
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8

We return you to your actually scheduled series already in progress.

She’s going to call.

Bullshit, yeah she likes the idea but nobody is that stupid.

Greed and envy my friend, greed and envy.

I’ll keep wrath for the win every time because at least I get shit done.

And he has a plan for that too but you need to pull it back and not rush it, remember the rules.

It’s a beautiful Thursday at school and I’m not the center of attention wherever I go but I’m not passed over in the least. Been about a week since I put the early points of my plan in motion and I haven’t heard anything from Lupe but I have plenty of options and her bit can be interesting if she calls but if not then we move on. Bethany and the cheer squad make it a point to sit with me at lunch almost daily, I say almost because I’m alone as Brandon is making his way towards me minus his varsity jacket.

“We need to have words,” he states sitting down across from me.

“Animal, Vegetable or Mineral,” I ask and he looks confused,” You said words so I’m wondering which category it falls under if we’re playing a guessing game.”

“No I mean talk, I need you to speak with Brett and get me back on team, we got two games left and I’m almost out of options. Coach won’t let me play because he’s scared of losing the rest of the offense and none of them will talk to me,” Brandon explains and I knew it was bad, I spoke with Brett previously.

“You need? I could spend a week going over how I don’t care and how it’s not my job to fix your problems and you still wouldn’t understand so I’m just going to say no,” I reply and Brandon doesn’t look to happy.

“Yeah it’s not your job but you can, you got the inside track and you know it wasn’t any one of us that did that to you,” He says it and I clench my jaw and sigh.

Both barrels, locked on and ready.

“And I know that how? And which time are we talking about because of all the times I remember recently you got away with it,” I state and now I see some embarrassment,” Is that guilt or just some embarrassment over the fact that we both know the truth and you need me?”

“Whatever you want man, I can get it,” he offers and I laugh.

“I have cheerleaders at my beck and call if needed, money to do whatever I want and probably the one thing that you can’t give me,” I state and he looks curious,” I’m smarter than you.”

“Okay you’re smarter but with scouts watching this is my last shot these two games, I need your help,” Brandon is truly desperate and I can almost taste it.

Now make the offer.

“You are going to owe me a boon,” I begin and he stops me.

“What is that, like a favor,” he asks and I shake my head.

“Something like that but bigger, a favor would be you just doing something when convenient. What I want is more. One time you will be required to show up somewhere and do something that I tell you to its completion regardless of the consequences,” I explain as I pull a piece of paper out of my briefcase, it replaced my backpack,” just sign here and date.”

“Wait is this a contract,” he asks and I nod,” what the hell does it mean ‘under pain and bodily harm’?”

“It means that if you refuse or back out once I’ve completed my half of the bargain then I am permitted to send people after you to extract what is mine from you,” I explain and he begins to laugh before seeing my face and realizing I’m not joking.

“Why not just threaten to sue me,” Brandon asks and I laugh.

“Again I have money, what do you actually have? Never mind, don’t answer that. That is the deal, sign and date or leave,” I remark waiting.

HA HA, he signed it!

Of course he did, you doubt him.

Sometimes yes but he takes forever.

And with a few pen strokes I return my contract to my briefcase and message Bethany asking for Brett’s location. It comes back quickly as she’s at some cheer practice and I leave Brandon where he is to find Brett who is talking with some of his friends on the team.

“Brett I need a word with you,” I ask and the teammates look like they want to stay,” You can stay I just need Brett’s attention.”

“Guys its cool. We all know Guy is cool so relax,” Brett calms his teammates down and I smirk.

“I don’t start fights but I’m looking to stop one. Brandon needs to play the next two games,” I get the words out and all of them look at me like I’m deranged.

“After the shit he pulled with you? What did he do,” Brett asks and I see a couple large football players flexing their aggression muscles.

Can we use them to hurt him?

“Nothing actually, well nothing bad. We simply have an accord and I’d like to see the team win out my final year here and that means we need the best people on team. You can’t throw all the time and they’re beginning to catch on when you play,” I’ve been listening in on game talks; football is big here in Texas.

Brett isn’t sure about this but he doesn’t need to be. He did this to bring himself closer to Bethany and he did, now it serves my purpose to have him bring Brandon back in. The team talks about their chances now that they have their star running back and I leave to prepare for more interesting tasks.

School finishes out for the day and I head to my side place. I got myself a little apartment and storage area for three months just for planning and staging of a few things I really want to get done and it’s here that I keep my rental car and my changes of clothing outside of my new suits and sportier wear. I change and head into town in a hoodie and jeans with a baseball cap and sunglasses. I make the rounds checking on a few spots and people watch for now. I see the who and where for the next steps but still I’m waiting on one thing to come my way and everything will be set. I finish my surveillance and return to my side spot to change after a couple hours and the return home. The rest of the family is already there and I get a hug from Mom before heading up to my room to change again, this time into something comfortable and talk with Mom and Rosa before dinner. Family dinners are good and for the first time in weeks everyone isn’t looking at me like I grew a horn out of my forehead. I get to my room and find my phone, my secondary line, has a message on it.

-Hi this is Lupe calling about the paid auditions. I’m interested and was hoping to set up a time soon. Please call me back.


Patience is rewarded, believe me now?

Just get this shit started I’m aching for some action.

I call back the number and it gets four rings when I barely catch the pick up on the other end.

“Hello,” I hear the familiar female voice ask.

“Is this Lupe,” I ask patiently but pacing.

“This is Lupe, who is this,” she asks back.

“This is Jeff,” it’s a fake name but she doesn’t know that,” I’m going to assume you are calling about the paid audition?”

“Yeah, I’m interested but one question. How much is the audition,” Lupe asks and I smile.

“Just the audition is one hundred dollars,” I post the amount and I can hear her thinking.

“Okay well do we meet at a hotel or something,” Lupe asks and I chuckle a little.

“Hotels are very informal, the company uses an apartment so that you can sit down and relax,” I explain.

“Okay well how soon can we do the interview,” she’s eager and I’m happy to advance things properly.

We set up a meeting time for her ‘audition’ tomorrow at my side place in the late afternoon so that we’ll be able to sit and talk. I finally end the call and begin double checking some of the files I have when I hear someone outside my door and quietly put my papers away.

“Guy, can I come in,” Abby asks poking her head in.

“Sure, come on,” I wave her in with a smile.

“So we haven’t talked in a bit,” she says and I’m a little confused.

“We were talking at dinner,” I counter and she shakes her head.

“No I mean talk, like you let me in a little and I try to help you,” Abby begins and I wonder at her reasoning.

“We weren’t much for talking about my problems before… okay I wasn’t but really aside from another police investigation that is going nowhere I’m pretty good,” I explain sitting on my bed at the head on my pillows.

“But that’s not all of it. Something is wrong,” Abby sits down on the side next to me,” You’re spending time away from school and we don’t know where you are? Then today you talked Brett and the football team into letting Brandon play. I’m just trying to understand what’s going on with you.”

“I’m handling things my way sis and as for Brandon he and I talked, he asked me to talk to Brett and now Brandon owes me,” I say it and she wants to interrupt,” We agreed on the terms and that is the end of his and my problems as far as he’s concerned.”

“And what about as far as you’re concerned,” she asks and I note Abby is in her bed clothes, t-shirt and cotton shorts.

“When I call in my favor and he does it, which he will,” I say it and she’s doubtful,” then it’s over and done with.”

“I know better than that… you’re up to something,” she says it and I raise my eyebrows in surprise,” Mom and Dad and everyone else are happy that you’re just not moping through the house and waiting to run away but I’ve been watching you for years and you are up to something.”

Stop her, I know she’s family but stop her now.

Shhh my friend let me help with this.

“Only thing I’m thinking of right now is the last time we were both wearing pajamas and in my bed. Remember that,” I ask and Abby blushes,” I know you said never again but I wonder sometimes.”

Now Abby is blushing and a little embarrassed as I smile at her before we both laugh. It’s a good distraction but there are times I think about her and Beth and mythical threesome with twins, hey I can dream. Abby leaves me alone to think a little longer before I settle down and sleep before my big day.

School on a Friday is quick as I still only have two real classes that I have to go through and finally I get to coast through the rest of my day save for final period where I’m alone in the library when a visitor comes knocking… in a manner of speaking.

“Hey Guy,” Jenna greets me sitting down in the next cubicle.

“Hello Jenna,” I whisper back without looking, I know it’s her.

“So Brandon is back on the football team playing, he said he spoke with you and you made it work. Any chance I can get some help too,” she asks with a desperate chuckle.

“A couple months ago I would have jumped at the opportunity to help you,” I remind her and she frowns.

“We were close, good friends and I trusted you a lot. I know I took you for granted but you read more into everything than what was actually there,” Jenna argues and I shrug,” I know you haven’t pulled your name out of the scholarship and you know one of the people on the decision committee. You could help me.”

“Took me for granted? In the one month we were ‘just good friends’ I spent a little over fifteen hundred dollars on you. Didn’t add it up? I did afterwards and I found that I was disgusted with myself for doing it,” I state my point with calm annoyance,” Now here you are and you want more.”

“Please, I know I’m asking for a lot but you still have money and can go anywhere you want. I need the scholarship just like Brandon needs these two games so the scouts see him play and he gets picked up by a good college,” Jenna explains her grand plan.

“And I could care about those things but when we were good friends what did you do for me,” I ask the question and she pauses to think hard,” See that’s the problem you just now got to see for the first time. I gave to you because I thought you liked me…”

“I do like you Guy,” she counters but I continue my statement.

“I thought you liked me but you only liked what I could do for you and when I was looking for something in return, something that you could give you hurt me,” I want to continue but she won’t stop interrupting.

“I was trying to be honest with you not hurt you,” Jenna explains and I have to continue again.

“It doesn’t matter if you meant to hurt me or not, you did hurt me and then you told everyone that it was all on me. Did you know people were calling me your dog,” I ask and Jenna looks down a little sad,” So even if we were friends you allowed people to openly mock me and did nothing to stop them. Now you know why I don’t have friends.”

I resume my work as Jenna sits at the computer next to me wondering what to do or say that will help convince me to drop out from the scholarship. I do steal a few looks at her and she’s still insanely attractive despite the simple fact I can’t stand her as a person. School ends and I head to my side spot to set up and put my car in the storage garage and remove the rental, I need to get rid of the rental car soon. I have a camera and all the basics set up so that when Lupe and I talk it’s very professional, I need it professional so that she believes everything I’m putting in front of her. I’m sitting waiting casually with a video camera set up in the what passes for the living room/dining room/kitchen in the small ass apartment when I get a knock at my door. I check the eyehole and see just Lupe waiting for a response and looking worried about her surroundings.

“Hey Lupe,” I greet her after opening the door.

“Jeff,” she asks and I nod,” We met at my job.”

I welcome her in and note she’s in just t-shirt and jeans with sneakers and a big purse on her shoulder. I have her take a seat on the couch while I take the one living room chair. I point out the contract for the audition on the coffee table and the camera on a tripod.

“Read the whole thing first, it’s only two pages then sign and date,” I advise Lupe who looks it over.

“So sign answer questions and follow your requests then I get paid,” she asks and I nod.

She signs it with minimal reading, they never read the contracts and after looking it over and seeing everything is legitimate I put it away for safe keeping. I put the camera on record with it focusing on her and not me as I’m off camera.

“Go ahead and introduce yourself,” I have the camera next to me to keep her from looking between it and myself.

“Hi I’m Lupe,” she says nervously.

“And how old are you,” I ask again and she laughs a little.

“I’m twenty,” I checked her out and it’s real.

We go through all the basic questions of who she is, what she does while leaving out details that would tell people where to find her in the world. I explain that while we’re using her name we’re not giving people her location so they can stalk her, we both laugh a little at that.

“It’s alright my boyfriend would kick their ass, he’s tough,” she says with a laugh.

“So what would he think of you doing this,” I ask and she shrugs.

“Not really doing anything right,” she makes a good argument.

“Very true this is just the basics of a get to know you for the people in charge,” I restate for the record.

More conversation about what she wants to do and why she’s here, she says money which I knew. We only talk for fifteen minutes total when I figure it’s time to get to the potential deal breaker.

“Okay so let’s get a good look at you,” I motion for Lupe to stand,” just down to your underwear, don’t want to give too much away.”

She laughs a little but she’s nervous and it shows as she gets her shirt off but struggles with the jeans. It’s not really struggling it’s more of her being nervous and finally I get a good look at Lupe. She has short almost boyish brown hair and while she works a taco truck she doesn’t have the ‘eat tacos everyday’ physique. Mostly firm b cup breasts and a meaty ass and thick but not fat thighs and all of it covered in a matching green bra and panties set, simple too as in not super fancy.

“Very nice, go ahead and turn around again for me,” I ask and she does a slow turn,” Now bend over just a little.”

I have her go through some basic poses before telling her everything is perfect and have her say goodbye to the camera before shutting it off.

“That was interesting, usually you should be trying to fuck me on the couch,” Lupe says with a laugh.

“Remember this is a business and those girls have signed contracts before the camera for the ‘audition’ was ever turned on. Besides how many girls wouldn’t notice a GoPro on a guy’s head filming them and not realize they were being set up,” I make the joke as she puts on her clothing and laughs.

“So how long do you think it will be before they make me an offer,” she asks it and I smile a little.

“Give it a couple days. I’m sending it to them directly so it’s just as soon as they see it and reach a verdict on whether or not they want to pay for a scene,” I explain and she is interested,” That scene has a separate contract to protect you and them and you’ll be doing the scene with someone else under contract that we’ve verified is clean and legal.”

“So will it be you I do the scene with,” she asks and I shake my head,” Okay well anything else.”

I smile and pull out five twenty dollar bills and hand them to her which quickly get folded and placed into her purse. I show her out and she gives me a light wave and smile before returning to her car and leaving. I grab the recording and put everything away then change into home clothes and retrieve my car and head back to the house. Everyone is about to sit down and eat when I walk in and I get a chance to change for the fourth or fifth time today, not sure which, before joining them for dinner. Mom and Mr. Delauter are taking a couple days away from home this weekend and I smile at that, they need time away from the stress we bring and it’s good to have some peace and quiet. Abby asks mom about having a friend over and she agrees as the parents will be leaving shortly after dinner to catch their flight, Mark is driving them. I am heading back to my room after eating and saying my goodbyes when Bethany pulls me aside for a moment.

“Hey, are we really okay,” she asks and I can tell something is bothering her.

“Yeah, we’re good. Hell we’re a shit ton better than we were,” I add with a smile.

“Okay because Brett thinks you lost your mind letting Brandon back on the team but I told him you had it handled,” she explains her day’s conversation and I smirk.

“And how do you know I have it handled,” I ask and now she smirks.

“Because you’re not the only one who has plans that they don’t want everyone to know about. Don’t worry though, if we’re good then I’m not worried,” Beth ends our conversation on a good note.

I return to my room and settle in for some review of the recording from earlier, everything came out nice except for the sound which needed a few touch ups. I get my editing done and while Lupe is a little more than moderately attractive I will have a more difficult time putting two and two together. Brandon’s first game back is tomorrow night and while I could go to the game I am going to stay in and relax as much as possible before I make the call on Sunday.

So Friday night to Saturday midday I’m in my room playing video games or double checking the information I have on people I’m working towards. It doesn’t sound like much but I’m still in the beginning. I talk with Rosa during lunch when I hear Abby and her guest come in and while I like people I’m not sure about all people.

“Is that Abby’s friend Marta I hear,” I ask Rosa who nods,” Yay for me, I’ll be in my room till dinner.”

I head upstairs and make it up just a bit behind Marta and Abby who both notice me pass without a word as I head to my room. Okay I don’t hate Marta first off; she’s really not a bad person. I just know that there is going to come a point where she will hate me. I know this because my family hates her brother for what he has and hasn’t done so ergo she’ll eventually hate me. Afternoon comes and goes quietly for me as I’m spinning my wheels and killing time till I make my phone call midday Sunday. I get messages from Bethany who is at the game and apparently Brandon is killing it out on the field and nobody can seem to stop him. I smile as she gives me the score and realize I have a quarter of step one in place. I eat dinner at the counter and I’m about halfway done when Marta and Abby come down to eat. I finish my food and return to my room to relax with a movie and some gaming. I’m through with the movie and onto games solo and stop for a break to see Rosa off for the evening. I gave her all of Sunday off and figure she could do with more days off even though she likes working for the family. I don’t even make it back to my room as Marta is quietly slipping out of Abby’s room and once the door is closed I’m standing there.

“Jesus… Guy what are you doing,” Marta asks in a surprised whisper.

“Giving Rosa tomorrow off and heading back to my room after walking her out, better question is what are you doing sneaking out of Abby’s room,” I think it bears weight my question.

“She’s asleep and I’m bored,” Marta answers and I shrug.

I move past her and down the hall to my room when I realize she’s following me. I turn and give her a disapproving look.

“The TV room is downstairs,” I point out and Marta nods.

I turn back and continue towards my room but stop after a few more steps because Marta is following me still.

“Marta,” I ask and she perks up as I turn to look at her,” Why are you following me?”

“Because I’m lonely and bored,” she responds sounding a little sad.

“This is why you have internet on your phone and access to the TV room downstairs,” I explain and turn to get back into my room.

“Can we hang out,” she asks as we reach my door.

“No,” I open and enter to find she’s in the doorway attempting what I can only call ‘sad puppy face’.

“Please? I just want to hang out and talk,” Marta says it but something is wrong with this.

“Nobody ever just wants to hang out and talk,” I counter and she smiles a little.

“Okay I also want to play on that huge TV you got in here,” she adds peeking past me into the room,” That thing is bigger than the one downstairs.”

“I haven’t measured them against each other and what part of no are you not getting from the no I don’t want you in my room and no I don’t want to hang out,” I ask
Marta who is a little shocked at my rudeness.

Take that girly. We don’t need your kind here.

Oh Christ what kind is that? The soft, curvy female kind?

The sibling of our enemy’s kind.

Oh, okay I thought you were getting queer on me.

Shut… up…

“What did I do? I know my brother is a jerk for letting asshole Hector and his buddies kick your ass for years but honestly what did I do,” Marta asks and I shrug.

“Nothing but I’m not interested in company,” I state my position and find she’s still there in the door way waiting,” I’m gaming so please don’t get all weird when there’s blood or scary shit.”

And now I have a happy female who throws herself onto my bed to sit down while I play a horror game. Basically it’s game where you solve puzzles and shit randomly jumps out to scare you every once in a while. I only get fifteen minutes in and look to the side to see Marta hugging my pillow watching the screen.

“Don’t like scary things,” I ask and she lightly nods.

“How do you like them,” she asks quietly and I think.

“Ever go into the bathroom and turn on the light to see yourself in the mirror,” I ask and she nods a little,” Next time you go to the bathroom don’t turn on the light and when you get in front of the mirror start at your reflection.”

“That sounds creepy as hell,” Marta replies a little shocked.

“It’s just your reflection in the dark, you can’t see it but it can always see you. It’s always there waiting and the one thing it wants more than anything else,” I am building her up and smirk to myself,” Is for you to leave the light off.”

“Why the hell would I leave the light off,” Marta is more than a little creeped out.

“Because then you see it for who it really is,” I turn my head and smile at Marta before resuming my game.

You are seriously dark, you do understand that right?

Don’t look at me on this one.

Oh we are so bad.

I keep playing and the whole time I can see Marta watching the screen in anticipation of the next big jump scare. We get to a part where you can hear the game doing that slow build to something jumping onto screen out of nowhere and making you nearly piss your pants and Marta is hiding her eyes listening in when I realize I need to hit the button to start the sequence and I stop the game where it is. Quiet for a few seconds and then Marta realizes nothing is happening and looks up as go to change the game out.

“Why change the game,” she asks confused.

“You weren’t interested,” I reply and she makes that shocked noise girls are known for,” You had your eyes closed for three minutes last time and I figured I should play something else.”

“No you play that I’ll watch from here,” Marta informs me and now I’m stuck.

Not in the metaphoric way, I sit back down on the wide cushioned chair and Marta sits down partially on my lap. I say partially because she’s got her ass on my leg as I’m going to attempt to play. I’m playing a bit and Marta is just sitting on my leg and not quite leaning back on me while clutching a pillow. I keep playing but I’m getting distracted by the Mexican girl on long cotton shorts and a t shirt moving around every time something jumps out at her. I shift a little to get more comfortable but as quickly as I do Marta moves again to make her more comfortable on my lap. Maybe three times she jumped a little and ended up completely in my lap and pushing my hands and arms to one side. Fourth time I drop the controller on my leg and then the floor. Marta sees it and immediately leans forward to pick up the controller, I respond to her bending over in my lap by gripping her waist with my hands and pulling her ass hard in to my lap. She freezes where she is and I’m pretty sure thoughts of her boyfriend are running through her head right about now but I don’t give a shit. Marta slowly sits up and I move my hands around to her front putting one up her body and squeezing her breast in one hand while moving the other down and cupping her mound through her shorts. I don’t know if she’s pulling away from my lap or pushing her hips against my hand but slowly she grinds against me on two fronts and now I’m getting hard where I was earlier annoyed. I pull my hand off her mound to slide it down Marta’s shorts and feel some hair and soft folds at my fingertips, it takes almost no time to put my finger on her clit and immediately she moans a little in surprise. I rub her clit slowly and she continues grinding against my hand and groin in a circle. I press and play with Marta and feel her getting wet on my fingers as she leans her head back moaning or breathing hard, I can’t tell which. My cock is rubbing her ass and I’m hard enough to fuck Marta through our shorts and underwear but I’m not an animal… well not right now at least.

“Get on my bed,” I order Marta pulling my hands out of her clothes and allowing her to stand up.

I watch her move the short distance to my bed and crawl up to the middle as I get out of my chair and move to my nightstand and grab some of the protection left by Mark. Marta is stripping out of her clothing and I am doing the same before pulling on the condom and crawling on to my bed. Marta lays back and spreads for me but that’s not what I’m into right now as I take her leg in hand and roll her over onto her stomach with me on my knees behind her. Marta raises her ass off the bed and back a little towards me so I can line up my cock with her slit and once I find the opening press all eight inches deep inside Marta’s tight pussy. Face down and ass up Marta takes me inside her and I hear her groan a little as she is tighter than I’ve had recently but with ample padding on her ass as I pull back and slam back inside as Marta grips my bed spread and whimpers a little. I take long hard thrusts into her letting her feel every inch of me pounding my way down and deep inside. Every thrust has its own reaction, some she whimpers, once in a while she bites down on the blanket, and every so often she makes a noise like the wind was knocked out of her but in a good way. I push her ass down to the bed laying her flat on her stomach and continue to grind my cock inside her. I have my hands keeping my body off the bed next to her ribs and I lean off one hand to get a handful of her black hair and pull back gently but firm. Marta’s mouth lets go of my bed sheet and I hear her grunt hard as I continue to push hard and deep into her. It’s been a while for me and even with minimal foreplay I can feel my orgasm coming fast and slow down to stave it off but Marta is pushing back into me a little and that doesn’t help my plans to not cum quickly. I slap her ass letting go of her hair and she yelps a little but pushes back all the same and I feel that little brain trigger and start pounding hard and deep into Marta who grunts taking my length. I cum hard, no other way to put it and the condom has to do its job of holding my seed in but I’m still feeling the head rush as Marta pushes up and back a little and moans long and deep before fully resting on my bed. I take a moment to back off and out of Marta, staggering a little off my bed and cleaning up pulling the condom off and trashing it. I crawl back into my bed and pull the blankets up around me as I feel Marta shifting around before finding a spot and curling into bed next to me.

I don’t remember falling asleep, I don’t think anyone can honestly but waking up is something we all should remember as I’m laying on my back with a female curled up resting her head on my chest. It’s Marta and I replay our night together and realize I wasn’t the softest of lovers and that makes me feel a little bad, I mean she’s not a bad person towards me that I know of and if she was why come into my room to hang out. She wanted to have sex or at least talk to me right? My questions are not going to get answered right this second as I move a little and she stirs before opening her eyes and looking at me body then up at me before smiling.

“So how was that last night,” she asks and I shrug,” well I think you need a second opinion.”

I want to ask who we are getting this opinion from but Marta isn’t in a question and answer mood as she slides down my body taking the blankets with her exposing us. I have morning wood, it’s something I get regularly so deal with it, but Marta sees it and begins stroking me with her hand slowly and then leaning her head down and taking me in her mouth. It’s soft and warm and feels a lot more intense than when I had a condom on last night but Marta isn’t taking all of me, just a couple inches before pulling off and crawling up my body while straddling me. It takes a little maneuvering but she has me in hand and guides me towards her entrance for the second time in less than a day and slides down burying me in her. She’s still got a grip on me like she did last night but now I can feel everything as she works half of me in and out of her. I watch as Marta leans back and I see her large c cup breasts bounce a little as she rides me softly, I cup one with my hand and Marta responds by taking my other hand and placing it on the free breast. Her nipples are large and a little hard between my fingers but soft and I am distracted from my review of great breasts by Marta sinking me into her again and leaning forward. She gently moves my hands down to her hips and then forces herself down onto me hard and fast. Slow up and fast down is the pace she’s setting and it feels just as good as what I was doing last night… fuck it it’s better without a condom. I wrap my hand up her back and push up to meet her a little bit at a time. It doesn’t take long for us to find our rhythm and we’re pushing and grinding against each other and I’m losing all control as I hear Marta groan in excitement. I don’t know what my face was doing when Marta takes it in her hands and proceeds to declare my tongue hostage in her mouth. I move my hand to the back of her head and retaliate by pulling her hair back a little and slamming my hips into hers hard. We’re bucking and grunting hard for either two minutes or twenty, not sure which and don’t care when Marta breaks our kiss and begins shaking a little as her body clamps down on me in orgasm. My own orgasm arrives about half a second into figuring out she’s cumming and we grip everything and each other riding out the sensation before Marta collapses on top of me. Sweaty, breathing heavy and a little sore in multiple areas but satisfied. This is a great start to the day.

He was better last night.

Excuse me oh wrathful one but this was better and he knows it.

Last night he took her. It’s plain to see he’s more onto my thinking than yours.

Except he enjoyed this more but I think you like the idea of sex as a bit of revenge.

Nope, takes too long.

Only if you do it right and that was very right.

Still need to hurt someone, I’ve been denied for too long.

And it will happen, we both know the timetable.

Yeah but you’re getting your bouts of lust. I’m getting nothing.

Except giving a good fucking to her last night in spite of her attachments.

Fair enough but I want blood.

“That was amazing. Tip about some of us catholic girls, we hate condoms. It ruins everything,” Marta informs me rolling onto her back and off of me.

“I’ll try to remember that. So think your boyfriend will be pissed about this,” I ask intrigued at the betrayal.

“Boyfriend? No that position is vacant currently,” she says and I give her a look,” I broke up with him a little bit ago.”

“Like hours or days,” I ask and she giggles, it’s kind of cute.

“About a week or so, right around the time you decided to have my brother kill you before you destroyed everything he holds dear,” Marta repeats my words back to me and I flinch a little,” Did you really want him to kill you?”

Be very careful, she is living with the enemy.

And now we declare victory.

“Yes it would have been simpler for me,” I answer and Marta gives me a confused look,” Your brother and his friends stripped me of everything for years and got away with it. I’m owed some measure of revenge or at least reclamation of my character and since all they want is for me to forget it and move on I’m going to have to take it from them.”

“You’re talking about making them respect you,” Marta asks and I nod, it’s a lie but I nod,” Well just as long as you don’t do it at my house.”

“And why not,” I counter question.

“Because my parents live there too and they don’t need you screaming at them. Oh and you owe my mother an apology,” Marta answers and declares with certainty.

I owe someone an apology? Fair point but not yet, not in the next couple weeks either because things are finally at a point where I can take action. Marta and I clean up and dress before she sneaks out of my room and back to Abigail who is mercifully sleeping. I get almost halfway down the stairs as Marta follows me and we have cereal for breakfast. We don’t talk about anything important and I don’t ask about anything that I would guess is important to her as we wait for the others to wake up. Abby is first but she always was a heavy sleeper and when she sees the two of us talking she goes into her suspicious mode and asks all sorts of questions, best part is not one of them involve either of us sharing a bed or having sex so no awkwardness or lying first thing in the morning. Abby and Marta spend the rest of their Sunday together hanging out and talking while I end up tending to Beth who decided that drinking was a good idea last night and now feels like her head weighs about as much as her truck. I’m flushing her system with water and putting food in her to help absorb or remove excess alcohol from her system; I used to do it for Mom. About two in the afternoon when Abby leaves to take Marta home Beth, who now is mostly human again gives me a soft look.

“I’m sorry I was such a bitch,” she says resting her chin in her hands.

“In the past,” I keep it simple before adding,” And I accept your assessment of my treatment at your hands and your heartfelt condolences.”

“What? What the hell does that mean,” Beth asks confused.

“It means I accept your apology. Besides I have enough people out there who hate me, I don’t need fights here with my family,” I explain and she perks up.

“Who hates you,” Beth asks now interested.

“Well there is Carlos and his people, Brandon and his boys on the football team, Coach Hayes and Principal Copeland. Just a few,” I count them off and she shakes her head.

“So what are you going to do about them,” She asks and I look at her serious.

Open the gates. Just a little bit.

I turn and smile at Beth and something in my face says exactly what I’m capable of and for a moment I see fear on my step sister’s face. I nod to her and keep smiling and finally she realizes this isn’t directed at her and she smiles back. I head back to my room, I have appointments to make.

Jenna: Wednesday the following week

Here we are going into the last few months of the year and Brandon isn’t doing shit to help me with Guy and the scholarship.

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