
a good accident_(0)

” See ya later James “

” later dude “

I put my ear buds in for the mile walk home, i stood on a corner and waited for the lights to change when it did I took two or three steps and that’s all I remember but what I’ve been told I was hit by a car doin 25 to 30 miles an hour and was tossed onto the cars hood and rolled in
To the glass, all I know is two broken legs a hand full of bruised ribs and an broken arm are not fun.
I had been in the hospital just shy of a week when I was released I didn’t need surgery and I had no permanent injuries

” you happy to be home baby “

” yeah ma just still in pain “

” your gonna be “

” I know “

Mom left the room then my cousin Jess called me

” hello “

” what’s up accident prone ” she said in an eager voice

” hey not my fault this time ” half heartedly laughing in pain

” I know did ya hear “

” bout what “

” I’m coming down tomorrow all summer to help you and aunt Marie “

” great ” in a sarcastic tone

Really i was excited she was coming down for an extended stay being an only child of a widowed wife after my dad was shot and killed in a mugging five or so years back she was the one person in grew close to cause her brothers my cousins weren’t the ones to talk to about my feelings after.
but I was happy because of other things.
I had always thought of her as my little girl cousin she was two years younger than me but last time she was down two months ago fuck had she changed she was 5,5 120 pounds brunette hair with brown eyes she had awesome tits they were mid C cups but from what I’ve seen had no sag, she had a tight body that was tanned to perfection but Jesus was she smart she was just turning fifteen and was in all AP classes

” aren’t you excited “

” define excited ”

” happy can’t wait to see me ya know “

” oh I’m ecstatic on the inside but the physical ailments I’ve inhibited in the Last week kill anything from coming out ha he ooooh “

” your a dick “

” but you wanna be with this dick for three months “

” sick fuck hahaha “

” no Jess I really can’t wait to see ya I really wish you guys lived down here I miss you I can’t wait till tomorrow “

” I miss you to James I love you be safe see ya tomorrow “

” love you to little cuz see ya tomorrow “

Mom walked in

” hey your cousin Jess is coming down for the summer cause of your accident “

” I know “

” how “

” she just called me “

” oh OK

We went on like normal for the rest of the day except with my shower I had to be helped I had put on swim shorts before it when I sat on the chair in the bathroom they had to come off.

” those have to come off to ” pointing at my shorts

” mom there’s somethings that a mom can’t see after their son reaches a certain age “

” those are coming off now “

” no “

She yanked at the shorts that loosely clung to my body, the shorts tightened up but didn’t come off.

” mom they’ll come off just leave and let me clean myself “

” ok “

I felt my comfort level go back to normal as she exited the room, I cleaned myself and took care of my needs before I put the shorts back on and called mom in

” better “

” yeah ” I was exhausted but with sleep comes opportunity’s so I knocked out early

” James! James!! “

I opened my eyes to a blurry face

” yeargh ” groggily mumbling

” wake up “

I looked at my clock it was quarter till seven

” its sleep time leave me alone “

” hahahaha “

That chuckle I knew that chuckle, I opened my eyes again the blurry ness had mostly dissipated, I saw the two most beautiful light brown eyes staring at me

” hey baby cuz “

” hey accident prone “

” not my fault again “

I sat up in bed and gave her a lop sided hug she was so afraid to touch my broken body she hesitated to hug me back

” its OK now gimme a hug “

She gave me a tender hug making sure not to cause me any further pain

” your really broken James “

” I’ll heal in a month or two ” yawning then grimacing in pain

” I know but I didn’t think you were this bad off “

” could a been worse “

” true so when do you get this all off ” looking at my casts

” this ( raising my one broken arm ) in four weeks I have a tiny fracture in my wrist that will heal pretty quickly and my legs four to six weeks one only has a hairline fracture in my foot and the other is a dislocation of the knee cap and a seven inch crack in my tibia that runs straight up and down that may take a while “

” yeah “

” enough about me how’s life with the family “

” its alright but with Chris and Connor off to basic training for the army its sorta quiet around the house and mom and dads jobs taking them all around the country its lonely so when mom told me about your accident on a day she was home I offered to fly down a week later and here I am “

” well its gonna be nice to have you here “

” thanks “

” your welcome by the way where’s mom “

” she had a couple errands to run said shed be home in a couple hours “

” OK… I have to go to the bathroom and as you can see I can’t really walk “

” OK umm I’m obviously not gonna be able to pick you up and you can’t walk the hell do I do “

” Grab the wheel chair Mrs smarts “

” yeah that’d be a smart move ”

” ya don’t say “

She brought the chair to me, I slid backwards off of my bed and into the chair

” how are you going to go to the bathroom if you can’t stand “

” like you girls do it sitting down “

” I’m talking about pulling the pants down and the whole nine “

” we gotta pulley system installed by some medical assistance company thank god for health insurance “

” James ” impatiently stating

I wheeled into the adjoining bathroom

” I got one good hand and I still have my fingers on the other so I’ll manage now leave please “

” nope “

” what now “

” I’m not gonna risk you falling and me not hearing you “

” Jessica! Come on now.. I need a little privacy mom hasn’t givin me any… at the hospital I couldn’t get any can I please get a little I’ll even leave the door open “

” OK but if I hear a pin drop im in here weather your nude waste down or not “

” deal “

She walked out and I hoisted my self on the throne of sorts and methodically wiggled my loose fitting gym shorts down enough to go to the bathroom I decided I’d try and go both because I knew I would have to do both eventually and why drain my energy going to the bathroom.
I finally got as comfortable as possible and started going her phone rung and she walked into the living room and started talking to her mom
It was was easy to hear what the conversation was about considering the house was deathly quiet

” hey mom… fine… he’s pretty beat up… I can’t believe they released him from the hospital that’s how bad… he seems in good spirits even with how much pain he looks to be in… I dunno I haven’t asked… between three and six weeks… yeah… um I’m gonna wait and see… I’ll ask in a couple days… I would love to but don’t wanna burden them… remember that talk we had… well its still there… what do you think I should do… I love you to ma… I will… thanks

” James you OK “

” I’m fine give me a couple more minutes “

” OK hey uh ma just called she told me to say hi and she hopes you get better and that she loves you “

A couple minutes later and I finished I flushed and sprayed Lysol to get rid of the stink and pulled my shorts back up

” you can come in “

She walked in

” you OK “

” Yeah can you help me out a little “

She quickly walked over and grabbed a hold of the rope and helped me position myself back into the wheel chair

” thanks baby cuz “

” I’m not baby cuz “

I pushed myself out into the living room her close behind me, I wheeled up next to the arm chair in the living room and motioned for her to sit which she did

” your my baby cuz weather you like it or not “

” what about Aiden or Angie “

” yeah they’re younger than you and they’re our cousins respectively but your the special one, Chris and Connor are both in the army and in their twenty’s, but you and me well were the only ones around our age in our family so yeah perspectivly your not my baby cuz but I call you it cause its something me and you have a common ground on but if you want me to stop I will “

” if that’s how you think of it then I’m OK with it but could you try calling me by my name I’m grown up ya know “

” yeah Jess I understand “

” thanks “

She smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and unconsciously hugged me “

” ow fucking eh “

” I’m so sorry ” concern ran across her face

” its good ” sucking in a quick short pain filled breath

” you sure “

” yeah… just give me a second “

The pain slowly went back to the moderately tolerable level

” can you help me lay on the couch “

” yeah “

” just don’t hurt me “

She looked at me and gave me that smile that was easily read as you are so lucky your hurt or I’d kick your ass “

” what ” chuckling

” you know what “

” but you know I had to “

” yeah “

” I love you ” I said being a kiss ass

For a second or a fraction of a second when I said I love you I saw her expression start to change but it immediately jumped back to I wish I could kick your ass

” alright how are we gonna do this “

” um I’ll put my feet on the couch then with my arms and your help I’ll push myself onto the couch “

With her help I got onto the couch with mild to little discomfort

” thanks baby cu I mean Jessie thanks Jessie “

She smiled at me

” at least you tried that’s all I ask… I’m gonna go to the bathroom try not to fall off of the couch when I’m in there OK “

” what ( I asked in mock confusion ) you guys go to the bathroom “

” yeah what did you think we did just store it “

” yes that’s exactly what I thought god wait till I tell the guys they’ll be thrown completely off ” with sarcasm in my voice

She gave me that look again

” just another guy “

With that she turned and walked into the bathroom, I turned on the TV and started watching a movie on HBO I grabbed the laptop off of coffee table and powered it on and went to Facebook, it was the first time since the accident and god was my wall blown up.

I guess I should take the time out now to describe me. well I recently turned seventeen, I’m going to be a senior next year, I’m exactly six feet tall and weigh just shy of two hundred pounds. I’m an A and B student I don’t participate in extra curricular activities but I do have a decently fit body ,I’m not the cool kid but everybody knows me because I’m the class clown of sorts I know when to stop or keep going, and I’m pretty trust worthy so a lot of people confide in me and I’m generally the nice guy.

As I was scrolling through the hundreds of well wishes jess came out of the bathroom

” are you hungry “

” now if I think about it yeah I am “

” what do you want “

” whatever you make “

” eggs it is “

” dammit ” joking around

” what “

” its just that “

She gave me the I’m going to actually kill you look I stopped what I was saying

” what I thought haha “

The rest of the day went on mom came home with filled prescriptions and groceries, she had told me that she had to fly out west Monday morning and would be back that night and asked if she needed to have someone fill in for her to take care of me I looked at Jess she looked at me I said she didn’t and that Jess and I could manage and that was that all we did really was talk and watch TV, I had started to get tired and wanted to go to bed and they helped me to it then mom walked out of the room.

” where are you sleeping Jess “

” on the couch “

” no your not “

” I’ll be fine “

” trust me one night on that couch is horrible let alone a couple months I gotta king sized mattress more than enough for me and you to sleep comfortably plus if I need something in the middle of the night I got you right here to help me ” I gave her a genuine smile

” are you sure “

” yeah “

” OK I’ll get all my stuff “

She brought in two suit cases and a small laptop carrying bag

” when your done can you turn the light off “

” I’m pretty tired so give me like fifteen and I’ll be joining you in going to bed “

” OK “

I rolled away from her and closed my eyes and started falling asleep and about twenty minutes later she turned the light off and got in bed she whispered ” goodnight ” and kissed me on the cheek and laid down and covered up with a blanket

” I love you only if I could tell you that “

I was too tired to comprehend what she said and fell asleep. I woke up two or three hours later in the pitch black room I could make out the outline of her lying face towards me I whispered

” you awake “

” yeah “

” everything OK “

” yeah you “

” my left side hurts “

She turned on the bed side lamp and walked around the bed

” let me see ” still in a soft voice

I lifted my shirt her jaw dropped

” oh my god why are you out of the hospital “

” its not as bad as it looks “

” no its worse “

She gently touched my side examining the foot long by foot long bruise she put a little to much pressure and a sharp pain shot through my side

” ah shit “

” I’m sorry “

” me too “

” what do you want me to do “

” Just lay here and talk with me I never get to do that with anyone “

” OK “

She laid down and turned the light out

” so what did ya wanna talk about “

” life.. in general like how are things at home, how’s school, have ya met anybody ya like, what are your plans when you get back home those kinda things “

” home is lonely and quiet mom is becoming less and less frequent to be seen, school well school is alright but im happy to say it doesn’t start for three months, any people I like there’s no guys at my school I like ( she took a pause before continuing ) but there is a guy iv known for a while he’s cute sweet and thoughtful but I don’t even think he likes me how I like him “

The thing she mentioned earlier shot back into my head in only milliseconds my mind had asked it self so many questions.
was it me. how am I supposed to react. How do I find out if it is or isn’t. What do I do if it is. I knew I had to tread lightly I knew this was a touchy subject so I had to be sure before anything.
Then the most important questions formed in my brain do I feel the same, yeah she’s beautiful intelligent and witty, but is it right, my saying is if its love then you shouldn’t be judged on who you love its natural human instinct so to me yeah its ok, do I love her, yes more than anything just cause she cares remember this is just milliseconds in my brain

” how do you know he doesn’t like you back the same way “

” I don’t really but he hasn’t made any moves “

” when you feel the time is right flirt with him that’ll show weather or not if he likes you that way or not but if he doesn’t he’s absolutely gay your too beautiful to be stood up by a gay guy “

” how do you know “

” I’m a guy I know if I had a smart sexy girl like you hitting on me I wouldn’t turn her down “

” why are you telling me this “

” because you should be with the guy you like “

” aww how sweet ” tauntingly

” I’m a hopeless romantic I’m sorry “

” how about you any girls you like “

” there was one I can’t remember her name or even what she looked like all I know is she was beautiful smart and witty she gets who I am and is always there for me I just wish I knew who she is “

” you’ll remember one day “

” I hope I do “

the thought that the girl I’m talking about is my very cousin crossed my mind and the thing is I didn’t feel shameful if anything she was a girl I loved that’s it.
We talked for awhile it was getting late when she passed out or so I thought I gave her a kiss on the cheek

” I love you to Jess ” only if I knew that she was still awake I would of told her

Three weeks went by and me and Jess had grown inseparable from one another we were already like a couple only without the kissing and what not it felt good to have a girl always by my side

” James are you ready ” mom hollered down the wall

” Jess you ready asking through the bathroom door “

” I’ll be in a minute “

” give us a minute ma “

” c’mon Jess “

She opened the door and walked out

” damn ” unconsciously stating

She smiled at me not ashamed at the statement

” I guess I don’t have to ask huh “

” what ” still awestruck

She was wearing a yellow wife beater tank top that fit her perfectly, it stuck to every curve of her body but it wasn’t to revealing.
she had on Jean short shorts that gave her ass an almost possessive quality it cut off about an inch and a half below her ass cheeks and showed off her athletic legs that had a light shade of bronze coating them

” do I look good “

” do I even have to answer that question ” picking my jaw up off of the ground

She chuckled at my answer

” guess not let’s go “

She grabbed her cell phone and her money clip and placed them in her back pockets, I started rolling out of my room then was yanked back into my room

” the hell “

” ladies first “

” asshole I thought cripples ruled over all “

” nope “

” then get your ass through that door so we can go and see what casts come off and which ones stay on then I will open every door for you “

” OK “

She walked through the door putting a little sway in her ass every step of the way

” Jesus christ ” under my breath

” what “

” I want cheese and crackers “

She gave me a seductive smile for a second before she grabbed my wheel chair and helped me out of the house and into the car

” so Jessica how long are you planing to stay down ” mom asked pulling out of the drive way

” that’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you guys about “

” yeah ” mom asked

” well me and mom were talking before I came down and uh she was worried about me being alone days at a time when she was out of state I told her I was fine but when I found out I was coming down here she had asked me to think about maybe living with you guys if it was OK with yall “

” so what do ya think Jessie ?

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