door. She didn’t answer so I tapped again, a little louder this time, still no answer. I softly spoke and said, “Squirt, are you all right? Squirt, tell me you’re all right, please. I feel so bad and after I saw the tears and everything, I just want to hear that you’re all right.”

“Go away, Wit. If you must know, I am okay. You really hurt me though and you just…well, I’m okay, just disappointed that’s all. But you did hurt me so bad, in more ways than you know…” she let her voice trail off.

That was the dagger to my heart, “in more ways than you know”. I will never be able to have her trust again. I’ve crossed the line of decency, I’ve forced myself on my sister; I’ve raped her. My God, what have I done?

I stood there at her bedroom door thinking; what could I say? I’ve lost the one person in the world that I could always count on to be there for me and I didn’t know what to say.

“Squirt, I’m sorry,” I blurted out. “I don’t know what came over me. I haven’t had any thoughts like that about you before today and they came out at the pool, I promise. I don’t know what happened but seeing you in that bathing suit and you were all over me, touching me and me touching you and then you came into watch TV and you were wearing that night shirt and I could see your panties. I kept thinking just how beautiful you are and how much I wanted to touch you and caress you but you’re my sister. Well, I lost my mind and I did something terrible to you; something that, if I could, I would take back in a second.”

I stopped for breath and a tear escaped down my cheek. I wiped it away and I sobbed a little; thinking of the sobs that I ignored when they came from my sister. Those thoughts just brought out more and I bowed my head and covered my eyes with my hands and whaled in my distraught. Suddenly I heard the door latch being unlocked and opened and there stood my Squirt.

“Oh Squirt, Patricia Ann, can you ever forgive me?” I blurted out in a gushing explosion of emotions. I threw myself into her arms and we embraced each other and cried our eyes out. We fell to our knees and hugged each other and sobbed. We cried for, I don’t know how long, but it seemed like an eternity. When we both had had our cry, we helped each other up and we walked out to the living room, hand in hand, and sat back down on the couch.

We sat there in silence for a period of time, neither of us knowing what to say.

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