3 Evil Sisters-Part 2
3 Evil Sisters-Part 2
Sex Story Author: | SomeStory |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I wanted to figure out what the difference was but before I could she spread her legs and bit her |
Sex Story Category: | Incest |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Incest, Male / Older Female, Teen Male/Teen Female |
The ringing of my alarm woke me up and lazily rolled over to shut it off. Upon rolling back I saw my beautiful sister Ashley only inches away from me, as naked as a newborn baby but with the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face. I didn’t want to wake her up but I still needed to get ready for school, so I tried to quietly worm my way out of her loving grip.
Having successfully completed my task I grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom. Once I had the shower running at the perfect temperature, I slid the glass door shut and let the hot water run down my body to wake me up. I leaned against the wall as my thoughts drifted back to last night, to how I found myself losing my virginity to Ashley, and loving every second of it. A part of me wanted to crawl back into that bed and just spend the rest of the day with her. One day of absence from school wouldn’t kill me, in fact I think it’d do me some good to spend some quality time with my loving sister.
I must’ve been buried in my thoughts of her because I failed to hear my bathroom door open and shut. It wasn’t until she slid the door to the shower open that I finally snapped out of my thoughts and soaked in the image of her naked body as I climbed into the shower with me.
“Maaaax,” she moaned, her eyes fighting a small war just to stay open, “Why’d you get up?”
“I have school Ashley, remember?”
“Can’t you skip it today?” she whined and pressed her body up to mine. The water was spraying both of us now as I wrapped my hands around here waist. “Pleeeeeeease?”
“I will next time,” I leaned forward and stole a kiss, causing her to smile softly.
“Then I might as well get in a little fun before you have to go,” she opened her eyes slyly, directing them downwards at my rock hard dick that had been pressing up against her body this whole time. Gracefully getting to her knees, I watched her grab onto it and slowly start to pump it, planting a kiss right on the head that made me moan in approval.
She grabbed a hold of it with both hands now, starting to pump faster and faster, teasing me with the occasional kiss. I wanted to feel what it was like to have those lustful lips sucking on my dick and I finally got my wish as she wrapped her mouth around it, sending a jolt of pleasure throughout my body and I thought it couldn’t get any better from here but she proved me wrong only seconds later. Her mouth continued to suck on the top part of my dick as one hand moved to the base of it, adding to the already insane amount of pleasure I was feeling, and to make things even hotter her eyes would glance up towards me after each moan that escaped from my mouth. Those hungering eyes made it all the more hotter as her tongue brushed the belly of my dick slow and sexily, making sure to wipe it clean as I moaned out, “I’m gonna cum Ashley!”
She didn’t stop, in fact her mouth started taking in more and more of my dick and I couldn’t hold it any longer. I unloaded everything into her mouth and it didn’t faze her in the slightest as she sucked my dick try until it started to soften up. Once it was all over my legs felt like Jell-O and I eased my way to the ground with Ashley soon joining my side.
“How was that?” she teased licking her lips.
“Maybe I should skip school today,” I smiled and she gave me kiss on the cheek before resting up against me, the warm water only adding to our comfort as we lay there for some time.
She exited the shower first and after a couple of minutes I made my departure as well. The rest of the morning was routine once the fun in the shower had ended. I got ready and soon found myself sitting at the table munching down on a piece of toast. There wasn’t any sign of Ashley while I sat there, and I knew that Izzy wouldn’t show her face until at least noon. Riley on the other hand was a morning person and she liked to give me an extra dose of hell before I walked to school.
She hummed her way down the stairs, walking into the kitchen like she owned the place as she scoped out the cupboards for food. I paid her no mind, keeping my eyes glued to the TV, but I knew that that wouldn’t save me from her morning wrath.
A loud crash made me jump to my feet instantly, searching for the source when I caught a glimpse of Riley’s wide smile.
“Riley what did you do?” I asked.
“I didn’t do anything,” her lie was so obvious that it wouldn’t fool a five year old, “When I opened up the cupboard a glass cup fell out and crashed onto the ground. If I would’ve known that placing cups in a cupboard was too difficult for you I would’ve offered you some help but then again I’m starting to think that you did this on purpose.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You know that I always open this cupboard so why not set up a trap to injure your poor sister,” she let off a fake sniffle and covered her eyes, “All I do is try and help you and this is the thanks I get.”
“Oh really? That’s what happened?”
“That’s what happened.”
“Then tell me something Riley. If all the glass is right next to your feet, and the cupboard where I put the glass cups are over here,” I took the three steps to emphasize how unlikely her case was. “How come all the glass is located right there instead of scattered all over the place.”
“Beats me,” she shrugged, “But you better clean it up before Izzy gets up.”
I growled at her before retrieving the broom and hastily getting to work. Since it was all centered around one spot it didn’t take very long for me to clean the mess up, but while I was doing this I failed to watch what Riley was doing. When I finally dumped all the glass in the trash and put the broom back I turned to see Riley finishing the last of my two pieces of toast.
“Riley that was my breakfast!” I shouted walking over to the table.
“And it was delicious,” she smiled, patting me on the head like a puppy which only served to fuel my anger. “Sharing is caring isn’t it?”
I opened my mouth to say something when I heard two sharp honking sounds from outside.
“Oh! That’s my ride,” she finished the last of my toast, grabbed her backpack and headed for the door. “Oh and just in case you forgot Max, school starts in five minutes.”
I looked at the clock to realize that she had played me like a drum. With that in mind, I grabbed my backpack and flew out the door breaking out in a dead sprint. Making my way down the leaf covered sidewalk, I knew that only a miracle could help get me to school on time.
And that miracle…did not happen.
I sat in front of the principals office, waiting my turn on death’s row until finally my name was called. Mr. Novak sat there quietly, his eyes darting back and forth across his computer as I took a seat in one of the seats in front of his desk. With a long sigh that I thought would last another hour, he finally brought his gaze onto me. The late thirties to early forties man was never happy as far as I could tell, with slick down brown hair and a monkey suit on (dress pants and beige jacket), he finally spoke.
“Max, this is the eighth time you’ve been in my office for being tardy to first period,” he took off his glasses and dropped them on his desk. “We’ve only been in school for three months, and the last time you were in here you said that you’d find a way to fix this problem. Yet, here you are.”
“I know Mr. Novak and I’m sorry, but-”
“I’m tired of hearing excuses Max,” he interrupted, “If this happens again I’m going to have to organize a parent-teacher conference to help solve this problem.”
“No,” I shook my head rapidly, “No, no, no, no sir that’s a bad idea.”
“Well I think it’s the only thing that’ll help get you to school on time.”
“No buts! You’ll serve an hour detention with Mr. Edwards today, end of discussion.”
There really was no point in arguing after that. With my detention slip in hand I made my way to my first period class. Before I knew it first period was over and second rolled around, then third, then fourth, and finally I walked into my fifth period class just as I thought the day couldn’t get any worse. Luckily fifth period was Advanced Art, probably the only class that I’d have an A in, mainly because it was the only thing I was really good at. I pulled up a chair at one of the many tables in the room and went about sketching some plant that was placed in the front of the room.
“Alright class settle down,” Mr. Edwards announced even though the room was already deathly quiet. He was laid back, and everything from his cargo shorts to his goofy looking hippy length blonde hair only served to emphasize it. Once the entire class had completely halted any and all action aside from breathing, he finally went on to say, “Get back to work.”
That made me chuckle a bit. Mr. Edwards was a cool guy, and probably the only teacher that I liked so having detention with him wasn’t really a punishment, for me anyways.
“Tardy again huh?” he asked pulling up a chair next to me.
“Eighth time apparently.”
“Least they stuck you with me and not one those other teacher’s who actually care about their job.”
“I know right?” we shared a chuckle before he took a look at my work.
“Looking good Max, looking real good.”
“Eh,” I held up the picture next to the plant and made a comparison, “It’s alright.”
“Alright? You’re drawing better then most of the kids in my senior-only art class. You have a gift man.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” I slapped it back onto the table with a hint of disgust, “I just don’t feel like I’m getting better y’know?”
“A little self confidence goes a long way Max.”
“So does a cab with fifty bucks worth of fare money.”
Either he didn’t hear me or he didn’t bother to answer after that, getting up and going to another table to check on there progress. Meanwhile I became lost in my own little world as I tended to do when I started drawing. What started off as a hobby to escape the hell my sisters put me through soon became the one thing I could be proud of. The problem was that I felt like I wasn’t improving, like I had somehow peaked with my drawing skills and it bugged the hell out of me trying to figure out why. Before I knew it, the lunch bell rang and I regrettably made my way out of the classroom and proceeded to sleep walk the rest of the day until school finally ended and I headed back to serve my detention.
I drudged into the room and plopped down at my usual table, oblivious to the fact that Mr. Edwards wasn’t the only other person in the room. It took a very aggressive throat clear for me to finally look up and discover the new person. She was my height with an above average body in my opinion, nice shoulder length brown hair and glasses that only served to make her look more intelligent.
“Max, this is Gene,” he showcased her like an item at an auction. “She’s a senior here at school and has agreed to help you with your artwork.”
“And how is she going to do that?”
“By modeling for you.”
“Modeling…for me?”
“That’s right?”
“You serious Edwards?”
“Dead serious.”
“Just seems a little,” I glanced at Gene who was quietly humming to herself, “Odd that this would help out of everything.”
“Try trusting me for once in your life Max. When I have steered you wrong?”
“Guess you got a point.”
Grabbing my notebook out I followed Mr. Edwards instructions and sketched Gene for the rest of the detention. It was definitely harder to do, sketching an actual person instead of an object and after seeing my first picture fully finished it was like a gateway drug, I wanted to do more. Unfortunately I only had an hour so after two and a half pictures Mr. Edwards told me I had to stop which kind of annoyed me to be honest.
He did offer let me do the same thing tomorrow after school and I happily accepted. Gene even seemed happy about it too. Guess she wanted to just stand around and be ogled at for an hour…must be a girl thing. Either way I packed my stuff up and went home. When I walked into the house it was quiet, way to quiet, which surprisingly didn’t bother me at all because it meant one thing.
Everyone was gone.
When I walked into the kitchen I found just what I was looking for.
You took to long to come home, left to go eat dinner-Izzy
Looks like this day is getting better and better, as I now actually smiling having bought about an hour of peace and quiet thanks to my detention. I walked into my room, dropping my backpack and kicking off my shoes to prepare myself for a well needed nap. The door suddenly shut and I froze like a deer caught in headlights, mainly because I wasn’t the one who shut it.
My head slowly turned to see who it was, however they didn’t even give me the chance to see them as I was smothered into someone’s arms.
“Max!” Ashley gripped me so tight I was having problems breathing, “Where were you?”
My face was buried between her breasts muffling my voice, although I was still able to squeak out the words, “I had detention.”
“Well you’re finally back at least,” she sighed in an almost annoyed fashion.
“Wait,” I wrenched myself free from her grip, “Why are you still here? I thought you went out to eat?”
“I told them I was sick,” with a sly wink she wrapped her arms around me again, “I wanted to stay here and be with you. Aren’t you happy?”
“Extremely,” I smiled and gave her a kiss.
Our mouths were tangled second later and we stumbled our way onto my bed. She was lying on top of me, her body pressing against my causing my dick to harden immediately. But there was something different about it, something that I couldn’t explain as we started undressing.
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