
6 – My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister -pt. 6 (Cindy and her cute friend)

This is the sixth chapter of this story from my late teens, where my girlfriend’s little sister made it through puberty only to lose her innocence due to my uncontrollable lust for her. In this chapter, Cindy and her close friend model for me and play games after some rum & cokes

—————— Part 6: Cindy and Her Cute Friend —————

A few days after Cindy came down to my office, she called me at home. “Jeff? I only have a few minutes… I think dad must have seen your car the night you followed me home. He came home a few minutes after I got back and grilled me about seeing you. I told him I was at Stace’s, and she backed up my story, but I don’t think he believed her. He told me I couldn’t see you. I got a lecture about my age and innocence, and that you were too old, and that you were Chloe’s boyfriend anyway.”

I snorted a response, “That ship sailed. I haven’t even spoken to her since that night.”

…. this isn’t about Chloe

“I’m sorry you went through that with your dad. I never want to get you in trouble. I don’t remember seeing his car… did he say he saw me?”

“No… not really, but he was angry and I think he knew we were together somehow. He didn’t ground me, but he’s watching me like a hawk.”

“Dammit… I’m sorry. This is my fault. I don’t want to get you in trouble”, I repeated. “I am too old for you, and I am stealing your innocence.”

“Stop apologizing. I have loved everything we’ve done. In fact…”

Cindy gasped, “Someone’s home. I’ll call you later”, then hung up before I could respond.

She didn’t call.

————————-— The 7-11 Store ——————-—————

A few weeks passed before I saw Cindy again. She was constantly on my mind and I desperately wanted to contact her, but couldn’t bring myself to call her house for so many reasons. If cell phones were around I would have been in contact, but in the days of land lines and no social media, I couldn’t think of a way of reaching her without possibly getting her (and myself) in trouble.

Finally, one afternoon I saw her platinum blonde hair flowing into a 7-11 store near her school. I have to admit I drove this way more often than needed, in hopes I might run into her.

I drove around the block and pulled into the parking lot. I saw her inside talking and laughing with some friends. I was kinda nervous, and my heart was racing as I walked into the store. I tried to act like I hadn’t seen her… I was there to pick up some badly needed… um… anything.

She saw me walk in and ran over from across the store. I smiled broadly at seeing her, “Cindy!” She met me with a big hug. I hugged her back, awkwardly, thinking people could read on my face what I had been doing with this beautiful, innocent little girl.

One of the girls from the group ran over to us, and jumped in place next to Cindy, bumping her sideways like she was trying to knock Cindy out of view.

“Jeeze, Stace, starved for attention, are we?”, Cindy joked at her friend.

Her friend didn’t blink, she just stared up at me with huge brown eyes and a beaming smile. This girl was cute… really cute. About the same height as Cindy, but more curvy, with budding boobs she was quite proud of… she was making sure I noticed them. Standing with her hands clasped behind her back, arching her back and rocking back and forth so her growing points poked out high in her blouse. Long wavy brown hair wrapped around a tan face with freckles. Her wide smile and perfect teeth looked even brighter against her full lips.

“You must be Jeff… I’m Stacy”, said the cute friend of Cindy’s, and she stepped closer and offered her hand. I shook her hand, “Pleased to meet you, Stacy”. I looked over at Cindy, to try and read what she was thinking.

….. how does your friend know my name?

When I looked back at Stacy, she was staring at my crotch.

Cindy broke the silence, “What are you doing here; buying flowers for your girlfriend?”, and flashed that wonderful smile I had been thinking of for so long.

“Um… I don’t really remember, but no girlfriend. I haven’t even been able to see the girl who’s been on my mind.”

Cindy’s smile wavered, “Oh… Chloe?”

“No, not Chloe, but you’re close”, I said with a wink. That brought her smile back; her face blushing a bit.

Stacy looked over at Cindy and giggled. She looked back at me with that beaming smile and asked, “Could you do us a favor?”

I laughed, “Buy you beer? I’m not old enough.”

“No… we don’t need beer. There is plenty of alcohol at my house. My parents are gone this weekend and we need a ride home.”

Cindy popped in, “Could you? I’m staying the night, and the bus lines don’t go anywhere near her house”.

“Of course. How could I say ‘no’ to you? You flash those pretty smiles and I would do anything you asked”, I replied with a mischievous smile.

Stacy shot a quick look over to Cindy and giggled, covering her mouth like she was stifling a gasp. Her eyes darted back down to my crotch again.

…what does she know?

I grabbed a six-pack of Coke, a pack of gum, and making sure the girls didn’t see, a pack of condoms, and paid the cashier. The cashier looked out at the young girls and back at me when she rang up the condoms, and gave me an accusatory look. I tried to ignore it, and headed out to my car where the girls were standing. I opened the door to let them climb in. “Such a gentleman!”, Stacy commented and flashed her smile at me. To my surprise Cindy crawled in the back seat, leaving the front seat for her friend (always the sweet considerate one).

I pulled out of the parking lot and turned right, away from the school. “You’ll have to tell me how to get to your house”, I said to Stacy, and glanced over at her. She was pointing and giving me directions, and I stole a quick look down at her boobs hiding under her blouse. I glanced in the rear view mirror and Cindy was watching me. We locked eyes and both of us smiled.

Every time I looked in the mirror she was watching me, and every time she looked more and more beautiful.

———————————— Stacy’s House ————————————

As Stacy’s directions guided us closer to her home it became apparent her parents had money. The driveway alone was longer that my parent’s lot, and the one next to it. I parked off to the side, on the gravel, just in case my car was dripping oil. I didn’t want to be the one leaving a stain on their perfect brick courtyard.

“Pretty nice rental you have here” I joked to Stacy. She gave me a blank look, then laughed when she realized I was kidding her.

I got out and opened the door for them, reaching in to grab Cindy’s hand to help her out of the back seat. “Why don’t you come in? We have frozen pizza we’re going to make for dinner. Well… unless you have a hot date tonight”, Cindy said with a smirk.

Stacy chipped in, “We’ll be more fun than any stupid date… join us! And I need a man’s opinion on something.”

Cindy shot a curious look over at Stacy, then ran over and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the house, “You have to come inside. Please? I haven’t seen you in so long.”

“It’s settled”, Stacy determined, “You’re coming in. Grab your Coke too- it’ll be a good mixer”

‘A good mixer’ I thought to myself. This could be an entertaining evening.

Stacy led us in through the grand entry, beside the formal living room, down the hallway to a large family room. A bar fit for a pub was at one end, a pool table to the left, and I could see a pool through the French doors on the other. I set the Coke on the bar countertop.

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