
A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part One

Based on the Online RP Game Everquest II

He was a handsome but silly boy. He fought inexpertly with his tin longsword as he and the girl, Cadwarra, hunted spiders in the Forest Ruins. Like her, he was a Wood Elf. “A Wood Elf with a woody!” she thought as she noticed how his shiny new leather leggings were filled with something that bulged appreciatively as he fought. He stared at Cadwarra’s chest whenever they rested between melees. She had big ones.

More and more as the morning wore on, it was only Cadwarra that hunted spiders. He mostly stared at her breasts as they bounced inside the leather tunic in sympathy with her ever-improving sword strokes. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught him trying to look down her loose fitting tunic as she bent to retrieve a valuable jewel one spider had some how pilfered and kept. Back home, she had caught other boys looking down her top and had invariably been annoyed by this. For some reason this boy’s peering was somehow pleasurable. Maybe it was the loneliness of the huge City that was affecting her that way.

He craned his neck unsublty. She saw him out of the corner of her eye. She knew the rawhide front of her tunic had fallen open so as to reveal everything to his horny gaze but she did nothing about it. In fact, she stayed bent over the dead spider a ridiculously long time, pretending to have trouble freeing the jewel from the lifeless spider claw and feeling that pleasant tingly warmth between her legs. He stared down her top and she knew her tits were jiggling for his pleasure as she pulled and twisted on the jewel. She increased her efforts so as to make her tits shake even more rapidly. She wanted him to look, for some reason. Her nipples began to harden. She liked that he was seeing them rise into inviting pink stalks. He saw that they were thick and and rose high from her areole.

“You’re hot” He said as she finally stood up. His voice quavered nervously, not knowing how this girl would take his remark.

Cadwarra pretended naivity as she stood and answered “Yes, the sun is almost directly above us. This fighting is warm work.”

Very briefly, a barely discernable look of annoyance flashed across his face at her appearant misunderstanding of his ‘compliment’. Then he recovered and gave Cadwarra a goofy grin that was presumably an attempt at a charming smile. “I know a place we can go to cool off. I think we have cleared a good many of these pests from the forest. Lets go get our bounty and take a break.” He suggested.

Despite her deliberate flashing of her mams and the pleasure it had invoked, Cadwarra would have preferred to rid herself of the company of the young lad. But a rest seemed a good idea and she did not know how to refuse without hurting his feelings. She nodded ok.

His erection still obvious, he clumsily took her hand and walked with her back up the slope to where the sergeant was paying bounties for each spider killed. He did not seem to mind that his meat was explicitly outlined to Cadwarra, but as he approached the two battle-scarred old guards he held his shield awkwardly in front of himself, trying to not appear like a foolish boy hiding his hard-on.

The Sargeant was pure professional. He watched Cadwarra and the boy approach. A faint but genuine smile greeted Cadwarra as she caught him studying her. They waited as the other guard counted 24 mandibles and made to pay Cadwarra the full bounty earned.

“No”, the boy cut in rudely “Half those spiders were mine!”

The guard glanced at the sergeant for direction.

The Sargeant stared at the boy. His upper lip curled either in amusment or disdain. “If the lady says so…..” He intoned flatly and raised his brow at Cadwarra. He had been watching them and figured in truth, she deserved all the coin, having done all the fighting.

Cadwarra nodded politely. “Yes, half are his.”

“Well, then” the sergeant motioned the other guard to pay the boy and told the lad dryly as he glanced pointedly at Cadwarra’s pretty figure “looks like you’ve got something coming to you.”

The other guard laughed. Cadwarra blushed. The boy, completely missing the soldiers’ crude joke, held out his hands for half the coin and huffed “Darn right.” He neither thanked the soldiers nor Cadwarra as he pocketed the pay. At least the exchange had distracted him and his hardness was no longer bulging out for all to see.

“Come on, kid”, he ordered and took her hand again without waiting for her to finish putting her share of the bounty safely into her hidden pocket, “let me show you this place I found. It is really pretty.” He pulled her towards the gate leading to the Baubleshire.

The sentry remarked to the sergeant as he watched to two young people walk away. “No doubt it is the same place he took that half-elf girl he met yesterday.” he told his subordinate “The one that wouldn’t talk to him this morning.”

They laughed briefly and resumed their duties.


It really was quite nice, the place to which he lead her. Cadwarra made a note to someday bring a genuine love interest to the place, one she would better enjoy the place with. A small waterfall splashed down onto rocks into a still pool of water. A few trout swam around. He lead her to a tiny island and they sat down in the shade.

A High Elf male wondered past, a fishing pole in hand and a creel obviously laden wih fresh fish. He glanced at the two of them, his eyes rested on Cadwarra and gave her a friendly smile.

This was not a bit to the boy’s liking. “She’s taken.” he spat at the Koada’Dal.

Ignoring the outburst, the fisher shrugged and left. He had only wanted to share some of his catch with them since he had done so well. One can’t have too many friends. No matter.

“I found this place yesterday,” the boy explained ‘this person I hunted with took me here. Sh…..er….He brought me here and we went swimming to cool off.”

Presuming Cadwarra was going to dive in, he stripped off down to his underleggings, his chest nicely muscled. “Come on” He said impatiently “Get undressed and jump in!”

Cadwarra was begining to find the boy a pain, but a swim would wash away the sweat and spider ichor. She pulled off her leathers and stood a moment folding them neatly. The points of her still erect nipples showed plainly under her threadbare cotton chemise. As she laid her outer garments in a neat pile she looked up to see him in the water staring at her breasts. His mouth hung open as he leered at them swaying gently as she approached the water’s edge. She looked straight at him, curious to see if she could embarass that him into not looking so blatantly. He caught her glance and tore his hungry eyes away.

Blushing under her glare, he tried to made an excuse for his ogling. “…..er…..I was just noticing…….That undershirt is really worn…….um….I was just thinking I should buy you a nice new one after you help me kill some more spiders tomorrow.” Then he could not keep his eyes above her neck any longer. He looked back at her chest.

“My chemise will last a while longer,” Cadwarra responded non-committedly, ignoring where he was looking. She sank into the water up to her neck so he would stop leering at her chest and swam toward the him. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. She did not know why she let him do that but she foolishly nestled her body into his.

Without ceremony, he lewdly pressed his hard meat into her thigh and grinned at her like he was doing her some special favour. He started to move jerkily as he slowly masturbated against her. He raised his hand up towards her breast….

Deftly she twisted out of his grasp. A grip on his wrist, a spin in his arms and a small shift to the left and down and she was free and five feet from his grubby clutches. Oddly she liked the fact that he was interested, even if she was not. Her sexual arousal at his act was undeniable. Tunare! What was she doing?!

He almost looked hurt at her rejection so she nodded downstream. “There are people here….”

He turned and looked. “They are miles away” he snapped curtly at her “They can’t see anything!”

But she was back on the island putting on her clothes. He made the best of the situation and trod water while he watched Cadwarra dressing. Before she was able to cover up he got a good eyeful of her superbly rounded breasts swaying in her thin top. Soaked with water it was completely transparent, brown flesh showing under the wet fabric that molded to her boobs provocatively. Cold nipples stood out hard and thick under the thin cloth. He liked how unbelievably long they were. She straightened as she went to put her jerkin on. Her large areoles were plainly visible to him for a brief moment as she pulled it over her head then stood fully dressed, buckling her belt and sword back on.

She looked up to see him glaring angrily. “What’s the hurry?” he shot out “We just got in.”

“I want to get more bounties” She lied. Really she just wanted to get out of his company. She had not met any friends since arriving in Qeynos and perhaps this had affected her judgement. It was fun letting a handsome boy have a look, but she never meant to let it go anywhere more intimate. She just enjoyed feeling wanted by someone for the first time in a long time, even if it was just physical wanting and even if the immature boy wanting her was a total creep.

He was the epitome of sulkiness as he waded onto the island beside where his clothes were discarded. “I just don’t see that you had to lead me on like that if you didn’t want to do it.” he grumbled as he pulled his clothes on.

She could see his hard dick fully awake. It looked very stiff as it pushed the wet leggings out in an attractive erection. Despite herself, Cadwarra took a nice long lingering look at it. He saw her looking and grinned, happy to think she was finally paying attention to his special attribute. He could not know she was remembering another boy’s cock, a nicer boy, and was wishing he and his hardness were here in this lovely shaded place instead of her present companion. With him, she would have been glad to ‘do it’.

“Tell you what” he said pressing his perceived advantage, “Let’s go get a bunch more spiders, then go to my place. You can stay the night.”

“No, I need to meet my trainer tonight. He was appointed to help me by the Queen’s Guard, so I can’t miss him.” She said. Hearing that, he was broodingly silent for a long moment then let out a long audible breath in frustration. He stood there glowering, not looking her way, staring off into empty space.

“Thank you for the help today” She said hastily in order to fill the angry silence and turned, wanting to rid hersef of his unpleasant company. She hurriedly set off down the stream towards the gate over to Willow Wood.

Seeing her leaving he snapped out of his mood in a hurry. “My name is Falco” He called after her “…..See you tomorrow at the Forest Ruins!”


She determined to stay away from the Forest Ruins for a week, not wanting to see Falco.

The very next day she found a group of Dwarves in The Caves and she helped clear out a few pesky Gnolls. That got her some nicer armour and enough money to order Vulrich Steak & Ale that night and to be able to afford to spend a few days practicing her skills instead of doing bounties.

At night, in her small room, her thoughts lingered on the boy-lover she had grown up with. The same she had thought of when she was with Falco by the falls in the Baubleshire.

She heard the High Elf girl next door come home. She lay there and through the thin walls heard a male voice talking. That High Elf was so proud and haughty whenever Cadwarra encountered her in the morning but she sure liked to bring the men home each evening. As the bed next door began to creak Cadwarra masturbated and thought some more about that boy from long ago.

His name was Fayt. She thought how he had nervously taken her to celebrate the Goddess Tunare, his hand trembling as he lead her into the privacy of the woods. She had sucked him off. His cum pulsed eagerly into her mouth and she gulped it down. The cum had tasted thick and sweet as maple syrup.

Only on the third night, after much talking and gentle coaxing, had she permitted him to properly honour Tunare with her. They made inexpert love. The moonlight fell through the leaves and danced on his magnificently arching back, sinewy muscles flexing as he, inexperienced though he was, gave her the pleasure of his hardness.

After that they did it as often as they could. And often Tunare had even blessed them with that highest reward; they had cum together. That was all behind her, now.

Her climax mounted while the High Elf started to moan loudly through the wall. She closed her eyes and remembered the handsome penis Fayt had driven into her before the Time of Trouble had separated them. Where was he now? Was he alive……?

The two women both orgasmed about the same time; the High Elf screaming her pleasure to her male, the Wood Elf alone and lonely.


When the money got low again at the end of the week, she walked back to the Forest Ruins to see if there were still bounties to be filled.

She entered slowly, wanting to be able to sneak away if she caught sight of Falco.

The old guards smiled at her in recognition. “That boyfriend of yours was here a couple times looking for you.” The sergeant warned her then added after a long pause in which she said nothing. “If I can offer the benefits of my experience, Lady Wood Elf, you can find better.”

“How so?” she asked, though she already agreed with him.

“He was asking me if we had seen ‘the little Feir’Dal girl with those bouncy tits’.” He explained bluntly. Like any old compaign soldier, he was direct.

Cadwarra frowned. “Thank you for letting me know. I plan to avoid him. Can I hunt some spiders for you, today, Sir? I need a few copper.

“’Fraid not, Lady, no bounties are authorized today. I think we cleared ‘em out good thanks to help such as you gave us.”

The other guard added. “We reported the badgers are getting overpopulated, we may be ordered to cull them with tomorrow’s set of orders. Come back and check then.”

Cadwarra was visibly disappointed. She needed some work today.

The Sargeant noticed her disappontment and held up his hand……”I can see you’re wanting some work, and you did well the other day. I’d like to keep you around for next time we need help. Tell you what. It’s a bit outside the rules, but you could go down to the beach and kill a few of those grinnins, usually one or two has some coppers on ‘em.

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