
A Game of Inches – Part Twelve

“Brian, I know I don’t have to, that’s why I want to. Come on.”, she The next time I woke up, the room was bright and sunny. I looked over at the clock, it was eight thirty. Alexis was not in the bed, but I heard someone moving around in the kitchen. I got up from bed and walked into the front of the unit. Alexis was seated at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

“Hey, how are you feeling this morning ?”, she asked.

“Much better. I’m still really sore but the pain is gone.”, I answered.

“Let me see your back.”, she asked.

I walked over to where she was sitting and turned around, she lifted my shirt up high on my back.

“God Brian, this looks awful, I can’t believe this doesn’t hurt like hell.”, she said, sympathetically.

“It’s much better, really it is.”, I replied.

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee, sitting down at the table with her. Today was Tuesday, our normal day off, so I knew I could relax and not worry about the team or game preperations for this week.

“I think I’m going to take the day off, stay here with you.”, Alexis suggested to me.

“Really Alexis, I’m fine. If you have work to do, I can manage until you get back tonight.”, I answered.

“I do have a ton of work to do, you sure you’re ok ?”, she asked.

“I’ll be fine. If I need something, I can call you right ?”, I responded.

“Of course you can.”, she replied.

She got up telling me she had to go to her unit to shower and get dressed for work. She kissed me very softly and sweetly on the lips, it was the most sensual goodbye kiss I ever had.

“Thanks for staying last night. I really appreciate it Alexis.”, I told her.

“You’re quite welcome, call me if you need me.”, she answered heading out the door.

I laid around the house and watched TV most of the day, it was pretty boring. Alexis called me about six, telling me she had a last minute appointment, she would be late. I told her I was feeling a lot better, not to worry, I would go to bed early and talk to her the following day. The anti-inflammatory medication was really working well. I got up about seven thirty Wednesday morning and started dressing for practice. Even though I had been excused until Friday, I wanted to see the trainers, get their feel on how I was progressing.

I arrived at the practice about eight thirty, most of the team was still dressing in the locker room area. I went in, put my bag in my locker, and walked over to see Josh.

“Hey kid, how are you feeling ?”, my friend said.

“Not bad considering how I felt Monday morning.”, I laughed.

“What’s it look like ?”, he asked.

I turned around so he could pull up my shirt, which he did so gently.

“Son of a bitch, I can’t believe you can stand.”, he yelled.

Several of the other players made remarks of one kind or another, finally Josh dropped my shirt. I told him I was going to meet with the trainers, I would see him later. I met with the trainer who looked me over and asked me a bunch of questions, then physically examined my back by applying pressure to different muscle groups. I was still plenty sore, but I really felt little pain. He told me I could go watch practice, then report in after for a soak in the ice tub, then a massage. I thanked him and walked out to the practice field in my street clothes.

The offense was going head to head against the defense, something we did every day. I walked up to where Coach Cullen was directling the play calling, standing right behind him. Several minutes passed before he noticed me, finally turning in my direction.

“Stevens, what are doing here. You’re supposed to be resting.”, he asked.

“I feel much better Coach. Besides, I was bored at home.”, I replied.

“You see the trainer yet ?”, he asked.

“Yes sir, they are getting ready to work on me.”, I answered.

He nodded to me then went back to work, directing this complex offense like he was playing tic tac toe. I watched practice until I knew they were maybe thirty minutes from finishing, then started to walk back to the locker room area. I stripped down and went to the medical area, the ice tub was ready. I got in slowly, I hated this brutal device. The whole idea behind this madness was after you got out of the tub, the blood in your body was immediately pumped vigorously back to the tissues stimulating oxygen and nutrient supply to the areas that needed healing. Some trainers swore by it, others called it voodoo medicine, all bullshit. I sat in the tub for ten minutes exactly, then got out and laid on the table. Hot packs were immediately laid on my back, I stayed like that for another ten minutes, that followed up by a short massage. I met with the trainer right before I left, he gave me two injections, then more anti-inflammatory medication telling me to double the dose for the next twenty four hours. I was back home for about noon, ate some lunch, then went down by the pool. I laid out there until about three, then went back up and took a nap, waking up to the ring of my cell phone. I looked at the number, it was from back home, it was Ashley.

“Hey hot shot, I haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you doing today ?’, she asked, cheerfully.

“I’m ok, a little banged up.”, I replied.

“I saw the game Sunday, they were trying to hurt you. I was so pissed off.”, she answered.

“It’s part of the game, no big deal.”, I told her.

We talked for about thirty minutes, just catching up really, but I sensed there was something she wanted to tell me. Finally she got around to it but I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear what she was about to say.

“Brian, uh….have you met anyone….you know a girl since you have been up there ?”, she asked, nervously.

“Well, actually I have been hanging out with someone for a few weeks.”, I answered, cautiously.

“Oh, good. Where did you meet her ?”, she inquired.

“Actually, she is my agent, Alexis Clarke.”, I answered.

“Wow, I’m impressed, a professional woman.”, she laughed.

“Kind of. How about you Ashley ?’, I asked.

“Well, that’s kind of why I was calling you. I have met someone myself. It’s only been a month now, but I really like him. He’s kind, gentle and treats me like your father did. He owns a small business in town, I don’t know if it will become serious, but I wanted you to know.”, she finished.

“I’m so happy for you Ashley, I really am.”, I replied.

“You mean it ?”, she asked, hesitation in her voice.

“Yes, I mean it.”, I responded.

“Brian, I can’t tell you how glad I am to hear that.”, she told me.

“But, he better treat you like that all the time. If he hurts you, he has to deal with me.”, I told her.

“I have already told him that. He really wants to meet you. Oh, his name is Jeff Constant, by the way.”, she replied.

We talked for a few more minutes, then she had to go back to her last class of the day. I promised to call her next week after the game.
After I hung up with Ashley, I was amazed at how relieved I was. It took me a few minutes for it to sink in, I was falling in love with Alexis. Two months ago, this news would have made me miserable, but I was truly happy for Ashley.

The following morning, the trainer cleared me to practice, although with no contact, mostly just drills. I was listed as doubtful for the game, I knew better, I was going to be ready. By Saturday, I had virtually regained most of my movement, although it was still difficult to get full extension without feeling pain. I was told, it would be a game time decision as to whether or not I played.

After meeting with the trainer early, I was told I was cleared to play, but I would not start, Billy would get the nod. I didn’t have a problem with that, I just wanted to be out there. Just to be sure I was fitted with a air cushioned flak jacket, with a thin plastic plate insert in the rear pocket, protecting my back. It was cumbersome and awkward, I had difficulty moving well, but I had no choice. I was in for a total of three plays in the first half, never catching a ball. We held a narrow 17-14 lead, but would get the ball to start the second half.

Late in the third quarter, we were inside their ten yard line, Coach Cullen was looking for a mismatch, he called my number. I joined the offense in the huddle, Josh knelt down and called the play.

“Delay, X Cross Right, Hook Left, 69 Smash, Toggle Y, Flash.”, he yelled, above the crowd.

This was a simple pattern, the first read was the right flat, the second was left at the goal line. The third read was the back out in the right flat. I would stay in tight, blocking anyone head up with me, if I had no one covering me up or on my outside, I would help the tackle with his man. After a three to five second count off in my head, I would simply run a quick post across the goal line.

The ball was snapped, I drove hard on Lester’s man, pinning him inside, then broke off middle, turning my head left. The ball was already in the air, I had to react quick pulling it in. I was hit immediately, spun around, then hit again, finally falling into the end zone. I got up slowly, teammates immediately surrounding me to protect me. I was fine, but I passed on the Hyper Dunk, I wasn’t up to it. I picked up the ball and jogged off the field. We scored twice more in the fourth to put the game away, once again Josh had close to four hundred yards.

It took another full week, for me to be back to normal, I spend a lot of time with the training staff. Alexis was out of town on business, she would be gone for close to two weeks. She was only gone a few days, I already was feeling terrible, I missed her a lot. I concentrated on football and getting healthy. Three weeks later we clinched our division and a playoff spot with a win, we were 12-0 for only the second time in team history. We were the number one rated offense in football, our defense was at eleven. Josh was on pace to crush the record for total yardage in one season. He only had to average two hundred yards a game for the next four, the record would fall.

Then inexplicably, as these things do, we laid an egg in Houston, getting beat 28-21, our worst performance of the year. Josh threw three interceptions, we fumbled twice. No way you have five turnovers and win in this league, not unless the other teams helps you. Our chance for a perfect season was gone, which stunk, but the playoffs were all that mattered. What did change however was how quickly we would secure the home field advantage in the playoffs. If we won two of our next three, we would host the playoff’s until we lost, or qualified for the Superbowl, whatever came first. The problem was, if we won our next two, the starters would definitely sit out the final game, it meant nothing. That might cause Josh not to get the record, which he really deserved. He was only six hundred and eighteen yards shy of breaking it, hopefully he would do it.

We went on the road for our next game, which we won easily 45-10, Josh had a banner day, four hundred eighty six yards, four touchdowns. That combined with a loss by the team with second best overall record in our conference, meant we had home field advantage locked up. Josh was one hundred thirty two yards from the record, we had two left to play.

At practice the following Monday, we were told that the starters would definitely rest the final game of the season, possibly the second half of the game this Sunday. This meant Josh had possibly only two quarters left to get the record, it was going to be a tight squeeze.
At practice that week, all of the receivers kept putting the bug in Coach Cullen’s ear. We made sure he knew, we didn’t want Josh out until the record fell, no matter what. By Friday, he had heard enough, he called us together as a group and laid into us, although I know it was more for show than anything.

The tension was overwhelming in the locker room before our second to last game. Although Josh had all season long, down played the record to everyone including the press, I knew how bad he wanted. We all left him alone in the locker room, it was quiet and somber.

He threw an interception on our first drive, he short armed the ball, I knew he was feeling the heat. They scored first putting us in the hole, but the offense was right back on the field. Josh put together a good drive, we responded with a touchdown of our own, tying the game at
7-7. One of the equipment managers on the sideline was keeping an unofficial record of the passing yards, so the receivers could keep Josh informed. It was something that we had plotted on our own, no one but the receivers and the equipment guy knew about it. By the end of the first quarter we had a 14-7 lead, Josh had thrown for ninety two yards, there were only forty yards left to go. They went on a long drive to open the second quarter, they took almost eight minutes off the clock, finally scoring and tying the game up. We had a little over seven minutes to make it happen when we took the huddle. We threw on first down, a quick out for nine yards, we were down to thirty one yards. After a quick slant of fifteen, we were under twenty. With the ball on our thirty nine, this drive was going to do it. The fans were out of control, there were signs all over counting the yards down as we gained them. Josh couldn’t help but know, everyone knew now.

On first and ten, we ran a delayed counter trap to the rookie, who broke a tackle at the line of scrimmage, shifted gears then ran the ball the length of the field scoring quickly. We regained the lead at 21-14, there were a little over four minutes left on the clock. We never got the ball back, they settled for a field goal as time ran out. We headed into the locker room at halftime, no one knew what was going to happen. Thankfully Coach Cullen put it all to rest early, there wasn’t going to be a doubt.

“Josh, I’m leaving the starters in until the record falls, even if it takes the rest of the game. Go out there, relax, get it done, then we move on.”, he stated.

The entire locker room erupted in unison, everyone wanted the record for Josh. He just smiled and waved to us, I knew he was a mess inside, but he couldn’t show it.

They opened up the second half with the ball, had a good drive going, but then fumbled at our thirty five yard line. The offense took the field, we were ready to get this done. Once again we opened with a quick slant pass reeling off ten yards to our forty five. The next two plays, Scott Douglas ripped off two big runs, getting the ball inside their twenty to the eighteen. Our opponents took a time out, trying to regroup, at least hold us to a field goal. Josh went to the sidelines to talk to Coach Cullen, everyone else milled about in the huddle. Josh returned quickly to the huddle, we were still in a TV time out. He leaned over and told me quietly, he wanted me on the other end of the record setting pass, no matter what. I looked at him rather stunned, while we were close, for him to intentionally hold the ball and get it to me, meant a lot.

“X Slant Right, Double Pick, Power Option, Waggle Cross, Delay.”, he called on one knee.

This was a called pass, in which both receivers on the right would line up outside of me, then on the snap, both run slants across the field at two different depths about seven yards apart. I would run inside between them to the corner, hoping my man would get caught up in the traffic. By now the entire stadium was on it’s feet, they were seeing history. Right as Josh started his cadence, they showed us an all out blitz, stacking the line with seven players, possibly eight. I was covered up by the free safety, who was at best six foot tall. Josh immediately called an audible, signaling up and down the line of scrimmage.

“Kill, Kill, Kill. Seventy two, Seventy two.”, he yelled, above the crowd.

I put both hands on my backsides, then removed my right first, signaling him I was going inside. I then looked back at Josh, he was pointing up, telling me he was going high with the ball.

The ball was snapped to Josh who was deep in the gun, I collided with the safety, immediately pushing him off to the left, stepping inside of him. They came with the blitz, I headed to the back of the end zone. Josh held the ball as long as he could then threw it up in the direction of the goal post. I had beaten my man inside but I knew this was going to be way up there. My only chance to catch it was to stop, plant my feet then go up, I couldn’t do it from the fade motion. I stopped maybe seven yards deep in the end zone, planted both feet, bent both knees then jumped with everything I had. My eyes were glued on the ball, it was there. I felt contact with the defensive player just a split second before I felt the ball in my hands. It started to slip, but I was able to recover, holding it out as I fell to the turf, the safety on top of me. The noise was deafening, the stadium had erupted. I was being pulled up by teammates, everyone was out of control. I was about to start in Josh’s direction when I saw the flag on the ground. The defense was signaling to the officials I had pushed off to make the catch. Four officials were conversing in the end zone, two were pointing back and forth, then talking to the referee. While I had pushed off initially at the line of scrimmage, if there was anyone guilty of illegal contact late, it was the safety.

Finally the officials concluded their huddle, the referee stepped to the center of the field, turning on his microphone.

“We have pass interference on the defense, number thirty two. That penalty will be refused, Touchdown, San Diego.”, he said, as the noise level rose to a fever pitch.

I walked over to Josh, he jumped into my arms, I was holding him up, his feet a good foot off the ground. I held him there for several seconds, finally setting him back down. I handed him the ball I had just caught, this one was his, it’s worth had just sky rocketed with that call. It was priceless, a part of history, but it belonged to Josh. As the offense walked off the field, you could see the burden had been lifted off of our shoulders, the public address announcer spoke to the crowd.

“Ladies and Gentleman, Josh Henson had just set a new record for most passing yards in a single season with five thousand eighty two yards. Congratulations Josh.”, he boomed over the speakers.

The crowd was on their feet, he was getting a seventy plus thousand person standing ovation. He trotted back on the field, stopping at the hash marks then turned in each direction waving to the crowd, thanking them for their applause. Coach Cullen left the offense in for the rest of the game, which we won. In the back of everyone’s mind, we knew this was only going to be a slight window of happiness for us, we still had the playoffs looming. One loss in the playoffs and you were done, no one cared about your records. To the coaches credit, they allowed the team to celebrate with Josh , we would get back to work on Monday.

I was seated in the media room at the table next to Josh, Coach Reed and Coach Cullen. Both the Coaches gave their standard post game talk about how we still had a lot of work to do, the season had really just started again for us, one loss and it was over. Several reporters were pretending to be interested, but everyone in the room wanted to talk to Josh, no one else. Finally Coach Reed opened the floor to questions. Everyone was yelling at once, Coach Reed finally pointed to one of the national media reporters in the front.

“Josh can you tell us what it means to get the record. Considering how long it has stood, did you really think you would get it ?”, he asked.

“ Well first let me say I feel blessed. Blessed to play in this town, for this organization, this coaching staff and with these players. This is as much their record as mine, I didn’t do this alone by any stretch of the imagination.”, he answered.

“What was going on in your mind during that last pass, as you watched the ball leave your hand ?”, asked another female reporter, in the front.

“I let it go too early in my release, I didn’t follow through. I knew it was going to be real high. I guess the only thing I was thinking as I watched it was, thank God Stevens is six foot six.”, he laughed, looking over at me.

She quickly followed up with another question, as the room burst into laughter.

“You two seem to have developed a real bond between each other, it’s like you’re both always on the same page. Is it just chemistry, or is it something you both work on ?”, she asked.

“Last year, Coach Reed came to me and told me he was thinking of drafting a defensive end and converting him to offense. It seemed absurd at the time, but he never relented. This kid came to this team and busted his ass from day one. This is not chemistry as much as it is his hard work. He gives me another demension that few teams have. We have a great receiving corps here, add this guy next to me, Scott Douglas the rookie, well it’s tough to cover them all. I have so many options to go to.”, he answered.

One of the other reporters jumped up in the back, directing his question in my direction.

“Who gets to keep the ball that broke the record, Brian ?”, he asked.

“He thinks he has it, but I really swapped it out with a regular game ball. It will be in an online auction tomorrow, watch for it.”, I replied.

The entire room bust out laughing, even the coaches, which was unusual.

“How did it feel to catch the ball that broke the record ?”, he followed up.

“I’m happy for Josh, it’s his pass, his ball, his record. I’m glad to be part of history, but you have to give him the credit. I just hope I am able to play with his guy for a long, long time.”, I answered, pointing to Josh.

I got home sometime around eight that night, I didn’t see Alexis’ car in the parking lot. I got undressed and sat on the sofa to relax for a few minutes before going to bed, we had practice in the morning. I was there for maybe ten minutes when I got a text message on my phone from Alexis, she was still in Seattle. Apparently she now had to fly to New York, she would be gone another week. She promised to call me the following day after practice.

The next day she explained to me, she would be back on Thursday or Friday after wrapping up a new client’s contract. I really missed her, hearing her voice made it worst, but I tried not to let her know it. We talked for a while, then I let her go, she had a flight to catch.

Almost all the key players rested during the last game of the season as best as they could. Although blessed that no one was injured, we lost the game which is something you never want to do going into the post season. But we tried to put it behind us, one good thing we had a bye in the first round of the playoffs due to having the best record in the conference. That meant we had an extra four to five days off, which at this time of the season, is always a good thing.

We met Monday and Tuesday for meetings and to watch film, then released until the following Monday where we would know who our opponent would be. Alexis worked late the first three nights of the week, then took off Thursday and Friday, the agency rewarding her for all the traveling she had just done. I was looking forward to spending four days alone with her, I had really missed her. We had still only had the one brief sexual encounter, although I knew better than to push it. I really felt Alexis trusted me at this point, I didn’t want to do anything that would make her feel otherwise.

We laid around the pool all day Thursday, went out and had dinner and returned to her condo. We had just sat down, when there was a knock at the the door. I could tell from Alexis’ reaction she wasn’t expecting anyone. Alexis opened the door to find her friend Paige standing there, she invited her in quickly. It was apparent immediately something was wrong, Paige was a mess. When her friend looked up and saw me, she quickly stopped in her tracks.

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had company. I’m just going to go.”, she said, turning quickly.

“Nooooo Paige, wait.”, Alexis urged, grabbing her friend’s arm., “What’s wrong sweetie.”

Paige stopped short, hung her head and broke down crying. Alexis hugged her friend, holding her head close to her. Apparently from what I could tell between the sobs, Paige had caught her boyfriend cheating on her. I knew instantly, I was a third wheel in this conversation. I jumped up from the sofa, taking my cell phone off of the end table.

“Paige, come on in, I was just leaving anyway. I have team meetings in the morning, I need to get to bed.”, I told her, lying to make her feel better.

I walked past the both them, putting my hand briefly on Alexis’ shoulder, winking at her.

“I’ll see you later in the week, when I can.”, I said, walking past her.

“Ok Brian, thanks.”, she replied.

I went back to my place, turned on the TV for a while, watching a show about the upcoming playoffs. Apparently they had already evaluated our team early on in the show, but I still watched it. I was just about to go to bed, when my phone rang, it was Alexis.

“Brian, I’m so sorry, she’s a wreck. They have been together for five years, this is the second time. He swore it would never happen again.”, she told me.

“It’s ok Alexis, take care of your friend.”, I replied.

“I’m letting her sleep over, she has no place to go, unless she goes back to their place.”, she stated.

“Not a problem, let me know if you guys need anything.”, I offered.

“You’re a doll, Brian. Thanks.”, she answered, hanging up.

By noon the next day, I had still not heard from Alexis, but I figured they might have been up all night talking. I put on my swim trunks, a tee shirt and grabbed a towel, heading down to the pool. I had been down there for about an hour when my cell phone rang, it was Alexis.

“What ya doing ?’, she asked.

“Nothing much, I’m down by the pool.”, I answered.

“Oh, well…um…maybe we will come down and join you.”, she replied.

“That would be great.”, I responded.

About a half hour later, the two women were walking across the courtyard towards me, carrying towels and a beach bag. The pool area was empty, so I got up, grabbed one extra chaise lounger, laying it out for Paige. I could see in her face, she was still in a lot of emotional pain. Both of them set their things down, pulling off their tops to expose their swimsuits. Thankfully I had my sunglasses on, I could hide my eyes. Although Paige was at least five to six inches shorter than Alexis, her body left nothing to be desired. She was in excellent shape, a tiny waist, great breasts, and a tight, firm ass. I made sure I quickly looked away, I didn’t need any trouble from either of them.

We laid out there for about thirty minutes, then the both of them got into the pool and swam around for a while. It was easy to see these two women were extremely close, although I didn’t really know how long they had known each other. We spent most of the day in and out of the pool, before finally going back upstairs around five o’clock. I invited both of the women out for dinner, they both immediately accepted. I went to my place, showered and changed, meeting them an hour later in the parking lot.

I took them across town to a really nice steakhouse, I had eaten here with members of the team a few times. The place was packed, we had to wait about fifteen minutes for a table. On top of that I was immediately recognized, I spent at least twenty minutes signing autographs and taking pictures. We were finally seated at a table for four, I made sure I held the chair for both ladies. I walked around the table and sat across from them.

“Brian, does that happen all the time. The people mobbing you like that ?”, Paige asked.

“It comes with the job.”, I laughed.

“It would drive me crazy.”, she responded, looking at Alexis.

Our waitress came over and took our drink orders, handing us each a menu. I knew what I wanted immediately, so I set mine on the table next to me. I waited as the two women discussed what they wanted, neither of them was really sure. It took three trips by the waitress before they finally made up their mind. To her credit, she was polite and extremely friendly.

“So you guys finally ready to order ?”, she asked, looking at me first.

“What was I thinking, it’s hard enough being on a date with one of them, tonight I bring the two of them together.”, I told the waitress as serious as I could.

She starting laughing, looking over at Alexis and Paige, who were doing their best not to laugh out loud.

“Oh that will cost you.”, Alexis stated.

The waitress took our orders, then left us alone to our conversation. The food took quite a while to arrive, but it was understandable with the crowd they had. It was very good, everyone seem to enjoy it. I paid the bill and we made our way out of the restaurant to my car. Once again, I made sure I opened both doors for the ladies, then moved around the car to mine. As I got into the car, Paige leaned over the back seat and laughed to her friend.

“Where ever you got him from, get me one just like him.”

“I’m not sure there’s another one like him out there Paige.”, Alexis replied.

We drove back to the condo, and made our way inside of Alexis’ unit. She opened a bottle of wine while, I went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee. By the time my coffee was ready and I had a cup, they were both on their second glass of wine. Two hours later, the second bottle was being emptied, they were definitely having a good time. Out of the blue, Paige turned to me as serious as could be, her question shocking the hell out of me.

“So are you serious about my best friend, or are you here because she is the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen ?”, Paige asked. “Be honest with me.”

Alexis was mortified, I could tell she was as surprised by the question as I was. She reached out and slapped her friend on the shoulder, getting her attention.

“What, I think it’s a fair question.”, Paige told her friend.

“And I think it’s time to call it a night.”, I laughed.

“Aw, what’s wrong Brian. Big guy like you, get a little nervous when the heat get turned up ?”, Paige countered.

“Nope not at all, I live for pressure.”, I replied, getting up and heading to the door.

I reached the door and pulled it open, then turned back to Paige who was still giggling like a school girl.

“The answer to your question.”, I replied, “Is yes and yes.”

I went back to my unit, locked up and headed for the bedroom. I could only imagine what the two of them were probably saying right now, but I was not a fan of alcohol, it always lead to situations like that. I took off my clothes, tossed them on the chair and got into bed. I tried to remember Paige was in an emotional state, but I guess I just really wanted to be alone with Alexis. I turned and over and went to sleep, there wasn’t much point in trying to analyze it anymore.

When I finally woke up, it was after nine, I rarely slept that late. I went to the kitchen, started a pot of coffee, then checked my cell phone. There were no calls, I wasn’t sure if I was surprised or not. I drank two cups of coffee, showered and dressed, leaving about ten thirty to go shopping. I was about halfway through the grocery when my cell phone rang, it was Alexis.

“Hey, where are you ?’, she asked.

“I’m at the grocery store on the boulevard.”, I replied.

“You mad about last night ?”, she asked.

“No, not at all. I’m just not very good around people after they have had too much to drink.”, I answered.

“Ok, well what I called to tell you was, I have to fly out first thing in the morning, I have a client in New York has a problem. I should be back on Tuesday, can I call you then ?”, she asked.

“Sure, have a great trip.”, I responded.

“Oh, Paige will be staying at my place until the end of the week.”, Alexis added.

“No problem, talk to you next week.”, I answered.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing, went to bed early, TV was terrible. I woke up sometime around nine o’clock. I ate breakfast, drove over to Children’s Hospital making a quick visit to the children making sure everything was going well. I was back at my place around two o’clock in the afternoon, since we were back at practice the next day, I decided to relax, then go to bed early. I ordered a pizza around six o’clock that evening, around twenty minutes later there was a knock on the door. I grabbed my wallet and made my way to the door, opening it. I was shocked to see Paige standing there, although the wine glass in her hand was not a surprise.

“What are you doing ?’, she asked.

“Nothing, I thought you were the pizza guy.”, I responded.

“You ordered a pizza ? Good I’m hungry.”, she said, slipping past me.

I closed the door behind me, following her into the main room. She sat down on the sofa, looked over at the TV.

“Is football all you watch ?”, she asked.

“No, but we’re in the playoffs this year, it’s important.”, I replied.

Thankfully, there was another knock at the door, this time it was the pizza. I paid the delivery boy, then walked back into the main room setting the box on the coffee table. I realized that if I was going to be close to Alexis, I was going to try and somehow have to learn to accept Paige, they had been friends a long time.

“Help yourself.”, I told her, going to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

By the time I arrived back, she had did just that. I sat down, grabbed a piece and went back to watching the program. I felt Paige’s eyes on me, but I made sure not to look her way. I knew the silence was too good to be true.

“You don’t like me much, do you Brian ?”, she asked.

“Paige, I barely know you, but I think you’re ok.”, I answered.

“Just ok ?”, she asked, a grin on her face.

“You know what I mean.”, I replied.

“Look, I know you got a bit upset with me last night, I’m sorry. It’s just I’m hurting right now, I feel so alone.”, she stated, sadly.

“Things will get better Paige. I have been there myself.”, I answered.

“Then you know what I’m feeling right now.”, she asked.

“Yes, I do.”, I responded.

She took another long sip on the wine, like maybe she was trying to summon up the courage for something. I was hoping, she was about ready to go back down the hall. Unfortunately, I was wrong, dead wrong.

“Brian, could I asked you something personal ?”, she asked.

“I…uh…I don’t know Paige, I mean…”, I started.

“Look I promise it will never leave this room.”, she interrupted.

“I guess so.”, I answered.

“Would you go to bed with me tonight. I need to feel wanted….I need to be loved, even if it’s only for one night. I promise, I would never say a word to Alexis.”, she offered.

I sat there stunned, I had no words to reply. This was Alexis’ best friend, was she really being serious ? I sat up in my seat, leaning forward a bit, trying to collect my thoughts.

“Paige, first of all, I really care for Alexis, more than I think you know. I would never do anything in the world, that I thought would hurt her. I think Alexis is the most beautiful and caring woman in the world, obviously your friendship with her is not that important.”, I replied.

“She will never know Brian. It will be our secret.”, Paige answered, starting to unbutton her shirt.

“Paige, I will know. Please get out, now.”, I demanded, pointing at the front door.

“Oh please, where the fuck do you get off ?”, she hissed, angrily.

“Right about here.”, I said opening the door.

She stormed out of the door, back to Alexis’ unit, I heard her door slam. I quickly cleaned up the mess, undressed and got into bed. I started to think of how to break this to Alexis, I mean this was her best friend. Then I wondered, if I should even say a word. It wasn’t likely Paige would bring it up, maybe it was best to not say anything. Although it would be very hard to be around Paige from now on. The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, I guess I finally fell asleep.

Monday’s practice was intense, you could see both the urgency and the finality in the preperation. We would be playing Houston, who won their first round game quite easily. By far this was the longest first two days of the week that I have ever been through. We were spending close to eight hours a day at the practice facility. I was looking forward to seeing Alexis tonight, I just hoped it would be alone. I certainly didn’t want to see Paige again, not after the other night. When I arrived back at the condo, I saw Alexis’ car in her spot, unfortunately so was Paige’s as well. I went upstairs, took a shower and changed, then made my way down to the pool area. I had been laying out there for maybe thirty minutes when the phone rang. I looked at the screen, it was Alexis.

“Where are you ?’, she asked.

“I’m down by the pool. I just got back from practice about an hour ago.”, I replied.

“Oh, well I will talk to you later then.”, she responded.

“I have missed you Alexis, more than I think you know.”, I told her.

She didn’t respond, didn’t say a word. I found that very strange, not like her at all. I thought maybe she was just tired from her trip.

“Can I see you later tonight, just for a while ?”, I asked.

“I’ll call you later.”, she said, hanging up the phone.

I laid out by the pool for about another hour, then went back to my condo and make some dinner. I was on the sofa watching TV when a heard a knock on the door. I jumped up and made my way to the door quickly, it was Alexis. She walked past me into the main room with no greeting at all, I closed the door behind her. She sat down on the sofa, her hand folded in her lap.

“Brian, we need to talk.”, she said, no emotion in her voice.

“Sure Alexis, what’s wrong ?”, I asked.

She took a deep breath, then looked up at me for the first time. I saw tears forming in her eyes, I knew something wasn’t right.

“I told you when we first……. I mean you know how hard it is for me to trust men.”, she started.

“Yes, I know.”, I replied.

“Well I trusted you, for the first time in a long time, I trusted a man.

Then this happens.”, she finished, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“What happened ?”, I asked.

“Oh come on, Paige is my best friend, you really think she wouldn’t tell me ?”, she said, loudly.

“She told you ?”, I asked, very surprised.

“Of course she told me, she is my best friend. Apparently my only friend now.”, she snapped.

“I’m sorry Alexis, but I’m lost here. Your best friend comes over here, asks me to sleep with her, starts unbuttoning her shirt, I throw her out, then I’m the bad guy ?”, I asked, astoundished.

“That’s exactly what she said you would say.”, Alexis, replied.

“Because that’s what really happened.”, I told her.

“Brian, don’t lie to me, you promised you would never lie to me.”, she pleaded.

“Alexis, I have never lied to you even once. I have told you things no one else in this world knows. I am falling head over heels in love with you, I would never hurt you.”, I answered.

“It’s over Brian, just please leave me alone.”, she said, getting up and walking to the door.

I jumped up and ran after her, catching her before she opened the door. I turned her around to face me, looking her right in the eyes.

“Alexis, I swear to you what I told you is the truth. Paige came on to me.”, I told her.

She pulled away from me and opened the door, walking down the corridor. I was determined to get this sorted out, I followed her. As she opened the door to her condo, I followed her in.

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