A Night with Megan
A Night with Megan
Sex Story Author: | jeff |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Megan had started to come around about 15 minutes into the trip and within a half-hour I could tell by |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Male/Teen Female, Murder, Necrophilia, Rape, Snuff, True Story |
Megan had to have been the hottest teenage girl that I have ever seen in my life. At 17 she was just barely five feet tall and weighed about 120 pounds. With her dark hair and piercing blue eyes she was a knockout, but what really set her apart as far as I was concerned was her huge, perfectly proportioned 38C tits and her tight little ass that she always liked to flaunt. Before I continue with what I did with her let me explain how I was able to meet this girl. Megan was the friend of my girlfriend’s roommate. Yeah, my girlfriend has a younger girl living with her, which I don’t mind at all. Her name is Amanda and she is pretty hot herself, but it would have been way to difficult to do to her what I had planned for Megan. And besides, Megan was just so damn beautiful. Of course my girlfriend was willing to give me sex the way that I liked it. Choking her and pretending to rape her but pretending was starting to get old after a year of dating. It had been almost two years since I had strangled Tina to death and dumped her and the urge was just too strong to do it again for real.
I knew that I was violating my own first rule of rape and murder by doing someone that I knew but with the plan that I came up with and the way it worked out the risks were minimal. One night about two months after she started coming over to the house my girlfriend and I were there along with Amanda and Megan. We needed to go to the store to get some things for dinner but both of our cars were in the shop and my girlfriend wasn’t feeling well so Megan offered to go. She had been drinking a little so it didn’t take a lot of persuasion to talk her out of the keys. I went to the local Wal-mart and picked up our groceries but before I checked out I slipped over to the automotive section and had a duplicate set of keys made for Megan’s car. I slipped these onto my personal ring and then headed home. Step one was accomplished.
I waited patiently for a few weeks after I got her keys and then quietly started following her on a random basis. I pretty much knew her work schedule each week just from hearing them talk around the house but I wanted to know where else she went and where she liked to hang out. One thing that I noticed when she would get into her car is that she would never glance into the back seat to see who or what might be waiting for her. I started to form a plan in my mind. Her car was a midsize four-door sedan so hiding in her back seat at night would be a fairly simple task. The first thing that I had to come up with was a place to take her where nobody would hear or see anything. I took a couple of Saturdays and drove around some old dirt roads near a large river but nothing there was what I was looking for. When I was just about to give up I remembered an old fishing spot in the woods that my dad used to take me to for the weekends when I was a kid. It was about a thirty-minute drive but if it was still there it had a cabin next to a large lake with lots of wooded area and lots of privacy. It took me awhile to find it but about an hour later I was driving up to the front door. It was just like I remembered it except that it was pretty old and run down. Like nobody had lived there for years. I got out and went to the door. It wasn’t locked so I went right on in and looked around. There was still an old bed in the bedroom with a ragged mattress and some dusty, broken down furniture in the living area but other than that it was deserted. One look told me that there hadn’t been anyone here in a very long time. It was perfect. After I found the place I started going there every chance that I could in order to set things up. The first few times that I went
there I would bring a bag or two of easy mix concrete, some large jugs of water and a shovel. On one of the trips I brought a wheelbarrow that I had sitting in my storage room. I spent hours digging a hole about 100 yards away from the cabin in a dense, wooded area. I would dig about an hour or so each time and while digging I always watched and listened for other people but I never heard or saw anyone. Within a month I had a hole that was well over six feet deep and quite wide. Best of all it was so hidden by the woods that nobody would ever find it. It was now time to start getting ready. The next week I went to a large city about two hours away and purchased a stun gun with cash. Three days later, on a Friday night I packed my “snuff kit” and started watching Megan again. My “kit” consisted of the stun gun, handcuffs, tie straps to tie her up with, several pair of medical gloves, a couple of long scarves, a few heavy duty trash bags, a very sharp knife and something new this time: A Polaroid camera with three boxes of film along with a video camera.
My perfect opportunity came that night, a lot sooner than I had hoped for. She left work by herself a little after 11:00 and went home to change. She came out 20 minutes later wearing some real cock teasing clothes. She had on a halter-top that was about two sizes too small with no bra and some short shorts that were so tight that you could read a dime through the back pocket. She also had on some flip-flop type shoes with no socks. Damn my dick was hard already. I knew from what Amanda had said earlier that evening that Megan was going to Wal-mart to get something for her contacts and was then going to come over to get her. If my plan worked like I was hoping that it would she would never make it to get Amanda. I waited until she was in the store and then parked a few places down from her. It wasn’t very crowded that late at night so I put on two pair of the gloves, grabbed the rest of my kit and hurried to her car. Within 15 seconds I was waiting quietly in the back seat with the stun gun in my hand. I was really taking a chance here. If she saw me before I could shock her I would have a lot of impossible explaining to do. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute it seemed. Finally after about 10 minutes I saw her coming through her side window. I squatted down as low as possible and waited. Sure enough she simply opened the door, slid in and threw her sack on the passenger seat. Perfect. I knew that I had to act right now or I would blow it so as she reached for the ignition with her keys I slid the stun gun around to the front seat, touched her bare arm and hit the trigger. I held it down for less than 10 seconds but in that time her body jerked and convulsed and then as I let go of the trigger she slumped sideways into the passenger seat. I quickly put the stun gun back in my bag and peeked around the parking lot. I was lucky, nobody was anywhere around. I maneuvered Megan’s petite body into the back seat and laid her face down. I was so horny that I wanted to rape her right there but I knew better. Instead, I took three tie straps and just like with Tina I tied her hands very securely behind her back. I then took both scarves and shoved them deep into her mouth. After making sure that she wasn’t going to get loose or make noise I slipped over the back seat into the front, started the car and drove away.
I arrived at the shack about 45 minutes later.
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