
A Reality Check

What thoughts, wants and needs are inside any person and what makes them suppress or express certain desires, what makes them act on those desires. Is it morality which determines self control and where does this morality come from. There are things ingrained within us (be it good, bad or whatever) that are not taught rather it is instinct. What does one do regarding sex in such a situation and would it even be needed anyway. Could it be taken care of satisfactorily without human intervention. Take away either the concern and/or eyes of society given certain situations then what would you do, want to do or need to do under such circumstances.

Chapter 1: (Silent chaos)

I am not sure what lead to it all, the cause, causes or even the full extent of the situation. It is a huge world so it is unfathomable to think I could be the only one.
I was bombarding myself with questions while I began to realize the full extent and potential of this revelation given what remained around me or rather what didn’t remain around me like
How did I survive.
Where is everyone.
What will I do.
What can I do.
Will I be gone as well.
Am I gone and don’t realize it.
Are there others in my situation……………..

The questions could go on and on until one is driven into madness, the situation itself may in fact lead to pure insanity. My head was beginning to ache from it all, I had to calm down and try to think rationally in an irrational situation.
I desperately tried to remember the snippets of various memories that popped into my head, the visions I viewed in my mind’s eye. The last remnants of memory was my illness, at least I think I remember being sick.
I had trouble even reflecting upon anything prior to this point in time like my entire life and all the things, events and memories of such. I somehow knew I retained those memories and I would sort them out later but right now I had to reconstruct the more recent yet latent memories and collate them.
The visions in my head were snap shots of chaos happening around me, like you open your eyes and close them at random times then only remember a brief vision along with a sound bite for each vision. My head was pounding from the pressure that I put upon myself to remember but I had to make sense of things and as I tried to re-winded my memories back to the beginning, or at least where I thought I needed to start.

When I focused I remembered being sick and in bed but I could not remember anything leading to that point. I had a fever, was achy and just generally wanted to sleep, or rest may be a better term. The “sleep or rest” was fitful due, I think, to the fever. I felt I never really fallen asleep. I stayed on the edge and was aware of my surroundings, things I heard and visual snap shots but the time line was not discernible, it could have been this way spread over hours, days or even longer ?.

It seemed like a dream state or fevered delusions, which or either I was not sure of but somewhere in it all I was convinced was rationality.
The conclusion of it all was that when I became totally conscious and got up from the bed, roamed around the house, then the yard and then the neighborhood………… I concluded that I was ALONE.
I couldn’t make sense of it. Was there an immense evacuation and I was forgotten or left behind,

“Where in the hell is everybody”, I said out loud.

This was incomprehensible, even though I was more alert now than when I initially returned to consciousness it was simply beyond belief.
Whatever this is it had to be a localized event and I could walk to the next neighborhood or drive down the road or to town and find civilization, life. I stood still so as not to make even the slightest sound and even lowered my breathing just to see if I could pick up any perceptible sounds outside of my immediate area.
I could always hear a car on the highway or a plane overhead, an air conditioner humming or any other sounds of human activity. Standing silent I heard nothing, none of the usual sounds which were always present, especially in the middle of the day.

I ran back to my house and dashed inside picking up the phone, no dial tone, no sound when I tried to dial. Going to the nightstand beside the bed I picked up my cell phone and it was dead.
Walking back into the living room I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV, even though the remote indicator light blinked the TV never came on so I tried to hit the button on the console itself, nothing.
Upon looking around and checking other things it was evident that there was no power. I had remained calm given the circumstances until now.
In a panic I grabbed my keys and ran to the car but expecting it to not even turn over let alone start. When it roared to life I was almost too startled to believe it.

Driving down the street I saw nobody and upon reaching the perimeter of the neighborhood and entering the highway I still saw nothing. My mind was racing with all kinds of apocalyptic scenarios, bodies strewn around, cars abandoned, fires blazing, general destruction, etc.
Driving down the highway I saw nothing but empty road yet only 5 miles away was our towns commercial area.
There were some cars in the parking lots and neatly parked in various spaces, it appeared to be like any other typical day except it was devoid of people.
I parked in an empty space and walked to the grocery store entrance while looking in each car I past to hopefully get a clue. Upon walking up to the sliding doors they didn’t open because there was no power.
I worked my fingers in between and pulled open the doors and entered. It was dark, except for the daylight coming in through the storefront. I could see enough to walk around which I did although cautiously, it was creepy walking around in the store.

I suddenly felt exposed and thought that if there were others and they came here in a panic and with a hoarding mentality then I could be in danger because I came unprepared to defend myself. I hurried back to the front door and surveyed the parking lot. Seeing nothing I walked to my car but now I felt more exposed than ever.
Was someone watching me from a distance or even closer. I was in the wide open and felt so small and vulnerable as I reached my car and sped from the parking lot.
I raced up the highway and felt better when I turned into my neighborhood.

Chapter 2: (Acceptance)

I didn’t feel really safe until I reached my house and was inside. I locked the doors and windows then took the pistol I kept under my nightstand and took a position at the front window. I felt I was almost paranoid yet under the situation I felt justified in having these fears.
I alternated looking out of all my windows for hours on end without seeing any movement other than the trees and grass swaying in the breeze.
Finding a battery powered radio I turned it on and went through the entire dial but the only thing I heard was static. I rationalized that the radio may be defective and the only other radio was in the car but upon trying that I got the same thing.

Calming down from fears of being followed, watched or even raided I finally began to think more broadly and take stock of my situation.
I wanted information more than anything else but there was more than that which I needed to tend to at the same time like food, water, medicine and even shelter.
Sure I have a house plus there was shelter everywhere however, being in north central Kansas I needed to think about the coming winter and having a place that could be heated somehow and maybe even cooled when summer came back around. Being early fall right now the temperatures where fairly comfortable and would remain that way for a few more months

I put sadness and loneliness on hold by focusing on the task at hand which was survival, now and in the future. The focus didn’t happen on this particular day rather it happened over the course of many days initially then ran into weeks before I fully accepted the situation.
Without knowing what happened I still had a glimmer of hope that somehow my family was OK or at least they didn’t suffer or aren’t suffering now.
I knew one thing, I was here and without any other evidence I was all alone in the world or at least my little part of it.

During the next several days and weeks I acclimated myself to the new world while I foraged the neighboring houses for supplies that I didn’t have or had run out of.
There were plenty of nonperishable food items I accumulated along with a plethora of bottled water until I hit the jackpot. One of the houses I entered was obviously where doomsday preppers lived.
They had months, even years of supplies, anything from canned food to packaged meals that if stored right would last for years. They also had water filtering devices, hand operated water pumps, guns, ammo, medicine and general first aid supplies……………ALMOST anything I would need.
While I could have just stayed there and lived I simply didn’t feel comfortable doing that and I wasn’t going to lug it all to my house because staying there in the long run may not work for me either.

After many weeks had passed without a sign of human life, nothing on the radio, nothing seen or heard at all I decided to get out and about and explore surrounding areas.
I did see all kinds of animals though and without the presence of humans there was less fear from them to come out in the open.
The thing that did worry me were dogs that I saw roaming in packs so with all that I did have to be careful when outside. I always carried a gun with extra ammo, not only for wild animals but just in case there may be other people who may not end up being so nice.
I got into my car and drove into town then navigated various but familiar streets while I simply observed.
As I entered the retail district I passed by an Adult store where they had books, magazines, dvd’s, toys, etc.
I have driven by there for years but never went in or even needed to go in but just seeing the store reminded me of another need that would have to be dealt with on occasions.

I wheeled around and pulled right up to the front. Reaching the door I was surprised it was locked, it was a typical storefront glass door with the standard cylinder key lock.
Retrieving a pair of large pliers from the car I gripped the lock cylinder and twisted it around until it spun out. I was then able to stick my finger in and flip the latch back.

Once in I went straight to the magazines and gathered the ones I wanted and filled a basket with them plus DVD’s, lube and artificial pussy’s and any other device to put my cock in. I couldn’t help lustful urges even given my plight as I spent some time looking through magazines and had gotten so engrossed that I didn’t realized the amount of time that went by.
It had been quite a while since having sex and to be looking at such magazines I felt like I did when I was a kid and had found my father’s porn magazines.

I was getting horny looking at pictures of hot naked woman and thought about all the ways I could pleasure myself with the devices I now had plus imagining all the scenarios and woman I could fuck in my mind.
My cock started to grow hard for the first time in many weeks. I subconsciously looked around before I unzipped my pants to free my aching dick and started to gently stroke as I leaned back against the magazine rack.
I pictured myself fucking the young woman in the magazine I was holding as I closed my eyes and formed a mental picture.
It didn’t take me long at all to bring myself to a boil, with my hand pumping my cock and me fucking that woman in my mind I quickly reached the point of explosion.
I lowered the open magazine down and held it in front of me, when I was about to shoot I opened my eyes and looked down, aiming my tool at the face on the magazine,

“UHHHHHHHH”, I belted out a painful grunting/moaning sound as a thick rope of pearly white spunk landed across her pictured face. I hung my head down and brought the picture closer while my cock convulsed again,

“OHHH, UHHH, AHHH”, I moaned in an equally painful fashion as a few more streams of warm goo shot onto her picture and began to run slowly down the paper. I closed my eyes and hung my head down while holding the picture flat under me and wringing my cock dry by running my hand up my shaft while squeezing. I looked on as gobs of sticky cum was milked from my relieved dick,

“WHEWWWWW”, I breathed out loud. I leaned back against the rack catching my breath and enjoyed the good feeling spread through my body.

“Damn that felt good, BOY I needed that more than I knew”, I said to myself.

I wiped my dick on the picture and put myself away then looked up. I was amazed how much clearer things were to me or at least how much clearer my mind was. With the various chemicals released throughout my body from the relief I didn’t even realize I needed I found myself suddenly brimming with energy and clarity.
It’s not that amazing how it does clear the mind but I haven’t felt this way after wards since…………….. I can barely remember when.

I carried my new “supplies” to the car and placed it all in the trunk and closed the lid. I decided to drive around town a little more but what I was looking for now I didn’t know.
It’s just like people left in an organized fashion without their vehicles, or were taken away.
No matter how many scenarios I thought of I just couldn’t come up with a plausible reason for mass disappearance let alone the order of things. I had planned to drive to the nearest town in each direction from this area just to see what I could find or interpret.
Tomorrow I would head off in the opposite direction from here which would take me onto the interstate and to the next town.
I went back home and finished the evening preparing my dinner and planning my next exploration.

Chapter 3: (Exploration)

Just like yesterday I headed down the road to look around, taking the interstate I headed west and the first place I stopped was a travel center just outside of the next town.
Just like the case in my town there were cars, motor homes, campers and tractor trailer rigs parked in their spaces but no indication of people. I wanted to circle the large parking lot to view all the vehicles but was getting low on gas.

I found a vehicle I could siphon gas from and kept a nervous watch while I completed my task.
Being out in this part of Kansas it was flat and wide open prairie which made me feel so exposed and also like I was being watched.
This wasn’t like before, at least I don’t think it was, but you can sense when you are being looked at then turn around and see someone staring you down.

I looked around slowly to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, I saw nothing but still couldn’t shake the feeling. With gas in my tank I began to drive around the lot, I wanted to walk it but still felt vulnerable in the open even though I had a couple of guns on my person.
I figured if I ran into a pack of dogs that I may not be able to adequately defend myself so I stayed in the car and toured the lot.

On the other side of the lot an elaborate motor home caught my eye, it was much more expensive than many of the others parked around the place and it gave me an idea regarding long term accommodations.
I rationalized that such a vehicle was fully self contained, it would have an on board generator, water tank, water heater, a/c, heat, fridge, bathroom, TV, dvd player, lights………….I mean everything one could want or need.
Thinking about it, the place would provide luxurious comfort and amenities, be easy to heat/cool and protect plus it was mobile. I was going to check this unit out and if all was well then I could drive it back home and figure the rest out from there.

Driving up to the motor home I noticed that it also had a large trailer attached to it which matched the paint scheme of the coach and it was the same height.
I’ve seen rigs like this before and it was apparent that whoever had this was loaded with money. The trailer likely held their “toys”. The coach itself was worth over one million dollars and a trailer like that could contain a car and a boat or any other combination of toys.
None of that really mattered to me now but back when things were “normal” it would have been nice to own such things however, I was thinking how this whole unit would come in handy.

Getting out of the car I nervously looked around and couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Grabbing some binoculars from the backseat I jumped onto the hood then up on the top of the car and surveyed the lot and surrounding prairie.
It was eerily silent except for the wind whistling over the terrain and around the vehicles. After making a full 360 and satisfied I was alone I jumped down and walked up to then opened the door of this luxurious coach and entered.

I have toured units like this before at RV shows but it never ceased to amaze me at the luxury and appointments these coaches have. This unit was at least 45′ long and had slide outs along each side to expand the living space. I walked through to the back where the master bedroom suite is.
Looking at the king size bed I was surprised at myself considering what I was thinking,

“I wish I had someone to share that bed with”, I said out loud.

I began to think about sex again. I could gather everything I needed to survive yet one thing didn’t seem to exist that being a woman.
Do we need sex to live ?, maybe not but it makes living that much better. Relief is always a hand job away but nothing, no amount of toys, pictures, movies, etc, can satisfy like getting the real thing, once in a while at the very least anyway.
The prospects of that appeared to be pretty slim and this was one thing I didn’t want to think about going forward.
It wasn’t just getting some pussy, cumming and being done with it but actually being able to give and receive affection, explore the female body and make passionate love occasionally instead of just fucking.
My cock was now hard as my mind went into overdrive. I thought about having a soft yet toned female that my hands could explore while I gently pumped my aching cock in and out of a tight yet sopping wet cunt………….
Shaking my head to clear the thoughts away I was tempted to lay on that bed and pound one out. I was torturing myself and I needed to focus on what was real, what was here, I had to stay in the now.
I spun around and walked to the driver seat and was relieved that the keys were still in the ignition. Switching the ignition on I was pissed to see that the fuel gauge was one tick away from being completely empty,

“DAMN”, I shouted as I slapped the back of the seat with my hand.

Looking out from the large windshield and viewing the entire facility I tried to think about what to do. I was looking from one side to the other but things where a blur as I quickly scanned the area. I wasn’t in a hurry nor had a schedule to maintain, time is one thing I seemed to have plenty of.
I sat down on the couch leaned my head back and desperately tried to focus. It was no longer a sexual need but I thought about jacking off. The mood had left me however I always felt clear headed after blowing a load and figured it would help me relax and be able to think.
I quickly went through various scenarios in my head with the intent on conjuring up one that would light my fire and enable me to squirt.

Not yet set one any one vision in my head I pulled my cock out and began to tug. Once I started I figured I would get on a roll fucking some woman in my mind.
I wanted to enjoy the glorious feeling of ejaculation but all I thought about was not having a real cunt to put my dick in or shoot my stuff into.
Only reaching semi-hardness I stopped in frustration and sat back while letting my cock deflate then lay there wilted and sad looking. I wanted to cum because I knew it would help, it always had before.

“It’s no use”, I blurted out as I stuffed my limp cock back into my pants then stood and zipped up.

Chapter 4: (Frustration)

I was mad, frustrated and intent on working this thing out so I could drive this coach back to surroundings I am comfortable in and familiar with.
I looked out the windshield again, patted the gun on my hip and exited the coach and walked across the parking lot towards the building that housed the restaurant, store, mechanic shop, etc.
I was exposing myself which was against my better judgment but felt my anger would help me overcome any situation I may suddenly find myself in.

Reaching the front door I walked in but held the door open in case I needed a fast escape. I looked around the silent empty space and a shiver went down my back.
I was getting that feeling again but I tried to convince myself that it was the same feeling I had when I walked into that empty grocery store many weeks ago. It was just the fact that things were so silent and eerie that it caused paranoia to bubble up.
Remaining vigilant I quietly walked around the store and restaurant area. I turned and began making my way to the mechanic shop entrance door leaving the explored areas behind me.

Stopping at the door I got that chill up my back again and turned around to find nothing but I did notice the opening behind the restaurant counter that lead to the kitchen area.
I would check out that area once I went through the mechanic shop. There wasn’t anything I felt I needed in the kitchen except to satisfy my curiosity.
Inside the shop I found a hand crank type fuel pump and I remembered seeing an above ground diesel tank around back. I checked that and it had fuel in it, I could pump from there and into the motor coach.
Now that things were falling back into place I was more focused on moving forward.
I had an appetite so I decided to tour the kitchen and see what I could scare up to eat. I needed to check it out as it was the only place I haven’t walked through to satisfy myself that I was indeed alone.

Having only a pen light on me I entered into the dark kitchen and looked around. There was plenty of food in large cans along with dry goods that would still be OK so I began to gather a few things to take back out front where there was plenty of light.
Even though I was feeling better I just couldn’t shake the feeling but I hadn’t checked every square inch of the kitchen yet. Turning I saw only two places to check, one was a walk in freezer and the other a bathroom.

I opened the freezer and it was empty but still very cool inside and some of the food that was buried was still partially frozen. Feeling better I left the freezer and stopped at the bathroom door and eased my hand to grasp the handle.
I frowned at myself for being so timid since I haven’t found anybody ANYWHERE as I confidently opened the bathroom door.
My shining light found a crouching figure on the floor which caused me to catch a fast breath, stumble back in panic and fall to the ground.
Startled I shined the light back towards the door as I lay on the floor. My heart was beating through my chest while I quickly considered the potential threat.
My breathing and heart labored as I nervously waved my light around trying to focus towards the bathroom door.
I trained my light on the figure and found myself looking at a girl who appeared just as frightened as I was. I moved the beam of the flashlight away from her face as we stared at each other. I began to assess the situation while all the, who, what, how and where type questions zipped through my head.

Her eyes were wide open in fear so it was easy to see they were blue even with the glint of light shining off of her rectangular shaped plastic framed glasses. She had long dark brown hair with was pulled back and fastened.
From my own position and with her still cowering on the floor this was all I could distinguish.
I sat up then pushed myself to stand then walked towards the bathroom door. I dropped down on my knees so I could be at her level and try to make myself less threatening.
As much as I had been through to this point and trying to comprehend everything as an adult I could just imagine what she must have been going through.

I felt bad while I looked at her sweet young innocent face and imagined her torment after all this time. Her eyes still wide open began to water causing tears to well up at the bottom of her eyes.
She blinked which caused the tears to break loose and run down her cheeks, her lips quivered as tears streamed down her face.
I knew she was no longer able to contain herself and feeling so bad for her I held my arms open offer some safety and comfort. She instantly scrambled and clung to me and started heaving and crying loudly.
I held her and stroked her hair for the longest time while I let her cry it out while clinging to me. It took a little time before she finally calmed down before I let go of her and eased back while she leaned back then stood up.

“What’s your name sweetheart”, I asked.

“Iris”, she responded in a whispered voice.

“That’s a pretty name, I’m Terry”, I said then smiled at her.

I wanted to put her at ease and slowly build communications and telling her that was a way to gauge her receptiveness and level of trust.
She didn’t respond but just kept the same almost stoic look on her face.
I furrowed my brow while I looked in each of her eyes then all around her face then back to her eyes.

“What happened”, she asked.

“I don’t know”, I said while shaking my head as I sat back.

She was looking down at me without much emotion yet was expecting an answer. All I could do is look up at her.

“Are you hungry”, I asked.

She didn’t say a word rather she just nodded her head yes. I was shocked when she did finally speak,

“That’s why I came in here”, she said softly.

“Me too”, I said as I pushed myself to a standing position.

Now she was looking up at me so I cocked my head towards the front area then turned to walk expecting her to follow. After I took a couple steps I turned to look at her because she didn’t moved. I held a hand out and she walked up took it then we walked out.
Not much was said between us while we ate the food I had gathered up but as we were about finished we began to talk.

I assumed that she was 18 years old judging by her body, height and all that. I found out she actually turned 18 years old just 3 months ago. She had been traveling with her father, a truck driver, the week that her school was on break. They didn’t intend on coming here but was forced to drive in this direction, then stopped here to get fuel, eat, sleep and try to find out what was going on.

She said that they had driven through an area that was in pure chaos and in upheaval. There were people everywhere, cars abandoned, roads clogged and what seemed like general chaos. She couldn’t describe specific detail other than that and said her father didn’t realize exactly what was happening but he was in a hurry to get away from the area they were traveling through.

She related that the CB radio in the truck was constantly blaring with panic in people’s voices. She said it was so busy you could barely understand the words because people were talking over one another.
Her father tried to talk on the radio and ask questions but the only responses that were clear were words like “GET OUT OF HERE”, STATE OF EMERGENCY”, along with intermittent reports from truckers about traffic jams, possible routes and some of the chaos they were witnessing.
She said they drove for several more hours until they stopped here.
Her father kept telling her that things would be OK and to not worry. They would stay here for the night since it appeared to be quiet and figure out what was going on.

She said she woke up the next morning and found herself alone and she has been living in her father’s truck and coming to this bldg to get food and use the bathroom every since.
Upon getting more acclimated to her new world she was scared when she actually saw my car pull into the lot and watch the only other human she has seen in about 2 months and all she could think to do was watch me then hide.
Like me she had become numb where it concerned the past, family, and all the questions we have that didn’t have answers to while we focused on immediate needs and looking ahead.

I knew I was feeling eyes on me and those sense are hardly ever wrong. I had the same feeling when I first left my neighborhood and went to the retail center, the exposed feeling along with the same type of feeling of eyes upon me.
Perhaps I was actually wishing eyes on me which would mean there were others. I thought perhaps I wished it so much that I could actually conjured up a person and Iris just popped up from nowhere.
It was silly of course because that cannot happen but that made me remember my thoughts while in the motor coach. Sex was so much on my mind that I practically prayed about being able to have the real thing sometimes. If it was possible I would have certainly conjured up nice hot willing woman not a teen.
I sat there thinking of this while Iris got up and walked to the counter where the candy was. I looked at her and let my eyes take in her form.
Iris stood about 5’6″, weighed about 110lbs, her trunk was slender with a slight inward curve to her back which was accentuated by her pert butt. Her stomach curved out ever so slightly and she had long dark hair.

As if her general innocence wasn’t enough the glasses she had on put it off the chart, not to mention her long hair being tied back. I started picturing her in the typical schoolgirl uniform and maybe her hair in pigtails.
All this became much more evident as she turned in profile and I traced every one of her young curves with my eyes. I closed my eyes, drew in a breath and let it out as to express, “give me strength”.
I chastised myself for having thoughts like this. I mean it’s not like I haven’t noticed hot teen girls back in the prior world but in reality what could one do about it even if a girl were willing.

I mean it was something of fantasy and hidden desires to take such a young girl and, willingly of course, have sex with a sweet innocent goddess.
The ramifications, repercussions, the depravity and sheer wrongness of it kept most men from doing anything about it so it remained in the depths of our mind.
This isn’t our former world now is it, for all intense purposes it’s just us for all we know. What rules, laws and societal encumbrances apply now.
The only thing that can keep a person in check is themselves, a sense of morality, duty and decorum. In extreme circumstances senses can get blinded and you can become jaded while justifying almost anything.

It could be the law of the jungle where the animal instinct takes over or where we can turn into cavemen and just take what we need and want.
I can see how this could happen but I felt it wasn’t within me to be that way. I’m not a control freak nor do I want to dominate and/or be an animal rather I would like someone to be gentle with and affectionate to and fill mutual desires and needs.
So here I am with Iris and if I wished for a female and she appeared then it’s like putting yourself in pure frustrating sexual hell.
The only analogy I could think of is having water you can’t drink yet it is there with you in plain sight all the time and constantly reminding you that you can’t have it.
Like being in a boat surrounded by salt water and when driven to madness you drink it knowing full well you shouldn’t. You know what the repercussions are but you don’t care because you need to drink so you do then go mad.

Perhaps this whole new world was created for me to realize my hidden desire and enable me to fulfill such a fantasy without societal and/or moral dilemmas or it is to test my resolve and simply disregard my sexual needs except to sate them through magazines, porn DVD’s, toys and/or wanking myself.
Of course in doing this I knew I would be imagining having sex with such forbidden fruit while I pleasure myself however, under the circumstances, would it be wrong if a male and female had only each other and did succumb to needs…………………..

Once again I shook my head to throw out the thought and where I was going trying to justify a wrong I thought as I sat there with my eyes closed.

“You alright”, Iris asked. I opened my eyes to see her standing at the candy rack looking at me.

“YEAH, yeah I’m fine”, I said with resolve.

Iris smiled and it was a smile of trust and the innocence of youth. Just another thing that would keep me from doing it yet was the same thing that made me want to do it.
I was ripping myself apart and struggling with good and bad but which one would triumph.

Chapter 5: (I’m not alone)

The day was getting on and I wanted to get that motor coach fueled up, which would take some time doing it with a hand pump.
I explained all my plans to Iris as it pertained to using the motor coach to live in going forward but that right now we needed to go back to my house and prepare.
She wasn’t too keen on that idea because it took her away from here. I knew she was thinking along the lines of “what if my father comes back and can’t find me” and/or she was just used to being here and another locale can be nerve racking.

I explained to her that staying here was not an option for the long run and that we needed a secure environment, supplies and access to or an accumulation of other things that we needed to function and live. I further explained that it appeared that we now only have each other to depend on and look out for.
I wanted to ease her into it by her choice even though she didn’t have a choice because she was coming with me whether she liked it or not, it was for her own good and survival.
There was no way she had the capability and skills to organize her own survival given that winter was coming.
Even without that she couldn’t organize things alone to keep going and exist for the next year let alone many years.

With reality set in she was as determined as I was. She was busy going through the contents of the motor coach as well as gathering her personal things from the truck and stowing them into the coach while I had it parked at the tank and was pumping fuel.

A unit like this held at least 200 gallons or more of fuel, enough to travel over 1,800 miles. We where only going back to my town right now which wasn’t but 25 miles but the fuel would run the on board generator for quite some time.
While fueling I noticed a propane tank on the property used for filling cylinders. After I topped off the fuel tank I would drive over and top off the on board propane tanks as well.

With these things accomplished we would have all the fuel we needed for the near future but I would have to figure out the logistics of such things going forward.
My mind was reeling as I began thinking about the details of obtaining and storing fuel and gas for the long term.
Iris had busied herself with the contents of the coach had now taken stock of the essentials contained therein and was now being quite the little homemaker.

With the propane tanks still having gas in them meant that the refrigerator remained cool all this time and items in the freezer remain frozen plus there were dry goods and other items in the cabinets along with potable water in the holding tank.
This meant that hot showers were now possible. Just like I had been doing the last couple months Iris had been washing up using bottled water but a hot shower helps make things seem more “normal”.
With my tasks now completed I looked around and noticed it was late evening. I didn’t want to travel at night because I just still had some uneasiness about it. Just in case there was a threat I wanted daylight so I could fully assess and/or see it coming plus deal with whatever the threat may be present.

Being on the move at night just didn’t seem like a good idea and call it paranoia or whatever I intended to be as stealthy as possible during the daytime as it pertained to everyday living.
I felt I didn’t want to make our presence known at least not until I could figure out what in the hell happened, why, where and how, so it seemed best to remain hidden as much as possible.

“Iris, it’s late so we’ll stay here tonight and leave out tomorrow morning”, I said.

“Agreed”, she responded.

I nodded at her and smiled, she smiled back. I was including her and not dictating however, it was obvious that I am in charge. I drove the coach back in line with other vehicles parking between two tractor trailers.
There was nothing but flat wide open prairie around this facility and again I felt exposed and wanted to blend in and having those large trucks on each side gave the feeling of safety via obscurity.
It still wasn’t cold enough to need heat nor did we have to run the generator and I didn’t want to because of noise, at least not while we couldn’t have daylight to see by.
With the engine running from before and letting the generator run right now while we did have daylight I let the house batteries charge so we could have power after dark.

We were ready for a hot meal and Iris was again busy helping prepare dinner. She found some meat in the freezer which she worked to thaw out. I sat near the windshield keeping a lookout while Iris worked in the kitchen area. Every now and then I would look back and watch her working then let my eyes drift up and down her young body.

She reached into an upper cabinet on her tiptoes and stretched her arms and body with caused her shirt to ride up exposing her tight tanned stomach.
She had a nice pair of boobs that bumped out of her stretched shirt and with her legs extended, back arched in and butt sticking out this profile was hotter than I saw previously.
I rolled my eyes and turned to look outside. I was teasing myself and just had to realize it wasn’t going to happen willingly and I wasn’t going to just “take her”.

We ate dinner just as it started getting dark and finished up before it was dark enough to worry about our stealth. Killing the generator and drawing the curtain across the windshield we prepared ourselves for the night.
We cleaned up from dinner and actually became more relaxed while we worked to put things away. We would arbitrarily bump into each other then playfully bump one another with our hips. When that was done we sat back and talked a little more, mostly about daily survival going forward.

I explained all my thoughts and plans but didn’t know where we would ultimately be. I didn’t want to paint a rosy picture for her and explained that even IF we are the only people left in existence then there are still plenty of things to worry about.
I still had to figure where and how to secure an area for us to reside yet not be confined.
She now had a look of worry on her face and it was like I let the air out of her balloon. I got up and walked to the chair she was sitting in, leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of her head then put my hand on her back giving her a slight hug.
She had no response and seemed rather stiff despite my attempts to make her feel at ease. I pulled back and stood up straight,

“Why don’t you get your shower first”, I told her.

“SURE”, she said.

“Alright but watch it, we have less than half tank of water left on board”, I said. I had forgotten to top off the water tank.

She pouted and picked up her bag and walked to the bathroom.

“Don’t worry I’ll ultimately figure out the water situation”, I said.

She turned and smiled at me,

“I know you will”, she said.

While she was in the shower I thought this may be my chance to “get some quick relief” but with her running the water intermittently for conservation I couldn’t determine when she may be about to come out. How would that look with me jerking off and she steps out of the bathroom.
That thought only made me harder when thinking about her walking in with my cock in hand or blowing a load.

She finally did walk out while I was thinking this and she was wearing just a nightshirt, her long dark hair still damp from being only towel dried and her slender legs were perfectly tanned,

“Your turn”, she said.

I jumped up and walked into the bathroom without a word to her. I didn’t have any clothes to change into because when I left my house I wasn’t planning on any of this. I exited the bathroom to search for clothes the owner of this rig had that I may be able to wear. When I walked out Iris was bent over toweling off her hair some more. Her back was to me and I could see the outline of her ass cheeks through her shirt which rode high up exposing the back of her legs.
I swallowed and immediately turned my head about the time she stood up and looked behind her.

I didn’t want her to know I was literally leering at her young nubile body. I headed right for the closet and began to sift through the clothes, then through the drawers to see what else I could find.
I did find suitable garments and went back in the bathroom and took my shower. My cock was iron hard the whole time, so hard I could have hung a wet towel on it. I think too much blood left my head to keep my dick pumped up because I felt dizzy and knew I needed to pound it to feel better.
I was scaring myself, truly afraid of what I was capable of or might even do. I was so tense that I was actually breathing hard from the effect of maintaining a hard on and knew I had to do something before walking back out of the bathroom.
Out of the shower I stood in front of the mirror to look at myself. I wasn’t sure if I was staring myself down as a way of discipline or assessing my looks and vitality.
I didn’t think I looked that bad being 36 yrs old, I was fairly lean but a bit soft in the middle however, at 5’9″ and 160lbs I thought I was in good condition and could be appealing to a younger woman but a teen ?

Chapter 6: (A test of will)

By the time I finished up my hard on subsided, I noticed a bathrobe hanging on the back of the door so I threw that on along with some underwear. I walked out and Iris was sitting on the bed with her bag beside her and leaning back brushing her hair out.

“You sleep in here and I’ll make down the couch”, I said.

“Why can’t you stay back here to”, she quickly retorted.

I wanted to say “because I have to jerk off really bad when you fall asleep” or “I’m scared I may rape you” but instead,

“BECAUSE”, I said shrugging my shoulders.

“I’ve been scared to death every night, it would make me feel better…………………..for a change”, she said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

My mind was racing with thoughts and I laughed inside when she considered being “safe” with me in the same bed. In one way it was like why I would turn down this offer/request and in the other way why I should turn it down. She kept that look on her face until I relented.
Then another thing hit me about me suddenly not being alone, I loved to sleep in the nude but that wouldn’t be happening.
In our new world how would there be reasonable privacy, for either of us. There were so many things and situations to get through, work out or get accustomed to.

“Alright”, I said.

She smiled and finished brushing her hair which now thoroughly washed and dry was smooth and silky with a nice sheen to it.

“I’m not tired right now, I’m going to see if they have some DVD’s in here and maybe watch a movie or something”, I said.

“Yeah, let’s do that”, she said.

I was hoping she would lay back here and fall asleep then I could pound one out and go to sleep myself. She had already found the DVD stash when she was organizing the place earlier. We decided on a movie and put it in while we sat back on the couch as the large LCD TV came to life. The movie was just getting started and Iris spoke up,

“Popcorn would be good about now, there’s some in that pantry there”, she said pointing.

I looked at her nodding my head then got up and stuck a bag into the microwave and got a couple of soda’s from the fridge. I put the popcorn in a bowel, grabbed the drinks and sat back on the couch.
She turned to the side and leaned back against the armrest and stretched her legs out across my lap while she positioned the popcorn bowel in her lap.
This is the way it was for the next 2 hrs while we watched the movie and before it was over she had fallen asleep. I eased out from under her legs and let her lay on the couch.

Taking one good long look while she was laid out in nothing but her night shirt I badly wanted to pick up the front of her shirt and take just a quick peek.
I began to reach down to do it and just as my hand got close she breathed in and turned her head. I stood up straight and quickly walked away to fetch a blanket to cover her and turned off the TV.
I went to the bed and crawled in, positioned myself and grabbed my aching dick then started massaging it slow and easy. I breathed in deep then let it out with a sigh of relief.
I didn’t want to get it over with quick rather I wanted to enjoy it by building myself to a climax. In my mind Iris was bent over sucking me while I laid back and watched her work my dick with her mouth.
After a little bit I fast forwarded things in my mind and was now behind her lining up my cock with her snatch. I imagined my cock sliding inside of her while she grunted loudly, then as I began to fuck her she moaned with pleasure as my cock stretched her young pussy……………………,

“Terry” ?, she called out nervously.

“Yeah” I responded.

She sprang up from the couch and quickly moved through the door and onto the bed.

“I woke up and got scared”, she said in a quivering voice.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you up”, I said.

I felt her dig her hand under and pull back the covers to slide in, I scooted over to make plenty of room.

“Don’t’ scare me like that, I thought you were gone”, she said.

“Everything’s alright, let’s just get some sleep”, I said in a reassuring tone.

I rolled to my side away from her and moved over to give plenty of room and she laid down with her back to me. I had a major boner and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.
I concentrated on the logistics of day to day living and figuring out potential problems and soon my dick began to soften and finally began to drift to sleep.
I slept for an undetermined time then woke up but still groggy and it was dark out. I had been dreaming but couldn’t remember what it was about.
My cock was incredibly hard so I instinctively grabbed it and worked my hand up and down a few times then I remembered I wasn’t alone anymore as I felt something against my back.
It was Iris and she had her head in my back with her arms curled up to her chest. She was settled in and sleeping soundly and since it was too early I didn’t want to wake her but wished I could get some much needed relief.
This was going to be torture of the highest magnitude now and in the future, I was just going to have to get used to this and adapt. Of course I still had needs which would have to be met and I would have to figure out places and times to take care of it.

The next time I woke up it was daylight but just barely either way I figured I had enough sleep and aggravation so it was time to get up and prepare for the day.
I gently crawled out from under the covers then grabbed the bathrobe. Iris moved a little then turned and curled up and continued to sleep.
She was a very pretty young girl (which I constantly had to remind myself of the “young” part) and she looked so angelic laying there. She had a leg sticking out from under the covers which was smooth, tanned and perfect plus her beautiful hair was splayed out across the pillow.

I wanted to see her naked so bad I couldn’t stand it I mean she was perfect. There wasn’t one flaw I could see on her, not an ounce of fat a blemish or anything that seemed out of proportion. I stood there and uncovered her with my eyes and imagined her gentle curves and perfect smooth taught skin right down to her pure presumably untouched young cunt.
I didn’t do it but went to the bathroom because I had to pee and of course my cock was hard. Once I was able to force my cock down to piss I sat down and began to pound it yet easy enough where I wouldn’t shake things.
I wanted to cum while imagining I was inside that sweet girl…………..

“ARE YOU HERE”, Iris asked in an urgent tone.

“DAMN IT”, I said under my breath then I answered, “SURE, be out in a minute”.

I made up my mind right there that I was just going to have to drop this, get it off my mind and focus on all the tasks at hand.
We were pretty much ready to go but with no real schedule to keep we ate some breakfast then after wards I gave the whole rig the once over around the exterior then we headed out.

Iris was in the passenger seat, legs propped up on the dash and she was leaning back enjoying the ride. I couldn’t help if my eyes went up her legs and traced her outline again. She had just the right amount of meat on her upper legs, which looked squeezable, her legs tapered down to her ankles, all in perfect proportion.
The meat on her upper legs accentuated her hip to waist ratio and the way she laid back in the seat with her head cocked to one side looking out of the passenger window she seemed to not have a care in the world.
Her slender neck was exposed which I followed right down to the bumps which made up her titties.
I kept promising to keep my mind off of such things but she was a female, the only female in the world for all I knew. She turned her head and looked at me then smiled.
My head was pointed in her direction but I diverted my eyes out the window then I looked at her nodded my head back to convey a “hey there” then smiled back and turned to look straight ahead. I didn’t look at her anymore as I drove back to my town.

Chapter 7: (Down to business)

Iris and I conversed while I drove and I laid out my immediate plans for when we got back into my town. I wanted her to know what to expect and be sure she kept her wits about her.
I was still nervous about simply being outside for any length of time because I feared attack. Not necessarily by unknown people rather by animals, at least the domesticated animals that no longer were being taken care of.

Then again I still had the feeling of being watched but perhaps it was paranoia induced by eerie silence plus still not believing that there weren’t others out there.
Maybe not in the immediate area anyway but somewhere, especially since I found Iris. That alone confirmed the fact to me that we can’t be the only ones. If there are others then how dispersed is everyone and how is it some are left. Is it a random effect but then again I guess it depends on what it was happened?

The whole premise was just too big to comprehend and thinking of it was giving me a headache. I could get that out of my mind now though because I was finally back in my area which would mean I could focus on getting down to business and put my mind on things that I could solve.
We didn’t waste much time once I pulled into my neighborhood and parked.
I bypassed my place and stopped at the prepper house where I found the cache of stored food and various other survival supplies.
This is where that huge trailer attached to the motor coach was going to come in handy.

We opened the trailer, it was a double deck type and the owners had a boat on the upper rack and a car on the bottom plus there was a motorcycle in the front. After unloading the car and boat (leaving the motorcycle inside) I backed the rig up to the house and we began to move the supplies into the trailer.
The trailer was huge and there were more survival supplies than I thought because it covered almost the entire floor two layers deep.

This took us took us some time and before we knew it we realized it was lunchtime. It wasn’t like time mattered much these days but it helped regarding some sense of normalcy.
We closed the trailer and went into the coach to make some lunch and rest up from the exhausting work of carrying all the supplies.
Once this was done I drove the rig to my house, backed it up the driveway and began to gather a few of my things that would be put into the trailer while some things went into the coach. This didn’t take much time at all since I only took some tools, clothes, pictures and various other keepsakes from a life that once was.

We sat back from what has so far been a very busy day but it was still very early yet and suddenly Iris spoke up,

“I need clothes”, she said.

I didn’t think about it myself and it appears she didn’t either. She was only supposed to be gone with her father for a week and had been washing out the few clothes she did have in the sink for the last couple months.

“Tell you what, just a few miles down the road are some stores so let’s go get both of us some things”, I said.

“LET’S GO”, she said excitedly while she jumped up.

We walked back to the house where we took the supplies from to get the car we unloaded from the trailer, fortunately the keys were on the ring with the motor coach keys. I had my pistol with me but before we left my house I fetched another weapon (an assault type of rifle), courtesy of the prepper’s, because I just wanted to be more prepared when heading out.

Iris looked a bit nervous when I slung the weapon over my shoulder,

“You can’t be too careful”, I said.

I handed her a huge flashlight to carry and we walked to the vehicle started it up and took off toward town. As we were on the highway she was excited when she saw a deer but then became more subdued when she saw it was being chased by a pack of dogs. She turned to look at me with worry on her face.

“That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about”, I said calmly.

I had more worries than that but I wasn’t going to express it to her and I didn’t want her to think I was paranoid even though that’s what I was feeling.
I had to be strong for both of us but she was fairly strong for such a young girl. She certainly wasn’t just the “girly” type but obviously had strength given she was alone for the last couple months.
It was tough enough being an adult and finding yourself suddenly all alone but to be 18 and find yourself plunged into this situation yet still be coherent and look after herself was a testament to her flexibility.
I guess it comes down to just two things, fall apart and wither away or face the situation and deal with it.

As we drove into town we saw a particular store where we could obtain clothes but first I drove passed it and circle around the back to see if there were any open doors. I wanted to assess the security before entering the store. I then went back around to the front and stopped at the front door.
Iris pulled the door handle and was about to jump out when I grabbed her arm. She looked at me with disgust then I turned my head to indicate she should look out my window.
There was a large dog of unknown breed about 100′ from the car and it was looking right at us. I turned back to Iris who had a look on her face now that expressed “sorry”.
I grabbed the rifle off the seat and examined it. I was not at all familiar with various types of guns but it seemed simple enough. Pull the lever back then release and switch the safety off.

“Your not going to hurt it are you”, she asked with a look of pleading in her eyes.

“Only as a last resort sweetie”, I responded.

I opened the door got out and stood. Iris opened her door got out and walked around the front of the car. I didn’t say anything to her but couldn’t understand why she didn’t have more fear. I figured her to stay in the car until she got a signal from me that it was OK.

When the dog saw her come around the front of the car it showed its teeth. While keeping my eyes on the dog I held up a hand to indicate Iris should be still.
I heard the dog growl so I dropped my hand and put it on the weapon then brought it up. The dog started to bark veraciously, I aimed towards but still away from the animal and squeezed the trigger.
Apparently it had been modified to full auto, before I could get my finger off the trigger multiple shots rang out and the dog turned then took off and kept going until out of sight.
With the threat gone we turned attention to the store and went inside with me leading the way. I shined the light around and made noises so our presence was known then stood ready for “anything”.

I wanted to be certain so we could be at ease, with her behind me we looked down each isle and then in the back area. Satisfied it was just us we grabbed carts and started shopping.
I instructed her to get plenty of clothes the size she wears now plus get plenty of the next size up as well. We individually busied ourselves with this task and every once in a while Iris would call my attention to look at particular article of clothing she picked. She was practical and self indulgent, as she still should be, and had picked out some very pretty dresses. One in particular she insisted in trying on to get my opinion.

I was surprised the store still had such clothing in stock given winter was just around the corner. She appeared around the corner with a sundress on. It was blue, it fell just above her knee’s and had thin straps on top which helped show plenty of her upper chest as well as her back.
She twirled around then stretched her arms out each side to invite comment.

“It’s alright”, I said nonchalantly.

The smile dropped from her face her body slumped and her arms fell. I looked at her crestfallen face and then a smile slowly formed on my face and I tightened my lips to keep my smile in check,

“Very pretty”, I said while nodding my head in approval. She perked up and beamed back at me with a wide smile.

“You really think so”, she asked.

“You make that dress look good”, I said.

It wasn’t possible for her to smile any bigger than what she was doing now and she looked like she was about to explode. She bounced up and down in extreme excitement then ran up and wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me hard.
I put my arms around her neck while she buried her face in my chest and I kissed the top of her head.
She eased her hold then looked up and her eyes were radiant while still showing a softness. My eyes darted to several points on her face then I looked into her eyes then brought my hand up to brush the hair from her forehead,

“Let’s get our things and get out of here”, I said.

She hugged me again then spun around and bounced back to the isle she was shopping on then returned with her cart. She was so happy she couldn’t contain it and I think I made her day, hell she made my day too.
I looked at the contents of her cart and noticed she had almost everything she would need except for a couple of items.

“I see you have plenty of clothes but you’re not done yet”, I said.

She was frantically looking into her cart and while I realized she was still clueless I spoke up.

“You think you might need some under garments as well”, I said with my eyebrows raised.

She slumped and rolled her eyes like to say duh, then turned around and headed for the section that contained bras and panties. I so wanted to help her pick those things out while at the same time not even wanting to think about it.

“GET PLENTLY OF BOTH”, I shouted to her.

I was almost praying that her practicality stopped at picking those items. I was imagining different colors and styles. I was killing myself with naughty thoughts of this young girl standing in front of me wearing cartoon character panties, maybe having her hair in pigtails…………,

“Stop it”, I said on a low voice.

Chapter 8: (Temptation)

It has been quite a day so far but there wasn’t time to relax as we got back to the RV. We unloaded our things from the car and started the task of sorting through our newly obtained items then clearing out some of the personal items that belonged to the prior owner.
Once that was accomplished we began to stow our things away until early evening when we took a break only to prepare dinner and eat.

After eating and sitting around for a short bit we went right back to work and didn’t stop until darkness fell. We stopped about the same time almost like we knew what the other was thinking.
We looked at each other and let out a breath in mock exhaustion then sat back for a short time before putting in a DVD so we could watch a movie and relax.
It helped give a sense of normal behavior to keep busy before lounging around, showering, TV and all the typical routines we were used to back in the other world.

As it was yesterday evening we made popcorn, got some drinks then sat on the couch to watch the movie. Iris plopped right down next to me and leaned in turning slightly so she rested her head against me which caused me to raise my arm to give her room. She grabbed my arm and pulled it around her and held on as she snuggled in for the duration.

“You’re my new boyfriend now”, she blurted out.

I laughed out loud then patted the top of her head then stroked her hair a few times. I was more relaxed then aroused by that comment along with her being snuggled up to me. I was exhausted and the movie kept my attention meaning I didn’t allow myself to even start thinking about sex. It was nice sitting there and having her next to me, the contact was reassuring for both of us.
The movie was close to being over and I had already figured the end,

“I’m going to take a shower now”, I said as I began to pull away and stand up.

“OHHHHH”, she moaned in reluctance.

Regardless of her want for me to remain I gently pushed her away from me then stood up and headed to the bathroom and cleaned up.
I stepped out of the bathroom and walked through the bedroom which led to the kitchen. Iris had just finished cleaning up from dinner and our movie snacking. I marveled at her practicality, efficiency and certain maturity given her age and our situation,

“Pretty and efficient”, I said.

“And you are smart and strong”, she said with a smile.

I went to bed while she went into the bathroom to shower. I laid there thinking about the day and all the things we managed to get done as well as all the things still to be done.
I/we had the near future to plan and I let my mind spin with varying scenarios of the future like where we would go.
I felt it best to be away from any towns yet making sure we were able to get water, deal with waste/sewage, and obtain fuel and other logistics for daily existence.
My thoughts were broken as Iris exited the bathroom. She had dried her hair and brushed it out and of course she had on just her night shirt. I watched her as she walked past the bed and out the door to the kitchen. I wanted to know what color panties she had on under that shirt.

She looked so pretty and sweet with her slight body and long hair. She walked with comfort and like she didn’t have a worry in the world.
I intended for her to keep her innocence and lack of worry as much as possible by providing things and not ripping away her security by ravaging her scrumptious young body. The little head had overridden the big head and my cock stiffened up.
It did have a mind of its own but the rest of me was going to remain indifferent. I turned onto my side about the time Iris came back in and pulled the cover back to crawl in.
I didn’t say anything and neither did she at least for the next several minutes.

“Tell me we’re going to be alright”, she said.

I turned over while she remained in position keeping her back to me.

“Of course we will, what are you worried about”, I asked.

“Everything”, she said.

“We made it this far. We’ll keep our minds occupied and deal with things as they come, it’ll be alright”, I said.

“I get scared and think about things more at night and have trouble going to sleep”, she said.
“I know, it’s that way for me to”, I said.

There was silence for another minute then she spoke.

“Would you snuggle with me” ?, she asked.

I rolled my eyes and in my mind while thinking “please don’t do this to me”. I had to diffuse this and get on with the task of going to sleep and getting her sweet little body off my mind.

“Iris, I don’t think”………, my words were cut off as she suddenly scooted back and crashed into my rock hard dick.

“Oh my”, she said.

I reached a hand down placing it on her hip to push her away while I moved back.

“Sorry about that”, I said as I patted her hip.

“It’s OK, you’re my boyfriend now”, she said while she flipped over and moved to me.

I pulled my hips back some more to keep from making contact again yet my arm went over her waist with my hand flat on her back.
It was cute the way she referenced me as her “boyfriend” but she obviously didn’t understand things. I didn’t want to scare her, shatter her sense of security or her innocence now and going forward.
I felt that perhaps some straight talk was needed yet I had to do it tactfully. I would ease into it and if she didn’t get it then I would be blunt.

“Sweetie, I’m proud you consider me your boyfriend but I’m old enough to be your father”, I said in a gentle tone.

“That’s OK”, she blurted out.

I let out a frustrated breath, frustrated from my attempt plus the sexual frustration. It was time to be a little more direct.

Iris, I’m a grown man and you are a very pretty girl ………..and……um………..”, I went silent while I searched for words.

I was debating whether to directly reference sex, age, desires and all that.
I wanted to be really direct but still had to be aware of her sensitivities. I was instinctively stroking her hair while I attempted to explain it to her and I almost wanted to cry because of the mix of thoughts and emotions racing through me.
I let out a loud sigh.

“I know and it’s ok”, she said in a whisper.
I tried to make sense of what she just said but didn’t know what that meant. It could easily be taken out of context especially in my state of mind but I wanted to put it in the context that I wanted.
My body was still facing towards her but I rolled my head back and was looking straight up. It was totally dark but my eyes were open and I was staring into nothingness.

She gently moved closer to me and I didn’t even attempt to thwart it, my hand which was running down the back of her head as I stroked her hair then it kept going until I reached the middle of her back before I stopped.
I could feel her ease towards me and I closed my eyes tight willing my cock to instantly go limp and the desire inside of me to vanish.
That wasn’t going to happen and with my resolve quickly melting away with my mind in a spin.

Justifying what I wanted to do I let my hand slowly drift down to her lower back. I stopped as my fingers reached the inward curve of her back just too where it met her butt. I wished for a last second jolt of renewed strength but it wasn’t forthcoming.
I wanted and had to know what her body felt like, I wanted it pressed next to me while I smelled her hair and let my hands explore her young body.

I swallowed, ready for whatever may happen as I let my hand move over the curve of her ass. It was so firm and round and since she didn’t even flinch I gently squeezed then continued over her butt then down the back of her legs.
She felt so good, firm, smooth and curvy. I pulled my hand back and ran it back up and over her hip and followed her waist up then let my hand fall to her back then began to repeat my prior movements.
My cock was hard and throbbing with movement from me involuntarily flexing its muscles. The strain from the underwear and shorts I had on made it hurt. I still had my head facing up with my eyes still closed tight while I waited for some kind of force to descend and cause me to stop.

My hand was seeing what my eyes couldn’t while I pictured her naked body in my mind based on the contours my hand was feeling.
I suddenly felt her hand on the outside of my shorts feeling the hardness it contained, my eyes flew open. I suddenly began to pull her to me as I turned my head and upper body to line up with her.
Now closer I ran my hand under her shirt and felt her bare legs then up to feel the soft panties covering her ass.
I then went up her back then down her side while she squeezed the lump in my shorts. I let my fingers go under the top of her panties and pulled with my fingers to bring my entire hand under her panties and squeezed her butt.

Chapter 9: (Restraint)

She rotated her lower body to be more flat while her torso was still facing me. We moved our faces to each other and I lightly touched her lips with mine, parting with only a lightly audible smack.
This made things much more intimate and personal and she responded by lying entirely flat on her back. I moved with her and continued to give her light kisses while I moved my hand up her stomach, across her titties then back down to feel the top prize.

I wanted to just rip her panties off but I still had a modicum of restraint, because she was not a full grown woman it was best to proceed gently.
This was but one moment I had dreamed of and wanted, the anticipation of even fingering a very young pussy was making me quiver as my hand went under the front of her panties.
My fingers went over her smooth mound with my middle finger lining up to her slit. I ran it over and down to her taint then stiffened my middle finger and pressed down then pulled back letting it spread her lips.

I was surprised at her wetness not to mention the ease in which my finger opened her. I wasn’t an expert in fingering young girls and if or how wet they could get.
I let out a breath after not even realizing I stopped breathing while I made my initial attempt.
Once I had pulled my finger up her slot she also breathed out as if with relief.
Now that my finger was wet it slipped in as I went back down from the top before bringing it back up again.
Her stomach went into spasms while I started rubbing her young cunt. I went back to lightly kissing her lips then nuzzled my nose along the side of her face and went to work on her neck. Her young skin was so smooth and firm and I desperately wanted to get her naked and have access to her entire body.

I moved myself up onto my knees and began to pull her panties down and work them over her legs as I continued to kiss her neck and upper chest. I felt I had to cause a diversion by kissing her face and neck while I gently removed her panties.
Her pussy was not the only thing I wanted or had intentions on so I didn’t want her to think it was my only focus.
It was restraint more than anything with me being so easy. It is really my nature in general but there are times when you want or need to dispense with that and just be a wild animal.

It has been a long time since I have had sex and with all the frustrations I really wanted to just bury my cock deep into her young cunt then pound into her until I was satisfied. I was also torn with wanting to take my time and explore her body since this was our first time.
I did want to take my time and really enjoy it and make sure she did as well. I refocused my mind to let my animal desire simmer while continuing to work on her young body.
Once I had her panties off I ran my hands up each leg over her hips and up the sides of her body bring her shirt with them.

She raised her arms up over her head to ease its removal. Now my mind’s eye was working overtime to picture the naked body that lay before me in complete darkness. I wanted to turn on the light so I see her but I didn’t dare stop what we were doing right now, not even for a second.
I was on my knee’s hovering over her and again started by lightly kissing her lips then her neck and worked my way down. I took turns with each of her nipples by gently sucking and licking them.
This made her squirm a little as it must have tickled. Satisfied with my work there I moved down her firm stomach leaving a trail of kisses while making a beeline to her cunt.

On my knees beside of her I wanted to move down and position myself to be head on with her young snatch so I could lick it then when done with that I could move straight up and mount her.
I still had the thought that fucking her may be a step beyond what she was ultimately willing to let me do. I already reconciled that if she absolutely didn’t want me to penetrate her then I wouldn’t, at least I think I wouldn’t.

Chapter 10: (Assumptions)

The thought of being so horny and actually living out the fantasy of having sex with such a pretty sexy and innocent looking young girl was powerful. Given our new existence and the rules which applied in the old world were now stripped away was almost too much to tolerate.
On top of that I had the prospect of taking her virginity which at this time was something I actually didn’t relish.

Under “normal” circumstances I would be foaming at the mouth to be the first one in, especially one that is this young would have been the ultimate.
Any other time and any other circumstance would have been a dream but I really didn’t want to put in all the time and work associated with virginity right now. I wanted and needed something I could warm up, slide my cock in and have some much needed yet still passionate sex.
The simple act of mutual pleasure and need was something that would more likely be with a much older and experienced female.

I was still on my knees positioned beside her but I moved farther up her body, like the 69 position, so when I leaned down I would have my mouth at her cunt.
There were no movements on her part other than her squirms, quivering and stomach spasms. She still had her arms above her head and was simply enjoying the pleasure I was giving her.
While the prospect of having to work my cock into her virgin pussy wasn’t appealing to me right now the thought of having my tongue in it was. My mouth was salivating heavily so I licked my lips in preparation which caused a loud smacking sound. I leaned down while wrapping my hands under her legs.
I pulled them as she bent her legs at the knees and planted her feet on the bed then opened them to give me the access I needed. I placed my mouth over her mound which caused her to tense up. When I ran my tongue down her slit a spasm hit her tummy and she wiggled her hips,

“it tickles”, she said in a breathless whisper.
Of course this was the type of reaction I hoped for. Knowing I was giving her extreme pleasure and sensations only made my fire rage hotter than ever before.
Keeping my mouth covering her entire mound I licked again and again which caused more of the same reactions. I reveled at the feeling of her young cunt, it was slightly puffy and soft, more than I would have thought with a girl so young.

I pulled my mouth off her and began to lightly lick her outer labia which was more pliable then I expected however, the sensation caused her to raise her hips off the bed.
I worked the tip of my tongue in to taste the fresh pink softness of her inner labia which caused her to take a breath and hold it. I was just as excited as she was by the sheer act of it alone not to mention the taste of her and wrongness of it all.
Working my hands to each side I used my fingers to open her up and began to lap at her slit then work down and insert the tip of my tongue into her opening.

The saliva flowed from my mouth, down my tongue onto and into her quivering pussy. I was lapping at her like a dog, the more she bucked and wiggled the faster I licked.
I wasn’t sure who was more worked up into a frenzy, me or her.
I was getting wild, the wetter she got the more it took for me to maintain control and keep myself from mounting her and running my throbbing meat deep inside.
Saving the best for last I finally began to attack her clitoris, she was panting and wiggling like mad from sensations that she obviously never experienced before.

Knowing that they can get way to much of a good thing I stopped the assault on her clit and again worked my tongue along her entire slit before finally pulling off and moving back but letting my finger rub deep into her slot while I caught my breath.
I was ready for the ultimate act, I wanted to ask her if she was ready but I was now beyond my earlier inhibition and resolve. I didn’t want to hear the word NO at this point.
I wanted to get into position and if need be I would talk her into it then deal with the ramifications after wards.
I stopped working my finger into her slot and pulled my shorts and underwear off in one motion then quickly got shed of my shirt. I moved down to position my body between her open legs then tightly closed my eyes.

I was looking for the strength to keep myself from taking her without consent but I just had to get it no matter what.

“This is going to hurt a little”, I asked.

My eyes still closed I prayed for a response I desperately wanted to hear.

“I’ve done it before”, she said softly.

I couldn’t believe what she said though I was relieved. Even though her and some boy may have done it this was going to be much different.
I leaned over her while guiding my meat to her entrance and once I made contact I stopped. I know how small she is and without having light to see by I knew my cock head alone had to cover her entire cunt.
Working my cock up and down her slit caused a tingling feeling on my head and I was dizzy with anticipation.

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