
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 7

Less sex and more plot in this chapter, you have been notified.

Detective Nancy Escalante: five days after the incident

My whole career in a shit sling because my original case had nothing. Now I’m looking at more nothing and a larger list of suspects. Captain Miller is unsympathetic to my situation informing me that ‘if I’d got a confirmed suspect the first time maybe the suspects wouldn’t have tried again’. Yeah boss that’s really going to help me. Forensic evidence reported they have their total findings ready for me and I find myself stuck in that familiar rock and hard place.

“Nothing? Not a single bit of usable evidence in the whole warehouse,” I ask as the local examiner shakes his head.

“Nothing concrete detective, whoever did this picked a spot that even with what we did find was like picking out a needle in a stack of needles. The location they used was a previously raided dog fighting arena so trace evidence of that littered the scene making it tricky. The items used were completely sanitized prior to use so determining a location prior to incident is impossible. The items found at scene had plenty of DNA evidence only problem is that there is one actual human marker and that would be of our victim,” the older male examiner states and I have to interrupt.

“The victim was covered in blood,” I ask and he nods.

“Unfortunately that was not a person’s blood but a combination of cow, pig and chicken. We’ve began running down where they originated from but…,” he starts but I am already there.

“It’s a large area and narrowing down is nearly impossible,” I state and the examiner nods stoically.

I leave and return to my desk looking at the list of suspects, it’s only six inches of files and that’s just the students who have had interactions with the victim. I see one of my most pushed suspects being brought in along with his attorney and I have to wonder if one person was more right than a small community a few months earlier. I grab the file and settle into the interview room.

“For the record detective this is a courtesy visit, my client is here to give statement and whereabouts during the times in question,” another overpriced lawyer gives me the opening statement I’ll be hearing at least a dozen times over the next few days.

Carlos Ortega: Day of the Hearing on Administrative Negligence

“Sis I don’t need to go and say anything to the school board, my name wasn’t even listed and none of my crew is on the list either. We left Guy alone, I kept everyone back,” I explain to Marta who is upset with me to say the least.

“After everything you and that trained baboon Hector should be there. You make yourself look like what everyone calls you now,” my baby sister informs me and now I find out people talking shit.

“And what are they calling me,” I ask and she shakes her head.

“A gang leader. Not the nice way either. I’ve had to sit and listen while girls at school share horror stories about the female initiations that a girl has to go through if she dates one of your ‘crew’,” Marta explains and I am very pissed by that statement.

“What the fuck does that mean? I have never allowed any shit like that, not ever,” I damn near shout in my parent’s living room.

“Well I’d like to defend you but everyone just looks at me with pity because I’m dating Romeo and since he’s one of your boys they think you ordered a train on me,” Marta is using terms I prayed she’d never know.

“I’m gonna go to school instead and get this settled right now,” I begin to get up and she shakes her head at me again.

“Yes because heavy handed tactics really show a more compassionate side. You let this go on and now it’s bit you in the ass. Oh and since you aren’t going to school and you aren’t going to the meeting where are you going to be today big brother,” Marta asks the question and I want to answer but she is to be kept separate from business.

I let her leave and take Romeo’s car to the district meeting. I don’t envy anyone going up against the Delauter family but my boys should have been stopped after the first time by the school. Okay that is hypocritical of me to say and yes I know what the word means but its true. Benefit of today is movement. We’re taking in product from the Union and it’s going on in broad day light during school hours. Somehow the Old Man got us a window and mobilizing everyone on my end took me about five minutes. Every storage point was set up except one, and that one is Hector’s spot. I’ve kept him out for a couple weeks now but we’re looking at too much to move and store so I have to bring him back in. He’s been skipping school as well which doesn’t put me in a good mood as I arrive at his parent’s home and as soon as Romeo and I get out of my car he’s on the porch to greet me but there isn’t any love right now.

“Didn’t think you’d remember me,” Hector remarks sitting on his porch.

“You needed time to cool off,” I remind him and he shakes his head.

“You needed to step up and do something about him. Three years we handled that disrespectful shit and you just watched. It’s easy to watch everyone do your shit for you isn’t it,” Hector asks before looking to Romeo,” Watch closely and you can see what he’s gonna do with you when you out grow your uses.”

“We got work, a lot of work today. I came here to bring you back in and put you to work, you remember work when you weren’t fucking around with shit that gets us in too much trouble,” I remind him and he scoffs.

“Yeah well enjoy getting your hands dirty El Jefe,” I hate when people call me that and Hector knows it,” I got some homework to catch up on.”

I wave Romeo back to the car and wait till he’s in before sitting next to Hector on the porch. It’s been a long time since we had to talk one on one about anything. We came up together and when I took the helm of the business for the Union I brought him with me and he’s got skills but his temper is his weakness.

“I had to shelf you, you know that right,” I ask and he nods,” I know you can’t let Romeo or anyone see that you get it. Got a rep to uphold.”

“Yeah, shouldn’t have brought him along though,” Hector nods his head to Rome,” He’s not really one of us.”

“That is our alibi; he’s got a plan to make it look like we’re all in different spots while we get everything stored up. So are you in,” I ask and he shakes his head.

“Yeah, get my people and we’ll get it moved,” Hector says and I smile.

We get the basic logistics taken care of and scare everyone when Romeo takes all cell phones from everyone and leaves so he can take care of his part. Four hours of logistics on burner phones while Smitty and Marcus, the Union’s smith, tell us what goes with where and it’s good to be doing solid business again. I get final confirmation that everything is in place and locked down before bringing everyone back to change out devices and get everything cleared up. I don’t meet my people at the airfield warehouses where the Union does most of their offloading. We meet in the usual spot right next to Hector’s house and everyone transfers out the burner phones and Romeo hands back their own.

“I’d like to welcome back my right hand Hector, glad to have you back on the clock brother,” I say in front of the whole crew.

There is a lot of approval in my bringing him back and keeping things positive but as good as things were feeling everyone goes quiet and I see my biggest problem come walking right into the middle of my business.

“What did you do,” Marta demands storming into my crew, the same crew that parts for her like she’s Moses.

“We’ve been out bringing Hector back into the team and reestablishing our borders,” I tell her and it’s kind of true,” What the hell are you doing here?”

“Looking for my piece of shit brother and his thugs… Oh look I found them,” Marta is pissed off at me and I have no clue what I or we did now.

“Sis what is going on,” I ask and she turns on me.

“Don’t call me that, you’re sick. I tried to believe there was something decent about you and your gang but I guess that was just me being blinded because we were family,” Marta says the words and I can’t even form a thought on what happened now.

“Marta we were out handling some little business,” Hector tries to step in and if I thought I was on a shit list I just met someone higher on it than me.

“Don’t fucking speak to me, the best part of you should have been swallowed,” Marta says it and nobody laughs but Hector wants to slap her,” I fucking dare you to do something you coward. Prove you’re just as big a piece of shit as everyone knows you are.”

“Marta we don’t know what is going on, babe stop for a minute and just tell us what happened,” Romeo is trying to take over and Marta almost kills him with a look.

“Guy didn’t show for the hearing today. When they called him for his statement he wasn’t there and his friend Sydney said he told her to go ahead without her. Two hours later after they reinstated Copeland and Hayes the police told Mrs. Delauter that they found Guy’s car and that they were investigating but had nothing pointing to where Guy is. He’s still missing now,” Marta explains it and I stand up.

“Mount up; check every abandoned building, dive, holding spot and drug house. You hit every single one and if you find Guy you call it in to Romeo and hold up where you are till police arrive,” I order my crews who mount up fast.

I watch as everyone except for Romeo, Hector and Marta clear out and wait so that we can have a more private conversation.

“Babe we didn’t do anything to Guy. Nobody has gone near him since your brother,” Rome gets that much out before she cuts him off.

“Don’t call him that, you want to be my boyfriend you own up to your shit or fucking walk because I don’t need you and your little club fucking up my life anymore than it has,” Marta is still spitting mad and Hector steps up for me.

“You want to be pissed little girl I’m right here. I fucked up Guy, I fucking beat his white ass more than anyone else and as much as I would like to say I fucked with him again after shit that went down I didn’t. I led that shit every time and I haven’t seen him since he was at Dutch’s place with your cousin. You leave your brother,” she almost cuts Hector off,” he’s your brother and you don’t know the shit that he’s gone through to make sure your shit is squared up. Only reason your shoes are so white is because he wears muddy ass boots.”

I have Romeo and Hector clear out so that Marta and I are alone and she’s pissed with me, confused, and making me feel like crap and I didn’t do anything this time. I drive her home and we sit with Mom and Dad waiting for the news, any news at this point. Maybe if we find him and save his ass I’ll actually get to talk with Guy and make things right… or at least better.

Brandon Clarke: Same day

What a sweet day it is today. Everything we needed to not happen… well it didn’t happen. That little shit Guy’s girlfriend, some skinny bitch one of the team fucked a couple months ago, said her piece it was all on Guy to make his statement and screw the team, the school and Coach Hayes. We waited for like twenty minutes for him to show and nothing. Half an hour and still nothing, everyone was smiling except for his rich family. Never got to hit it with Bethany because she’s dating Brett and I’m not breaking the team just for her ass. Besides I got Jenna when she lets me have a piece and my side girl, she’s a piece of work and ass. I crack myself up sometimes. Jenna wasn’t there but half the team was in support of Coach Hayes. The other half is a problem since they are siding with Brett since he’s been fucking Bethany. Now that is a pair of legs I’d like to split for a bit. Damn I’m funny.

Well next day we’re all at school and the team is heading to a midday practice except half the locker room isn’t changing. Okay maybe not half but enough of the starters aren’t getting ready and Brett isn’t one of them. Alright, time to squash this.

“Brett get your shit on man, we got practice,” I tell our starting quarterback.

“No practice for me today,” he tells me and pulls his jersey from his locker.

“So you’re just going to leave the team when we’re on our way to state,” I ask and he shrugs.

“Not much of a team if they have to lie and push around everyone else just because your girl isn’t as talented as she’d like to think she is,” Brett is talking shit but the team is listening to it.

“Problem boys,” Coach Hayes asks stepping into the locker room,” Why the hell aren’t you boys getting out on the field, we have practice.”

“Some of us have morals. You know what those are coach,” Brett asks and now Coach Hayes is gonna let Brett hear it.

“You got a problem son,” Coach asks and Brett squares off with him.

“Yes I do, I don’t like playing on a team with a bunch of liars and bullies,” Brett says it and Coach looks like he’s gonna hit him,” and before you try to say anything I heard Brandon getting people on this team to go with him so that Guy would drop out of the scholarship so his girlfriend could get her spot back. I also heard you telling everyone the day before to make Guy sound like a damn animal when they were brought up to speak before the school board. Maybe that wasn’t enough for you so when he didn’t show up and I couldn’t find other members of the team that weren’t at school or the hearing and Guy was reported missing I figured I’d be better off letting my record on the field speak for itself with scouts instead of teaming with your personal hit squad.”

“Everyone clear out… NOW,” Coach Hayes yells and the team, most of it leaves for the field except me, Brett and about ten other players,” Listen here son, I didn’t do anything to that boy and I didn’t have anyone on this team do anything either.”

“Tell that to the police, I’m meeting with them today to go over what I’ve seen and heard,” Brett is pissing off Coach Hayes but Coach looks scared.

“Brett nobody here did anything to that boy,” Coach starts and one of the linemen interrupts.

“Except they did, we all heard it and you lied about it for what? A game,” big and dumb doesn’t see the big picture.

“So six of us get suspended and can’t play in the playoffs, which screws the whole team over. You want to ruin our senior year because of one little shit that you happen to be fucking the sister of,” I ask Brett who laughs at me.

“You already screwed this team when you decided to assault a student on campus in front of witnesses. Look around Brandon, me the Quarterback, two wide receivers and the entire offensive line are walking out. Good luck running with second string, maybe you can get an endorsement on laundry soap for washing grass out of your uniform,” Brett jokes and I ain’t laughing.

Coach and I watch as all of them clear their lockers and walk out the opposite entrance. Coach is thinking hard for a minute before following them out. I gotta back the Coach Hayes since he’s been there to keep my ass out of trouble and we catch up to Brett who is talking into his phone.

“Yeah baby… no head there now… don’t worry about practice… go and take your sister you drive faster than she does…,” Brett tells Beth, I think over the phone.

“Brett get the team and get back to the field. This team will be crippled without you on it,” Coach Hayes pleads to Brett.

“Yeah man, we’ll square up with Guy when he comes out hiding,” I figure I’ll make nice and sorry for the shit.

“You want the team back,” Brett asks Coach and he nods,” Bench Brandon for the rest of the season.”

“What?! Every scout in the state will be watching these games. This is my chance,” I yell at Brett who doesn’t even look at me.

“We have five games left and the state championship and I need my best players on the field. Be reasonable here son,” Coach asks Brett who shakes his head.

“You allowed him to get away with assaulting another student so you could win games, he goes or we go,” Brett says before walking away.

Half an hour later I’m sitting on the sidelines watching second string running back learn my routes. He’s slow and missing his passes but Brett and the rest of the offense are on the field in uniform. I still have my uniform on and I’m waiting to find out when Coach is gonna put me in when my phone goes off, yeah I brought it since I’m not practicing. Jenna is freaking out, Beth has been posting on Facebook that her brother was found and is in the hospital. Well we were all here at practice so that proves it wasn’t us. I stop Coach Hayes and run out to Brett who breaks a huddle to listen.

“They found Guy, he’s in the hospital,” I tell Brett who shrugs,” See it wasn’t me or anyone on the team. Talk to Coach Hayes and put me back in.”

“You mean it wasn’t you ‘this time’. What about next time,” Brett asks me before turning back to the huddle.

“Come on man this is bullshit,” I say disgusted with this shit.

“Yeah, too many players on the field and we have a running back out here,” Brett tells me.

I’m back on the bench and Coach Hayes is watching me funny, what the fuck! It’s not like I did anything for real.

Detective Nancy Escalante: six days after incident

I’ve interviewed an entire gang, a football team with coaches and one very distraught friend of the victim and still have nothing to go on as to who abducted and quite frankly tortured Guy Donnelly. Everything from the attempted murder he suffered months ago is flooding back into my lap and sadly it is bringing me nothing I can use. Both scenes had no DNA, fingerprints or hard evidence that someone was there except for the bare bones witness statement of the victim himself. I’m looking at the same lack of evidence again only this time Guy hasn’t been deemed fit to give statement yet thanks to the doctors at the hospital. He was stabbed and talking fine but now he is so screwed up according to them that he has not spoken in nearly a week since he was found. My fellow officers have been helpful but Captain Miller’s constant need for updates on the case is beginning to grate on my nerves.

I leave the precinct for lunch and head to the hospital but not to see Guy. I’m waiting outside the emergency room with a bag of burgers and fries hoping to see John, my estranged boyfriend. We’ve had a tough run of it for six months now and with conflicting schedules things are a little tense. I see him signing something for an orderly when he sees me and hands off the clipboard before coming over.

“Here to see your witness,” John asks pulling his brown hair out of his eyes.

“No, here to see you. I brought lunch,” I offer holding up the bag and he smiles.

We sit and eat in his office, I miss him and I hope he misses me. We barely talk except for the basics when he decides to take some initiative.

“So your victim is doing well considering what happened to him,” John informs me and I pause.

“I’m not here for him,” I reply and John gives me a look,” Not right now anyway. I’m here to take a minute.”

“So now I’m a diversion from work,” John asks before smiling.

“You know what I mean; it’s just bad for that kid. He’s been picked on for years and then someone tries to kill him. Now a week ago he’s been found beaten and covered in blood, I saw the photos and according to his doctor he hasn’t said a word since,” I explain and John looks like he knows something,” What is it?”

“Well first off since you are really here for me maybe I could help you a little with the songbird,” John says it and I’m confused.

“What are you talking about,” I ask.

“The victim, he hasn’t spoken but a couple times now orderlies and nurses have heard him singing. It’s quiet but anyone passing his room when nobody is in there with him can hear him singing. Hell I went by to see if it was true, he sings. I can’t hear what it is but he’s doing it,” my boyfriend tells me and now I’m curious.

We finish lunch and I want to stay but figure I should head back to the precinct to see if anything new has turned up. I almost get out of the hospital when I almost run into Mrs. Delauter, Guy’s mother.

“Detective, are you here to speak with my son,” she asks and I shake my head.

“No Ma’am, I’ve tried and your husband has informed me that when your son wants to issue a statement he’ll let me know,” I keep it official but I’m not happy about it.

“Well as his wife I can say that he’s just trying to protect my son, but let’s go see if my son is ready to speak,” Mrs. Delauter says it and it’s the most civil anyone in the family has been to me since this started.

I leave John to his work day and follow Guy’s Mother to the elevator where we quietly move to a different floor of the hospital. It takes a moment for her to check in and clear me to see her son; yes I have to be cleared thanks to the legal might of her husband. Ever see someone and you know they will never be the same? That’s what I’m seeing as the bruises even six days out are still fresh on Guy’s body; they were so crisp when he was found that you could make out the lines of the straps.

“Guy honey,” Mrs. Delauter addresses her son who looks at us both blankly,” Detective Escalante is here. We wanted to come by and see you honey.”

No response, not a verbal one as Guy looks at his mother, then to me and back to his mother. A blind man could see how hurt she is right now but what worries me is Guy. No response and even the physical reaction is one that says there isn’t any real thought going on upstairs. Mrs. Delauter takes a seat next to her son on the bed and begins telling him about her day and their family as I take a chair across from them and listen. He doesn’t move, barely reacts and I figure I should say something.

“Mrs. Delauter please tell me if there is any change. I need to get back to work and try to piece some of this tragedy together, for your family’s sake,” I say standing up.

“What tragedy,” Guy asks looking at me and the world just stopped inside the room.

“Guy you remember what happened to you,” I ask and he nods before looking at his mother with a calm I’ve never seen,” I’m on this case, another of your cases but I don’t have anything. They were thorough in making evidence difficult at the scene and left me almost nothing to work with. Anything you can tell me about what happened will help me get a better picture of the incident.”

“Tragedy… incident… you mean my assault,” he asks not angry but like he’s clarifying,” Let me start by saying I don’t know if I have much to add that will help but I remember everything.”

Guy Donnelly: day of the hearing on Coach Hayes and Principal Copeland

Today is the day I step up and put people in their place. I finally get a chance to prove that I’m not some target for everyone to attack when they feel bored. Mr. Delauter has our time today set for two in the afternoon and I’ve missed school, I can afford to, so that I can speak on my behalf. Nobody expected me to make a fuss about this but for once my family isn’t just listening but they’re fighting alongside me. Mr. Delauter had some work and Mom needed to take care of a few morning things but everyone is set to meet at one pm at the district offices to settle the situation about Brandon and the football team and the wrongful punishment I received for standing up to Copeland. I have been psyching myself up all morning while Beth has picked out what I am to wear when I speak in front of the district board. Biggest things is to be honest, according to Mr. Delauter, a prepared speech will make it sound like I’m trying to keep things hidden and what I need to win is the truth. I send a message off to Sydney about picking her up so we can ride together and she is excited talk privately, she even suggests we figure out where to go for dinner to celebrate and I suggest her and her parents coming over to my parent’s home and everyone having a big celebratory sit down. Sadly and astonishingly she suggest just us going somewhere and having dinner and now I don’t know what to do but I agree that we can go somewhere nice, she suggests real, and have a good meal. I might actually get a date with Syd, who knew. I leave about twelve fifteen and head to Syd’s parents home to pick her up feeling great about everything when a message comes through to my phone from a number I don’t recognize and when I open it I see Syd in her panties with her back to the camera picking up clothes. It’s attractive then a second one comes in, Syd again in a bra and panties brushing her teeth in the bathroom.

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