
A butterfly of bestial delights

1. a diurnal insect typically having a slender body with knobbed antennae and broad colorful wings.
2. to talk, write or behave amorously, as in a romantic love affair.
3. A person interested principally in frivolous pleasure.


This peice should take the average reader 22 minutes to read. Readers whom prefer to skip ‘details’, or whom for whatever other reason, wish to get to the bestiality sex in this story, you need only scroll down to the section labeled:

‘DECEMBER 12, Approximately 9.30PM.’

Also, I write in a certain style and I have had to reconstruct the dialogue of this story in a way I felt befitting of my attempt to tell my reader something of the greatest love affair of my life. Furthermore, some things may have been said at different times, and not in the exact sequence of their actual placing in this text, still I assure you;

The following story is TRUE, however ornately remembered, and bedizened by its author.


Have you ever been so in love, you saw your soul reflected in your lover?

The world takes on a rosy hue when viewed through the eyes a young man in love with the girl of his dreams. I feel so lucky to have felt that way, at least once.

The year was 1985: Australia, in a long hot summer.

Maddonna was almost young enough to be believed when she sang ‘Like A Virgin’, and Duran Duran had ‘A View to a Kill’. Everything from fashion to the stock-market was flamboyant, and there was a romantic optimism in most people, that everything was going to get better all the time.

Or perhaps that was only how I felt.. because I was in love! Completely captivated by a young woman, at that time.

At nineteen years old, I was as tall and good-looking as I was ever going to be.
Physical; fashionable; free-thinking; I had the ambition, bucks and bullshit girls admired — along with affable persuasion if it was sexually required.

This last, was perhaps my greatest blessing as a horny young man in need of constant, ever more exotic sexual thrills.

However, it was a talent I never really needed to assert with Lisa. And in retrospect, is probably one of the things I liked most about her.

I had spotted Lisa late one night, on the day she turned sixteen, while driving home from an unsuccessful pussy-hunting expedition with a male friend. It had been raining earlier, making it easier for me to skid my little sports car, with its tires screeching to the curb.

The large roundup of young ladies, Lisa included, seemed suitably impressed when we two handsome, horny devils pulled up beside them, and began our best efforts to be seductive. They were a very attractive bunch. But I only had eyes for one girl in the group.

Lisa had all the amorous feminine charms I’d ever wanted in a woman. Even at only five-foot-four, she had a marvelous female figure. A radiant youthful beauty, dazzling to my senses. Long, clasped-back brunet hair, gorgeous brown eyes and skin, a voice as sweet as songs sung with her sensual full-pouted lips, her amply uplifted breasts and curvaceous peach-shaped ass made her stand out from the crowd. And I was smitten!

Apparently the girls had been attending a slumber party together. And out of boredom, they’d decided to see what trouble they could get into in the city after midnight.

Well. Lisa and a girlfriend for my friend, found the pleasurable sort that night, on a beautifully moonlit beach, secluded on a cozy cape nearby. And so did I.

It was only three AM in the morning, and already cupid was practicing his archery in the darkened dunes. What else but magic can make us fall in love so fast? I still don’t know forty-one! Still. I do know I fell in love that night.

Lisa looked great — she smelt right. As the sea sighed, and we became lovers for the first time, I discovered that she tasted even better.

I could go on, but it suffice to say, we really liked each other from that first sweet-tender moments in those foothills by the sea.

However, I quickly came to see something in Lisa that was even more enchanting than romance.

Almost immediately I decided Lisa was a very special girl. Sure, she was sexy, and I soon came to worship her as if a Goddess. But, more importantly to me at that age, she was also a wickedly, salacious little slut!

In those days I loved to FUCK. And not just the loving, caring kind. I loved, adored and lived for fucking! I was constantly filled with fuck-lust and I wanted to do it like the devil whenever, wherever and with whomever I got the chance!

Luckily, Lisa and I saw eye to eye in that regard, and we soon found we were fire and kerosene together, when it came to sex and living for the moment.

Over the following months, our relationship grew firm and fast and soon we could tell each other anything. There were very few barriers between us, and the ones we found, we wanted to knock down quickly with our loving trust, snuggling into the wild warmth of sexual furry we saw burning in each other.

We took an apartment together and our sex life was wonderful right from the start.
She enjoyed the rakish hardness of my frame, as much as I adored the swelling contours of her lithesome little body when we fucked.

She was such a lovely, horny little cunt, and I took great pleasure in stoking the fire between her legs with my always willing tool.

I loved to fuck her from behind sometimes, prying her lovely rounding buttocks apart with my thumbs so I could better view the way her pussy loved my prick.

Her juicy pussy-lips rippled and fluttered tightly around my vein-ribbed cock-shaft as I drove it slowly to-and-fro, my knees outside her tawny thighs – marveling at the feeling of her fuming fuck-channel – the rings of cunt-muscles clenching and pulling as I teased her back and forward on my throbbing prick, before plunging deeply in to satiate her aching need to feel my rigid weapon cramp, and lever in her cunt.

It was so rewarding to draw a foaming orgasm from her while I fucked her ass, and frigged her pussy with a dildo, or by any other way we could think of while alone. And we’d often whisper our dirty fantasies, like what we’d like to do to one another, or any other OTHER for that matter, at such times.

So we quickly realized how rewarding it could be, as a swinging couple, with such fine young bodies and a pair of filthy minds at our disposal. And we became like sexual vampires on the prowl, when we went nightclubbing together on the town.

We didn’t have to try very hard to find our fun. We were an attractive flirtatious couple, and Lisa was as willing to swing both ways as I was, if we thought it was to our mutual amusement.

I have lost count of the number of beautiful people who appeared out of the disco foggers haze, while the music blared, the Emil rushed, the Coke fizzed in our brains, or we writhed with Ecstasy, beatifically lighting up our hungry faces on some dance floor.
Girls; guys; groups. We weren’t shy!

Even though we did become somewhat notorious around the town. Indeed, it was a blessing to us both, that word of mouth severed to get us greater propositions from the willing!

Anyway, if you thought this may have been enough sex for any couple, you’d be wrong.
Lisa was a schemer. And she loved to dream up raunchy scenarios that tickled both out fancies. Always wanting to please her, I’d usually play along, no matter how bizarre, or hard to arrange our sexual games.

One game involved me having to sit back and watch her fuck a male acquaintance without being allowed to join in.

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