
A New Day, A New You part 3

After holiday and delay I present chapter 3, there was a repeated request that made it’s way in here so enjoy.

Stuart: Wednesday after the meeting

“Seriously Stuart what are you studying in college,” Candice asks me for the second time tonight and I relent and answer her.

“Technological Applications in the Corporate World,” I reply and she looks at me confused,” Physical hardware and security for businesses.”

“Is that an actual thing,” Candice asks and I nod,” Well you must be smart then.”

Here I am Wednesday evening out on a date with Candice, why? Because she showed up and asked me if I was busy so now we’re in a chain restaurant that serves mostly a simple list of burgers, fries, steaks and salads. We’ve ordered and in the getting to know each other phase which feels nice and a lot less awkward. Problem is like all women around me currently Candice can read my mind.

“So it’s not as weird now as it would be if we hadn’t spent a night covered in each other’s juices,” Candice brazenly whispers and I nearly choke on my soda.

We laugh and it’s a good feeling, granted I’ve spent the past few days going over sparring with Guy and Mrs. Katy while spending my afternoons to evenings just generally helping out and listening to the advice Mrs. Kori and Mrs. Rachael have for me. Mrs. Mathilda had to go back on the road but will be back on and off since her season is still going on. Back to the present I’m recovering from my near death by soda experience and Candice is laughing a little as we both smile. Our meal arrives and we keep it simple with basic conversation and eating before I pay the tab, Guy insisted that I pay the tab and it feels good to pay it. We’re heading to her car when she stops and looks like she can’t decide on something.

“I think we need to see a movie,” She informs me and we’re in her small compact car and off to the nearest theater.

Well I thought it was the nearest theater, actually it’s her favorite theater and when we get to the window I find that I’m not allowed a say in what movie as she’s selected one that reeks of super mushy romance and goofy comedic attempts to make situations awkward. Now I’m not a big fan of situations where simply talking could save everyone the time and heart ache but it’s a date and I haven’t had one in well ever. We don’t get anything from the concession stands and get a decent pair of seats and settle in to ninety plus minutes of rom-com. Now I’m a decent sort of person and I keep to myself, Candice on the other hand about twenty minutes in pulls the armrest between us up, I didn’t know they moved, and moving my arm around her cuddles into me to continue enjoying the film now resting against me. Movie, what movie, I have a nice curvy woman under my arm and don’t know what to do. Do I start to fool around? Do I keep to myself and try to watch? Do I see if she’s in a playful mood? I sadly decide to just sit and do nothing which I pray goes unnoticed by Candice as the movie drones on. Credits roll and we exit the theater heading to her car. The ride back to Guy’s home is nice and I note it’s late as we pull into the driveway.

“I had a really good time tonight Stuart, should we do this again,” Candice asks and I almost burst with an answer.

“Yes, I’d like to, I don’t date often so I guess I’d at least like to go out with you more,” I tell her and she smiles lightly.

And there we are again, we’re sitting but nothing is happening. I must have sat there for a minute before saying good night and exiting the car. What is wrong with me? I had a wonderful night but I don’t want to ruin it by asking her in because of what? I must have stood by her car for another few minutes before I walk around the front of her car, away from where I go to enter the house and watch as she rolls down her window.

“Do you want to come in,” I ask nervously.

“After this date tonight, dinner and a movie I chose? Yes Stuart, I’d love to come inside,” Candice replies and I feel my limbs come back to life.

I get the door to her car as she shuts it off and we enter the house to find it quiet and dark. Shoes come off and we cross the entry way heading down the hall and enter my room closing the door. It takes me a minute to find the lamp next to my bed and turn it on filling the room with a dim yellow light.

“Stuart you know that I’m not here to help you with anything tonight right? I asked you out and this whole night you’ve been really nice. I got to pick where I wanted to go, you paid, I got to pick the activity a movie I wanted to see and you didn’t complain. I know you’d have preferred something not so sappy but you didn’t say a word now let me show you something,” Candice explains as she sits me down on my bed.

She’s standing in front of me in pair of loose slacks and button up women’s top as I watch her undo her pants and pull them down off of her hips and to her ankles kicking them to the side. Her panties aren’t anything fancy but right now the simple silk smooth look of them is enough to have me getting hard in my pants. I watch still as she hooks her thumbs in the waist band of the panties and pulls them off slowly only keeping a hold of them before taking my hand in her empty one and placing them inside it. They are smooth and glossy but something else, damp. They are damp panties and I wonder when she starts talking again.

“I’m not working Stuart but you need this. I’ve been warm and ready for you since dinner but you were being a gentleman and taking your time with me. It makes me feel better about myself but now I need you to figure out what to do next because I can’t show you what to do next,” Candice says softly.

Now I’m standing or at least I think it was me who stood up and I turn us around to put her on the bed letting her sit. Candice is watching me as I pull my shirt off and follow it with my pants and lastly my underwear which leaves me naked as I note Candice has stripped down and thrown her own clothing to the floor. I crawl up her body as we shift putting her head on the pillow and I note her hand reaching over to kill the light in the room bathing us in the dark. Our lips find each other and as I press against her lightly Candice wraps her arms around me softly. It takes a little bit of prodding to find the right spot and Candice giggles until I find the right spot and press in lightly. She stiffens and I push a little more only finding there is n resistance and end up burying myself in her. I’m keeping my weight off her with my elbows as we rock back and forth. Candice is kissing me lightly and holding me with her arms but not really doing much but like this I guess she doesn’t need to. I feel warm and I am not even thinking about what we’re doing I’m just going with the flow. Candice’s face is that in between of relaxed and concentrating as we keep rocking back and forth.

I feel her legs pull up giving me deeper access and become acutely aware that I have nowhere to go as they lock around me. I don’t move harder but I do speed up a little and see Candice begin to bite her lip and surprise her with a kiss that only lasts a second when I feel her clamp down on me and pull my face to hers as she wants more kiss. I’m pressing and she’s gripping me as my orgasm takes over and I grunt as Candice holds me inside her while I finish. I feel her still gripping me and we’re both sweaty and breathing heavy but still in each other’s arms. Finally after what feels like eternity I roll off of Candice and we both start to relax a little as she gets up and starts cleaning up before beginning to dress. I’m looking at her funny when she notices.

“I have an early morning and I need to get back to my place,” Candice explains as I start to counter her she cuts me off,” I’d love to stay too but I have to get back so I can be up early tomorrow.”

“Is it work,” I ask curious and hoping it is work and not something else.

“Yes, more of a meeting with the boss and people who might be clients, all the girls will be there to go over the files and see who will be working with who,” Candice explains as she finishes dressing.

I pull on some shorts and we sneak out of my room and the house as I walk her to her car. I get a warm kiss before Candice is in her car and down the road towards her home. I get back inside and am almost to my room when I notice Natsuko watching me from her door way, she has a look on her face of amusement and I figure she wants to say something but I’m not interested and enter my room closing the door.

The next morning comes early and Guy’s running is kicking my ass and the whole Thursday continues to as he works my cardio. I am given some time to think on last night as Mrs. Kori and Mrs. Rachael spend at least an hour having me go over the what’s and how’s. They are approving of my being a gentleman and are glad I took the initiative.

“Biggest thing to understand is that early on all men have confidence problems, hell I nearly raped Guy our first time,” Kori explains being open about my mentor.

“I have a hard time picturing that,” I tell her and she smiles lightly.

“Well I say nearly but he was pretty shot emotionally and I’d like to think I kicked off this wonderful life we’re living by telling myself ‘Oh my god he’s so depressed I don’t care what Liz will say’,” Mrs. Kori informs me with a content smile.

“I’m sorry but I have trouble seeing Guy, your husband and my mentor, emotionally out of control or distraught,” I tell the ladies and they all pause for a second.

I can tell they’re debating something as they end my counseling session and resume their motherly duties with the children. I spend a little more time in the gym with the weights, mostly just doing little things to pass the time since I still don’t have a phone and they don’t let me use the one computer I’ve seen in the house. I know there are more rooms here but I don’t dare go looking for trouble considering Guy and his family have made me feel like one of the family. Guy returns home with Mrs. Imelda and Mrs. Katy about an hour before dinner and after everyone eats, the children are done with their reading and put to bed the adults including Natsuko have gathered in the living room. I take a seat next to Mrs. Katy on the small couch while everyone else is spread around the room on couches or in chairs with Guy sitting by himself in what I can only imagine is his chair.

“So honey Stuart wants a story, he seems to believe that you never lose your cool or become emotionally stressed,” Mrs. Rachael says to her husband getting a snorting reaction from Mrs. Katy and Mrs. Imelda.

“Guy doesn’t lose his shit?! More like when Guy loses his shit it’s an event to take note because someone is getting fucked up in a biblical fashion,” Mrs. Imelda says laughing lightly.

“So we should pick the story,” Mrs. Kori says as the women look in between themselves.

“How about when Guy went ape shit on Greg and his buddy,” Mrs. Katy asks.

“Better than that, Taylor in the front yard? There’s a nightmare and change,” Mrs. Rachael says and I can see moods darken a little.

“You want the two most emotionally nerve wracking I can think of I’ll make it easy because they are the ends of the same story,” Guy says finally ending the debate as all of us lean in.

Guy: Years Earlier in College

Third year of college and I’m living the easy life. Classes are a cake walk and going for a double major is easy when you have five women at home that keep you focused, grounded and make sure that when you need to relax you can relax. I get in from classes on a Friday to our house, it’s not what I’d prefer for a home but it works for now since we only need the one bedroom for all of us and the second one is a great changing room and wardrobe area. Loretta aka Mom has been taking care of things bill wise and even though Mr. Delauter has had me come down on break to swing the stick for him once or twice he’s never had a negative thing to say about it. My folks in Washington are happy and we speak once a week on video call, still amazed Jun got my father to use the thing but I love being able to see him. We’re all done eating dinner and while it’s not super filling Kori is calling a family meeting in the living room. We’re all settled in and that’s when I start to get that feeling something is wrong, it’s not difficult to feel that when all my wives are looking at me and not Kori till she starts to speak standing in front of the group.

“So I called this family meeting, I love that term everyone,” Kori starts as we all chuckle,” because we have a problem. There is a plan in place and one of us decided to break up the plan and go their own way on the subject of children.”

“I blame Katy,” Rachael says quickly with a smirk.

“Hey I’m really not ready to have a kid yet thank you little Mrs. ‘I’m shorter and lighter so we can fuck in the shower’,” Katy snaps back.

“Easy both of you Kori you seem to know more than most here what’s going on,” I ask and she looks more nervous now than ever.

“I stopped taking birth control a couple months ago,” my first wife says and now the room is quiet.

“You what,” I ask now in a state of disbelief.

“I stopped taking it a couple months ago and let my cycle run its course, I haven’t had a period in a while,” Kori explains and I feel like I could take a shit right now.

“How long is a while baby girl,” Imelda asks getting up and becoming very reassuring to her fellow wife.

“About three months,” Kori tells us and now I’m up.

“Wait I said, let’s get through college and we’ll start a family then. We all agreed,” I tell Kori and the rest of them shocked and feeling like shit.

“Guy baby it’s going to be fine we’ll figure something out,” Rachael says trying to reassure and I step back.

There they are, five women, all my wives are staring at me with a level of worry I’ve never seen before and what is my response? Walk out. I don’t realize I’ve done it, hell I’m pretty sure it’s a first but since it’s not the only one tonight I’ll take the bump to my relationships later. I don’t know how far I’ve been walking and I don’t really know where I’m at but what I did figure out is that Matty has been pacing me this entire time. She’s taller by a bit and in great shape so keeping up with me is easy for her. I finally stop and my mind catches up with me when my Amazon wraps her arms around me from behind.

“You’re pissed off with Kori,” Matty says and I shake my head.

“No I’m scared shitless,” I tell her and she moves me to a bench, I discover we’re in a park and we sit down.

“What scares you so bad about Kori being pregnant,” Matty asks with her arm around my shoulder.

“Look at me; I’m a ball of violence and destruction on a bad day. I have no job; I don’t even have my business up and running so I’m going to have to live off of whatever we can find. God for-fucking-bid I live off my Mother or Mom and Dad because I’m not letting everyone else do my job for me,” I explain finding my fire again.

“Baby what job is that,” my Amazon asks concerned.

“Father and provider, I’m going to be a Dad soon and I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I have to quit college now and get a job fast, one that pays well,” I tell her in an anxious voice.

“Whoa when did you quitting college have to do with Kori getting pregnant? Yeah it’s rushed but we can ask for some help with your family,” Matty starts and I cut her off.

“More help, we’d have to ask for MORE help. I’m living off of everyone else’s work and now instead of trying to cut back on depending on everyone else to bail my ass out you want me to just keep asking for more,” I tell her standing up and facing a sitting Amazon.

“Yes, they’re family and it’s not like you’re a walking shitbag. You need to accept the fact that this is happening and you’re a part of it just like the rest of us. Now as for the money shit are you really sure you’re not ready to be a father because the rest of us are pretty sure you’re the only one who is worried about that point,” Matty tells me standing up and taking me by the shoulders.

Yeah me a dad, now well I got six months to figure that one out. Speaking with my parents had one major outcome, we had to move and my mother and Mom have been by more than once to be all sorts of motherly. Best thing to happen during this massive transition of back aches, cravings that make no sense and constant doctor visits is my Dad and Mr. Delauter joining Mother and Mom on the trips. The two of them started with helping me cope at first and then moved me into the getting ready stage so that I’d be prepared mentally. My social life outside of my wives was kind of light and sporadic so as I’m sitting in my criminology class listening to a lecture on ‘who knows what but it’s on the test’ I get a phone call that blows up my phone in the middle of class.

“Mr. Donnelly bring me the phone and put it on speaker so we all can hear what is so important that it broke into my lecture,” my professor, Mrs. Garcia, orders and everyone chuckles as I accept the call while walking up to the front.

“Guy its Imelda. Boy you need to get to the hospital Kori is in labor right now,” my Latina fire goddess says excitedly into the phone.

“Wow, thanks for making that awkward Mrs. Garcia,” I tell her before rushing back to my seat and grabbing my coat and book.

I took Black Sunshine with me to school today and I’m grateful I did because I arrived at the nearest hospital to Kori, the one across town damn near in enough time to find out that my wife, my first wife, hasn’t delivered yet. She has however started contractions and when I take her hand to hold it and reassure her she damn near breaks mine. I remain standing and prevent as much damage as possible as I try to remind her of her breathing.

“Baby remember the breaths,” I say before mimicking the coaches we had.

“You do that shit again I swear to god I will yank out an IV and stab you somewhere vital,” Kori growls and I feel a little afraid for once.

After that contraction she apologizes and we go through the basic checks and I take in that this is really happening. Kori is starting to sweat from strain after the first half hour and I discover that while she got here with Imelda our fellow wife is gathering the troops and making calls before returning to us. I hold her hand and the doctors keep doing checks when one of them leaves the room suddenly and I start to take notice. Not two minutes later I’m being ushered out of the room and Kori is trying to ask them what is going on when I hear the words ‘Erratic Fetal Heartbeat’ and my own heart stops. They have to do something with Kori, they have to make a decision, they have to do a half dozen things but I’m being lead away from the room and find myself walking aimlessly down the halls going nowhere and find myself at a chapel. I thought they only had them in hospitals on TV and in movies but apparently they exist in real life and now I’m sitting by myself on a bench or a pew or whatever they call this thing wondering how do I pray. I never really did it before and I don’t even know if there is a god but I just want my wife and child to be alright. As I’m sitting there with my head bowed, trying to find a way to fix this when I hear an all too familiar voice next to me.

“He’s probably a little too busy to fix the problem there asshole,” the voice says and I immediately grimace.

“Derek this isn’t the time or the place shouldn’t you off somewhere haunting a college locker room,” I reply not looking up.

“Hey the asshole comment was me just trying to get you to lighten up,” I feel his hand on my shoulder and it’s creepy,” This may suck or it may work out but right now I’m just trying to talk with an old friend and let him know that he’ll get past this no matter what.”

“Old friend, you tried to kill me,” I reply quietly.

“And you killed me but I fucked up first.

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