
A Grownup’s Kid’s Game

Peter and his cousin Ella become friends again after many years. Their friendship surfaces some old memories and leads to interesting encounters.

The following story is based on true event.


You know that cousin? The one almost every guy or girl has. The one that every time you see, you can’t help but think if there was a chance something would have happened between the two of you had you not been cousins. Well, I too have such a cousin, and her name is Ella.

I was older than Ella by just a few months and we spent much of our early life together. Back then, growing up, our families lived in the same town and would get together often.
It was only natural that Ella and I became good friends.

We were babies back then, couldn’t have been more than four or five years old when we started hanging out on a regular basis. Almost every weekend either my parents would drop me off at Ella’s house which was more accurately my aunt and uncle’s house or they would drop her off at my house.

Ella and I would play for hours at a time, running around outside, building forts from blankets and watching movies on the VCR. We would have sleepovers and take baths together.

We were so young and so innocent back then and our parents were happy with our friendship.

We stayed friends and would hang out even after we grew up a bit and started first and second grade. Ella would come over to my house about once a week and I would go over to hers. At that age we stopped bathing together but we did get more curious about the other the sex.

It was around the age of seven that we started playing a little game. In this game, Ella would take her pants and underwear off and I would look fascinated at her female parts and then tickle her down there. The next time we played we would switch and I would take my pants off and let her do the same to me.

We both knew this was wrong and would close the bedroom door and keep a lookout for parents whenever we played this game. Even though, we never understood exactly why this was wrong or why we were so interested in what the other had beneath his underwear.

At the age of nine, while we were still close friends, Ella’s father got a job far away and she moved away with her family. After that, Ella and I stopped being friends and went to being friendly cousins.

After she moved away with her family, the next time I saw her was 2 years later at a family gathering. It was weird seeing her after all this time. She looked very different and even though we talked a little it was clear to the 11 year old me that we would never go back to the way things were.

I would see Ella once a year at family gatherings. We would exchange a few words, maybe even have a short conversation but the special connection we once had was gone.

Six years after Ella moved away, her father got a promotion at work and they moved back to town. I remember driving with the entire family to pick them up at the airport and bring them to our house where they stayed their first night back. But what I remember most about that day was seeing Ella.

It had been a year and a half since I saw her last and when I laid my eyes on her as she walked out of the airport terminal I was full of awe. My cousin was beautiful.

She had changed a lot from the last time I saw her and turned over a course of a year and a half into a beautiful lady. Her skinny girlish form turned into a young woman’s, with curves developing in all the right places. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her all day.

After they came back we became practically neighbors. Our families would have dinner together almost every week but besides sitting and complaining about school together once a week we wouldn’t really talk much to one another.

We were both 15 year old teenagers at the time. We had much more important thing on our minds than each other, like global warming and the crisis in the Middle East or more likely sports, girls and school.

As school progressed and neared its welcome end, my cousin Ella grew more and more attractive. And even though we went to different schools, every once in a while some guy from my class would meet her somewhere, discover she was my cousin and come tastelessly telling me how hot she was.

School went on and the both of us continued growing up until at age 18 and senior year, Ella was a real head turner.
She had long wavy dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes and a beautiful smile. She was a bit short, but somehow it suited her physique, her weight seeming to have been measured precisely to fit her with not a gram out of place. Her body was now a fully grown woman’s body, with large breasts that stood nicely in place and a perfectly tight round ass.

Above all these compelling attributes there was one that I loved the most. Her laugh.
She had the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard. Each time I heard it, the world seemed a little better.
Her laugh was a mix of a sexy and enticing with a dash of childish and free. A laugh that would make you want to be funny just so you could hear it, and that, along with her big bright smile could get her any guy she wanted.

Don’t get me wrong, even so it might sound like it, I was never obsessed with Ella. She was attractive yes, but I did not fixate on her, was in love with her or fantasized about her. Actually, full disclosure, I may have fantasized about her once or twice, but no more than the next guy.

I had my own thing going on in high school, with plenty of partying and girlfriends of my own.

After high school, Ella and I continued our lives. We each went to college far from home and would see each other once a year at family gatherings. On those occasions we would talk to each other quite a bit and both of us seemed to be a lot more open with the other than when we were at school. I found myself after several family gatherings thinking back to the games Ella and I played as kids. I wondered to myself if Ella remembered it too but never had the courage to ask her.

Life went on and I would barely think about Ella. We both finished our degrees and started working. Ella as a children’s therapist and I as an engineer. We would see each other maybe once or twice a year at family events.

My first job started out good and got better. The company was very happy with my work and after two years there they gave me a promotion, a large raise and relocated me. It just so happened that I got relocated to the same city where Ella was living at the time and studying for her master’s degree.

Shortly after I moved, there was another annual family event and there I met Ella after another year without meeting.

“Hey Peter” Ella said putting down a plate full of food on the table next to me and sat down in front of it. I had already greeted her with a hug and a peck on the cheek when I got there.

“Bon appetite” I said with a smile, pointing to her plate and turned my attention to my own plate of food.

We ate in silence for another minute before Ella spoke, “So, I heard you and I are back to being neighbors” She said cheerful.

“I guest so” I answered.

“And why am I hearing about it just now?” she said trying to look angry.

“Hey, I just moved in a week ago and my place is still a mess” I tried to justify myself.

“I guess that’s an okay excuse” Ella said and started laughing her adorable laugh.

“So when do I get to see your new place?” Ella asked to my surprise.

“I guess when I finish unpacking everything” I answered, “but I’m still waiting from an invitation from you as well” I continued.

“Touché” Ella said and we continued sitting there for another half an hour catching up.

The following days I enjoyed the thought of Ella and me getting back to being friends now that we lived so close to one another. She was an interesting and fun to talk to person and I enjoyed spending time with her.

The following week I was at work when I got a call from her.

“HI Pete” she said on the phone, “How are you?”

“Good” I answered, “working”.

“Ok sorry, I won’t be long” she started saying, “Do you have any plans for dinner?”

“Not really” I answered intrigued.

“Good, then you’re coming over to have dinner with us” she told me.

“Us?” I asked not knowing who she meant.

“Yeah, my friend slash roommate, Chelsea and I” Ella answered.


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