
A MILF meets Sasquatch (?)

Melinda Baker had rarely been this stressed and overworked. Her job as an investment banker was forcing her to work long hours while being pressured to keep her clients’ portfolios flowing with profits.

It was in late April that she decided she needed a break. Her college roommate lived in Minneapolis. Melinda, who was approaching her 39th birthday, decided to take a couple of weeks off and drive from Seattle to spend some time with her friend. Her husband and two teenagers were more than capable of taking care of themselves. In fact, considering how busy she had been at work, they’d hardly notice that she was gone.

After a frenzied week of working to prepare things for her absence, Melinda set off on a Saturday morning. Her Lexus LX08 had just a few thousand miles on it and she had little doubt that it would be reliable for her driving trip. With a box of her favorite CDs in the passenger seat, she started her journey.

While a 22-hour one-way drive might seem insane, Melinda was cherishing the alone/down time. She planned to take her time, stopping to sight see. She figured she could push it harder on the return trip and that she could still spend a week with her friend.

On Monday, her third day, she crossed into Montana. She saw a sign for a state park and decided to do a little exploring of Big Sky country. It was a glorious sunny spring day, the temperature was in the 70s. The idea of getting some outdoor time was alluring.

She followed the signs, exiting onto a two-lane road and then entering the park. She followed the curving paved road for a few miles, driving slowly. She saw a dirt road and decided to follow it. After a few twists and turns, she came to a widened parking area. There was a sign that said “Hiking Trail.”

She parked and got out. She put her keys and cell phone in her fanny pack, locked her car and started to walk.

After a few hundred yards, the trail moved out of the heavy woods and revealed a large meadow with waving green grass. She walked across it until she came to a large boulder. She climbed up and leaned back on the sun-warmed rock.

The tension and pressure she had been feeling at work was being purged from her body and mind. She sighed as she soaked up the sun and looked into the crystal blue sky as the gentle wind purred through the leaves of the nearby trees.

“I am soooo glad I did this,’’ she thought to herself. “Sometimes a girl just has to get away from everything.’’

Melinda was so relaxed she drifted off. When she woke, she realized that the sun was starting to slide toward the horizon. She glanced at her watch. “Wow, it’s almost five,’’ she thought. “I need to get on down the road and find a hotel.’’

As she walked back through the grass heading back to the trail, she texted her husband. She had said she’d check in from time to time just so he wouldn’t be worried about her. They had talked Saturday night at her first stop. If she had been “on alert” her senses might have warned her that someone was watching.

Melinda reached the trail and realized the sun had slid behind the impossibly tall trees. Dusk was falling on the forest. As she walked to her car, the light suggested more early evening than late afternoon.

A few steps from her SUV, she started to reach into her fanny pack for her keys. She heard a “SNAP,” a branch breaking. She immediately froze. “Who could be out here? I don’t see any other cars,” she thought, the back of her neck tingling in alarm.

Melinda thought she heard a muffled foot step behind her. She turned, caught sight of a huge, looming figure. She started to scream but a giant furry hand with a leathery paw closed over her lower face, muffling the sound. She fainted.


Melinda’s mind was playing tricks. She knew she wasn’t asleep but she wasn’t awake. She couldn’t see anything. She didn’t know if her eyes were open or not. At the edges of her consciousness, she had the troubling feeling of danger and fear. Everything was fuzzy.

Slowly she felt herself regaining her senses. She felt like she was slowly climbing up from a dark well.

When her eyes fluttered open, she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Everywhere she looked there was rock. She realized she was in a cave; there was flickering light coming from a couple of crude torches and a campfire. Her nostrils flared at the smoky smell.

Suddenly she realized that she was restrained. Her adrenaline started to flow. She glanced at her wrists and ankles and saw they were secured to a couple of columns (stalagtytes and stalagmytes). Her arms were stretched slightly up at an angle and her legs were spread so that her feet were about shoulder width apart.

Panic and fear were racing through her nervous system. She gathered a shaky breath and yelled. “Help!!!!. Help me, please!!!!” She was answered only by the sound of her voice echoing off the stone walls. She tried again, louder.

Melinda felt like her heart was going to pound through her chest. She felt as though she would hyperventilate. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself.

She sensed movement and opened her eyes. Before her was a creature. “IIIIEAAAHHHAAAHHHH.” Her piercing scream echoed and reverberated off the stone walls.

An objective observer would say that he was evidence that Big Foot exists. He was well over 7-feet tall, with broad shoulders and a bulky torso. His face resembled Chewbacca from Star Wars. He was covered in dark brown and black fur.

Melinda was about 5-foot-3; she craned her head back to look at the creature who had kidnapped her. Her mind flashed a cinematic equivalent to her predicament _ she was King Kong’s prize, the sacrifice the natives had tied to please the beast.


Her desperate screams and cries continued until she was hoarse. Melinda was on the verge of tears. There was bile rising in her throat and she started to gag and cough.

The Creature moved away, behind her, then returned. In his hand was a gourd that to him was a simple drinking utensil. To Melinda, it was more like a large mixing bowl.

He placed the gourd against her lips and tilted it. Cool water. She opened her mouth and drank. It calmed her somewhat.

The Creature kept tilting the gourd. It was too wide for her mouth and there was too much water for her to drink. He emptied the gourd and the overflow spilled down her front, soaking her blue work shirt blouse.

The cave was cold and damp; along with the cool water, her nipples hardened and poked against the wet fabric.

The Creature tossed aside the gourd. Melinda followed where his eyes were gazing. She looked down at her wet blouse that was plastered against her full breasts. She felt a chill run up her spine. Had she been looking at his face, she would have noticed the corners of his mouth curling upward in a slight smile.


He kneeled down in front of her. Now they were almost the same height.

Melinda was looking at his face again but there was no hint of emotion or intent.

“Please, let me go,’’ she said in a quiet, calmer voice. If he understood – and that was doubtful – her words had no impact.

Melinda noticed a movement. His right hand/paw was moving up toward her chest. His index finger, which had a pointed half-inch nail/claw, extended toward the tip of her breast. She caught her breath as the nail poked at her hard nipple.

“NOOOOOOooooo. Don’t. Don’t touch me.’’

He lightly traced around the nub, which hardened even more. His hand moved to her other breast and repeated its light probing of that pleasure bud.

Melinda again felt like she would faint. She shook her head, trying to retain a grip on reality. “No, I can’t faint. Who knows what he might do to me,’’ she thought.

Both of his large paws cupped her breasts, lifting them. His thick thumbs rubbed over the hard nipples, flicking them through the cloth. He flattened both of her mounds with his palms, rubbing them against her chest.

“AAAhhhhaaammm,” she gasped. Melinda realized he was handling her breasts in a gentle yet commanding manner.

While one hand moved back and forth between her breasts, the other moved up and his finger pad traced over her full lips, feeling their softness. Then he moved his hand up and ran his fingers through her dark hair.

The Creature then stopped his fondling and reached for something on the stone floor. He held it in his left and rubbed the claw/nail of his right forefinger back and forth over the rough stone. Melinda could hear a rasping noise.

Like any good craftsman, he was preparing a tool for the job.

Satisfied that the nail had been sharpened sufficiently, he plucked at the left sleeve of Melinda’s blouse. Holding it away from her arm, he poked the nail through the cloth and sawed it back and forth, slowly increasing the size of the hole it had made.

Melinda watched, eyes wide. “What are you doing?’’ she rasped, her strained voice not much above a whisper. “God, no, please, don’t.’’

When the hole was large enough, he slipped a finger from each hand into the space and pulled in opposite directions. The sound of the tearing cloth shattered the cave’s silence as he split the sleeve from cuff to collar.

“GGNNAANNNGAAAooooo,’’ she moaned, the full realization of her fate beginning to descend upon her.

Patiently, he applied the same method to the other sleeve. And again, there was a loud RRRRIPPPPPP as the sleeve became two tattered pieces of cloth. Her arms were exposed from the shoulders down, the remnants of the sleeves hanging uselessly.

He then set to work on the buttons of her blouse. The nail worked its way under the top button. This time he applied his thumb and gave a yank. Melinda felt her blouse pulled against her back and then the button popped free. One by one, he plucked the buttons off her blouse. As it hung open, it revealed the white camisole she wore underneath.

His hands moved to the collar of her blouse on the right side of her neck. He ripped apart what little material was remaining, then did the same on the other side. The two halves of her blouse floated to the stone floor.

Melinda was breathing hard, her breasts rising and falling. Her camisole was wet from the spilled water and it clung to her mounds. Her dark, hard nipples and her areolas were prominent against the thin material.

The Creature used his claw on the right spaghetti strap of her camisole.

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