
A New Day, A New Us part 11

The final Chapter for the third series.

Monday morning. I’m pulling up to school all alone for a change, before anyone else has had a chance to get here. I do this to give myself some time to think about what I’m becoming; A leader? A vigilante? A monster?

I lock my bike and head into the cafeteria to sit inside and away from the gathering crowds as students get off the buses. I get about five minutes of alone time when my phone goes off and I see that Kori’s wondering where I’m at. I tell her to send everyone to class, and to spread the word that I’ll be in the field at lunch.

It does amaze me how the world can change in just two days. Friday, there was a tension that had the school gripped in anticipation and fear; even the teachers were feeling it. Now, here I am on Monday, after third period, and instead of heading to get a lunch, I head to my spot at the bleachers and find that people are waiting for me and wondering where I am. My girls and friends are there too, but, it’s the crowd of onlooking students that are doing the majority of the talking.

I calmly walk up behind a simple looking student and say “excuse me”. I watch the kid turn and as soon as others notice where I am the mass of students parts at my
presence and I quietly head over to my family. I give a kiss to both Kori and Katy before ascending the bleachers to my spot–top corner–and face the assembled crowd. I can see everyone is waiting with anticipation as to what I’ll say or do; they have reason to be. The rumors of ‘what’ happened and ‘who’ got taken care of are buzzing around the school.

I look out and can even see Mrs. Jackson has reached the back of the crowd and is staring when I decide to show some real respect. “People, move aside. Our principal is here. Let her through,” I tell the crowd. I watch the crowd turn their attentions to her, make a path for her and start to whisper as to her intentions. Mercifully, I’m not stupid and don’t plan on any grand display of power that I don’t have.

I wait for her to get to the front before speaking. “Do you smell that? Do you hear it? Can you see it?” I get some confused looks from the crowd,”That is the lack of oppression in the air.”

I get cheering and applause for my words and I let it go for a few moments before raising my hand and quieting the crowd.

“Now, here I am with our principal in front of me and this is what I have to say to that: Welcome out to your field, Ma’am. Would you like a seat up here or are you okay down there?” I ask with genuine politeness.

“No, Mr. Donnelly, I’m fine. I’m just hearing what an unelected student leader has to say,” Mrs. Jackson tells me in a matter-of-fact tone.

“All right, Ma’am. I’ll get to the point, but, honestly, thank you for coming, because it helps me illustrate,” I tell her before turning my attention to the crowd again, ”…that this, here, is the person who tells us what we can and cannot do at school. Has she ever told you not to wear your clothes a certain way? Has she ever told you that the way you look is wrong? Has she *ever* just told you that who you are is wrong?”

I get murmuring from the crowd and even more confusion. Mrs. Jackson, on the other hand, doesn’t look phased by my questions for the crowd.

“I’ll help you out; she hasn’t. It’s not who this woman is. She looks out for you *because* of who you are, *NOT* what you dress like. This is the leader that I looked up to when I was chosen to be the person you see in front of you. This woman, Mrs. Jackson, has the power and the authority to tell you what to do and when to do it. She doesn’t. Why? Because she respects you.”

I get a level of awe with the crowds’ silence. ”As you walk your NEW school grounds, remember that you are not oppressed, you are cared for. You are treated like people because you *are* people.”

I get applause and more cheering from the students and find Mrs. Jackson waiting patiently for me when I get to the bottom of the bleachers with my friends. We walk with her back to the office and the whole of my family waiting in the office has the secretaries a little confused when Mrs. Jackson pulls me into her office alone.

“That was quite a speech, but, the question is, how much can I trust you?” Mrs. Jackson asks sitting down.

“Ma’am, you have real power, here, and I know that. I’m just telling people that when I stood up to something, I didn’t stand up against everything. I do respect you Mrs. Jackson,” I tell her still standing.

“Well, you made a very good point out there, I was wondering what those crowds I’ve been seeing were about, but, since I seem to have student support, I can’t really tell you to stop,” Mrs. Jackson says leaving a pause,” But, I will not have this ‘rumored’ aggression running around my school and I will not tolerate any bullying from either side.”

“I understand, Ma’am, and my people know to treat people with respect first. It’s when we aren’t left in peace that we return in kind what we were given,” I say politely.

I get dismissed and rejoin my friends and girls as we head to get a quick bite from the cafeteria before class. The rest of my day until homeroom goes by smoothly, save for a quiet level of peace that has been around all day long. I get to the Gym and see my whole crew and Kiante waiting for me. I beeline it to the Class VP with a level of urgency that puts everyone on edge till they see my smiling face.

“Class Vice President how good of you to come around to my neck of the woods,” I tell him smiling in a way that should creep people out,”What brings you to the gym during girls’ practice?”

“Business, mostly. I need to bring you to a meeting after school, you and one representative from your group to meet with Kyle and one representative from his group,” Kiante tells me in a more official tone than I expected.

“Really? Why would I want to do that?” I ask politely.

“Because I’m asking you to. Despite the change of mood there are still people walking around scared only now it’s reversed from them scaring students to you scaring them,” Kiante informs me.

“Really, I’m scaring them? *We’re* scaring them?” I ask starting to laugh,” How are we scaring them? What could we have done to evoke such a strong response?”

“Listen, man, I’m not here to accuse anyone of anything,” Kiante says dropping his official tone and talking to me plainly,” I’m here because Kyle came before Yano at lunch and asked for her and I to sit in while you discuss some sort of a quick resolution to the fighting that’s been going on.”

“What is there to discuss? It’s not like we’ve done anything but stand up and not back down,” Jun says slowly standing up.

“What my associate means is there’s something going on and either you don’t know or you won’t say,” I tell Kiante leading him towards the door,” I will only meet in the cafeteria and I will only do so in public.”

I get a nod and head back to my friends at the bleachers and sit down before realizing that everyone is staring at me.

“I’m meeting him in the cafeteria. Think we can get everyone there in under an hour?” I ask my friends.

The phones come flying out and I even see Masha on her’s texting someone with the update on the day. I get through some homework while getting a pair of arms around my neck from Kori, who’s in lovey mode since yesterday. It’s not a long wait till the bell rings and we head out to the cafeteria to see that it’s packed with students. I get my new treatment of people parting for me and my crew, but, see only Yano sitting at the table confused. I smile and sit down as my family takes other tables flanking me.

“Is all this really necessary?” Yano asks confused.

“Necessary, no. It’s fun, watch this,” I tell her before leaning back and raising my voice,” Can I get a round of applause for our class president for inviting you all out here?”

The cafeteria becomes deafening and after a minute I raise my hand and all goes quiet suddenly. Yano looks around and finally I have to laugh at the scene which gets everyone else to laugh. I’m waiting patiently for a minute when I see the crowd start to face away from me and towards Kyle and a bruised Hao. His nose has been reset and I can see his eyes got blackened by some great force; I casually turn to Devin and motion for him to get the crowd to part.

“Everybody clear a path and let them through. Guy has business with Kyle,” Devin bellows loud enough to make Yano jump a little in her seat.

I watch Kiante bringing up the rear as Kyle and Hao get to the table I’m sitting at. Kyle takes a seat across from me, but, Hao is looking around for his place with no luck until I wave Natsuko to have someone get him one. After sitting down and looking really nervous about having Natsuko so close to him Hao moves a little closer to Kyle. Kiante is seated to my left, and Yano at my right. Kyle’s across from me and Hao’s behind him looking worried; my crew’s at my back and my believers surrounding us all. I feel so good, I pull my hood off and smile as Yano starts to speak.

“I was asked today to have two leaders of two decidedly different groups in this school meet so that a quick resolution to this tension could be resolved. Since Guy has decided to meet in a more public forum, I will ask that the students not at this table please remain as quiet as possible while this meeting takes place.” Yano starts looking between Kyle and myself.

“Well, I can ask them for quiet, but, sometimes they have a mind of their own,” I reply smiling and looking at the crowd while making a ‘shhh’ with a finger on my lips.

The whole time I’m smiling and making nice Kyle is sitting across from me with a serious look on his face. Not menacing but dire and desperate. I fold my hands in my lap and wait for someone to begin.

“A lot of Violence and pain has been done to people on both sides from both sides…,” Kyle starts before I interrupt.

“Allegedly done by both sides,” I say smiling,” I don’t remember there being anyone caught when people were attacked over a week ago.”

“Fine, allegedly done by both sides. Now I’m here just to settle some differences and make some changes in how things work in my organization. Heather has been given a leave of absence until she is ready to take a more restricted role.” Kyle says barely choking out the words with his temper,”However, I’m here to see all this violence stop and to propose something very simple to end it all.”

“Ohhhhh, what’s that gonna be,” I ask with mock anticipation.

“We fight. Not our groups, not our friends, just you and me,” Kyle says taking a serious but aggressive tone,” You need someone to teach you some boundaries after bringing people in that had no business being involved in what happens at this school.”

“Do not try to tell me that I’m the first one to pull that. Look Kori in the eye and tell her that I’m the first one who went outside of our groups and decided to recruit some help. I did just what you did, Kyle…” I pause to bite back my growing rage before smirking,” …but, I did it better.”

“Both of you need to calm down.” Kiante says intervening. ”So, we have a proposal for a fight, but, what are the terms?”

“Easy. I win, and he lets my people walk the school unhindered, we don’t bully, but, he leaves them all alone,” Kyle says plainly but with controlled anger,” You win, and the whole thing is disbanded. We all walk away and we don’t get bothered about it anymore as a result, since it doesn’t exist. You can say you officially destroyed the group.”

“Terms are set. Guy, do you have an answer?” Yano asks keeping a good level of decorum.

“’I win, you disband? You win, we let you do what you’ve been doing?’ I’m not sure how I feel about this.” I turn to the crowd. ”Should I fight him?”

The assembled students start cheering “Yes!” loudly, and I can see even my crew smiling, but, I turn my attention to my three girls; they know where I’m going with it when I raise my hand to get the crowd to stop. I stand up from the table and stare Kyle straight in his eyes.

“No,” I hear a level of discord and unrest in my believers and I let them speak their piece before silencing them with a quick wave of my hand. ”I say ‘no’ because you have nothing I want. Your people won’t bully anyone ever again, period. We beat you. I beat you. I have nothing to prove and nothing to gain by it.”

I sit back down and see some of the crowd is working over what I said. However, I am watching Kyle’s reaction to my refusal. I’m watching the gears turn in his head when I sit back down and Kori squeezes my shoulder, lightly getting my attention. I turn and see her face; a light smile and wink tells me it’s time to make a move.

“But, there is something I want *and* there is something you want, isn’t there?” I tell him leaning back and looking at my hands,” and I’ll be the first one to say, she is a real beauty.”

“What…No. You will not even think about going near her,” Kyle says coming to his senses about my direction for the conversation.

“Here’s the thing, I think she likes me, and I have room for another tigress in my life and on my body…” I tell him rubbing my tattoo through my shirt, ”…but, I think I know a little bit about her and she’d like to see two guys fighting over her, so, here’s the bet. No clubs. No school. No bullshit. No holds barred. One on one. You and me. Winner gets Rachael. Oh, and for an added bonus you have to either admit defeat OR your girl has to throw in the towel when she thinks it’s been enough for you. Now, I like this game, what do you think?”

“Fuck you. I’m not putting her on the table just to fight you,” Kyle says standing up and pissed off.

“Not my problem, I can put her on a table soon enough.” I reply smiling with confidence.

I can see Kyle shaking his head and sitting back down in his chair. Hao is whispering something into his ear. I let them talk when a faint memory hits me and gives
me a smile as I sit my chair right and start talking behind me.

“Hey Kori, you’ve met Rachael. Doesn’t she smell like strawberries?” I ask like Kyle’s not there.

“Yeah, a little bit, I don’t know if it’s body wash or perfume,” Kori answers me not hiding our conversation.

“You two stop talking about her,” Kyle snaps getting a hush from the crowd,” The bike ride home you gave her was as close as you’re going to get to ever touching her.”

“Really? You really think that, Kyle? Would you look behind me at the three girls here? Or, maybe outside at the hot Latina biker waiting for us? You really think I have a
problem getting women?” I say smirking. ”Let me prove my point; Miss President, you must see how attractive you are in that sweater top.”

“Ummm, I didn’t think it was much of a fashion statement,” Yano stammers getting a giggle from the crowd that I silence with a raise of my hand.

“Oh it’s not the top as much as the person who fills it out, and I wish you’d get contacts but the librarian glasses work for you,” I tell her like nobody else is there.

Kyle’s confused, my girls are almost purring behind me, and the crowd is a hush, but, I drown all that out and focus on Yano. She’s a little flushed and definitely turned on when I take her hand and calm her down a little before giving her a wink.

“Yeah, I don’t lie to women or keep secrets. I treat them like the goddesses they are when they need it and the women they pretend they’re not when we’re alone. Oh yeah, I’ll ‘never’ touch her again… until she wants me to,” I explain to Kyle plainly.

I got him. He’d never admit it, but, it’s like when you’re playing a game with someone and they realize they just lost after your turn. Kyle’s angry, a little confused and I know he’s hurting after yesterday with Rachael. Not to mention that everyone around him in his group is watching him to see if he’s going to get them hurt, now. I’m waiting for him to make his move or accept the challenge when he starts to get up from the table and tries to walk out. A level of disgust comes from the crowd, but, I hear something that almost makes me cringe come from Kyle’s pocket; ‘Hey handsome, your Princess is calling’. Kyle freezes in place and calmly answers his phone.

“Hey, Rachael… No, I’m still at school… Are you home…? You’re here at school now…? Yes, I did like you said but he said no… No, he didn’t like my terms and he has his own, but, I said no,” I listen as Kyle start to answer to ‘his’ better half. ”We’re in the cafeteria, honey. I’ll come out and meet you.”

I watch him hang up and start to try to reach the door when I see people turning away from the conference and part to let Rachael through. Kyle starts to try to lead her
out, but, she moves towards the table. I watch as one of the crowd gives her a chair to sit in. Quietly, Kyle moves back to his chair and sits back down across from me.

“Hi, Rachael,” I say smiling from my seat.

“Hello, Guy, What’s wrong with you two just duking it out once and for all,” Rachael asks politely.

“Honestly, I just don’t get anything out of his terms. Now, MY terms are much more interesting,” I reply with a casual smile.

“Honey, he wants to fight me for you,” Kyle tells Rachael who seems a little put off at the idea.

“Okay, but what do you get if you win,” Rachael asks confused.

“We’d be fighting for you,” Kyle tells her quietly.

“Well, I think you need to,” Rachael says dropping the bomb on the room hard. ”You’ve been hiding and keeping secrets from me for over a year and I think either I should start looking at a new relationship or maybe you need to do something to show me that I’m more important to you than some club.”

“I like you,” I say standing up from the chair and staring down at Rachael.” But here’s what you don’t get, girl. I don’t want a fight, I want to hurt him. IF he gets into a fight with me I will not stop until I’m dead or he’s broken and bleeding in at my feet. And when I’m done ‘princess’, I want to fuck you like an animal.”

Kyle bolts up from his chair and slaps me right across my face with more speed than I thought he had and the whole crowd start to erupt. I am still standing and my head is turned from the slap but I simply raise my hand again and they start to calm down before turning my face back towards Kyle and smile. I can almost taste his rage but I watch as Rachael pulls him back into his seat. I am still standing as Kiante motions me to sit down but I’m not in a mood to listen.

“This will come to order, Guy you need to sit down,” Yano says regaining control of the situation.

“I’m done here unless Kyle’s answer is ‘yes’,” I tell them. I turn from the table and I’m being led out from the cafeteria by Kori, Matty and Katy, but, I don’t get far.

“YOU WANT HIM, YOU BASTARD?!?!” Rachael screams over everyone.

I turn and see her standing up. She’s really pulling out all the acting chops for me. I turn back to the table and stare her down as Kyle stands up to face me.

“I’ll fight you. Name the time and place, and my girlfriend will get to watch me kick your head off,” Kyle says with more determination than I’ve seen from him, today.

I start to laugh; it’s a laugh that I’ve become known for when something really bad is about to happen and I can hear the cafeteria get silent as my laughter dies and I turn to leave.

“Time…Is on my side…,” I sing while being lead out by my three girls.

I get to my bike and watch as students pile out in droves and start talking about the fight. I sit back and come to terms with the fact that I don’t have a time or place yet, but, he agreed and that’s what is most important. My girls, on the other hand, seem to be handling the logistics as I listen to Katy on the phone with Johnny about a spot to use. As I watch, I shake my head as Devin and Ben go on alert; someone is approaching our group. I step off my bike and see Yano being held back. I nod to Ben, and they let her through.

“What the hell was that display there all about,” Yano asks a little flustered.

“I was making my point to him and her about what I really am and what is going to happen once I get a hold of the both of them,” I tell Yano as Katy moves over to us.

“No, not that, I mean the flirting,” Yano says a little put off,” Were you just making fun of me in there or were you serious?”

“Oh, girl he was serious, I think he left you with a bug,” Rachael tells her coyly,” You want us to come by today and help you out with that?”

“Wait, ‘us’? What do you mean ‘us’,” Yano asks a little embarrassed.

“See, he told us about you, and while the others thought it was hot,” Katy says with a quiet dominance,” I thought that sometime soon we need to fuck us a little slut. Now, take my number, and you call me when your free today. Yes?”

I watch as Yano calmly takes Katy’s number into her phone and slowly walks away towards her vehicle. Once Katy turns back towards me, I get Kori’s attention from her call, and listen as she’s talking to Johnny.

“No, I don’t know what the odds are but apparently the guy studies martial arts or something.” Kori says before turning her attention to us. ”What? I’m trying to work the details out.”

“Katy wants to take me away to make the Class President our bitch,” I tell Katy getting a wide eyed response” …Can we go when she calls, please?”

“Oh, and can we grab a few toys from the chest?” Katy asks cuddling up to Kori like a child.

“No, not for you, Johnny; Guy would kill you,” Kori says in the phone, ”I want a ride home and Guy you need to talk with your Dad about the fight, we got a window for Saturday night and Johnny has a few spots for you to look at.”

“Okay, but, look at Katy…she really wants to go have some fuuuuun.” I cuddle up on the other side of Kori.

“You can go when she calls, but, for now, can we please attend to the fact that you are going to be fighting for our new sister in less than a week,” Kori admonishes me.

“Look in my eyes, Kori. He’s a martial artist in America. He fights in soft-striking tournaments at best. What is he going to do to me?” I ask with a little more sarcasm than expected.

“He slapped you, and you didn’t stop it. You can play it off like you wanted him to slap you, but, you didn’t stop it.” Kori’s retort gets some seriousness from everyone. ”You need to talk with your father about a plan.”

I got to admit it when she’s right, and she is. I didn’t quite see that shot coming and that *is* a problem. He’s fast. Very fast. While I have some speed and power, my only real trait is how well I can take abuse and keep from tiring out under normal circumstances. It gives me pause for thought as everyone heads out.

I take my bike back home; as soon as I’m inside the door, I start to go over what I know in my head about this fight, almost immediately I find myself in workout gear in Dad’s gym working on my striking. Liz is the first one to come in and try to break me out of my mindset.

“Hey, bro? Aren’t you jumping the gun a little?” Liz asks taking a seat.

“Nope, Kyle might not fight like I do, but, he can fight, and that means getting myself ready,” I reply without breaking my concentration.

“Okay, but, I think you should wait for Dad to get home and have him run you through this,” Liz says trying to break my mindset with words.

“If I’m not busy when he gets here, I will,” I reply putting my fists to the bag.

I can hear her thinking. Something is up and I’m pretty sure I know what it is, but, I’m figuring she’ll either tell me or she’ll just explode it all over me when it becomes too big to hold inside.

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