
A bumpy ride to camp Crystal Lake – Part 2 – 6

Hello all, once again. This is Part 2 to 6 of the Crystal Lake story series. If you are unfamiliar with the series you can click my username and view my list of stories and read the first part to the series. Sorry the wait has been so long, I’d like to say I’ve been busy with life, but quite frankly I’ve just been very, very lazy. I decided to post 2-6 in just one story instead of posting them separately because that’s just annoying to have to click to each one if you want to read the whole story. The following story is 100% fictitious, no events in the story actually took place. Any likeness the characters have to any real life person is entirely coincidental. I have to mention all characters are over the age of 18; legally, my country does not like erotic stories about minors (see David Traynor v. Tasmania) This story is fictitious and is not meant to inspire and incite violence or any criminal behaviour. If you believe this story will encourage you to commit a felony, please stop reading now. The main theme of this story series is incest. There is some exhibitionism and blackmail too. If you do not like that please discontinue reading. There will be no more sequels after this story, so please don’t comment asking for more, I feel I have tired out these characters and I don’t want to write more with them in it. Please give feedback so I can improve, I’m always looking to make my stories better. Oh, and I know how unrealistic this is, it’s just a little bit of fiction. Thanks, and enjoy! Oh, and the story also contains an awkwardly written pseudo-strip-tease performed by a male character. Sorry. Anyway. I finished writing this and I hope it’s all good. I kind of write a summary and then fill them out and then delete the summary. I hope I removed all unnecessary parts. Oh, and I know I said in the comments in January I was nearly finished. Yeah. I got a bit lazy. Oh well. Enjoy.

Part 2 – Day 2 – In which Tom has an interesting encounter in the toilets.

Tom woke up with a boner. It took him a second to realise that yesterdays events were not a dream. He hopped out of bed and slipped out of the cabin and went into the direction of the toilets. The sun had only just risen and the sky was a brilliant orange. As he made the walk along to the toilets he was surprised to see another figure up so early. She was wearing a long skin hugging nighty shirt and some pink and white polka dotted panties and her hair was – Oh. He realised it was his sister.
“Cindy!” He hissed. She turned around and when she spotted him her face broke into a smile.
“What are you doing up so early?” Tom asked.
“Lets just say I woke up with a itch that needed to be scratched,” she grinned.
“Oh and I woke up with a bone that needed to be picked,” Tom laughed. They walked together to the toilet block. It was a far distance from the cabins.
“Y’know, when I first felt you pressing against me in the car I was so embarrassed for you. I lent forward a bit so it didn’t poke so much into my butt cheek and then it slid into my crack when I went back, and it felt like sparks just erupted from me and shot throughout my body.”

“Oh god. I was fretting that you’d get up and shout out ‘hey everyone, my brother got a stiffy just by me sitting on his lap. What a pervert! His own sister!’ and I was scared shitless,” Tom admitted.
“I would have never of done such a thing, Tom! And besides, it felt too good to stop. I saw you see how wet my panties were when I got up. I actually climaxed without and proper physical contact, There was 3 layers of clothes between you and me. It was … awesome!”

They had finally gotten to the toilet block. Tom went to go around to the boys entrance but Cindy dragged him into the girls bathrooms and into a cubical and locked the door. She sat on the toilet lid and pulled Tom towards her.
“Now lets see what present you have for me!”
She pulled down the front of his boxer shorts and his dick flung out, semi-hard from its confines.
“For me?” Cindy said. “You shouldn’t have!”
She reached out and clasped her hand around it and stroked it up and down gently.
“Cindy, I actually came to the bathrooms to pee,” Tom said.
“Oh me too,” said Cindy. “See how easily I got distracted by your wonderful cock?”

Cindy stood up and lifted the toilet lid and pulled down her panties until they were around her ankles and sat on the toilet. Tom turned around so his sister could do her business in private.
“Tom,” Cindy said. “You’ve stuck your fingers inside me, you don’t need to turn around. Just piss between my legs while I’m peeing. Don’t splash me though.”
Tom put a hand on the back wall and leaned over so he could get his erect cock pointing down. He aimed and fired between her legs and he peed into the bowl. Cindy let fire too and her stream crossed with Tom’s.
“Sword fight!” Tom said. He crossed his streams with hers as if to attack it with his pee. Cindy giggled and angled her hips to counter attack Tom’s stream. Tom and Cindy finished up and Cindy wiped herself up.
“Here,” she said, and she edged back and tapped the front of the toilet seat, motioning for Tom to sit down, to which he complied. “That was actually kinda hot. Now, where were we? Oh that’s right. Something like this..”
She pulled his boxers down to his thighs and started stroking him. He rubbed her slit and inserted a finger.
“Oh no Tom you don’t have to, it’s okay.”
“Nah I just want to feel your pretty little pussy,” he said, dipping another finger in her love hole. Cindy was really getting into it, she was stroking his cock up and down, and gently playing with his balls in her fingers when they both heard the distinctive crunch of gravel being stepped on, getting closer and closer. Tom quickly sat on Cindy’s thighs and put his hands on feet on each wall holding balance, so his feet couldn’t be seen from under the cubical. The footsteps came closer and Tom froze when he heard the girls bathroom door open.

“Cindy is that you?” the voice from outside the stall said. Tom started panicking, thinking he was going to get caught.
“Oh yeah, it’s you. I can see your cute little pink and white panties around your ankles,” the voice said again.
Cindy blushed and Tom raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, mornin’ Lucy,” Cindy replied. She started stroking Tom’s cock again, slower now, while Lucy started brushing her teeth.

“Did I mention,” Lucy said, her voice muffled by her toothbrush, “your brother looked
sexy without his top on in the lake yesterday.”
Cindy laughed. “Pervert! I bet if you had him in your hands right now you wouldn’t
stop touching him!”
“Baby, I’d be all over him.”
“Just ask him out Luce, I totally reckon he likes you,” Cindy said, squeezing Tom’s
penis and raising her eyebrows at him, as if to make a point, before going back to the
slow stroking of his cock.
“Nah he doesn’t like me. I’ve given him all the signals I totally don’t exist in his eyes.”
“I don’t think he knows you like him. He’s dumb like that. You’d probably have to sit on his
lap and grind your crotch into him before he realises you like him.”
Tom had to stop himself from groaning. How stupid had he been, not realising Lucy
liked him, he felt like a right idiot.
He decided to get back at Cindy for calling him stupid. He raised up Cindy’s nighty and pulled it over her head under the pretence of fondling her breasts and Cindy raised her arms to let him take it off, but then he threw it over the stall. Cindy gasped at Tom and he gave an evil grin. Lucy gave a little giggle. “Hey Cindy, if I ran out right now you’d have to walk all the way back to our cabin in only your panties, topless in front of 10 cabins of oogling boys and girls. I bet Mr Chalkson would like to see your pert little breasts,” she howled with laughter. Cindy replied with a nervous giggle. Tom quickly grabbed her panties from around her ankles and tossed them over the stall. Lucy giggled even more. “Totally nude in there Cindy? Now you’ll have to run past all the boys butt naked. I’m sure they’d love to look at your cute little pussy. They heard Lucy laugh and little footsteps as she ran out the door.
“You idiot!” Hissed Cindy. “I can’t go back naked!”
“Don’t worry sis, she’s only joking, I’m sure of it. Just wait a second.”

They waited in near silence for two minutes, Cindy still slowly stroking her brother, when finally Lucy returned.
“Haha Cindy, I bet you thought I would really do that.”
She threw the panties over the stall and Tom caught them, and she threw the nighty next which Cindy caught.
“Anyway, I didn’t even finish brushing my teeth,” Lucy said. She turned on the tap to rinse her mouth and Cindy took that chance to jerk Tom off faster. She stroked him really fast up and down and up and down with a really tight grip while still gently squeezing his balls with her
other hand. The pleasure was too much for Tom, he panicked and held Cindy’s panties over his cock and blew his load. After a few ropes of cum were unleashed into his sisters panties his orgasm finally finished. Tom gave a meek smile and mouthed a sorry to Cindy. She put back on her nighty and got off the toilet and took the soiled panties from Tom’s hand and put them on. The cum was warm but felt cool against her hot, moist pussy and she pressed a finger against her panties and pressed the cum into herself. Most of the cum has splashed on the front of the panties. As long as it didn’t show up on her bottom where everyone could see it she was fine.
Tom was still sitting on the front of the toilet seat, holding his feet up against the walls as so not to be seen from outside the toilet.
“Thanks for that, it was super hot. Don’t worry about getting me off, I already did early this morning,” Cindy whispered into his ear. She then pulled her shirt down in an attempt to cover her cum soaked panties, to some success, and slipped out of the cubical. If anyone else came into the toilets and decided to use Toms cubical he was screwed. He decided to at least tuck his dick into his pants so it didn’t look so incriminating, and he turned around and sat Indian style on the toilet.

“I really like your panties,” Cindy said to Lucy as she washed her hands.
“Yours are hotter Cin, we should totally swap!”Lucy replied
“Not now,” Cindy chuckled. “Maybe tomorrow.”

“Aww why not now Cindy? Afraid I might see you naked?” Lucy teased, “little schoolgirl
Cindy afraid to be seen naked!”
“Oh so it was all a ploy to see me naked, you’re a total lezzo!”

Cindy and Lucy giggled as they walked out of the toilets teasing each other. Tom
waited a silent minute in terror before making a mad dash out of the girls toilets. Luckily there
was no one around as it was still quite early, and he walked back to his cabin.

No one was awake in Tom’s cabin when he got back. He picked out the days clothes and decided to go take a shower before breakfast while there was still hot water. By the time he was finished and gone back to his cabin some of his cabin were awake.

“Wakey wakey, rise and shine!” Tom shouted, clapping his shoes together loudly.
“Go back to bed Tom!”
“Boo you suck,” called another voice from underneath some blankets.

“C’mon fellas. We’ve got the high obstacle course today. I’m gonna whoop some butt! I’m going to go out for breakfast. Anyone else comin’?”
Everyone stayed silent.
“Fine. Enjoy your sleep slackers!”

Tom walked over to the breakfast hall. It was empty except for Lucy and Cindy. Their faces visibly lightened up as they saw him enter the room, big grins cracking into their faces. Tom picked up one of the small packets of cereal and milk and joined them at their table. Both girls where wearing incredibly short clothes – Cindy, a very short skirt, and Lucy, a dress that cut up rather high on her thigh. Cindy spread her legs as Tom approached and he could see that she was still wearing the cum soaked panties.
“Morning Tom,” the girls said simultaneously.
“You’re up early,” commented Lucy.
“So are you two,” he replied. “How are you enjoying the camp so far?”
“Oh it’s going great! The lake is nice and cool, the air is fresh, the activities are fun..”
“Except for the bitches, they better not ruin our fun,” interjected Cindy.
“Bitches?” Tom questioned.
“Our roomies,” explained Lucy. “There’s Christina, I think you know her. She’s kinda tall, pretty thin -”
“Oh yeah, rockin’ bod, brown hair, I know her,” Tom said, to which Lucy scowled.
“I bet she’s a real prude. Anyway, then there’s Jessica, the side-kick. She can be alright, but she does everything Christina tells her to do and they’re just generally mean to everyone. It’s as if they think they’re better than everyone else,” continued Lucy.

“Oh yeah Jessica, she’s that fat redhead.”

Cindy punched Tom in the arm. “Don’t be cruel. She’s not fat, she’s just short and has a bit more flesh, and she always wears baggy clothes.”

“Speaking of clothes, isn’t your skirt a bit too short? I mean, I can see up it and I’m not even trying. Your butt practically shows underneath it when you stand.”

“You hear that Lucy?” Cindy said, “my brothers been peeving up my skirt. What a pervert!”

“What do you think of my dress, Tom?” asked Lucy. She was wearing a yellow daisy patterned dress that cut off extremely high up her thigh.
“It’s… colourful,” Tom gulped.
“Not too short is it?”
“Ugh,” he paused, thinking of what he was meant to say in this situation. “No.”
Cindy snorted. “What a liar! Here, skooch over. I’ll see.” She pushed Tom off the chair and sat where he was sitting and looked at Lucy’s crotch.
“Oh this is perve central here. He can see right up your dress Lucy. I think he chose that seat on purpose just to look up your dress and stare at your cute little yellow frilly panties. I bet through that whole conversation he was just staring at your crotch,” she giggled.
“I was not,” Tom said indignantly, . “And besides,” he said with a smile, “I was looking up hers,” he said, nodding his head towards Cindy.
Lucy howled with laughter while Cindy pretended to look shocked.
“What are you chicks laughing at?”
Steve had joined them at the table.
“You know,” he added, “we’re doing the high obstacle course today. We’re totally going to be able to see up your dress and skirt.”
“Oh god how embarrassing!” Squealed Lucy. “I’ll change after breakfast.”
“Hrmph,” grunted Steve, “I shouldn’t have said anything.”
The breakfast hall slowly filled out as every one filtered in in varied states of awaked-ness to eat breakfast.

After breakfast finished Tom didn’t see his sister again until they got to the high obstacle course. The high obstacle was a bunch of wires attached to trees about 20 metres up. The course started on one tree, with two trees as checkpoints in the middle, and the fourth tree being the end. The highest wire was the harness wire, where each person connected their harness to. The second highest was the wire they held onto with their hands, and the lowest was the one they stepped on and made their way across the course on. Each person hooked up to a harness and had to climb up a tree and make their way across the course which spanned across multiple trees 20 metres up in the air, all the while attached to the harness AND to their partner. If their partner fell they’d be pulled along too. Because of their harness, if they fell they’d be caught after two metres of free fall and then they’d be disqualified and they wouldn’t be able to finish the course. The course was all about stability, patience and teamwork.
Tom saw his sister and Lucy and noted that they had indeed changed out of their ridiculously short clothes and into pairs of ridiculously short denim shorts. Lucy ran up to Tom smiling.
“You’ll be my partner won’t you?” She asked sweetly.
“Oh I thought you were going with my sister. Who’ll she be going with?”
“Oh she’ll find someone. Christina maybe,” she joked.
“Hell no,” said Cindy. “She’s way too uncoordinated. Her long lanky legs won’t be able to hold balance. Plus, she’d probably fail on purpose just to spite me. I’ll go with Jane, if she wants.”

Rick and John went first. They made it through the course fairly easily; John nearly fell but he recovered and they made it through the course without a hitch. Another group went next. Some girls had chosen to sit out because they had been wearing short skirts and didn’t want to flash everyone on the ground, and some girls and boys had chosen to sit out because they were afraid of heights. Cindy’s turn came up. She had paired up with Jane, another one of her friends. They made it about half way before Jane slipped and fell, causing them to fail. Cindy tried to laugh it off but she was disappointed she didn’t make it across. Tom’s turn came up next. Lucy climbed the tree first with Tom following up from behind.

“I bet you wish I was still wearing that dress, hey Tom,” she giggled, to which Tom chuckled awkwardly in return. They made it to the top of the tree and Lucy looked down and shuddered.
“I probably should have told you this before,” she said. “I’m kind of.. afraid of heights.”
“It’s okay. Just follow my lead and I’ll take it slowly and we’ll finish it.”
Tom stepped out onto the wire, one hand holding the top wire, the other holding Lucy’s arm. He edged forward slowly and Lucy joined him on the wire. Tom could feel the wire shake more when she stepped on the line, but she was still keeping her balance.
“You’re doing great,” encouraged Tom, as they slowly made it across the wire to the first checkpoint. Lucy chuckled nervously, slowly edging forward. They made it to the first checkpoint without hitch, albeit slowly. The second checkpoint took longer, and Lucy was wobbling more, but they made it across too. The third checkpoint was the hardest and longest of all. The wire stretched for nearly double the length as from the first tree to the first checkpoint. Lucy complained that her arms were getting sore, but Tom encouraged her to keep going. The wire wobbled beneath their feet as they edged very slowly across.
“Hurry up grannies,” came a shout from below.
Tom wanted to flip them the bird but couldn’t get any hand free.
They edged slowly across. Tom made it to the tree first. He held on and waited for Lucy to edge across the last bit of wire.
“Ah Tom!” Squealed Lucy. She lost her footing and started falling but Tom pulled her arm and pulled her to his chest while still holding onto the tree. Lucy breathed heavily, her breasts squished into his chest, rising up and down.
“Thank you!” she breathed, her heart still hammering from the fright
“You’re my hero Tom!” shouted Rick in a girls voice. Tom, with a hand finally free, flipped him the bird. Tom and Cindy slowly made the journey down the tree to the ground. When they made it safely to the ground Lucy jumped up and wrapped her legs around Tom’s waist and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thanks for saving me Tom!” She squealed. Tom just blushed awkwardly and hoped he didn’t get an erection.

“Thanks for saving me Tom!” shouted Steve, jumping up and wrapping his arms around Rick.
Lucy blushed and unwrapped her legs from Tom and pecked him on the cheek again before running off to Cindy.
Other groups went up next. Tom half paid attention while chatting to his friends. Before they knew it, all the groups had had a turn and it was time to return to camp.

Cindy pulled Tom aside on the way back.
“I’ve got a plan,” she said excitedly. “How do you feel about letting Lucy see you naked?”
“What?!” Tom replied, confused.
“You know the showers? There’s that little window at the top. Lucy can peer through while you’re taking a shower and spy on you.”
“Did she suggest you to tell me this?” Tom asked, still weary.
“No! I haven’t even told her. Plus she totally would do it. She really likes you. I just want you to do this for her, she’s my best friend.”
“What if she laughs at my dick. I don’t want her seeing me naked!”
“Oh c’mon your dick is great. Please? I’ll let you see my puu-ssyy,” she said in a sing song voice, sexily pushing down the top of her denim shorts.
“Fine,” Tom said. “I don’t know how you’re going to explain this one to her, or how she’s going to be able to spy on me without anyone catching her.”
“I’ve got it all worked out. I’ll suggest it to her, and tell her that I’ll delay you until you’re the last one and then I’ll come back and tell her you’re going to the shower and she’ll watch. You can even put on a show for her!” said Lucy.
“Ooh, a show, eh? I can masturbate while moaning ‘Oh Lucy, oh Lucy fuck yeah Lucy,” he laughed. “Or better yet. ‘Oh Cindy, oh yeah Cindy’.”
Cindy giggled, and pulled him along to quickly get back to camp.
“Lucy’s going to tell me all about it so you better not say my name or do anything to embarrass me!” Cindy said.

They walked along the path and caught up to the group, both grinning in excitement for the night ahead. Tom went off with his friends and Cindy went off to find Lucy.

Cindy found Lucy in their cabin but they had the company of Christina and Jessica, their two bitchy room-mates, so Cindy brought Lucy outside.
“How’d you like to see Tom naked?” Cindy asked.
“What? What are you going to do? Ask him to show his dick to me?” Asked Lucy.
“No, no. I know how much you like him. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll keep him occupied for a few hours so he has to take his shower really late, then when it’s all quiet he’ll have a shower and you can watch from outside the shower window. I checked and it’s easy to peer through. He’ll be the only one showering so late and you can just watch him naked!”
“Oh, I dunno. I feel like I’m betraying his trust.”
“Oh c’mon Lucy. You don’t think that he wouldn’t hesitate for a second if I offered him the chance to see you naked? Besides. I might just offer him the chance to see YOU naked,” she giggled.
“You wouldn’t dare!” gasped Lucy.
“You don’t know that he hasn’t already seen you naked!”
Lucy gasped in shock but then burst out laughing when she saw Cindy was joking.

That night…

Cindy hung out with Tom in his cabin playing card games until it all the other fellas in his cabin and the others had had their showers and then left Tom with a wink and a ‘Have fun!’. Tom walked into the shower block and turned on the water and stripped while he waited for it to heat up, draping his clothes over the shower wall.
As he stepped under the shower stream he heard a faint rustling and realised he already had an audience. He grabbed his soap and lathered up his hands and lifted a leg and rubbed his frothy soapy hands all over his thigh and calf slowly, giving his single audience member a show. The soap ‘accidentally’ slipped out of his hands and he just happened to need to bend over to pick it up, his ass pointing to the window. He made a real show of it, bending first only at the waist then at the knees keeping his ass pointed up high. He soaped up and cleaned all of his body, the majority cleaning his ass and crack ‘seductively’, except the ‘main attraction’ of the night, which he left until last.
Tom lathered his hands up with soap and slowly stroked his cock until it was pointing up, fully erect, and covered in soap. He stroked up and down his member slowly, making sure his audience had a real good look at it as his pace quickened. He was lucky he had blown so many loads previously otherwise he would probably embarrassed himself rather early on.
With one hand massaging his balls and rubbing his perineum (the area between the sack and the anus), his other stroking now ferociously up and down his stiffened member. Tom could feel the pleasures increase in his loins and he quickened his pace, if that was possible, until his hand was a blur. The pleasure increased, it built up, felt marvelous – it felt glorious – a burning pain. Tom shrieked out in pain. Some of the soap suds inadvertently had made its way inside his urethra (a painful experience, believe me). His pleasure had vanished almost instantaneously replaced by the sensation of a burning white hot poker shoved inside his penis. He ran his cock under the shower stream pointing upward in hopes he could flush out the ‘poison’ before realising he could remove it another way. He pointed himself downward and let loose, his urine cleansing out his pipes removing any sign of soap that remained inside him.

His dick was too sore to jerk after he had cleansed himself so he just finished cleaning himself off in the shower and towelled himself off and put on his night-things and went to bed for the night, completely forgetting he had an audience through the whole ordeal. That audience member skipped happily back to her cabin, a grin from ear to ear upon her face.

Part 3 – Day 3 – Some interesting developments

The next morning Tom had a chance to see his sister at breakfast and she gave him a knowing cheeky look, it was obvious Lucy had told her everything. She was wearing a really short red mini skirt and a skin-hugging top and showed off ‘assets’. She was, of course, sitting next to Lucy, who was also cheekily grinning at Tom. She was wearing a flowery dress pattern that looked about two sizes too small as it creeped very high on her thigh, not that Tom didn’t mind. He realised he wasn’t meant to know why they were acting so strange this morning so he raised an eyebrow and looked the other way.

Tom didn’t manage to meet with Cindy throughout the day – they had their activities at different times so their paths never met until the free time period, where Cindy found Tom at the luncheon hall.
“How’s your sore little willy?” She said softly, giggling.
“That’s not funny it hurt like a bitch. You owe me one for that.”
“Can you still use it or is it still a little sore?” She asked.
“Why don’t you come and see if it’s better, eh?”
“Okay but we’ve got to be quick. I’ve told Lucy I’ve gone off to the cabins to have a short nap. If I take too long she’ll get suspicious.

The two headed off to down one of the barely used tracks for 10 minutes and found a comfy patch of grass to get busy on. Cindy peeled her panties down her legs, followed next by her skirt, and flung away to the ground. She then spread her legs and presented her most private place for her brother to feast on. Tom leant forward and lightly kissed her inner thighs and her bottom around her vagina and then slowly licked her labia the entire length, flicking her clitoris with his tongue at the very end. He repeated this a few more times before using his tongue to separate her lips and he suctioned his lips to hers and tongue-fucked her. Cindy’s hands pressed her brothers head into her, her bottom lip being bit in an effort to keep her moans quiet as her brothers tongue invaded her most intimate area. Tom’s hand slowly massaged her clitoris as his lips suctioned around her pussy, his tongue deep inside her waggling around like an enraged horse on PCP. Cindy groaned continually, the pleasure building. A wave of pleasure tore right through her as she climaxed, her hips thrusting up and her pussy squeezing out lubricants all over Tom’s tongue and face as he lost his suction and was now massaging her clit furiously while lapping up at her cunt while she bucked up and down. Her orgasm finally passed and her hips stopped bucking as she panted, out of breath from the monster orgasm that had just torn through her. Her brothers face was covered in her juices.

“That was fantastic,” she said out of breath. “Now lets see if yours still works after that little mishap last night.”

Cindy rested on her knees, her bottom half still naked and her pussy and thighs soaking wet with her juices. She leant forward and slowly slipped her brothers dick head between her lips and tongued it slowly. His dick was a bit dry so instead of using spit as a lubricant she rubbed her hand along her pussy and then rubbed her juices all over his dick. Her head sunk slowly down the shaft until his dick was engulfed entirely. She rose slowly and repeated it again and again until she could manage a fast pace. With her one hand balancing her on his thigh the other slowly alternated between fondling her brothers balls and rubbing his perineum as her head bobbed up and down on his penis.
“Cindy, babe, I’m gonna blow,” he warned. “I’m gonna bloooo –
“Oh my god Cindy you’re blowing your brother!” A voice shrieked from behind them. Cindy jumped up, Tom’s dick free from her mouth and she turned her head around. Tom groaned and shot his wad all over his sisters chest as his dick flexed and shot ropes everywhere, bouncing freely, his face resembling Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’.

Behind them stood a shocked Lucy, staring at a naked-from-the-waist-down Cindy and Tom, both their sexes clearly aroused and post-orgasmic.

“Oh god Lucy!” Squealed Cindy, trying to cover here bare pussy with her hands, trying to find her skirt. She spotted it, right next to Lucy’s feet.
“Oh wow how long have you two been doing this?” Asked Lucy.
“Lucy! I’m naked here can you pass me my skirt?” Cindy pleaded.
Lucy picked up the skirt and looked at it in her hand, then at Cindy.
“Move your hands,” Lucy said in an almost whisper, staring at Cindy’s crotch.
“What?” Cindy asked, bewildered. She looked at Lucy, who was staring trance-like at her crotch with her skirt held tightly in her hands.
“If.. If I do this will you give my skirt back?”
“Eventually,” breathed Lucy, still staring at Cindy’s hidden sex.
Cindy looked back at Tom behind her. His erection had wilted and he looked just as scared, if not more-so, as she was. Cindy slowly removed her hands from in front of herself, revealing herself privates completely to her friend, who gave a small gasp at the sight of it.
“Now take off your top and chuck it towards me,” Lucy whispered.
Cindy paused a second before pulling her shirt over her head, exposing her breasts to Lucy. She flung her shirt in Lucy’s direction, who caught it and held it in the hand with the skirt. Lucy edged forward towards Cindy and she held the skirt behind her back. She sat down right in front of Cindy and examined her from head to toe. Cindy was sitting Indian style with her hands to her sides. Her nipples were stiff and pointed out, she was noticeably aroused.
“You’re turned on,” she stated.
“K-kind of,” blushed Cindy.
Lucy inspected Cindy’s breasts, and poking one with one hand.
“You’re just slightly smaller than me,” she said. Then she looked down at Cindy’s wet crotch.
“You know, I’ve seen your pussy several times in the changing rooms, but I’ve never seen it up close, or in such a state,” she commented matter-of-factly. She reached out with her free hand and pushed Cindy’s legs apart and brushed her hand against Cindy’s pubic hair.
“I like what you’ve done with it,” she commented, whispering.

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