A Game of Inches – Part 13
A Game of Inches – Part 13
Sex Story Author: | Rhiannon57 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Several other players then stepped forward as well, handing me similar items. When the day was over, I had close |
Sex Story Category: | Fantasy |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction |
One of the trainers came over and handed me a hat and a tee shirt, both signifying we were Superbowl Champions. I tossed my helmet to the side, placing the cap on my head, I threw the tee shirt over my shoulder. Even though I had been fortunate enough to win a National Championship in college, that moment was pale compared to this one.
The party on the field lasted for close to an hour, the team being awarded the trophy, Josh being named Superbowl MVP for his performance. Finally the entire team was huddled in the locker room behind closed doors, Coach Reed stepped up to address everyone.
“I can’t tell you guys how proud I am of you, I feel blessed to be standing in this room. I have been coaching for……… close to thirty years, this is the greatest night of my life. All year long, you guys played your hearts out, you never quit. You played hurt, you played sick, it didn’t matter. I love you guys, I will never forget this night…”, he said, choking up.
Several of the other coaches spoke briefly, then Coach Reed took control of the floor once more.
“Where the fuck is Stevens ?”, he said, scanning the crowd.
I was on his far right in the back, I slowly raised my hand.
“Son, I fined you fifteen hundred for missing bed check, you tossed a ball to a fan, that cost you five grand, then you get an celebration penalty, that’s another twenty five hundred. Just what the fuck were you thinking son ?”, he asked, an amused look on his face.
Everyone roared in laughter, then turned to me, obviously waiting on my response. I don’t know where it came from, I just blurted it out.
“I was just so excited Coach, I’m going to Disneyland.”, I stated.
The room exploded in laughter, everyone had seen the commercials a million times. He just waved his hand at me, shook his head, turned and walked off. Everyone moved towards their respective lockers to begin cleaning up for the press conference. I showered quickly, dressed then reported to the trainer, who put my finger in another splint, then wrapped my entire hand in a bandage. I took more pain medication and although my hand did hurt, I didn’t feel it near as badly as I should have. I was the second player up on the podium after Josh, I wanted to get back to the hotel quickly. I stepped up and pointed to the first man with his hand up.
“Brian, you had a three touchdown game, probably your best as a pro, can you tell us how you feel ?”, he asked.
“I’m not sure, it’s going to take some time for this to sink in.”, I answered.
“Brian, we noticed you left the game just before half, then returned in the second half. I see your hand bandaged now, can you tell us what happened ?”, another reporter asked.
“During the scramble for the fumble near the goal line, I injured my hand. It turned out to be two small broken bones, nothing serious, I was able to stay in the game.”, I replied.
“The option year of your contract is coming up, after the past two seasons, you’re going to be one of the most sought after free agents in football, are you already looking for a long term deal with your present team ?”, a man in the back row asked.
“Honestly, it’s never been brought up. I’ll leave that to my agent, right now it’s time to celebrate.”, I said, stepping off of the podium.
I moved quickly through the crowd to the second of two buses parked at the rear of the building, I knew it would leave first. After about a ten minute wait, the bus pulled out and made the short ride to our hotel. It was close to eleven o’clock at night when we pulled up, the place was packed with wall to wall fans celebrating our victory. I took my time getting off of the bus, then signed several autographs as I made my way into the lobby.
I quickly climbed into an open elevator, then made my way up to the sixth floor to see everyone. I exited the elevator and made my way towards Alexis’ room, stopping at Ashley’s room, the door was opened. I stuck my head in to see Ashley, Alexis and Jeff all sitting together.
“Briannnnnn….”, Alexis squealed, jumping into my arms.
Everyone ran to me at once, I was holding on to Alexis with my right hand, her lips were all over me. One by one each congratulated me on the win, both Alexis and Ashley had tears in their eyes. Ashley walked over to me, her arms wrapping around my neck, her lips in my ear.
“God, I so wish your father was here to see this. It would have been his ultimate dream come true.”, she whispered, between sobs.
“I know Ash, but he knows, he knows.”, I said softly, comforting her.
“How’s your hand ?”, she asked, stepping back, wiping her eyes.
“Two broken bones, the little finger. I’ll get a cast Tuesday or Wednesday.”, I replied.
“Does it hurt much ?”, she asked, softly touching my injured hand.
“No, not too bad.”, I responded.
We all sat together for a while, then went down to a large night club that was in the hotel itself. We sat there for a few hours, celebrating, until finally my hand got the best of me. I excused myself from the group telling everyone I needed some medication, then some rest. Alexis quickly offered to walk me back up, admitting she was tired herself. She gave me a quick kiss, then got off on her floor. I went up to my own room, undressed and went to bed. The next morning we were due back for a half day media day, I decided to skip it, taking a late flight back. I was due at the orthopedic doctor on Wednesday morning to have my hand set. I arrived back home about ten o’clock Monday night, I was exhausted. I stayed in bed all day Tuesday, the long season had taken its toll on me. Alexis flew back in Tuesday night late, I was already in bed by the time she got back to her place.
I had an appointment at the team orthopedic specialist Wednesday morning for ten o’clock, I arrived about twenty minutes early. The waiting room was rather crowded, I checked in with the nurse.
“May I see your Driver’s License and Insurance Card please ?’, she asked.
I handed her both of the cards she had asked for, she copied my license information, then checked the card the team had given me.
“You’re on the team ?”, she asked.
“Yes ma’am.”, I replied.
“Oh geez, you’re the dunk guy, number eighty nine.”, she shouted.
“Yes ma’am.”, I answered.
Within minutes I was signing just about every object imaginable in a doctor’s office. After about a ten to fifteen minute wait, I was called back for x rays. After taking several shots of my hand, I was led to one of the rooms to wait for the doctor. Several minutes later, an older grey haired doctor, walked into the room.
“Hello Brian, I’m Doctor Perry, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on the win, you played very well.”, he told me shaking my hand.
“Thank you sir.”, I replied.
He took the x rays out of the envelop he was carrying, sticking them on the large viewing screen on the wall. He quickly showed me the two fractured sections of my hand, it was amazing a small fracture like that could hurt so much.
“The good news is that you won’t require any surgery. I will cast the hand, in six weeks or so, you will be good as new.”, he stated.
“Thanks Doc.”, I responded.
“Come with me.”, he asked.
I followed him to a large room, which in some ways looked like an operating room. He asked me to jump up on one of the tables that were in the center of the room, which I did.
“My cast tech will be here in a few minutes, she will set your hand. I want to see you back here in two weeks for x rays. Do you need anything for pain ?”, he asked.
“No, not really Doc.”
He left the room, wishing me well, closing the door behind him. About five minutes or so later, an extremely attractive young women, dressed in medical scrubs and a white lab coat came in the room.
“So, apparently I get to cast a celebrity today ?”, she asked, smiling, her teeth brilliant white.
“Nah, just a dumb football player.”, I laughed back.
For the next hours or so, she constructed a rigid cast on my hand, taking the time to read the x rays carefully, positioning my hand in just the right manner. After she was done, I went back to x ray to make sure everything was lined up perfectly, which it was. I checked in with the nurse on the way out and made an appointment for my next visit. Even though I needed groceries, I decided to wait until later when Alexis was available, I knew she needed to go as well. I went straight back to my complex, taking a nap until three in the afternoon. When I woke, I called Alexis at work, she was out of the office. She called me an hour or so later, I was watching TV.
“Hey, what are you doing ?”, she asked.
“Waiting for you to come home so you can take me to the grocery store.”, I answered.
“Oh you are ?”, she laughed.
“So, I’m guessing you’re going to milk this hand thing for all it’s worth huh ?’, she laughed.
“You got it.”, I shot back.
“I’ll see you about five.”, she giggled, hanging up.
I got dressed and was ready when she knocked on the door. She had already changed from her work clothes into jeans, sneakers and a knit top. As always, she made you do a double take, it was inevitable. We took my car, it was larger, having a bigger trunk. We arrived at the grocery shortly after six, I grabbed a buggy, then turned to Alexis.
“You need a buggy too ?”, I asked.
“Nope, I just need a few things, I’ll throw them in yours.”, she answered.
We walked down the aisles, I was tossing thing in the basket, Alexis was just watching me. After several minutes, I just had to ask.
“What’s wrong ?”
“Uh, don’t you check prices on anything ?”, she asked.
“No, not really.”, I replied.
“Must be nice to have money.”, she laughed.
We went down one aisle, then up the next. We were on our fourth aisle, when the inevitable happened. The couple in front of us recognized me, stopping and asking for an autograph. Word quickly spread thru the store, at one point I had a half dozen people waiting. We finally were able to make our way to the check out line, then exit the store. Alexis helped me load the groceries in the trunk, then volunteered to drive home. I quickly tossed her the car keys, then opened the driver’s door for her.
“Such a gentleman.”, she said softly, winking at me as she got behind the wheel.
I walked around and got in on the passenger side, pushing the seat back as far as it could go. Alexis started up the car and we pulled out fo the lot heading back to our complex. She helped me carry all of the groceries up the steps to my unit, which I really appreciated, it was tough being one handed. She helped me put everything away, then took the few things she had gotten for herself back to her place. She returned a few minutes later, plopping down on the sofa.
“Man work was a killer today, I am way behind.”, she told me.
“I’m off for close to five months.”, I laughed.
“Oh yea, rub it in why don’t you ?”, she said, sarcastically.
“How about I take you out to dinner tonight, Madame. ?”, I asked.
“Oh you do know how to make points, don’t you ?”, she laughed.
We decided on a small quiet restaurant near our place, it was nothing fancy. We enjoyed a nice quiet meal, then went back to my place. Since I was due back at the practice facility the following morning and Alexis at PSA, we called it an early night.
The next morning I got up and reported to the practice facility for nine o’clock in the morning. We had to clean out lockers, return uniforms and sign out with the trainers. Due to the fact I was injured, I would not be able to due the latter. By nine thirty or so, almost everyone was in the building, the mood as upbeat as I had ever seen it. The staff had set up huge garbage cans in the center of the locker room, I was amazed at the items being tossed out. Brand new shoes, receiving gloves, game worn shoes, towels, practice gear. I finally had a great idea, which was not something that occurred often.
“Hey , hey everybody.”, I shouted.
“Anyone throwing out anything game worn, please take it out, autograph it and bring it to me. I will hold a raffle for my foundation, we need the help.”, I yelled.
Within a matter of twenty minutes, I had dozens of game worn shoes, game worn gloves, a few jerseys, towels and wristbands, all autographed by the players that had worn them. Josh walked over handing me both the shoes and helmet he had worn in the Super Bowl, both autographed. It was extremely generous of him, the helmet would have to be paid for, it was team property.
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