
3 Evil Sisters-Part 1

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My life wasn’t ideal for any 13 year old boy hitting puberty. I grew up in a house with no father (because he kicked the bucket when I was only two years old) a mother who seemed like she was always out of town, and three older sisters. Needless to say I was lacking a father figure in the house, or any kind of figure that would teach me to be a man because I sure as hell knew I wasn’t.

With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now.

I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my eyes scanning the place as if checking for heat signs to give me hints on where the girls were at. With a deep breath, I opened the door and poked my head inside. To the right was a narrow hallway that led to my room and yes I had the only room on the bottom floor, secluding me from my family. The stairs were directly in front of me with another hallway right beside it leading to the kitchen. The doorway directly left of the front door led to the living room, complete with a small couch, two reclining chairs and a coffee table all facing a big screen TV. The living room and kitchen were connected thanks to some remodeling last year allowing people at the dinner table to be able to watch TV too so it was a very popular place for the girls to hang out at. Luckily the TV wasn’t on so I knew that that area was safe.

Everything was clear as far as I could tell…and then my eyes moved upwards. I could only see a little bit of the second floor but I did notice that there was a door slightly cracked open. I took a chance, ignoring subtlety as I shut the door and darted into my secluded hallway, diving into my room and slamming the door shut. I pressed up against it as if a monster would try and burst threw it at any moment and after a couple seconds of agonizing silence, I sighed in relief as I headed into my bathroom.

Seeing as how I was lucky enough to get the master bedroom of the house it came with its own bathroom, which was helpful in more ways then one as I shut the door and splashed water on my face. Just looking at my reflection disappointed me. I was rail-thin and I mean the hand rails people use to help climb stairs, barely 5’8 on a good day with all of my sisters being at least 6 foot. I was the oddball of the family when it came to my hair as well, being the only one with short and shaggy chestnut colored hair, not to mention my freaky red eyes that I was constantly teased about and I didn’t know why.

That was enough critiquing for one day. I did my business and exited only to run smack dab into a brick wall. After I stumbled backwards I looked up to see my 21 year old sister Isabella (Izzy for short and the oldest of the three) staring at me smugly and currently blocking the entrance to my room. She was 6’1 with an hourglass figure that was model worthy, having an amazing pair of boobs that were at least a D-cup. Her smooth face was always wearing the same evil expression when she glanced my way, with chin length black hair that always seemed to rest over one of her emerald green eyes, and a small stud in her nose to complement her punk look. She wore a tight long sleeve black shirt that had small rips in it along the rib area giving me a nice taste of her soft white skin, and her black thigh high skirt revealed smooth shaven legs from top to bottom.

“Had a nice look pervert?” she hissed and I snapped out of my trance and realized who the body that I was ogling at belonged to, “If I catch you doing something like that again I’ll beat your perverted ass so bad that you’ll be hospitalized. Got it? Now get the fuck in the kitchen and start making dinner.”

“Alright,” I mumbled climbing to my feet avoiding eye contact. However this proved difficult because she didn’t budge an inch leaving me with my head held down like a scolded puppy, “Move.”

“Excuse me? You better learn some fucking manners real quick before I beat it into you!”

Izzy was always a little more violent then the others, resorting to threats and a couple cases of physical abuse that reinforced the fact that she could kick my ass without breaking a sweat.

“Please,” I looked up at her, “Move.”

“I’ll let you go this time but if that ever happens again where you give me a bit of attitude for trying to help your uncivilized ass, I’ll drop you faster then a sack of potatoes.”

“Whatever,” I muttered out of earshot distance, walking out of my room and into the kitchen as the blasting TV caught my attention. I knew who it was, and more importantly I knew why she was doing this. “Riley! CAN YOU TURN IT DOWN!”

Riley poked her head up from the couch and shot me a funny look.

“TURN IT DOWN!” I shouted again pointing towards the ground. She shrugged her shoulders as if she couldn’t understand the language I was speaking. I knew very well what her plan was but I didn’t have a choice but to fall for it. “I SAID TURN IT DOWN!”

She muted it the second I started yelling so my voice was heard throughout the house. Only seconds later did I hear my lovely sister Izzy yell, “Why the fuck are you yelling at Riley! Your supposed to be cooking remember?”

I can’t cook if I can’t hear the beeping from the timer. Riley knew damn well that I did my homework while I waited for things took cook so I needed to be able to actually hear them or else I’d burn the food. And if I burned the food, it wouldn’t be Riley’s fault no matter how much I argued. It’d always be mine. I still ignored the devil smile that she was currently shooting my way now as I shook my head and began cooking. Once I had everything set up I grabbed my homework and sat down at the kitchen table to do some math. This however proved to be a dumb choice because within seconds I had Riley breathing down my neck.

She was smart, plain and simple, and I wasn’t exactly the brightest student but that was because I was dealing with a lot more then her in my opinion. She was sitting down next to me humming a cheerful tune as she looked over my work.

“That’s wrong,” she happily told me, “Number 4 too. Oh and you really screwed up on number 13. How dumb can you be to miss number 19? Are you trying to fail Max?”

“I’ll go back and check them later,” I tried to ignore her and continue but she snatched my paper away and ripped it up in my face. An hour of hard work was now trickling out of her fingers like rain into the garbage can.

A stuck up bitch at 6 foot, with long sandy blonde hair and pompous blue eyes, she was a senior at my high school and turning 18 two months from now. She was the youngest of my older sisters but I felt like she was always trying to prove to them that she could be just as mean to me as they were. Her body was nothing short of perfect either. Her ass was perfectly round and always visible in the tight clothes she wore to school, not to mention her C-cup breasts were extremely perky from what I could tell. I could sum up her wardrobe pretty quickly too, tight jeans to show of her body, and low cut shirts to give guys a glimpse of her breasts.

“What the heck Riley!” I shouted as a timer went off in the kitchen. I scrambled back and proceeded to take some things out of the oven as she skipped into kitchen.

“Well you weren’t listening to me so I figured I had to get rid of the distraction.”

“The distraction was my homework,” I reminded her, accidentally touching the side of the tray in the process. My finger burned like hell as I ran it under cold water.

“As clumsy as always,” she shook her head slowly, “You’ll never be smart if you don’t accept the help of others little bro. But then again who’d want to help someone as sorry as you?”

I wanted to shout and scream and start trashing the place, but that was exactly what she wanted so I just turned around and continued to focus on my burn. Eventually she left and after wiping it clean I wrapped a band-aid on it and finished cooking. Once the table was set Izzy and Riley found there way to the kitchen and took a seat, pigging out before our last family member could even come home from practice. One tradition that mom taught me was to wait until everyone had their food to eat, so I sat there and waited. By the time Izzy and Riley finished the front door swung open then shut harshly as the middle sister finally made her appearance.

Ashley dropped her muddy cleats smack dab on the kitchen floor causing all that crap to scatter everywhere meaning that I would just have to clean it up later. She was 19, matched Riley in height, with an incredible body no thanks to the recreational soccer team that she played on. Her golden tanned skin only served to make her hotter and also make up for her lack of big boobs that the my other two sisters had. They were still visible but they were solid B-cups and I doubt that would change unless she stopped playing soccer. Her ass was her saving grace though, better then Izzy’s and Riley’s combined. Her shiny black hair was pulled back into a ponytail as she took a seat at the table with her sleeveless white shirt and black short shorts.

“Man practice sucked,” she whined slumping back in her chair, “We ran up and down Matson Hill at least twenty times. I felt like my legs were going to fall off. Thank god I caught a ride home today.”

“Well hurry up and eat your food you big baby,” Izzy taunted walking away, “Its movie night remember?”

“Yeah, yeah I remember,” she sighed looking up at me. “What do you want chicken legs? You waiting for me to get my food again? Jeez you’re a dumbass, mom’s not here just get your food and eat you spineless loser.”

Ashley was a name caller if that wasn’t obvious within the first sentence. I kinda laughed when I thought about it but each sister had their own special way of making my life hell. Izzy would resort to violence, Riley would pull pranks on me and other mischievous things, and Ashley would constantly critique and belittle me. I guess I was getting a good dose of everything, which was a lot better then having everyone follow Izzy’s method.

Regardless I waited until Ashley got her food and even though she took it up to her room, I remained at the table and finished eating. After I had cleaned everything up including the mud stains on the kitchen tiles, I loaded up the dishes and retreated to my room for some peace and quiet. I had a ton of homework to do and I couldn’t forget about the math I had to completely redo now thanks to Riley. Plus on movie night I wasn’t allowed to leave my room unless I was going to die of starvation. Last time I did Izzy clocked me square in the eye giving me a shiner. It was difficult to explain at school but I just told everyone that I fell down the stairs…some right handed stairs that packed a deadly punch, but stairs nonetheless.

The clock read 6:30 when I started and by the time I finished it was 2:13.

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