
A Nintendo Fan’s Lust (2012 Re-write)



This is a story about me, the author, having sexual intercourse with Princess Peach from the Super Mario Bros. series; Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series; and Samus Aran from the Metroid series. I would like to note that the Zelda character playing in this story is not the blonde version from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but the brunette version from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. The Samus character is also not the blonde version from the new age Metroid games, but the classic green haired version from the original NES Metroid. I did not want to have three blondes total because I wanted to spice things up a bit. If you want to play as the classic Samus in Metroid, enter “Justin Bailey” in the password mode. The character Kamek Koopa in this story first made his appearance in Super Mario World, and serves as a captain under Bowser.

This story contains very mature sexual scenes, strong language, and you should be at least 18 years old when reading this. It contains scenes of sexual body fluids, including fluid splashing; fluid drinking; and detailed descriptions of female fertilization. It is your responsibility if you e-mail, post, or direct this story to anyone outside of the original website that it was posted in. If you repost it, please only do so in an adult forum complete with all of this text and the disclaimer. None of this fanfic should be butchered up into pieces, and submitted throughout the internet without the legal warning, and all of the text that is included in here. Also, no e-mails with crap such as “Dude, you seriously need to get laid.” I am 27 years old, and I’m getting married to my fiancée next year. This story was made for fun, pleasure, and anyone that wanted to enjoy it. If you have read the original 2005 version of A Nintendo Fan’s Lust, this re-write is an update that contains more detailed sexual scenes, and is more explicit compared to the original version.

~ A Nintendo Fan’s Lust (2012 Re-write) ~

It was dark outside with rain pouring outside my window. On days like this, I usually like to wrap myself in a blanket, and listen to my iPod. My favorite kind of songs I loved listening to, were ones that had emotion. Linkin Park was my favorite band because of this; it made me think how things could have been changed, or happened. It gave a sense of feeling to where I realized what reality really was about, especially when it was a loved one. Being nineteen years old in Arizona, many girls were interested in me, but I turned them all down because I was depressed. Why? I guess it was because I just felt they weren’t “the one” for me. I had this ideal soul-mate inside my head, and then later learned that there was no such thing as the perfect woman. I believe what caused this was me playing too much video games, and thinking everything was a fairytale. Princess Peach was a kind woman that loved to take walks at the fireworks, play a game of golf, and cuddle at a fire. Princess Zelda was a woman that enjoyed dinner by candlelight, loved to go on picnics, and held your arm while you had fun at the fair. Samus Aran didn’t seem to be the romantic type, but she still was very beautiful. Her tomboy personality made her the least of my favorites, but she looked like a gal that would love to have fun with you. These thoughts inside is what made me feel hurt, and I knew within that the chances of finding a woman like these three were close to zero percent. The women now days were sluts; gold-diggers; wore pants; smoked cigarettes; dressed like hookers with tight jeans and big breast implants; and it was a complete turn off. I had this belief inside me that women in general just weren’t romantic, and was just completely different from my expectations. This was my mistake I made at this age thinking like this, and now I lay here on my bed with my iPod, listening to sad songs while the rain continues to pour. What a sad mistake I made, rejecting all these women that came to me. I feel that they will be gone forever like a rose petal in the wind; a furnace going out; a shooting star in the sky. If I was just given a chance to enter the Nintendo universe and meet these three women, I would be the happiest man in the world. I gazed outside my window at the stars, and me being a religious person, I began praying. I prayed and expressed my love for them, and why I wanted to meet them. I was answered, and I heard a voice in my head. I was told that there was no way for this to happen, because they were imaginary. I begged because I wanted them so much, and I got a response saying not to give into my emotions. This bothered me a little, so I got up from my bed and went to the window. I said that I was willing to sacrifice my life, and wanted my spirit to go to heaven to be with them. The voice inside my head gave me a sign, saying this was pitiful.

Moments later, it began thundering. The sky outside my window flared white flashes, and the noise became loud. A lightning bolt hit the pole of my house and sent a powerful electric current to my room. The lightning then powerfully struck inside my room, lighting it up with electric shocks, white flashes, and loud crackling and thundering noises. I ran towards my bed and grabbed the post in surprise of what was happening. The electricity started causing other odd things to happen, such as my gaming stuff floating in the air, and wind blowing around the room. I was shocked because I couldn’t believe I was seeing something that was super-natural before my very eyes. Suddenly, a swirling purple portal opened up in my room, and grew several feet in circumference. I started yelling really loud as I watched in horror, thinking it was some form of evil trying to suck me in. The portal started to pull me towards it like a vacuum, so I held onto the bed post as tightly as I could while my hair was blowing in the process. I feared entering because I had no idea where it was going to take me. I had watched horror flicks of people that got kidnapped by aliens, got experimented on, and never returned. If this was the point of no return, death’s door; I wished I hadn’t asked for it in the first place. The vacuum became stronger, and I was losing my grip with my fingers slipping off the bed post. With enough force, I was finally pulled inside with purple electric currents surrounding my body. The portal closed and the room returned to normal, now without noise and the supernatural. Moments later; my eyes opened after I noticed I had fainted, and I found myself floating through a mysterious realm. I thought to myself that perhaps this was a realm of time and space that connected the Nintendo universe, and I looked around seeing many giant sized bubbles that had other worlds within them. One of the bubbles contained a world with castles, villages, monsters, and elves. The second bubble I saw contained a world with big cities, and kids throwing balls on the ground with creatures coming out of them. These bubbles were obviously worlds that were connected to the video games that everyone played. This was very exciting for me, and I knew to myself that my wish was finally going to come true. I was going to meet the women of my dreams, and be a very happy man. I looked behind me and noticed that I was heading for a crash landing into one of the worlds. I was unable to identify which one this was for some reason, and when I finally hit against it, I blacked out again.

My eyes slowly opened and they were very blurry; I did not know where in the heck I was. When the blurriness started to clear, I was able to make out three women that were looking over me. One of them held a cold rag to my forehead, and wiped it around. The other two were patting my face, trying to wake me up. My blurriness cleared and to my surprise, it was Peach from the Mario series; Zelda from the Zelda series; and Samus from the Metroid series. Samus was wearing her power suit, except that her helmet was not on her head, and it was resting on top of the table. Peach was wearing her casual pink dress as always, and Zelda was wearing her white dress.

“Josh!” Said Peach, rubbing my head with the rag.

“Wha……what’s going on!?” I said, blinking my eyes.

“Hey, are you alright?” Said Zelda, looking down at me while knelt on the floor.

My eyes widened and I got a bit scared. I got up fast and stood there, looking at them.

“Is this….for real? Did I seriously die and enter the Nintendo universe!?” I said, looking around with a bit of worry.

“Welcome Josh, you have entered the Nintendo universe. We’re glad to have you here.” Said Samus, sitting on a chair by the table.

“It…..it actually worked!? Oh my god…..I can’t believe it.” I said, looking at my hands with a slightly hushed voice.

I went and sat over at the table with Samus while Peach and Zelda did as well.

“So tell me, is this world for real? Or am I dead?” I said, looking at Samus.

“You didn’t die. Your man in the clouds was tired of you constantly asking, so he granted your wish.” Said Samus, while she pulled out a cig and started lighting it.

“You mean to tell me he created this universe, or was this here all along?” I said, looking at Peach and Zelda.

“We’re not exactly sure; all we know is that Shigeru Miyamoto is the god of this universe. As for how it is possible for you to travel from the real world to here, it is as big a mystery to us as to you guys of how the universe was created.” Said Zelda, looking at me with her arm on the table.

“Who cares about all this mishy mashy stuff? It’s going to be fun having an outsider from the real world here!” Said Peach, looking at us and clasping her hands together.

“Well, I’m very glad that I am here, and I’m very excited. I’ve wanted to meet you guys since I was a kid. ” I said.

We were sitting in a bedroom which contained a ticking clock, fire burning in a furnace, and a bed. This room was connected with other rooms, such as the kitchen, bathroom, and main living room. In this room, I noticed that there were a few Mario related items lying around. This raised some suspicion, but I decided to keep quiet.

“I have a question. Where are the other video game characters, and if you three are from other games, how is it that you all are in the same world here?” I said, with a look of wonder.

“Ha, silly.” Said peach, closing her eyes for a brief moment, and waving her hand at me.“ In the Nintendo universe, we are allowed to travel between worlds since Miyamoto created Smash Bros. That game allowed us to easily travel into each other’s worlds.” Said Peach, with a smile.

“The other characters are out doing other things right now.” Said Zelda, looking at me with a plain face.

I sat there stretching my arms, and then placed them behind my head.

“Kid, I think you should rest.” Said Samus, blowing smoke from her cigarette.

“Why?” I said.

“Traveling through dimensions caused you to get dimension lag. If you need to rest, there’s a bed over there.” Said Samus, pointing at it.

“Thanks guys.” I said, walking over to the bed and then climbing on top of it.

“Ugh, my body…….hey girls, would it be ok if I could get a massage?” I said, laying there looking at them.

“Oh and you want us to do it?” Said Peach, looking at me with her fist pushed against her cheek on the table.

“No, I want the knights to do it. Of course I want you girls to do it!” I said.

“Well, I am an expert at keeping the body fresh and healthy with massages.” Said Samus, tapping dust from her cigarette into the tray.

“Really? Well, gee; you’re a damn good fighter, so I’d never expect that.” I said, still lying there.

Samus came over to the bed, sat down and started massaging me. She gripped her hand into a fist, pressed down on my back, and rotated it in different directions.

“Oh yeah, that’s great Samus. You are an angel.” I said, with a relaxing voice.

Zelda and Peach came over to the bed.

“Here, I will work your arms. Peach can do something else perhaps.” Said Zelda, beginning to massage my arm.

“That’s fine….” I said, continuing to moan in relaxation.

I started to drift into sleep while the girls massaged me. Moments passed and one of them flicked the lights off, so now it was darker in the room.
I had noticed I was on my back after they flipped me over, and all three girls were still on the bed massaging me.

“I don’t mind how you girls do it.” I said.

Samus’s hand started massaging my shoulders while Zelda was rubbing my right foot, and Peach was rubbing my left foot. Samus’s hand began rubbing my stomach, and then she paused for a moment. She glanced up at me for a quick second, and then she slowly lowered her hand towards my underwear.

“Samus……what are you doing?” I said, looking at her.

“Massaging you.” She said, while her hand continued to slowly go lower.

“But……I…..” I said.

Her hand slid down beneath my underwear, and I gasped a little when I saw this. I felt myself slowly getting an erection.

“Ms. Samus!” I said, beginning to blush.

“……You….you girls really like me?” I said.

“Oh yes……we adore you…..” Said Samus, while she unzipped the zipper on my jeans with her left hand, and then lightly pulling my underwear down a bit with her right thumb. She then grabbed my jeans, slid them off my legs, and then threw them onto the floor. I lay there, embarrassed with my penis erected in my underwear. Zelda and Peach removed my shoes and socks, and then tossed them onto the floor as well.

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