A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 1
A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 1
Sex Story Author: | Mike Ringer |
Sex Story Excerpt: | After lunch the two girls lay under the awning and Lindsay took off the swimsuit cover. As she |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest, Lesbian, Masturbation, Teen Male/Teen Females, Virginity, Young |
I have published this story elsewhere but wanted to rewrite it before I posted on here. The rewrite of this part is actually pretty cosmetic but later parts will be markedly different.
Lindsay stood on the sandy beach, shielding her eyes from the dazzling sunlight, and looking out to sea. She was not happy even though she was on holiday, as a fifteen year old girl wanted clubs, discos and boys but all she had got was a trip to the middle of nowhere because her parents had decided it would be good to ‘get away from it all’ and ‘bond as a family’. Today this had involved trekking from their rented farmhouse on a remote stretch of the southern Spanish coast to an even remoter beach, and although it was beautiful, what did you do when you got here?. There was no sign of anyone else in either direction so all there was to do was swim, sunbathe, read and chill out.
Sighing to herself she laid out her towel next to the awning where her parents sat and applied sun lotion to herself, tying her shoulder length blonde hair out of the way. Her father watched her and thought how beautiful his daughter had become – she had big blue eyes that melted your heart, well proportioned features and even white teeth. Her slim figure was toned by swimming and other sports and her breasts…Jim Brown caught himself. He shouldn’t be thinking of his daughter like that but he idly guessed she must be a 36D.
Jim was in his mid forties and had been married to Amy for 20 years. He was well over six foot with a hard, well sculpted body from years of working on the oil rigs. There was little sign of middle aged spread and just a few flecks of grey hair at his temples. Jim was proud of the way he looked and was just as proud of Amy who lay next to him.
Amy was a keen sportswoman and had kept her figure trim despite the two children . Like Lindsay, Amy was around 5 foot 5, had the same fine and well proportioned features, but unlike her daughter Amy had dark brown hair that was cut fairly short and small, firm breasts that needed little support.
The quartet was made up by James junior who looked like a smaller version of his father and at thirteen years old he was just beginning to develop from a boy to a man. Jim lay back in the hot morning sun, kicked off his sandals and hoped that the two kids wouldn’t argue as they did at home and spoil his holiday.
Lindsay lay face down on her towel and undid her bikini top to prevent tan lines and was soon joined by Amy while the two men headed off down the beach a little way to throw a football.
‘I hope you’re not too upset that Daniel couldn’t come’ said Amy.
Lindsay sighed – this had been a source of argument before the holiday as Daniel was her latest boyfriend and Lindsay had not wanted to be without a companion.
‘It’s just that your father and I feel that we need to spend more time as a family and I don’t think it is a good idea that you are hanging out with all these boys at your age’. ‘You could get a bad reputation you know’ Amy continued.
‘Oh mum really’ said Lindsay in exasperation.
She was no innocent but was still a virgin unlike many of her contemporaries. It wasn’t that she was scared or waiting for Mr Right but for a naturally gregarious teenager she could do without all the baggage that came with sleeping with a guy. Daniel might be the one, he was new at Lindsay’s school, but then again he might not be. The one thing Lindsay did know was that she couldn’t discuss things like that with her mother.
‘Look Mum, I’m OK really’ said Lindsay. ‘Why do you assume I would get up to anything anyways’. ‘I’m not happy because I’m bored, there’s nothing to do and nobody my own age here’.
‘You could spend some time with your brother’ said Amy.
Lindsay wrinkled her nose and gave her Mum one of those teenage looks that made Amy realise she was not even close in persuading her daughter to play Happy Families.
‘Come on Mum, Jim is just so young and immature and I don’t want to spend all day talking about football or computer games’.
‘You could make more of an effort to get along’ said Amy in a conciliatory tone. ‘You are both growing up but a lot of the time you squabble like infants’.
‘It’s usually his fault’ said Lindsay in a definite way.
‘It takes two to make an argument, Amy replied ‘and as the older of the two you could just rise above it a bit more’.
‘There you go again, it’s always down to me’ said Lindsay grumpily
‘I’m not saying that at all, I just think you could sometimes stop the argument in it’s tracks by not rising to his bait quite so easily’.
Lindsay was looking intently at a piece of the beach like it was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen and was running her fingers through the sand.
Amy let the subject drop, content that she had at least persuaded Lindsay to think about what she had said and the two engaged in small talk about anything & everything. Lindsay’s mood gradually lightened and the two went for a swim in the cool, clear waters of the bay. They were both strong and confident swimmers and raced to the sandbar about 200 metres from the shore. Amy got there just before her daughter and was panting from the exertion while her daughter scarcely seemed to be out of breath.
‘You let me win’ Amy said and Lindsay smiled.
‘Age before beauty’ she said cheekily and shrieked as her mother swept a handful of water straight into her face.
‘You’re not too old for me to put you over my knee’ said Amy jokingly.
‘You’d have to catch me first’ Lindsay replied and the two of them splashed each other with no advantage gained on either side until they collapsed laughing on the sandbar.
As the two of them lay there, a small fishing boat came round the headland, and chugged slowly towards them. The girls watched it as it approached. The young men on deck were quite obviously ogling Lindsay and her mother, shouting and motioning for them to get on board. Amy and Lindsay initially enjoyed some light hearted exchanges with them while the young hopefuls promised them the earth in rudimentary English but soon Amy grew protective of her young daughter and was using her Spanish to good effect to tell these young Don Juan’s exactly where they should take their promises. The Captain decided the crew had had their fun and there was no chance of luring the girls on board so the boat turned away and headed out to sea leaving the shouts and laughter of the crew to be carried away on the gentle breeze.
Lindsay watched the boat disappear. She had felt uncomfortable and vulnerable under the gaze of the men but there was no doubt that some of them were extremely fit and good looking with their tanned features and bodies sculpted by hard work. As the boat disappeared around the headland she felt a pang of regret that was a little disconcerting. Amy looked after the boat with no regrets, making a mental note to not let her daughter stray too far out of her sight on this holiday.
Despite an apparent demure and rather old fashioned nature, Amy wasn’t a prude and enjoyed an active sex life with her husband. Jim was a frequent and considerate lover and his thick, nine inch penis thrilled her through and through but she felt protective towards Lindsay and was determined that she would not be taken advantage of at such a young age.
The two women headed back to shore and Amy began to prepare lunch. Lindsay put a cover over her swimming costume as she didn’t want sunburn this early in the holiday and helped her mother. They were soon joined by the boys who set out the plates and bowls for the picnic. ‘What are you guys doing after lunch?’ said Jim. ‘I’m going for a swim when my lunch has gone down’ said Jim Junior. Lindsay and Amy both said they would read for a bit and Jim elected to swim with his son.
The lunch was typical Mediterranean fare of salad, cold meats, bread and fruit washed down with a soft drink. Lindsay always looked forward to lunch as the fruit and vegetables were sun ripened to perfection and achieved a flavour that just could not be matched back in England and tucked in hungrily when the food was laid out.
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