
A Sister’s Lust

This story, is quite lengthy, and not all about sex. I understand that many people who come to the site like to read quick sex stories with not much backround or story, however this is not one of those stories, but I do hope you read it all and stick with it. (BTW it is not a pedo story, even though it starts off with a Young girl. Don’t worry.)

The Decision

She sat there, dressed in black. Her eyes were a deep, beautiful blue, even through the redness one could see how captivating they were. Her cheeks glistened with the tears. Her blonde hair was behind her ears, she put her fingers through them as she sat on the couch. Her father came over and sat next to her, feeling worse for her than he had for himself. She was too young for this, too young to have her mother taken from her. As he put his arms around her and reassured her it was going to be okay. He wasn’t ready for this himself, but she had no idea what to do. Her mother was her everything, her guardian angel, as she always called her. And now the little girl of five was all alone in this world. Her father knew he could never take a mother’s place, but he vowed to try. As the people came around to offer their condolences the wake drew to a close and the man and his daughter went home, though it felt like didn’t feel like home to either of them.

The weekend came, and they didn’t talk much, the girl tried to stay strong through it all, and the father thought about a decision that he and his wife had made together, and what to do about it now. When Sunday came, they went to church, the father giving a most heartfelt opening sermon, it was a different day at church. The people all offered more condolences, especially to the little girl, whose eyes were still puffy and red, cheeks never dry. She tried to smile and say thank you, but whenever she opened her mouth to talk she broke down crying. She could barely look anyone in the eye, feeling slightly ashamed she couldn’t stop crying.

Monday came, and he allowed her to stay home from school, for one day, he told her. She stayed up in her room for most of the day, and he stayed down stairs with a photograph of a toddler, who needed a home. The decision his wife had made with him, he didn’t know if he could take on another child, he didn’t know how he could take care of one. He cooked dinner that night, and invited his daughter down with him, he was pleasantly surprised when she came down. She sat at the table and smiled for the First Time since her mother passed. Her cheeks soft and smooth, eyes glowing brightly like they always had before. He thought he saw some makeup on her, though he had forbidden it, he felt he could let it pass. Seeing his daughter normal again was worth it.

She went back to school Tuesday, and he made the call, his daughter had helped him decide. He dialed the number for child services, hand trembling with nervous tension. But he had his daughter’s blessing and, to him, that was as good as the Lord’s. The lady on the other end made sure that he wanted to take on another daughter, and he reassured her that they could do it, with his daughter’s help, he felt he could do anything.


Ten years later their father was hosting a cookout. Sarah, now fifteen, with golden blonde hair flowing three quarters of the way down her back, and eyes as blue as the sky, was the first outside. She was in her two piece bathing suit, the first her father let her wear. And it was the first time swimming of the year, she couldn’t be happier. She leaped from the side walk and dove right into the pool. Close behind her was her younger sister, Alexis, whose skin was slightly darker than Sarah’s and hair a dark brown. Alexis had brown eyes, but some said they rivaled the beauty of Sarah’s. She was in a one piece, but wasn’t at all distraught over it. She was going swimming, and that made her happy.

Sarah came up from under the water right as Alexis did a cannonball into the pool. As soon as Alexis surfaced, Sarah playfully splashed her with water. And the fight began. The other kids at the party soon jumped in the water and joined the fun. And the small water fight turned into a war as each team went to their side of the pool. There, floating in the water at the other end of the pool, Sarah noticed something, something she hadn’t notice before, it was the beauty in her younger Sister’s eyes. And when Alexis caught her eyes back, Sarah smiled, and blushed slightly. It felt as though her heart stopped and her stomach went in knots, her skin instantly got covered in goose bumps.

The feeling only lasted a second though, as she noticed Alexis and her team charging at them. She laughed and picked up her noodle and charged back. The two teams met somewhere in the middle of the pool, and battled in the water like medieval warfare, except with water. It only lasted a minute before their father called them out of the pool, saying lunch was ready.

The sister’s stayed behind and let everyone else out first, their father always instructed manners on them. As Alexis got out, Sarah caught herself watching her little sister’s butt as she climbed up the later. She got the same feeling again, but shook it off quickly and climbed out. Sarah helped served the kids table, as the oldest one still being called a kid. Then she sat down with her own plate of food, directly across from her sister. Towards the end of their meal she felt a stream of water hit her in the stomach. She looked directly at Alexis, who was looking away whistling, playing innocent. After the meal, as Sarah was picking up the plates and cups of the kid’s table Alexis squirted Sarah again in the back with the squirt gun. Sarah quickly through them out and chased after her little sister.

“No running around the pool!” they heard their father shout at them. So Alexis dove right in squirting at Sarah feverishly. “Swimming after lunch isn’t any better!” he shouted again, but it was too late. Sarah had jumped in after her, and in seconds the splash war had began again. Their father wanted to be angry, but all he could do was smile and shake his head. His daughter’s were smiling and having fun, and nothing felt better than that.

No Time for Love

That spring, Sarah had made the varsity field hockey team at school. She felt lucky to be only in tenth grade and accepted onto the team. Being on the team also made her more popular among that older girls, and many of the older guys as well.

The first game of the year was a close one, it came down to the last few minutes, when Sarah scored the winning goal. When the game was over, the students came rushing off the stands onto the field, and they all cheered her name, they even held her up as they cheered. Her father watched, proud of his little girl, happy to see her so happy. After the put her down and everyone continued congratulating her, she caught the eye of a boy through the crowd. He was looking at her and gave her a feint smile, she smiled back, blushing hard. He slowly made his way towards her, and Sarah recognized him as a senior from school. When he got to her he smiled, “Hey, great game.”

Sarah felt nervous and began toying with her hair, “Thanks.”

“Do you think, maybe you’d want to go out with me?” he asked suddenly. She didn’t know why, but it caught Sarah completely off guard. She’d never liked him before, didn’t ever talk to him, but she’d never been asked out before either. She thought it must of been fate bringing them together like this, she instantly thought she was in love with him and nodded shyly.

He smiled and pulled her into him, kissing her lips lightly. She hesitated for a moment and then began kissing him back, soon it grew, and she put her hand on his cheek as their lips locked together. She felt his tongue lightly poking on her lip, but she’d never kissed anyone and was nervous. It felt like a long time as she decided whether or not to let his tongue in. In what was really only a few seconds time her decision was made for her.

“Get your hands off my daughter!” her father yelled running towards them. Sarah immediately got more red, and looked at her new boyfriend. He took off the moment he caught glimpse of her father running towards them, running straight for the parking lot. She wish he had picked her up and taken her away with him. All of the sudden she wanted nothing more than to run away and be with him forever. “Sarah, get into the car, now!” her father yelled at her.

Her head hung low as she walked for the car, everyone staring at her. The ride home was quiet, her father said nothing, didn’t even look at her. She felt like the ride was taking longer than it should have. Stealing a glance at the speedometer she found out why, her father was driving ten miles an hour under the limit. He was doing it on purpose, making her sulk and think. She didn’t understand why he was so mad, what she’d done wrong, and why her boyfriend had ran away. When they arrived at the house he quietly told her to go wait in her room, that he’d be up shortly.

Sarah did as she was told, closing the door behind her. She sat on her neatly made bed and looked over at her sister’s. It was a mess, she sighed and walked over to make it. She always made her sister’s bed for her. She didn’t mind, she sort of liked the idea of looking after her. Her moment thinking about this was short-lived, her father was coming up the stairs. He didn’t run, and he didn’t stomp, but still it sounded like every footstep was a boom of thunder. He walked into her room, found her sitting on her own bed and shut the door behind him. Sarah thought she could hear Alexis watching T.V. the split second before her father went off on her. She’d never heard him scream so much, look so angry.

Sarah’s father told her how wrong it was she’d even think of dating a boy at her young age. How he’d reminded her many times that she has no need of a boyfriend until she’s done with school, and how she shouldn’t want one until then. Sarah didn’t understand most of what he was saying, but knew it was all to the same point, she’s too young, and she needs to be more respectful to God, and blah blah blah. She had gotten the speech many times before, she had it memorized. The only difference now was that her father was angry with her, yelling at her. He accused her of breaking her vow of celibacy and sleeping with him. It was an accusation she stood up and denied instantly, saying she’d never do that. It was something her father knew wasn’t true. He trusted his daughter, and knew her better than that. He shouldn’t of accused that.

The yelling didn’t last long, mostly because the father ran out of things to say. He stormed off and down stairs to start making dinner. Sarah couldn’t stop thinking of why her boyfriend ran away, not that it matter, she couldn’t date him now. She heard footsteps on the stairs again, lighter ones, softer ones. Steps one might expect an Angel to make. Sarah smiled, it was her sister, the only person she could think of to resemble an Angel, though many people told her she did. Sarah always felt Alexis had more Angelic qualities.

She poked her head into the room, seeing Sarah sitting on the bed, cheeks wet with tears, eyes red from being rubbed. She ran up and hugged her sister tightly. “It’s okay, Sarah,” Alexis said reassuringly. Just having her younger sister there made Sarah feel much better. After a few moments Alexis got up and pulled her sister up to. “And just think, if you’d run after the ball as fast as that boy ran from daddy, it wouldn’t of been such a close game!” she giggled. Sarah couldn’t help but laugh, not so much from the joke, but the sound of her sister’s laughter always cheered her up to the point where she had to laugh.

Sweet Sixteen

Sarah was asleep, but someone was trying to get her up, shaking her. She could hear a voice faintly, as if a great distance away. Slowly it got louder, and louder, the shaking got more intense, but she was still in dream land. When it stopped she started to stir, then it started again, “Sarah!” she heard. “Sarah get up!” in her dream it was an Angel speaking to her, speaking softly. Then the Angel shouted loudly, “Sarah! Get up!” the up was exaggerated. She stirred some, but stayed in dream land, as the Angel got closer she recognized it’s face, it was her sisters. Then, out of nowhere, she got suddenly cold, and felt two cold hands on her shoulders, shaking her some. “Up!” she opened her eyes, looking deep into Alexis’s eyes instantly. Sarah smiled and noticed Alexis was straddling her.

Alexis got up and ran over to her sister’s dresser pulling clothes out. Sarah noticed her cute butt in her pink panties, and the small of her back exposed through her cami. It was the same types of clothes Sarah wore to bed, Alexis had started copying it almost a year ago. Alexis through the clothes she chose for her sister on the foot of Sarah’s bed. “No, five more minutes,” Sarah said rolling over to face the wall, closing her eyes.

“Nooooooo! Daddy already let you sleep in until ten!” Alexis pushed on her back lightly. It did surprise Sarah that her father let her sleep in so much, even if it was her sweet sixteen. But still, she shook her head no and held her pillow tighter. “Fine, I’ll go tell daddy!” Alexis opened the door, and Sarah shot up, standing up in her green panties and a cami, rubbing her eyes, her blond hair covering her face. Alexis shut the door, turned, and jumped on her big sister. The sudden extra weight and movement cause Sarah to fall back, instinctively holding her sister on her.

Soon she was lying on her back on her bed, Alexis’s arms and legs around her, her arms around her younger sister. She instantly felt a knot in her stomach and her nipples begin to harden, she noticed her sister wasn’t wearing a bra yet, though she’d obviously showered. The smell in Alexis’s hair was intoxicating, and Sarah breathed it in deep. She though she felt her little sister’s nipples harden as well as their breasts were mashed together. It felt good, she didn’t know why, but her nipples and breasts altogether felt good, pleasurable, a feeling she couldn’t quite define but knew she liked it and wanted more.

As her sister began to move, it did feel better, the movement on her breasts made them feel fantastic, her sister’s small budding breasts not only pressed against hers but moving around too. Then she noticed Alexis was getting up, and as she lifted her head, she found herself looking down her cami. Though Alexis had small breasts, Sarah though she noticed some cleavage. Instantly she felt a jolt of electricity go right to her vagina. She remembered from sex ed in school that this was her getting turned on. Alexis smiled and left the room, then Sarah realized it, she had just been turned on for the first time in her life, by her younger sister.

Needing Help

The room was dark, only the feint glow of Alexis’s purple night light illuminated them, but Sarah didn’t need to see, she was feeling. Her lips were locked with her sister’s, their tongues were dancing. She moaned into her younger sister’s mouth. Sliding her hands up the back of her cami, feeling her bare skin. Sarah herself was only in her panties, feeling Alexis on top of her, pushing her body against her, they humped into each other slowly, yet firmly. Alexis moved off to the side of her big sister, their lips never breaking contact, but slowly trailed her fingers to her breasts, squeezing her nipples lightly, making Sarah moan in pleasure. Their kiss deepened, Sarah rested one hand on the back of Alexis’s head, the other gently massaging the young girl’s butt through her panties. Almost to slowly for Sarah to notice the fingers trailed from her nipple down her stomach. As she broke the kiss for the first time she moaned loudly as Alexis cupped her older sister’s pussy. Even through the fabric it felt amazing to Sarah, she knew she was wet, she was soaking. She pulled her sister back in to kiss her deeply, passionately, as her fingers rubbed her pussy through her panties.

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