
A Not-So-Simple Life: Part 3

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Lexi’s little stunt stirred up a hornets nest of horny guys who all bombarded me with questions from all sides. And to make it worse, I was still laying on the ground, because no one had bothered to help me before getting into a shouting match with one another to try and get an answer from me. My headache was starting to grow larger and larger with each passing second, and I took a deep breath to explode on them, but someone beat me to the punch.

“Everyone be quiet!” Melissa roared causing everyone in the class to turn and face her. She cleared her throat and pointed at the door, “Unless you are in my class, or have a question for me, you need to leave. Right. Now. You can talk to Mr. Kingly after School if it’s that important.”

Although there were some frustrated looks, eventually people did clear out of the classroom. I held my hand up and Jason helped me to my feet. Glancing over at Melissa, our eyes met as I mouthed the words “I owe you” and with a nod I knew that she got the message, the only thing I couldn’t understand however was the look she gave me after that. If I had to guess, I’d say she was suspicious of me.

What the fuck did I do to deserve that? I’m the victim here.

“So, dude, who is she?” Shawn asked. “And can you introduce me?”

“Her name’s Lexi, she’s twenty-two, and if you want to meet her then grow a pair and introduce yourself because I don’t want anything to do with her. This conversation is over. I’m going back to sleep.”

“What about the lunch she made you?”

“Knock yourself out,” I handed it to him and he smiled with glee, snatching it up and taking it to his seat. I looked over at Jason, “Make sure no one wakes me up man, I’m not in the mood today.”

“Alright man,” he chuckled, getting up to go investigate the box lunch with Shawn.

I was out like the fat kid in a dodgeball game within seconds. Jason made sure to wake me up right before the bell rang, and with a little preparation, I was able to bolt out of school before anyone could even bring up the topic of Lexi again. When I got too work however, my jaw dropped to the floor once I entered the locker room.

I walked over to the door that led to the restaurant and flung it open, “Missy K! Get in here!”

My foot was impatiently tapping against the ground as Missy K walked through the door in a hurry.

“What is it? What’s wrong TK?”

“Why is she here?” I pointed at Lexi who was leaning up against the wall with a smile on her face.

“Excuse me?”

“Why the fuck is she wearing a restaurant uniform?”

“Because I hired her.”

“Fire her.”


“Fire her, right now!” I demanded.

“Awe you’re so mean,” Lexi teased, walking behind me and wrapping her arms loosely around my body. She leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek, causing me to clench both fists hard, fighting the urge to flip out on the spot because Missy K was standing only a few feet away. “Thanks again Missy K. I promise I won’t let you down.”

“No, thank you, I’m so glad someone else is finally living in the same house with TK. Puts my heart at ease now knowing that someone is looking after him. We offered but he refused every time.” Missy K shook her head, “So stubborn.”

“Oh he just likes to do things his own way.” She released me and headed for the door, “He’s been like that ever since he was a kid.”

“Oh yeah, I remember those days.”

They both shared a chuckle before Lexi waved goodbye and headed out the door.

“What. The. Fuck.” I said slowly.

“What’s the problem here TK?”

“Where do I start? How the fuck did she get a job here so quickly?”

“She came in during lunch and explained that she would be moving in with you and asked for a job here so she could be closer to you. I thought it was a good idea actually. This way if we can’t get a hold of you then we can always contact her. It’s a win-win for us because I was looking to hire someone anyway.”

“That’s it? That’s all it took?” I was visibly angry now. “She could be terrible at this job. Did you even check to see if she was capable of waiting tables? Someone walks off the street and claims to know me and they instantly get a job? What the fuck is this shit?”

“I remember your parents telling me that she used to babysit you before she had to move away, and Melody offered to teach her so we didn’t have to draw sticks for it. Plus, she was really excited to have another girl working with her.”

“That back stabbing cunt,” I mumbled underneath my breath.

“What was that?”

“I said I want her gone.”

“TK, you’re being childish.”

“You haven’t seen childish Missy K. I flat out REFUSE to work with her. And if she stays, then I’m going. There’s no ifs ands or buts about it. I’m not going to work here as long as she’s employed here. Get rid of her, NOW!”

“You better watch your tone.” She snapped, “Remember that I own this place TK, not you. I was the one who fudged the paperwork and let you work here for the last two years because you were too stubborn to leave your house. I was the one who followed you home every night you had late shift just to make sure you got there safely. Now, I’ve let you get away with more then you can imagine, even the few times that you’ve publically yelled at me I’ve still shrugged it off, but I’m not going to stand for this. You can’t bully me around TK, so I suggest you shut up, get dressed, and get your ass in the kitchen. And if you can’t do that, then you can find another job!”

Our eyes glared heatedly at one another. Like she said, it wasn’t the first time we got into an argument like this, and most of the time that it happened she would back down or find a middle ground with me.

But not this time.

Just the look in her shaky eyes told me that it was all or nothing. She showed me her hand, and now it my turn to do the same.

I opened my locker, grabbing my apron and extra set of keys that Melody must’ve placed inside after coming to work today, ripping off the two that were to this store and dropping them along with the apron on the ground. “I quit.”

Without another word, I walked out the back door and headed back home. It was rash, stupid, and stubborn, but I had a very clear line when it came to Lexi. If she’s involved, then I don’t want to be anywhere near it, and if that meant that I couldn’t keep my job, then it had to go. But now I had another problem.

How the fuck was I going to pay for the house?

I had enough money to pay the bills for the next three weeks plus change, but after that I don’t know what would happen. Although it was pretty much my new highest priority, I was going to save the job hunt for tomorrow. Today, I just wanted to hit something. When I got home, I immediately went into the garage, dropped my bag, and went to town on the punching bag that Rocky helped me install.

I don’t know how long I wailed away at that bag but it was one of the few times that I seriously went all out, throwing hooks and haymakers in between every couple jabs. It echoed throughout the hollow garage, and when it was finally over, I was drenched in sweat, hunching over to try and catch my breath.

“Shit,” I shouted, glancing down at my now cut up knuckles. Blood was slowly dripping down both hands now, and thanks to my now slowing adrenaline, the pain was starting sting making me regret not wrapping my hands or putting on gloves first. It was too late now though, and my rash decision quickly came back to bite me because every twitch off my hands brought an annoying amount of pain.

Although it was painful I managed to go upstairs and turn on the shower, hopping in and washing my knuckles off although the hot water stung like hell. When I was finished I headed downstairs, examining the cuts more closely now that they were semi-cleaned off. The moment I hit the bottom and turned to head for the kitchen however, my jaw dropped for the umpteenth millionth time in the past two days.

“How the fuck did you get in here!” I shouted.

Lexi was humming softly at the kitchen counter, stirring a pot of food and looking at me with a soft smile. “I used a key you dork. Remember when I took you home last night? You left your keys with someone at the restaurant so we almost had to go back but then you remembered that someone named Melissa left the spare key underneath the rug. By the way, who is Melissa? Oh, and why didn’t you wait for me after work? I wanted to walk home with you.”

“Look I don’t care! Get out of my house!” I turned and pointed but like an idiot, I forgot how badly that would hurt. “Son of a bitch!”

“What happened to your knuckles?” she shook her head before opening up the medicine cabinet, which incidentally was in the same spot it was six years ago, and grabbing out some gauze. “Come here and let me wrap them up for you.”

“Fuck you! I had to quit my job because of you, so you are absolutely the last person I want to see right now.”

“Why’d you quit? I thought we’d have fun working in that restaurant together,” she giggled. “Such a fun group of people too! You all have nicknames and everything. Can I call you TK too?”

“Shut the fuck up and get out of my house before I call cops on you!”

“Fine, fine,” she shrugged playfully, signaling that she was up to something. And I knew I was going to regret whatever it was. “But I think I should warn you that you’re only sixteen Tucker Kingly.” She sang my name as if it was a joyous tune. “So, if the police were to show up here randomly and find out that you’re living without parental or guardian supervision, then they might have to take you to a foster home. After that, who knows where you’ll end up?”

The sizzling pot became the sound of choice as I slowly wrapped my head around what she said. “Are you…blackmailing me?”

“Of course not. I came here because after I heard what happened to you, I was genuinely concerned for your safety. And, as a responsible adult, I will look after you like I did six years ago. Now, if you’d rather not have me stay here, then I can always arrange for the choice to be made for you. Either way, I’m not going to let you stay here alone anymore.” She walked over to me and flicked my forehead but I didn’t react, instead staring at her with murderous eyes. “I know you Tucker. I know that if you think you’re right, then you’re going to do it, and the only way to stop you, is to force you.”

“Other then the time you babysat me, we probably spent less then a month hanging out. You don’t know me you conniving, evil cu-”

“Ah, ah, ah,” with a finger wag, she interrupted me. “I don’t want to hear that language. Now let me see your hands.” Although it sounded like an offer, she grabbed one regardless and began wrapping it while I shook with rage. Once she was done with both she smiled and softly said, “There. All better.”

“What you’re doing is low. Almost as low as the shit you pulled six years ago. So if I’m forced to now live with you, then listen up. Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t be in the same room as me, and don’t try anything cute either! You pay half of the monthly bills, provide your own damn food, and stay the fuck out of my business. Period! Got it?”

“Dinner will be ready in a couple minutes.”

“Fuck you,” I growled and stormed off in the other direction.

I spent the rest of the night in my room, refusing to come out like the stubborn child everyone claimed me to be. In the middle of the night I was forced to get up and head down stairs however because I was dying of hunger. Sitting on the table, wrapped in what looked like tin foil to help preserve it, was the dinner that Lexi had made earlier. I looked at it disgustingly before grabbing it and throwing it in the trash, scouring the cupboards for some junk food to munch on. With my belly full of trash, I headed back upstairs and crashed on my bed.

When I woke up and got ready for school, I headed downstairs to find Lexi cooking once again.

“Good morning TK!”

“Don’t call me that. Ever.” She laughed as if it was all a joke but I wasn’t laughing, walking to the fridge and grabbing a water before turning to leave.

“Wait, I’m almost done with your lunch.”

“Don’t want it.”

“Then I’ll just have to deliver it to your class again.”

I stopped mid-step and looked at the ground. Heaving a heavy sigh, I turned around and fell onto the seat at the table to wait for her to finish. She set it in my lap a moment later and tried to kiss my forehead but I dodged it and headed for the door. My temper was slowly starting to get the better of me as I stormed out of my house, something that I never thought I’d ever do. It’s my own fucking house after all.

The worst part was that she was smiling the entire time. In fact, every time we talked she was smiling, even when I was yelling at her, she never once got mad.

I walked into my classroom, dropping off the box lunch on Shawn’s desk. “Happy birthday.”

“Awesome! Thanks man.”

Taking a seat at my desk, I examined my still achy hands as Jason took notice. “The hell happened to your hands?”

“Jason, am I crazy?” I asked, completely ignoring his question.

“I’m guessing there’s a back story behind this sudden life altering question?”

“In two days she’s managed to completely fuck up my life man. I quit my job, cut up my knuckles in a fit of rage, and don’t even have a say about whether or not she can stay in my own fucking house.” I looked at him.

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