A Family Betrayal Chapter 1
A Family Betrayal Chapter 1
Sex Story Author: | Hawkrider |
Sex Story Excerpt: | My mother placed her hands on each side of my face saying the only thing she had to do was |
Sex Story Category: | Asian |
Sex Story Tags: | Asian, Bi-sexual, Black, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Death, Female/Female, Fiction, First Time, Humiliation, Interracial, Latina, Mature, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Female, Threesome, Violence, Virginity, Water Sports/Pissing |
I was always told family was everything through the good and bad times. When my mother Maggie gave birth to me it was a day that started everything in my life. I was born with bright blue eyes and red hair. I don’t remember my birth, but I do have bits and pieces of my youth that flows through my mind. My father Greg was a very caring, loving and hard working man. He had his own business in which he was very successful. He had a partner at that time named Mike. Mike Jarvison was my dad’s best friend and a close friend of the family. Mike and his wife Ellie were made my god parents not long after my birth. So you might say I had two sets of parents my father and mother then my God parents. They had a son named Chris who I grew up with. Dad and Mike had two best friends that they both got to know through years at work. Nate Anderson and Ricky Greenhart, both were close to Dad and Mike’s age. My mother was a nurse, but decided to quit after I was born to be a full time mother/ housewife. After I was born my sister Michelle who is 5 years older then me thought of me as her baby. She was protective of me as she was with Travis who was my older brother by 4 years older. Both took a vow to protect and love me. When I was 3 years old my family went camping by the local lake for a week during the summer in July before my 4th birthday. Michelle took Travis and my hands while leading us down to the lake which wasn’t that far from the campsite dad and mom chose. I didn’t know what was going on, but I trusted my sister who Travis and I called Shellie. Once at the edge she looked down at me with a smile.
” Now Heathie take that pacifier out of your mouth and throw it in the lake so the baby fishes can have it.” Shellie tells me as I look at her confused
” Go ahead Heath do has sissy says.” Travis tells me as I watch Shellie do a motion
She acted out what she wanted me to do by take her hand from her mouth to act like she was throwing something in the lake. I took the pacifier out of my mouth and looked at it. I then looked at her and Travis then looked back up at the camp to see my dad and mom looking on smiling, but also nodding encouraging me to throw the piece of plastic.
” Heathie your a big boy now. Throw that pacy in for the baby fishes.” Shellie tells me again as I look at what was in my hand
I let out a sigh as I threw the pacifier into the water. At that moment I felt a few tears as Shellie and Travis stepped over to me wrapping their arms around me.
” Don’t cry honey mommy Shellie is going to help you get over that old pacy.” Shellie says to me as if she was a mommy
Dad and Mom came down to us squatting to hug us kids.
” Heath you took a big step son. And I am sure you will be taking many more.” My father tells me as I cried
After the hug mom suggested ice cream cones which got me smiling. Shellie, Travis, and I ran to camp with Shellie grabbing Travis and my hands to help us back. I heard dad and mom laughing at the scene of their oldest helping her younger brothers. Once back at camp dad helped mom make ice cream cones for us kids. I was sitting between Shellie and Travis as we started eating the ice cream cones. I don’t know what exactly happened, but the top of mine fell off in my lap. I looked down and started to sob. Shellie caught wind of my sobbing.
” Aww Heathie don’t cry honey. Here let me help you.” Shellie tells me as I look at her
She transfered the top portion of hers to mine. I loved my sister so much as I did my brother. Travis helped Shellie by lifting the ice cream off my lap and dropped it under the table. Dad and mom just chuckled and giggled saying how cute. Those were the happiest times of my life.
As time went by Shellie, Travis, and I grew stronger as siblings. When other kids tried to bully me Shellie or Travis would be right there standing up for me. It was times like that which brought us closer. When Shellie and Travis went to spend the night with their friends, dad and mom would make time for me by having movie night. I would sit between them with my head on either one’s arm. Mom always called me her bright blue eyed baby boy. I would also giggle when she would get tongue tied a few times saying it.
When I was 8 years old and during the weekends over the summer. Dad and mom would hold family gatherings. The families consisted of the Jarvison’s, Anderson’s, and Greenhart’s. That was when I met Selena and Tiffany. Selena’s parents were Nate and Kiko Anderson. Selena was Asian American and clinged to Chris. Tiffany’s parents were Ricky and Verna Greenhart as she clung to me for some reason. Shellie thought of them as younger sister’s as Travis just well laughed at Chris and I. All the parents you might say claimed the others kid as their own. So to sum it up we had 4 sets of parents. Except Mike and Ellie being my god parents. Those following summers were fun as my friendships with Chris, Selena, and Tiffany grew and matured. I found out I was the youngest of us four, but only by months. Seems Chris was born in February, Selena in March as Tiffany was born in April. While I was born in the month of July.
It was when I was 13 when my life took it’s first tragic toll. My father went out of state for a meeting. On his way back his plane crashed. We were all devastated for various reasons. My mother lost her husband, the Jarvison’s/Greenhart’s and Anderson’s lost a brother and us kids lost a father and uncle. I tried to be the big man for my family by comforting them. I especially tried to comfort Shellie and mom. Travis would be the one to comfort me when i couldn’t take it anymore. This happened in May. I still had school in which mom took me out the second week, for my father’s funeral. It was the worst week of our lives. The day of the funeral I sat between mom and Shellie as Travis sat on mom’s left. She had her arms around Travis and I as Shellie held my right hand in her left. As we listened to the preacher as well as those that knew our dad Shellie laid her head on my shoulder. I don’t know what came over her, but she whispered in my ear as her tears ran down the cheeks of her face.
” Don’t you ever leave me. I don’t ever want to lose you Heathie as your my baby brother and I love you.” She told me as I squeezed her had
” I will never leave you Shellie as I need you as much as you need me. I love you so much.” I whispered back to get a squeeze of my hand
As that day went by Mike, Ellie, and Chris stayed around us to give us comfort. Mike and Ellie helped my mom plus gave her comfort. Chris was doing his best helping Shellie, Travis, and I. He had grown close to us taking us in as his own brothers and sister. He would start telling jokes and make us laugh which helped. Shellie although clinged to me as I did her. As the evening turned to night Shellie and Travis went to spend the night with their friends leaving my mother and I alone in the house. Mom asked if I would hold her in her bed for the night. I told her yes as we got ready. I slept in shorts as she slept in her pajamas. Getting in my mothers bed She pulled me to her quickly. My head was on her left shoulder as the arms that held me as a baby were wrapped around me. I placed my left hand on her belly as she sobbed for a bit then started talking to me.
” Heath don’t you ever leave me. I couldn’t live without you around. I love you my bright blued eyed boy.” My mother says while holding me tight
” I love you to mom and the same for you.” I tell her as I feel a kiss on my forehead
” Never honey mommy will always be around no matter what.” My loving mother tells me as I plant those words into my heart
After that day time just seemed to move slowly. The following Wednesday Mike, Mom, Michelle, Travis, and I were to attend my fathers will reading. It was around 10:30 a.m. that we all sat in a conference room. Mom, Shellie, and I on one side with me in the middle. While Mike and Travis were across from us. A man walked in with a folder which I guess had the papers for us. He introduced himself as Mr. Frank Boscoe. He looked to be in his early 50’s, 6’1, 224 lbs, short brown hair with some gray and brown eyes. He sat at the head of the table fixing things up with the papers. Picking up one of the papers he started.
He stated his apologies for my dad’s death and gives his condolences. He started with Mike in which dad turned all legal matters of the company to his best friend. Dad gave total control of the company to Mike who spoke by saying he would give it up just to have his best friend with him to run it. The lawyer nodded as he continued to mom. Dad left mom the house, cars, and enough money to get her through life as long as she kept it invested to roll over into a bank account. He also made it where mom would get a profit check from the company in which Mike agreed to up hold. The lawyer got to us kids in which we were all shocked. Dad gave us each around 500,000 dollars to start a new life with, but stated we had to invest it wisely and let it grow for our future. We all three nodded as Mike told us he would show us how. The lawyer has us sign the papers that are for each of us. After everything is signed Mr. Boscoe hands us bank cards and account information. He hands Mike the company ownership papers, plus mom the deed and titles to the cars. We leave saying our thanks and goodbyes. That day is filled with happiness and sadness as we wish dad was here instead but knowing that he wanted us to be successful and gave us a good start.
As the summer came again I found myself excited as my friends would be back. They went to private school while I went to public school. I was a smart kid and the school I went to wasn’t really a challenge. I got bored with the assignments, but did them anyway. Mom tried to challenge me with some online brain program to help her see what challenged me. I guess she was concerned about my education as that first week in June was going to be a eye opener.
It was the weekend after summer vacation began. Around 1p.m. Saturday Shellie, Travis, and I were in the back yard enjoying the day. Travis has been helping me by having me swim in the swimming pool we had. He and Shellie thought if I built my body up no one would mess with me. So the past few summers I was in the pool swimming. Travis also taught me some moves to defend myself if the situation called for it. After I got done with my last lap Shellie came over with a towel as I got out of the pool. She dried me off which made me chuckle. She never stopped being the sister I loved. Travis had me to drink plenty of water so I wouldn’t dehydrate. It was at that time we turned to see Chris, Selena, and Tiffany. They all came over as Shellie, Travis, and I stood by the pool.
“ What are you three doing here? We thought it would be in another week?” Shellie asked walking up to give them hugs.
“ Our parents wanted to talk to Aunt Maggie about Heath.” Chris says as Travis gives him a bro hug.
“ What about me? What did I do wrong?” I asked as Tiffany made her over to me.
“ Nothing Heath as they just want to discuss something with your mom.” She answers as I just nod.
We all find a spot to sit. Shellie has me sit with her in a lounge chair. She became a protective sister plus a mother figure. Tiffany sat next to us in the other lounge chair as Chris and Selena sat by the pool. Travis sat on the weight bench he had not far. He was into keeping his body in good shape as he was on the football team. We all talked about our school year. As the conversation kept going Chris made a slip which caught my loving sisters attention.
” Wait what do you mean private school? Why my baby brother?” Michelle asks my best friend with concern at the thought of me going.
” Yeah why our brother, he needs to be here with us Chris? Did you put your parents up to this?” Travis asks as Michelle places her arms around me.
” No I didn’t I swear. I am just saying what they told Selena, Tiffany, and I on the way over.” Chris says as Travis leaves to go find out.
” What…what is wrong?” Tiffany asks as a sobbing Michelle holds me tighter
” Tiffany, Heath is a big part of us….a big part of me. I think of him as my own so it’s just hard to hear about all this.” Michelle says as Selena gets up to come sit by us.
” Michelle we know, but they seemed persistant on this. Uncle Mike stated your dad and mom at one time wanted Heath to have the best education he could” Selena says as Tiffany nods.
” Yeah don’t be mad at us. We are just as surprised as you all are” Tiffany says as Selena and Chris nod agreeing.
Michelle has me turn to look in her eyes. Her eyes show concern for me before she speaks with worry.
” Heath honey would you rather go to private school then public school?” My sister asks me as I shrug
” I…I don’t know Shellie. Since you are out of school and Travis only has one more year there will be no one to help me if I need it after he graduates. I don’t want to leave you, mom, or Travis, but again I want to have a good education. And plus I will be home during the summer and Christmas break. It would give us something to look forward to. I just don’t know sissy this is so hard to even think of right now.” I say with some tears.
Michelle looks in my eyes with tears also as I feel myself getting pulled to her. We hug each other as Chris, Selena, and Tiffany stay quiet. Michelle eases up her hug to look back in my eyes.
” Yes it’s hard to think of being apart baby brother, but as they say ‘ A mother has to clip that cord’. Heath I know I am not our mother, but I feel like a mother to you. Ever since you were born I have loved you as a sister and a mother all wrapped into one. I promise to always be your sister and love you with all that I am. If you ever need me call and I will be there. Heathie you are so precious to me as Travis is. I love you both so much.” Michelle tells me with a more tears.
” I love you to Shellie so very much, but I am not going anywhere yet.” I say as we hear the back door open
Michelle lets me go as we see Travis stand by the lounge chair we are on. He is 6’2 236 lbs, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He picks me up and holds me tight in his arms.
” Heath I love you bro and always will.” He tells me as I hug him back.
” So mom decided then I take it?” Michelle asks as he nods.
” Yeah she thinks it’s best that Heath gets a good education. She hates to, but she knows dad would want it to.” Travis says as she nods.
Travis lets me down as I stand 5’10 at that time. Michelle wraps her arm around me again holding me with my back against her. Travis takes a seat in front of me on the chair to let things sink in. Michelle keeps a strong hold of me. Selena goes over to sit in front of Tiffany as Chris stays where he is at by the pool. Shellie looks at the three then asks them a serious question.
” You..you all will make sure my baby brother is treated right wouldn’t you?” Michelle asks them all.
” Yes Michelle I promise to help him and comfort him. I am not going to let anyone hurt him. Not even me if we…. well never mind.” Tiffany says getting a giggle.
I feel Michelle turn to look at Tiffany I guess. I hear her giggle as she speaks up again.
” Does someone have a crush on my baby brother?” Michelle asks as I turn to see Tiffany look shy.
” No it’s just since we were 8 I well….. we all care for Heath very much.” Tiffany says as Travis and Michelle laugh.
” Tiffany I hate to tell you this, but nothing gets past Michelle when it comes to bro.” Travis says as I nod.
” Travis is right Tiffany as she is a protective sister.” I say as Chris and Selena nod agreeing.
It’s at that time the parents come out the back door. Mom makes her way over to us only to stand looking at me with sad eyes, but with love and concern. The other parents come and stand around to support her. Mom looks into Michelle, Travis, and my eyes before she speaks.
” Guys we need to talk and it’s important.” Mom says getting nods from us
” So that means the rest of us are going to let them talk. So get into the cars so they can have some family time.” Ellie says as Chris, Tiffany, and Selena stand.
Tiffany comes over to where Michelle, Travis, and I are and looks down at me. She takes a step leaning over to kiss my forehead.
” Heath everything will be fine. You have three friends that will not let any one or anything happen to you. We love you honey very much” Tiffany says as I nod with a smile.
I get hugs from Selena, Chris and all the mothers Verna, Ellie, and Kiko. They also give Michelle, Travis, and mom hugs. Mike, Nate, and Ricky shake hands with Travis and I. As they leave Mom takes a seat between Travis and I as Michelle scoots back pulling me to her. Mom scoots close to me as Travis to her. We are all seating on one lounge chair getting ready to hear what my mother has to say.
” So where do I begin.” Mom tries to say until cut off.
” Heath’s going to private school isn’t he?” Michelle asks in a sad voice.
” Michelle that is up to him, but your father and I thought it would be best. I hate it as much as you do, but he could have a better education and away from all the bad influences at the local school.” Mom says getting nods from her children.
” I understand that mom, but I…I am going to feel lost without him.” Michelle says as she tightens her arms that are around me.
” I agree with Shellie mom. This family has never been away from each other. Except us in school or when dad was alive at work. It’s just hard to be apart from each other.” Travis stated looking at me with a small smile.
” I know Travis as I have been crying this whole time talking to Mike and the others. Mike stated he would make sure Heath was in the same living space as Chris so it will be a little easy on Heath. And it’s not like Heath won’t be home for Christmas and summer. As well we can write and talk on the phone. Mike said Heath can have a cell phone as Chris, Selena, and Tiffany carry them.” Mom explains to us as we listen.
We all talk until Travis suggests ordering pizza which Michelle, Mom, and I were way ok with. That evening was nice as we were spending time as a family. Travis had us laughing to his impersonations of actors and other celebrities. That night as I went to bed. Shellie came in to my room then crawled into my bed to hold me. She would do the same thing when I woke up having nightmares as a kid. We whispered talking about keeping the other close in our hearts. That night we slept like we were kids again with my big sister watching over me humming that song she used to years ago.
The days and weeks went by getting closer to the day I would be leaving to private school. Mike and Ellie helped mom get me ready. And to Mike’s word to mom I was to bunk with Chris until we graduated from School. My birthday was the middle of July so It was a nice summers day. Michelle and Travis got me a cell phone that they already had set up. michelle made sure she was the first speed dial. They even took a picture as the background of them with mom. I cried seeing it, in which they both calmed me down. Mom got me a laptop so I could video chat with them when I could. It was state of the art. Mike, Ellie, and Chris got me some nice clothes. My family were there helping my birthday be special. Tiffany and Selena both got me a friendship necklace that showed the word friends. Selena’s father Nate was a computer geek. He asked to look at my Laptop which I looked at mom who smiled nodding that it was ok. He looked at it and put some programs on it from a USB memory stick. There was a antispyware program that he made himself. He downloaded the program to my laptop so no one could hack or send anything harmful to my laptop. He even gave me a wifi stick saying I didn’t have to worry about paying the bill as I was on the same plan as Selena. I smiled nodding to him. Selens thanked her dad for doing that for me. Verna gave me a cross to wear around my neck. Tiffany put it around my neck saying I would always be loved no matter where I was by those in my life. I looked at everyone thanking them so much. Ricky, Tiffany’s dad gave me a book on selling which made me confused. That was when Mike stepped up to explain. He told me that when Chris, Selena, Tiffany, and I hit 16 that he was going to let us start a junior company. He said that the money we make would go into our accounts for our futures. Mike also stated it would be good for us to start young knowing the worth of a dollar while being in school. I thought of that and smiled thinking I always wanted to be like my father in business.
After that day of my birthday I was excited about going to school, but yet sad as I was going to be leaving my family for 9 months. I knew they were sad also, but kept strong for me. The Friday night before I left in the middle of August mom had a surprise planned. My mother made it a special night as we took pictures of us all on cell phones. Mom had Michelle take one of mom and I on the couch together. I smiled as did she with love in our eyes. Michelle wanted one also as did Travis. I got one of all of us with Travis taking it since his arm was longer then mine at that time. As the night got closer to bed time mom asked us to get ready as we were going to sleep in her bed as a family. She wanted my last night for the summer to be one of holding me like when I was a kid. That night we talked, cried, and spoke our hearts that promised to never leave one another.
The next day came being a Saturday that I was woken to the smell of pancakes and sausage. Shellie was holding me in her arms watching me sleep. She smiled at me as I did to her. She kissed my forehead before we got out of bed. She told me to go get dressed then come down to the kitchen to eat. I did a few minutes later to see my stuff was already gone. My duffle bag, Laptop, and cell phone. I felt sad knowing this was the day my life would change a second time. I got dressed in the clothes I guess mom or Michelle picked out. Jeans, muscle shirt. socks and shoes. I ran down the hall then down the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen to see everyone there. Chris, Mike, Ellie, Tiffany, Verna, Ricky, Selena, Kiko, Nate, Mom, Michelle, and Travis.
” What..what is all this?” I asked confused as they chuckled.
” It’s a tradition hun as the parents select who fixes our breakfast the morning before we leave for school. Your mom decided it be best if it was here.” Tiffany tells me as everyone nods except Michelle and Travis.
” Oh ok. I’m just surprised, that’s all.” I say going to a empty chair.
” We know honey, but thought it be more meaningful if we all ate together to give support.” Ellie says as I smile nodding.
I sat between Michelle and Tiffany. Over the last few years they have grown close as sisters. I would chuckle at times wondering what the coming years would bring if Tiffany and I did get together what my big sister would think.
A few hours past as I find myself at the airport being sent off by my family. It was heart breaking knowing tomorrow I would wake up not seeing their faces. My family held me tight each with tears.
” You ever need to hear our voices or just want to talk you call ok Heath honey.” Mom says with tears running down her face.
” I will mom I promise.” I say as Michelle pulls me tight.
” You better come home to us during the summers. I am so going to miss you baby brother. I love you so very much.” Michelle tells me as I nod.
” I love you too Shellie always.” I says as Mom and Travis pull me to them making me chuckle.
” We love you to my bright blued eyed baby boy.” Mom says with more tears.
” You be safe bro and remember if you need me call I will race up to help. I love you lil brother.” Travis tells me trying to hold back his tears.
” I will, I love you both so much as well.” I tell them as I hear the boarding announcement.
Mom gives me one last hug as she takes my hands looking in my eyes.
” Heath your father would be so proud of you as I am. I love you honey always remember that no matter what.” Mom tells me as I hear footsteps come behind me.
” Come on Heath we have to go.” I hear Tiffany tell me as I turn letting go of my mom’s hands.
Tiffany takes my right hand in her left leading me to our flight. I turn to see my family holding each other with tears as I have tears myself. I see the other parents step to mine and hug them with comfort and support. I look straight ahead at the moment not turning back again. Tiffany hands the attendant our tickets which I handed her to hold for me. I try to hold back more of my tears, but they come anyway. I follow Tiffany as she leads me to the plane. Once on Tiffany has me sit by her.
” Heath honey I know it’s hard, but you have us to help get you through this. Now come here I will give you my shoulder to cry on.” Tiffany says as I lean towards her.
She places her arms around me as I do cry and sob. I think of this new beginning and hope I can do this. Closing my eyes I let my thoughts ask for help from one man that I know will hear me.
” Dad please watch over Mom, Shellie, and Travis. And please give me the strength to take this new path in my life. I love you dad and miss you so much.” My thoughts say as Tiffany comforts me with a kiss to my forehead.
After touching down from the flight and helped to where I was to pick up my duffle bag and laptop. Chris, Selena, and Tiffany showed me to the limo that was taking us to the school. The driver noticed me giving a smile.
” You must be Heath it’s nice to meet you. Mr. Jarvison told me to give you a stressless ride. So I have some ice tea in the car for you to relax drinking and music already in the headphones for you. I hope we can be friends young man.” He says to me as I nod before he continues ” My name is Jason so if you need a ride some where on the weekends let me know.”
” Wait we can leave school property on weekends?” I ask as he looks confused at me.
” Why yes you mean to tell me these three didn’t tell you?” He asks concern looking at Tiffany and them.
” Jason we were caught up in getting here. He is right hun we can leave campus on weekends. Yes it’s a private school, but the director doesn’t want us to feel like were in a prison. So we get to leave on weekends, but have to be back by night fall.” Tiffany tells me as Jason nods.
” Nice that’s cool to know.” I say as Jason motions me into the limo.
He looks to be in his 30’s, 6’1, 223 lbs muscled, short black hair and brown eyes. I get in and sit by Tiffany who smiles. Chris and Selena are sitting on the side drinking soda. Tiffany hands me a ice tea after I place my bag and laptop next to me. I thank her which she smiles grabbing a ice tea herself. The ride is nice as Tiffany leans against my shoulder. I get a warm feeling inside me as Tiffany takes my left hand in her right.
” Heath don’t be scared ok hun we won’t let anything happen to you. We are your friends and always will be.” Tiffany says as Chris and Selena agree with cheers.
” She’s right bro we got your back. I know this is going to be hard, but you have us to lean on now. So just relax and enjoy.” Chris tells me as I smile nodding.
I take in their advice and lean back against the seat more. Tiffany keeps her head on my shoulder while holding my hand. I don’t know what it is about her. She is showing comfort yes, but it feels like she is showing affection that I am not use too. The ride is nice as I look out to see the scenery since it’s still daylight out. I tilt my head back closing my eyes. I think of this new path in my life. I decide to try this new school and maybe see what it has to offer.
Before I know it the first few months go by and it’s Christmas. Chris, Selena, Tiffany, and I make a trip home for the holidays. I am welcomed home by my family with open arms. They all hug me tight with kisses from mom and Michelle on my forehead. Travis just bear hugs me with a smile. The house hasn’t changed much except for the tree. That week feels, wonderful as my family take me with them whenever they go out, which is shopping to get everyone gifts. Mom fills me in that the other parents will be over as they have become closer almost like a big family. I smile knowing things have been good for mom and them as I was worried so much of the change of me not being home.
Christmas comes and it’s a nice one. Gifts are exchanged with smiles shining bright. Mom got me a Jacket with inside pockets. Michelle gave me a picture of them all taken during Thanksgiving. Travis got me a pocket watch with a eagle on the front. I loved all that was given to me. Chris and Selena got me an Ipod loaded with my favorite songs. Tiffany gave me a friendship wrist bracelet that said forever friends. I smiled at those words as my eyes brighten. Everyone had a great time with carols being sung and happiness in the air. That Christmas was the best we had in years.
The days turned into weeks then to months. I found the school year end to flow into summer. This was the summer I would turn 15 just one more year before my 16th birthday. Mike dropped me off, but not before Tiffany gave me a kiss on my left cheek. It surprised me as I smiled seeing her big smile shining back at me. I grabbed my bag from my god father Mike just to get a hug from him. Afterward he goes around to the driver side only to get back in the driver seat. I stepped to the passenger front door to lean down a bit. I told them I would see them soon as Ellie spoke up before Mike pulled out.
” If you need anything call us I don’t care what time it is ok sweetie.” Ellie tells me as I nod smiling.
I stood there watching them leave. Tiffany looked out the back glass blowing me a kiss. Everyday she showed some kind of affection that I was getting use to which was hugs, holding hands, and kisses on my face. I turned making my way up to the house. I turned the doorknob making my way in. Shutting the door behind me I walk into the living room around 2 p.m.
” MOM I’M HOME!” I yell hearing foot steps coming from the kitchen.
” My baby is home.” I hear mom say as I turn to see her coming at me.
Once to me we hug as she breaks it a few seconds to look at me. Her eyes look me over as I see a smile.
” You have grown Heath how tall are you?’ Mom asks as I smile.
” Six foot, but I don’t think I am done it.” I say getting a smile.
” So where is Shellie and Travis I figured they would be here?’ I ask as her smile turns to a frown.
” They are up stairs getting ready to go hang with Trey and Keisha. They met them in April at a party. So I just let them do what they want as they are over 18 honey.” Mom answer as I nod.
” I know mom just thought they would be happy to see me thats all.” I say with a bit of sadness.
” I know honey, but I am happy to see you. So come and tell me all about this past school year. Are you on the honor roll again?” Mom tells me as I follow her to the couch.
I get sat on her left as she takes my right hand in her left.
” Yes I am above the curve. They did a IQ test on me and found out I have a 190.” I say as my mother shows a big grin.
” I am so proud of you honey. I know your fatherwould be too if he was here.” Mom says as I nod smiling.
” I hope so as he was my hero. I want to be like him and you, business wise and loving for those around me.” I tell her getting tears.
” Awww Sweetie that is so thoughtful. So what do you want to do this summer?” Mom asks me as I think then smile.
” Spend time with you all, but if it’s just us that is fine. I love you mom so much and have missed you.” I tell her as my mother shows tears.
” I would like that honey and I love and missed you too.” Mom tells me as we turn and hug.
We talk for a few minutes when Michelle and Travis come down the stairs noticing mom and I on the couch. Michelle’s eyes go wide as I look at her with a small smile.
” Heath when…when did you get here?” She asks coming to me as I stand receiving a hug
” About 30 minutes ago. I yelled that I was home.” I tell her as Travis gives me a smile.
” I am sorry I must of had the music up to loud.” Michelle tells me as I shake my head.
” It’s ok sissy so what are you up to?” I ask as she breaks the hug.
” Going to hang with some friends. I am sorry we planned it yesterday.” She tells me with some sadness.
” It’s ok Shellie. You and Travis go have fun I have all summer of being here.” I say as she gives me a smile.
” Ok baby brother we will hang out tomorrow ok honey.” Michelle tells me as I nod.
I watch her give mom a hug before her and Travis make their way to the front door and out of the house. I sat back down to see my mother with tears.
” Mom what is wrong please talk to me?” I ask as she takes my left hand into both of hers.
” Nothing honey just glad your home. Heath how about we watch some movies to night. I have missed our mom and son nights?” Mom asks as I smile nodding.
” That would be great mom. The popcorn still in the same place?” I ask as my mother smiles big.
” Yes it is sweetie. You make it and I will get the new movies I bought. Also grab some Ice Tea’s honey.” Mom says as I stand helping her up.
” You got it mom be back in a bit.” I tell her as we get ready for mother and son time.
I made my way into the kitchen with a smile on my face as well as a perk in my step. Tonight was going to be nice as my mother and I were going to spend it together. When I was younger dad, mom , and I would have movie nights when Travis and Michelle hung out with their friends. Although tonight it was mom and I. I found the popcorn in the same spot as it always was. Picking up a few packages I opened the microwave that sat on the counter. Taking the popcorn bags out of the plastic. I placed one in the microwave shut the door then set the time. Once the first was done I put the second one in for my mother. While it was poping I grabbed two glasses and poured the tea that mom had made. Once the second bag was done I grabbed the glasses the best I could along with the two popped bags. Returning to the living room mom was ready with a smile as I handed a glass of tea to her along with the popcorn. She already had a movie ready as I sat next to her to enjoy the day. Mom pushed play on the remote to start the movie she had picked. It was nice to just relax and be with the one woman that loved me more then life itself.
As the day went but evening came as I helped mom with supper. We had steaks, mashed potatoes, and some green beans. I always loved her cooking as she put her love behind each dish. When supper was finally done we ate talking about the summer as well as my birthday. She told me her plans of taking me out to by what ever I wanted. I laughed saying that could be a bad idea. Mom returned the laugh saying 15 only comes once in a persons life. I thought on that knowing she was right. I exclaimed just being with my family was gift enough. Mom smiled telling me that was true, but what was it that would been just as good. Looking in her eyes I told her a picture of us all. One that I could look at everyday of my life. My mother smile got bigger agreeing with me intently. After we finished eating mom and I washed the dishes then cleaned the kitchen up. Mom and I returned to watching a movie or two talking about what we could do over the summer again. I was just enjoying this time that I haven’t really been able to since last summer. When 9:30 p.m. came Michelle and Travis walked in looking off. Mom didn’t say a word placing a hand on my arm to make sure I didn’t either. I thought it was odd, but respected her not to. Before Michelle walked up the stairs making her way up. Shellie turned to look at me with sad eyes telling me she was sorry. I gave her a nod as I received a weak smile watching her finish her way up the stairs. I gave my mother a concerned look which she returned turning to look up at her oldest child with worried eyes. I sat there wondering what had happened to my sister that always took care of me when I was a kid. All I could think was just support her in all that she chose to do as my sister was a adult now just as my brother was. Mom and I turned in around 10:30 p.m. going to our bedrooms, but not before giving each other a hug. Mom told me she loved me as I returned telling her the same. She broke the hug turning to walk to the room she slept in all these years. I went into my room then to my bed. I sat on the edge thinking of how I loved my family deciding to make sure to spend all the time I could with them. I laid down upon my bed closing my eyes to let sleep come to me. I let my mind roam into dreams that were of the happy kind.
As the days went by I found them like the day I arrived. Michelle and Travis went to hang out with their friends with promises to spend time with me. I just kept telling them ok that I loved them. Shellie smiled telling me the same as she walked out the door wearing very provocative clothing. Mom kept telling me Michelle had a life of her own since she became a adult. I nodding just agreeing with her. I kept my sadness back as I missed my sister’s hugs and talks. Those first few days and weeks of June was mostly mom and I. We spent time with Chris, Selena, Tiffany, and their parents. We had family group time going to the beach since we lived in San Francisco. It was nice playing volley ball the guys against the gals. Mom and Ellie laughed as Tiffany collided into me as I tried to spike the ball. Everyone started laughing as I landed on my ass. It was moments like that which made the summer wonderful.
The weeks past as my birthday was just around the corner. Michelle and Travis kept dodging me for some reason making me feel that much sadder. Mom took it upon herself to keep me happy by spending time with me. I told her if there were things she needed to do just do them.
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