
A Mother’s Sacrifice

In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or “first night rights.” In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures.

This event takes place around 1453 AD in eastern France.

The story

“Mother, John won’t marry me if the lord fucks me first! You know that is the law – and the lord enforces it on serious penalty. What am I to do?”

Madame deLong to her child, “Christine, of course, I know it – that is where your older brother came from – the lord’s father fucked me on my wedding night and nine months later your brother was born. Your father could not do anything about it. It is a terrible rule that the Lord goes first. It was removed many years ago but Lord Coucy’s father reinstated it and he has continued it.”

“But John won’t marry if I am not a virgin!”

Mother replies, “Honey, John is a peasant like us and he can’t pay the lord’s tax to marry so you will have to open your legs to the lord. That is all there is to it. I did for the lord’s father and you can for his son! If I had not done it we would not have your brother who has helped provide for us while your father is off fighting the king’s battles. Your father accepted it.”

“Dear Mother, then you talk to John and tell him that – I tried. He is not going to marry me if the lord’s cock breaks my skin. I just am not going to marry! ” With her palms, Christine wipes some tears from the corner of her eyes.

“Christine, you are 16 now which is three years after bleeding and if you were under some other lord’s land you’d have been married two or three years ago and had two screaming babies by now. You’re lucky that this young lord follows his father’s way and lets the females ripen more before having them marry. Too many women were dying in childbirth.”

“I don’t care!” she cries and falls into a chair.

“Both your father and your older brother let the lord have their wives on their wedding nights – not because they wanted too. But I know it won’t do any good talking to that John of yours. He is a good boy but too stubborn. My angel, let me think about this for a while.”


The next day.

“Mother, where are you going?”

“Christine, I have an idea. I am going to the manor and talk with the lord.”

“It isn’t any use. I am going to be an old maid.”

“My dear little girl, you deserve more than that. You do so much work here in the house and the farm work on the lord’s section of land. Plus, you bring in extra money from your spinning cloth. I am going to see that you are happy. You have also saved your maidenhead for your marriage. I’ll be back tonight.”

“Oh, Mother, merci. I hope so – I wish you well dear Mother!”

In the lord’s manor.

Christine’s mother enters and bows to Lord Coucy, who is a large man with a black mustache and long side burns. He does not have hair on his chin because he likes to show the cleft of his chin which is the family trait of the men. He has a cleft just like his deceased father’s. He sits behind a long thick oak table.

“So peasant deLong, I don’t know why my clerk let you have an audience with me – I don’t let anyone question the practice of jus primae noctis. There are no exceptions. If the marriage tax can not be paid the lord has first use of the bride. The laws must be obeyed. However, the clerk here said you had a proposition that would interest me. But please do not distress me with any complaint.”

“Thank you, m’ lord. You are the son of your father, Lord Coucy, who was wise, fair and generous. He gave me my first son who I adore. Dear Sir, you know my young daughter Christine wants to marry the peasant John, and the boy is stubborn. He wants to have his bride’s treasure first.”

The Lord interrupts and bellows, “Ha! If a couple cheats me on first night’s rights I’ll have them both put in an iron gibbet for all to see until they starve!”

“Sir, I have an idea that I think may satisfy the law.”

“What is it woman?”

“Fuck me.”

“Fuck you?” Fuck you, instead – an old mother whose cunt is well worn?”

“Fuck me and my daughter.”

“Tell me more, woman.”

“My Lord, when you come to our home early on the nuptial night we will have young John drunk from the partying after the wedding. The nosey people who like to watch the lord come to our house for the lord’s obligation will see you come and then, after you make the noble obligatory fuck they will see you go. You will have indeed screwed us both but we will tell John that you only fucked me. We will make the hapless lout state an oath to the King that he will never tell anyone that his wife was not fucked by you the lord. Of course, you will have but he will not know. So you get my cunt and my daughter’s little treasure box. What say you to this little ‘trickery’ for the nuptial night? Do you thing you could fill two holes?”

“Splendid – woman!”

“My daughter, Christine, and I should have a plenty of time to meet your needs by the time John sobers up. Of course, when he awakes you will be gone and Christine will be acting like she too is still asleep. I will wake her and we will tell him that you only screwed me and not that you fucked Christine too.”

“Brilliant! Well done! Now let me see your cunt and arse!”

The cagy mother smiles, “Oh thank you Lord. You can do what you want to us next week on the wedding night but only then.” She smiles, bows and takes her leave.

Back at home.

Madame deLong’s comes through her door. Fair Christine runs to meet her.

“Mother, what happened?”

“Darling, the problem is solved!”

“You are wonderful… How did you do it?”

“Our Lord is going to fuck you and me while your new husband is in a drunken stupor. However, John will think only I was violated. He will have to swear the rest of his days that he will only say the lord did the fucking. Of course, the lord would not be satisfied with cocking an old wench like me so I had to offer us both.”

“What! I am not going to let the lord fuck me! I can’t lie to my dear John.”

“Daughter, I feared that. So, I have an alternative. I will have to fuck the brains out of the lord so he won’t have juice left for you.”

“Mother, you would do that for me? Your sacrifice makes you an angel. You’re not an old wench either. I see the way the men try to look down your smock in the village. They would all love to have their time with you. You don’t let just every man be with you.”

“Well, daughter I don’t know why you can’t be a little friendlier with the men like your mother. After all, your father is away so often and you accept my bringing home men. We know you are not always asleep when we share the tick. [The tick is like a large mattress-like object stuffed with straw. Here it is called a palliasse or pallet after the French word for straw, paille. The peasant family and guests slept on the same tick due to limited space and needed heat in winter. Of course, the intimacy sometimes resulted in some interesting night activity.]

“But Mom, John insists on my purity.”

“Okay, Christine, we don’t need to keep going over this especially when you are to be married next week.”

Madame deLong continues, “Although I hate the law I do appreciate the lonely life the lord lives. Everyone knows he does not get much from his wife because she is always playing with the bauble of that dullard, mute young man who lives at their manor.

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