
8- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister -pt. 8 (Practicing with Stacy / Poolside)

This is the eighth chapter of this story from my late teens, where my girlfriend’s little sister made it through puberty only to lose her innocence due to my uncontrollable lust for her. In this chapter, Cindy wants a Do-Over to lose her virginity, but needs her friend Stacy’s help


————————— Part 8: Practicing w/Stacy—————————

I tried to bury myself in school and work in the weeks after the “pool party” at Stacy’s house. I was working evenings during the week, and Saturdays too. But I found it hard to concentrate on anything since my mind was either filled with visions of those two young girls, naked and spread open for me, or worrying about the possibility of Stacy being pregnant. Studying for my classes was nearly impossible, and the only way I could sleep was after a marathon session of masturbating. I even woke sometimes in the middle of the night with a raging hard-on, and would have to jerk myself off to sleep again.

Almost three weeks passed before Cindy called me down at the office. “Hi Jeff! I’m sorry I haven’t called. There’s always someone home… no privacy here at all. They’re finally all gone tonight.”

I was overjoyed that she called, “God, Cindy, it’s so nice to hear your voice. I’ve been going a little mad the past couple of weeks.”

There was a short pause before Cindy responded, “Oh, about Stacy? She told me she started her period yesterday. I the think I was more relieved than she was. She really believed that vinegar & water thing fixed everything.”

“It may have… that was quick thinking on your part. You have no idea what a relief it is that Stacy isn’t pregnant.”

Another pause, “Is that the only thing that has been on your mind?”

I laughed, “No… YOU have been on my mind. In fact, I haven’t been able to think about anything else.”

“You haven’t been thinking about Stacy?”

I hesitated… “Well, of course I have been thinking about Stacy as well… I am a guy, and that was amazing… the whole night was unbelieveable… but the image I think about at night is watching you climax while on top of her. I think I have abused myself just about to death thinking about that.”

Cindy laughed, “Don’t do that! We have plans… I mean… I have plans for you.”

……. we have plans

“Have you and Stacy done anything together since that night? I have to say… that was really hot.”

Cindy laughed again, although a little nervously, “No, but we have talked about it a lot. I mean… we have talked about things that happened with you, but not about what happened between Stace and me.”

“I’m sorry I was so rough with you. I can go a little crazy sometimes…especially when alcohol is involved.”

“Stop apologizing! I loved every moment of that night… well, except that I couldn’t…”

She suddenly gasped, “I gotta go. Someone’s home.”

“Call me back as soon as you can. I work Saturdays too and…”

She hung up before I could finish.


———————-—— Cindy & Stacy’s Plans —————————

Late that Saturday afternoon the phone rang at the office again. “Jeff? I’m over at Stacy’s. Her parents are over at a friends for dinner so we have a little time.”

Stacy yelled in the background, “Hi Jeff!”

“Cindy! Thank you for calling! I’ve been thinking about you.”

“You have? Whatcha been thinking? You been thinkin about our party?”

I could hear Stacy laughing, “Woo-Hoo! Party! Let’s have another one!”

This made me smile, and immediately stirred my dick awake, “Yes… of course I’ve been thinking about our party. And of you two lovely girls. I can’t get you off of my mind.”

“That’s sweet of you to say”, Cindy replied, “We have been thinking about you as well…” 

Stacy interrupted, “And that big dick! Tell him I couldn’t fucking walk the next day!”

Cindy shushed her friend, “Hush! Stop being such a little tramp!”

“Have you two been drinking this afternoon?” I asked, based on what I was hearing in the background from Stacy.

“Maybe a little. Stacy is making us something with orange juice.”

I was concerned about them drinking at such a young age, and if Stacy’s parents would notice the missing alcohol, then I remembered how much booze was in the huge bar. There’s no way they could be counting it.

“Please be careful. You don’t want Stacy’s parents to come home and find you two drunk.”

“Her parents won’t be home for a few hours. We’ll be careful.”

“Tell him to come over! He can take care of us!” Stacy yelled in the background.

I laughed hearing this, “It sounds like you might need someone to take care of you!”

“Tell him about next weekend!”, Stacy said, coming closer to the phone.

“Oh! Stacy’s parents are gone next weekend and I’m staying over Saturday night. Maybe you could come over?”

“That sounds great! How could I turn down an invitation from you?”

I heard a car pull into the lot. It was Ken. He often came in on Saturdays to catch up.

“I have to go. Call me on Saturday and let me know what I can bring.”

Stacy must have overheard me, as I could hear her comment, “I know what he can bring”, followed by more laughter.

“Okay- talk to you then!” Cindy replied.

I talked briefly to Ken when he came upstairs. I don’t even know what he said; my mind was filled with thoughts of what might happen at Stacy’s. It was a week away, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to think straight between now and then.

I was concerned by the wild side of Cindy I had been seeing recently when she was with her friend Stacy. I loved this innocent little girl, and although I was taking advantage of her at every opportunity, I didn’t like seeing her acting like a wild college girl. I knew I was greatly contributing to her loss of innocence, and yet all I could think of was fucking her… fucking Stacy… Fucking Hypocrite.


———————-—— Saturday at last ———————-———

It was pretty quiet at the office that Saturday. I was alone, and although the phone rang a few times in the morning, it wasn’t until early afternoon that I heard Cindy’s voice when I picked up.

“You always sound so professional when you answer the phone at work. Whatcha doin?”

“Cindy! It’s so nice to hear your voice. I am bored to death.”

“Why don’t you come up to Stacy’s? We might be able to fix that boredom thing you got goin on”, she replied. I could hear Stacy laughing in the background.

“I’d love to. I still have some stuff I need to finish, but I’ll head over as soon as I’m done. Anything I need to bring?”

Cindy pulled the phone from her head and said to Stacy “He asked if there was anything he could bring over.” Stacy started laughing, then Cindy put her handover the phone so I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

She returned to the phone, “Just bring yourself. We have a pitcher of margaritas already. Stacy and I will just be laying here, in our new bikinis, by the pool, with nothing to do.”

I could hear Stacy in the background, “Tell him we want to model our new bikinis for him!”

Cindy laughed and added, “Just come up when you’re done with work.”

“Okay. It might be a couple of hours, but I’ll try to hurry… I can’t wait to see you.”

A few minutes after I hung up the phone rang again, but this time it was Ken telling me the project I was working on had to be put on hold. He couldn’t have timed it better. I was out of the door in minutes.

My heart was beating hard as I drove towards Stacy’s. My dick was getting hard too, in anticipation of just seeing these two in their bikinis, let alone thinking about what might happen. I thought about stopping home to grab some swim trunks, then thought it would be better to ‘forget’ them. I had picked up a pack of Trojan condoms, after throwing away the cheap rubbers I bought at the 7-11 that broke last time. 


——————————— Listening In ————————————

I pulled in their drive and parked on the side. I realized they weren’t expecting me to be here so early, so I quietly let myself in through the side gate and went around to the back by the pool. I could hear them talking, and stopped short when I heard both of them shrieking.

“OH MY GOD! They are SO HOT!!”

Stacy squealed, “Jordan! He’s such a dream… what I would do with that boy…”

I finally realized they were talking about the new ‘boy band’, New Kids On The Block, playing on the radio. I didn’t like the bubblegum music, but young girls went crazy over them.

“Ha! I’m sure you would do whatever he wanted! If you only got the chance to let him!”

“I WOULD! I would deep-throat that dick like I did with Jeff. He wouldn’t expect THAT from this innocent little girl!”

“What? Stace! I thought that hurt you! You were almost crying!”

“No… It didn’t hurt… not really. I just never did that before and I was scared! It was actually pretty hot… ya know… that was really naughty! …and Jeff said it was the best blowjob he ever had!”

“Oh my God, Stace… you made me think I really hurt you!”

“No… I was just scared. I’m not scared anymore. Maybe Jeff would like another one tonight?”

…….this immediately triggered my dick

“What the hell, Stace! Jeff’s MY guy! I’m open to sharing, but you’ve been able to do stuff with him I can’t! He popped your cherry!”

“God! I hate that saying…”

“Well- it’s true, whatever ya wanna call it. He was supposed to make love with me… I’m so mad at my body. Tiny little tits, and a kitty so small I don’t think I’ll ever…” Cindy’s voice trailed off, and there was a bit of silence.

“I wanted to talk to our doctor about it, but I can’t think of a reason to tell him why I… ya know… why I want to be larger… especially at my age. And what if he told my parents? Oh my God.”

“Have you tried to… um… kinda… stretch it out? I mean… don’t you use your fingers down there?”

Cindy laughed, and sounded a little embarrassed when she finally answered, “well, yeah… but I only rub the top.”

Stacy didn’t sound embarrassed at all. “You never go inside? That’s like the best part! I’m pretty sure that’s actually how I ‘popped my cherry’, as you call it.”

“What- really? With your fingers?”

Stacy laughed, “Well, with actually with my hairbrush”

Cindy gasped and blurted back at her, “A HAIRBRUSH?!?! What the Hell?”

“No… not THAT part… the handle. Oh My God, Cin…”

“Oh… I guess that makes more sense.” Cindy giggled at her comment.

“I’m gonna grab more margaritas. Be right back.” I heard Stacy walk across the patio to the family room. I thought of walking in, but I wanted to hear more of their conversation. Also, the thought of Stacy masturbating with a hairbrush gave a major hard-on that would be hard to hide.

A few minutes later she walked back out. I could hear things being set down on the patio table, and glasses being refilled.

“Carrots? I thought you were getting chips.”

“Did you want chips? I can get chips if you’re hungry. The carrots aren’t for us to eat.”

There was a moment of silence, then Stacy started laughing. “The carrots are for practice!”

“Practice? What do you… STACE! Are you… oh my gosh…”

“I’m just here to help my bestie! Do you have a better idea?”

…… is she suggesting what I think?

There was a bit of silence, then I heard Cindy giggle. “Oh My God, Stace…these are all peeled… and…” her voice trailed off.

I knelt down and crept forward as quietly as possible to get a look.

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