
A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 2)

John’s continued exploitation of his secretary, along with a new idea’s formation…

A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 2)

Chapter 1

“How’d work go B?” Jim asked.
“It was good. Um, its amazing actually, John gave me a raise,” Bianca replied, with not nearly enough enthusiasm for the occurrence. Dammit. I just jacked off my boss, and now I have to have a conversation with my husband about how awesome my boss is. This is going to suck.
“That’s…..nice….” Jim said…but the look on his face darkened a little. “I’m not a huge fan of charity though.” He probably was eying Bianca’s ass as she walked out the door, the little prick. Fucking charity.
“JIM! John talked about how I’m good at coordinating appointments, keeping records, helping to organize…and….and other stuff that I do. He was very clear it wasn’t just charity. He had been thinking about giving me a raise for awhile. It’s not even that much.” Strange. Now I’m feeling defensive about John. He clearly wasn’t doing it to just be nice, or because of my merits (well, maybe my physical merits), but I don’t want to hear John complain when he has no idea what I just did for him. For us.
“Whatever Bianca, that’s great to hear…I guess (sarcastic tone).” Jim was a man’s man. He had worked construction his whole life. He went into business for himself, did pretty well at that, and had accepted help from no one. He had the hottest wife for miles. Good kids. Nice house. The last thing he wanted was some, young, college-educated whiz-kid prick to be feeling kind enough to help Jim out, by giving money to his wife. It wasn’t a happy situation in general. He’d like to sit his wife down on his dick, just to establish some sort of feeling of control, but the medications and pain killers he was on rendered his penis limp and useless. Life sucked.
“Hey mom, hey dad.” Jamie was their 17 year old daughter. She attended a private highschool, and, after her dad’s accident, had picked up a job at a grocery store to help with bills. It wasn’t easy with all the homework, but she had been doing okay. Jim and Bianca smiled at her, but their smiles betrayed that an unpleasant conversation had just occurred, and Jamie picked up on it. Her parents were always having those.
“Hey Jamie, how was school? And you have work today?” Bianca inquired.
“Actually, I quit work at the store.” Jim and Bianca stopped suddenly and turned towards her:
“What??” they said, in unison.
“Wait, wait,” Jamie said, annoyed by their startled looks, which she knew would be followed by an assumption that she was lazy and didn’t want to do what she had to for the family, etc, etc, etc blah blah blah. “Its not what you think. Gosh. My friend’s mom has a business, like, cleaning houses, and she hired me. It pays way more, and the hours are more flexible, and, like, I wouldn’t have to work as much so I could study more,” she said all this with a slight roll of the eyes. She was always glad for a chance to one up her parents. In her teenage mind, she was in a constant, epic battle with her parents, to show them how competent, knowledgeable, and grown-up she was. A true war for independence.
In her parents’ mind, she was just another teenager with an attitude, which of course was the truth. “Well, sounds like a good set up Jamie. I hope everything goes well. Good job finding some good work. I hope its not too hard” Jim said.
“nah, its nothing compared to what you do daddy,” Jamie said, while leaning over to give him a kiss. She was definitely her mother’s daughter. She was wearing jeans that were torn and patched up (professionally, and fashionably, which meant they were far more expensive than normal jeans), but fit her curves perfectly, and showed, through holes on the thighs and just under her butt, perfectly tanned skin. She also had on a tight, white, patterned t-shirt that accentuated her young curves. Her b-cup breasts brushed against her dad’s shoulder as she leaned over, and her dark hair fell over his face for a moment.
She better be careful around the guys, Jim thought, They’re going to be all over her for sure. But we’ve already had that conversation.
She bounced away, happy to have won what she perceived to be a battle in her love-hate relationship with her parents. Bianca went to make dinner, and Jim sat on the couch watching football.

Chapter 2

Bianca came into the office first the next day. She was wearing a flowery, but fashionable blouse, with a little cleavage exposed, and a black skirt that went down past her knees. She was hoping to keep her appearance conservative to try and stem the tide of her young boss’ lust.
When John walked in, he smiled, said, “good morning Bianca!” And went into his office. He couldn’t believe what had happened the day before, with his complete indulgence in his married secretary’s bosoms. He smiled to himself. Life was great. But, he had to concentrate and get work done.

The day went by pretty quickly, and John didn’t force himself on Bianca at all. Towards the end of the day, and after the last of his appointments, he called her into his office. Bianca, naturally nervous, quietly came in. John looked at her for a second, then beckoned her to come over closer to him, as he was sitting behind his desk. Bianca came over and stood next to him.
“Alright Bianca, I know what happened yesterday was pretty crazy…”
“No kidding,” Bianca said, then stayed quiet to hear what he had to say.
“Well, I enjoyed myself, and I was thinking of doing the same thing today, but I had work to get done, and while I was working, I thought to myself, I don’t just want to play with Bianca’s boobs today, I want to talk.” John was being honest. She was hot and all, but was he just going to play with her boobs, maybe have her jack him off now and then? He kind of wanted to talk to her. Find out more about her. “But of course, the boobs are definitely going to have to be involved,” he said, with another of his smiles that were more fun-loving then creepy. As he smiled he put his hands on her hips and started to move her towards the desk, which she sat down on.
“I don’t know John. I guess my breasts are fine if you want to have fun with them, but lets just keep it at that….yesterday you touched me…well…between the legs, and I wasn’t comfortable with that at all.”
“Really?” John replied, the fun-loving smile back, “I’m pretty sure you came as soon as I grabbed your pussy.”
“It was a physical reaction John!

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