
3 Evil Sisters-Part 3

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The house was quiet for the rest of the day. I didn’t even get yelled at to make dinner, leaving me to wallow away in my bed, reliving the afternoon escapades. Lying there as the Saturday moon rose to the sky, I still couldn’t believe what I did. I fucked Izzy. My oldest sister just let me do whatever I wanted to her and she enjoyed it, hell she came twice.

The only problem was that she played me like a used video game. That’s why I felt so shitty. I fell for her little ploy, hook line and sinker and that made me all the more mad. So here I was, Sunday around noon, still lying in bed with barely an hour or two of sleep under my belt, and still confused as fuck as to what I was going to do next.

The door to my room slowly swung open and I lifted my head up just enough to see Izzy leaning against the doorway.

“No,” I rested my head back down on my pillow and went on, “I’m not going to do that again no matter what you say. It was a one time thing that never should’ve happened in the first place.”

“Why not?” Her tone caught me off guard. It wasn’t sad, mad, or even curious. It was calming, almost like she knew something that I didn’t. Turns out, she did know something that I didn’t. “Is it because Ashley used you for sex?”

I shot up from my bed immediately, “How did you kno-”

“Because,” she interrupted, pointing straight up, “My room is directly above yours Max. I’ve known since the first night you two started fucking, and a little tip for the future, Ashley needs to tone down her shouting if she wants to have a secret sex session with you.” Her sigh was riddled with sadness for some reason, “I thought about stopping you guys but over the last two weeks Ashley was probably the happiest person on earth, and I realized that it was probably because of you. Of course a part of me was disgusted by the thought of you two fucking and another part wanted me to whoop your ass for having sex with her when she had a boyfriend, but the dinner Thursday night made me realize something. You didn’t know she had a boyfriend did you Max?”

All I could was shake my head as she walked over to the bed and climbed into it, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me closer, inviting me to use her body as a pillow and I wasn’t in any position to resist.

“Well once I figured that out I can honestly say that that was one of the few times that I ever wanted to hit Ashley. I even lied about taking a shower because I knew that she’d go straight for your room once I said that,” she was rubbing my head as I closed my eyes. I didn’t get much sleep last night, but right now words couldn’t explain how comfy I was feeling resting up against Izzy’s body. “I was sitting in my room waiting for her to moan your name so I could rush down and burst into the room to give you both a piece of my mind, but imagine my surprise when I heard you tell her off. What did you say to her again? You’re an abusive piece of shit that’s been using me for the last two weeks?”

I nodded again and she laughed.

“I think that’s the first time you actually shouted at one of us, and damn did you go off like a firework. When it was over I even went to check on her and she was bawling like baby, curled up in the corner and giving me some bullshit excuse that her cramps were bad,” she rolled her eyes and looked at me, “We’re all on the pill by the way so our periods are never that bad, trust me.”

My eyes widened for a moment. That didn’t even cross my mind over the last three weeks and know that I thought about it, it probably never would’ve either. But now that I know that I wasn’t going to be a father I sighed in relief before realizing something else.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I lifted my head up from her boob and stared at her funnily, “Why were you cheering for me in all of this?”

“Because when I was a freshman in high school I went through the same thing that you did, only mine was worse.”


“Much worse.”


“I met a boy named Caleb. He was a senior, nice guy, had a piece of shit car but at the time I thought it was awesome to even own a car. Real smooth too, always knew what to say and when to say it, one of those kinds of guys’ y’know? I fell for him hard and within a week of us dating, he took my virginity and proceeded to fuck me almost everyday for the next eight months,” she tried to laugh but I could tell that it was an act to lighten the mood. “Guess all that sex and fake love blinded me because I didn’t see how obvious it was that he was using me. Turns out he had a girlfriend for the last two years and he just wanted to try out a different pussy, but the day I found out I beat his ass so bad that he had to go the hospital.”

“So is that when you started treating every guy like crap?”

She nodded softly, “Max…I know that I’ve made your life hell for as long as you can remember, and I’m sorry that it took something like this to happen for me to finally level with you. I don’t expect you to forgive, or even speak to me after this, but I finally felt like you deserved an explanation. There’s probably nothing that I can say or do to get you to forgive me either but-”

I put my hand over her mouth and she shut up instantly as I closed my eyes and rested back down on her boobs.


“I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night,” I explained lazily, “I just need a nap. You mind staying here until I wake up?”

“I think I can do that,” she rubbed my back softly, her warm hand soothing me closer to sleep every second.

Can I really forgive her? Should I even forgive her? She said sorry after all, but one sorry isn’t going to change everything she’s done to me. Then again…after two weeks of being used I was so mad that I nearly hit Ashley, I can only imagine what it would be like if it lasted eight months. Guess Izzy’s response to being used isn’t too different from my own. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I forgive her or agree with her method for that matter, but at least I have a better understanding about why she did it. Still, I can’t forgive her, but that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to move on. After all if I resented her forever then that’d make me no better then her, and as long as she’s willing to change I guess maybe I could cut her some slack.

With my mind only partially made up, Izzy’s warm hand rubbing my back, and my head resting softly against her boobs, I was finally able to get some well needed rest.

When I woke up, I was admittedly surprised to see Izzy passed out as well. I thought about getting up but I knew she deserved to hear my thoughts, plus she was nice enough to let me use her body as a pillow so that was partially influencing my actions.

“Izzy,” I whispered, shaking her shoulders softly. She stirred for a bit before opening her eyes and letting out a loud yawn, looking hazily into my eyes. “Had a nice nap?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” she smiled as we both sat up. I scooted up and leaned against the headboard with her while we sat in silence for awhile.

“Look,” I began, trying to think of the right thing to say. “What happened to you was pretty messed up I’ll admit, but that doesn’t mean that you had to take it out on me.”

“I understand,” she dishearteningly mumbled, “Guess it’s kind of hard to ask for forgiveness after all these years huh?”

“I never said I wouldn’t forgive you Izzy, I’m just saying that what happened to you doesn’t excuse your actions. If you really want me to forgive you, then there’s going to be some changes.”

“Like what?”

“Well the biggest issue is that I’m tired of you treating me like an in-house servant that lives down stairs. I want you to talk to me like family, which means no pointless yelling and definitely no more hitting. I’ve been beaten more times then a professional boxers punching bag for fucks sake I think I deserve a permanent vacation. And none of this two-faced crap either, I want to be treated nice all the time unless you have a good reason to do otherwise, and Riley and Ashley are not good reasons either.”

“I understand Max, don’t worry I didn’t plan on doing that.”

“Good,” I sighed.

“Anything else?”

“Um,” scratching my head, I tried to think if there was anything else.

“Anything at all?” she asked again, hinting at something that I obviously missed.

I wasn’t in a mood to guess so I just looked her straight in the eye, “Just tell me.”

“Well,” she bit her bottom lip and looked away, “What about the sex?”

If I said I was predicting that, I’d be a liar. That one was straight out of left field and I fumbled around with my words a bit, “Well uh…what do you want?”

“I’m not saying that I want it everyday,” her hand was playing with her hair before she finally looked at me again. “But I wouldn’t mind if we did it every once in awhile.”

My first reaction was to say hell yes and agree, but there was a wicked idea forming in my head right now and I wanted to see where it led, “I don’t know Izzy.”

“Well what if you got to pick whenever we did it?”

“Hmmm,” I was biding my time now, “So we could just do it whenever I wanted?”

“As long as it’s not in front of Riley or Ashley.”

Again, I sat there rubbing my chin, acting like I was thinking to try and see how much I could get out of her. It was a little cruel but I wanted to see what she was willing to give me before accepting it. After a minute, my stalling paid off yet again.

“You could be as rough as you want with me just like the first time,” she shrugged playfully.

“Really?” I feigned shock but it didn’t take an idiot to figure out that Izzy enjoyed the pain, but I still had to keep the part going. “As rough as I want?”

“That’s right, but next time you want fuck my asshole please let me get lube first.”

“I guess I got caught up in the moment my bad,” with a goofy smile she giggled and wrapped her arm around me.

“C’mon, what else do you want from me? Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do either Max,” she smirked, “Stalling to see what you can extort out of your own big sister.”

“How did you know that?”

“Please,” she scoffed, “I pull that move on Ashley and Riley whenever they ask me for a favor. I practically invented the stall, now let’s hear it.”

“I want to get her back,” I mumbled softly.

“Revenge on Ashley huh?” her nod told me that she already knew that was coming, “Do you have something in mind already?”

“Nothing yet, but give me some time and I’ll figure something out.”

“Well I’ll do whatever you need me to.”

“Thanks,” I smiled and so did she.

With a quick stretch she got to her and headed for the door, “C’mon, its movie night.”

“Isn’t that one of your girl things?”

“As of two minutes ago it’s now a family thing, plus Riley’s at some party again and Ashley won’t be back till tomorrow. I don’t have anyone to watch them with.”

“So I’m the replacement huh?” I joked rolling out of bed.

“Oh shut up,” she laughed and took a step towards the door.

“Izzy,” she stopped and turned to look at me. “Why did you decide to do all of this now?”

She didn’t answer right away, standing in the doorway for some time compiling her thoughts until she shrugged slightly, “Guess I finally realized that taking my anger out on you rather then Caleb wasn’t fair.”

That was about the answer I expected, and with a small shrug, we headed into the living room. The rest of the evening we watched one movie after another. From good comedies to terrible romances and even a kid’s movie, all the while Izzy and I sat huddled up against one another.

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