
A Bad-Stepmother

A step-mother surrenders to taboo desires.

** Hello. This IS A COMPLETE WORK OF Fiction. FICTION. FICTION. It contains Incest between a Step-mother and her Son. If that is not something you feel comfortable reading, then I suggest you choose another story to read. It is not intended to offend, so if you will be offended by this work of FICTION then please seek your entertainment elsewhere. If you plan to curse me in the name of whatever God you worship, then I would ask why you are on a website filled with pornographic images and sexually explicit stories that will inspire activity I am certain your clergy would consider a sin.

This story has been written as a result of a desire to explore this aspect of writing.

Thank you to scottMaster, Corbie, Amazon36DD and Gentleman friend. Their conversations with me on a variety of subjects helped contribute to this idea, and give me the freedom to write it.

English is my second language. I promise I do try to avoid errors in my stories, but I do not claim to be perfect. I hope that whatever mistakes you may see do not detract from your enjoyment.

As always feedback is appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this offering. Please enjoy**

A Bad-Stepmother

I have a wonderful life, that is all I can say. I am a medical professional, respected by my colleagues. My home is large and comfortable. I am married to a wonderful man, his second marriage, but my first. It has been a wonderful five years together and we have come so far since we married.

When I met David he had been divorced for several years. His ex-wife was unfaithful almost from the day they married. He did not know about that. In the second year of her marriage she became pregnant with their son. She found this a tremendous “Hassle” and wanted to abort the baby. She gave into David’s pleading and she reluctantly carried their son to full term. After she gave birth she could not pass off responsibility for him fast enough. David had to hire a Nanny and his wife went back to her selfish ways.

Because of her behaviour she never really bonded with her son, most likely because she was totally disinterested. Ten years later things came to a head when David caught her having sex with three men at a hotel. He had been hired to engineer a redesign for them. During the tour the Manager took him into what was supposed to be a large vacant suite and found them there. The guys she was fucking worked there.

The divorce was nasty, protracted, and so full of hostility. His ex wife lost the battle in court, David was awarded full custody, and she jumped on a plane and left. Neither David nor his son, Patrick, have heard from her since.

Needless to say the entire episode had three major impacts.

David simply could not bring himself to trust a woman again. It took a long time for him to even start dating.

David and Patrick became incredibly close. This was natural with a single parent having to try and do everything for his son.

For his part, Patrick always felt rejected by his mother. David told me that Patrick would sometimes call his favourite female teachers “Mom” by accident. Clearly he had a deep need for a mother figure in his life, and had missed all the love and attention so many of us take for granted from our mother’s.

David and I met when he was hired in relation to an expansion at the hospital I worked at. The meeting was not exactly normal, he was got injured on his right arm in a construction area. He had a bad cut on his lower right outer forearm that needed stitching.

When I walked into the treatment room where he was seated I smiled at him and said “I’m Dr. Watanabe, I will be treating you today. I assume you are David Foster?”

He was clearly in some discomfort and smiled at me as best he could. “Nice to meet you Doc. I’m David.” he said nodding his head. It was clearly evident he was in pain, and I called a nurse over and instructed her to bring me some medication to alleviate his general discomfort.

I moved the overhead lamp to allow a better view of the cut, and gently lifted the dressing to the side. It was deep, would require at least 12 stitches, but he was fortunate in that it was a straight cut and no tendons were visibly damaged.

I placed the dressing back in place, to stop the blood from running freely, and took a hold of each of his hands in mine. David had a look of confusion and I explained gently that I needed to ascertain the exact extent of the injury. During the examination I kept the conversation light and was satisfied he was going to be fine once stitched. I prepped him for that, made sure he would not feel me doing it, and proceeded to take care of it. While doing this, and to distract him from it I just chatted with him about life. I found that, even with this going on, he was smart and had a sense of humour.

I was a bit surprised when he asked me out, but I agreed.

That started a relationship that took time to develop. One of the things he adored about me was that I was different from anyone woman he had ever been involved with. I had my own career, did not discuss money or even ask him about his income. My motivation was to enjoy time with a wonderful man who I was falling for.

He was afraid to tell me about his son at first, perhaps thinking I would run for the hills. In truth it made me curious and I wanted to meet his son. David seemed like such a wonderful man that I really wanted to meet a son that I could tell, as he now spoke of him openly, he was very proud of.

The fact I am Japanese was an influence on him to. I have always had a close relationship with my own family, and try to be a serene and calming influence among the people I meet. My natural desire to help others, my gentle manner, and accepting attitude were all something he had no experience with in a relationship.

During one of our rare disagreements I did not yell, made sure I understood what he was saying, and ended up admitting I had been mistaken and misinterpreted his actions. Please do not think I am a wall flower, I am a strong and intelligent woman, but I try to avoid conflict and tension unless I am sure what I am about to dispute is a battle that is right and worth engaging in. Consequently, David began paying very close attention when I did begin to question anything. Cultural differences can usually be resolved by simply understanding what motivates them.

Patrick’s initial reaction to me was priceless. I met him at David’s home, where he was seated on the couch as I entered the room. He stood up as soon as I entered the room and walked right over to me and extended his hand very formally. “It is a pleasure to meet you Dr. Watanabe, my name is Patrick.”. The way he said it, the fact he had put on a suit to meet me, and his very polite manner made me smile brightly.

As my relationship with David developed, Patrick became an important part of it. We took vacations as a family, spent a lot of time together, and grew very close. When David asked me to marry him I think Patrick was the most excited.

When we bought a house and all moved in it was a very exciting time. We settled in and our family became one of the greatest joys of my life.

Patrick came to treat me as a mother and called me “Mom” from the very first day. My affection toward him was genuine. I often hugged him, gave him little kisses on the head and cheek and made sure he knew that I was there for him, loved him, and would always have his best interests at heart.

Things took an unexpected turn late one Friday night.

I am a physical person and enjoy sex. All day at work I had been thinking of how badly I wanted David. By the time I got home I was quite horny and could not wait to see him. David came home, after picking up Patrick from school, and we spent a normal evening together.

That night when David and I went to bed he stopped off to “Check on my little Buddy.” as he puts it. I adore his concern for his son. Despite the fact his son was older now, and a responsible person, he still thought of him as a little boy.

While he was doing that I went into the bedroom, stripped naked, and lit some candles around the bedroom. I then picked up the black silk sash from my robe and knelt down at the foot of the bed, spreading my legs wide. After carefully folding the sash in half and placing it on the floor in front of me, I put my hands behind my back. I then fixed my eyes on a spot on the floor two feet in front of me, tilting my head down.

When David came in the room he spoke saying “He must have been really tired he….” and his voice trailed off. This was something I did for him whenever I could. Ever since I was younger I have always known I was naturally submissive in the bedroom. I had witnessed my parents having sex once, my mother bound and on her knees as my father fucked her hard from behind. Seeing the joy on his face, and the pleasure on hers, I decided I wanted to be just like her. Ever since that time I have always been drawn to men who could take control.

I don’t consider sexual submission a bad thing, or some kind of twisted kink. I consider it an act of true love for the man who loves you. Being able to do this for him that night had my pussy open and my juices flowing.

David undressed as I knelt there. The room was silent, except for the sound of his disrobing.

I saw his feet appear in my line of vision as he walked closer to me. His hand gently caressed my hair and he brought it down along my cheek to my chin and tilted my head up. I closed me eyes, not sure if he actually wanted me to look at him.

“My Gorgeous pet, my beautiful wife, look at me.” he said gently. I opened my eyes and saw that he was looking right into them. I could see the love he held for me, and gently increased the pressure of my face against his palm, slowly rubbing my face on it affectionately.

David leaned down and kissed my lips softly before standing back up to his full height. His hand gently slid to the back of my head, cupping it, and drawing my face forward into his groin. When my face pushed into his cock and balls, he began slowly moving his hips, rubbing them over my face.

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