
05 – The Chico Tales

… Julie smiled, “after all, I promised Mitchie here a story and a story she shall have.” Sarah blushed deeply down to her roots, while her daughter wiggled in delight, as Julie began to tell the story, “Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in a land called Mexico, there were these two fair maidens…”


Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn’t seen in four years. ‘I must be mad’ she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with Julie a few weeks earlier.


“Oh my god it’s you!” Sarah shrieked down the phone, as she answered the call from Julie, a close friend she hadn’t spoken to in over four years.

“Of course it’s me, in the flesh and naked, and thinking of you,” Julie purred in response, “and I hear you are finally getting hitched. See you are going to manage it before your 30th birthday as well.” Julie paused before she went on, “and to a man as well, now there’s a surprise for an old dyke like you.”

Sarah blushed at Julie’s words and could feel herself getting wet, as Julie could always push her buttons, and her sexy voice seemed to permeate Sarah’s soul. Sarah was ecstatic to hear from her old friend, who had vanished out of her life four years earlier, despite Sarah’s best attempts at staying in touch.

“Ain’t gonna be able to make the big day short stuff,” Julie said bluntly, causing Sarah’s heart to sink, “buuuuuut,” Julie added dramatically, “surely you must be having a hen party somewhere, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Yes,” replied Sarah happily, “the bridal party, including my mother and aunts, are all flying down to Acapulco in Mexico on the 26th for a few days of partying and sunshine.” Then, remembering who she was talking to, Sarah added, “and please be discrete, no one knows about our past, and I would like to keep it that way. They all think I am respectable.”

“Awww, no pussy licking then, or trading tequila shots for blow jobs in some dodgy bar?” Julie giggled while teasing Sarah with some of their past antics, before offering, “Tell you what… why don’t we have a private party before we join that lot of bores? You can fly to Mexico City on the 23rd and I will get you down to Acapulco for the 26th. Send your stuff on ahead as I have a little surprise treat in mind for you, so you won’t need more than a spare pair of knickers, in fact you probably won’t even need those… but kisses… gotta run.”

“But, but, but, the cost, the details, the times…” Sarah stammered into the disconnected phone, as Julie had hung up and disappeared, as quickly and abruptly as she had four years ago.

The next day a courier arrived at Sarah’s house with an envelope containing a first class ticket to Mexico City, with a hand written note that said, ‘Short Stuff – My Treat. Your Pleasure. – J’

Sarah hemmed and hawed over the decision, while gently sniffing the note that carried the aroma of Julie’s perfume, causing a dampening of Sarah’s knickers. After a great deal of careful and delicate discussions with her parents, and her fiancé, Sarah had finally managed to convince everyone that she would be fine on her own with her old friend from London, and that she would meet them all in Acapulco as planned.


Sarah stood outside the airport trying to wave away the jabbering Mexicans who were crowding around the diminutive American tourist, while tugging at her arm. Already nervous about this liaison, the gaggle of locals had Sarah on the verge of tears, when suddenly a tall woman clad in a leather jacket and a short skirt that barely covered her ass, moved forward and wrapped one fingerless gloved hand round Sarah’s shoulders, as she shooed the men away, chastising them in fluent Spanish.

“Julie!” Sarah exclaimed in relief, as she felt her 5’1″ frame being protected by her younger but taller friend, who crushed her to her breast is a warm and powerful embrace.

“Hey Short Stuff,” Julie quipped in response, while lifting the dark, wrap-around sunglasses from her sparkly blue eyes and shaking out her bun, letting her long auburn hair flow freely down her back.

Before Sarah could reply, Julie bent and kissed her warmly on the mouth, forcing her tongue into Sarah’s mouth, bringing memories of their past flooding back. Memories weren’t the only thing that was flooding, as Sarah felt a sudden dampness and a heat between her legs, a familiar and usual reaction when Julie was near.

Remembering that she was to be married in a few weeks, Sarah broke the kiss, but still held her body close to Julie’s. “What did you say to them,” Sarah asked, as she nodded toward the group of sweaty men, who were drifting away and muttering to themselves.

“Oh, I told them that you were a lesbian trainee here for pussy munching lessons, and then you were to be sold as a sex slave to Amazonian Lesbians in South America.” Julie said with a straight face, looking down at her shorter friend’s wide brown eyes.

“Oh my God!” gasped Sarah while blushing deeply, “you didn’t… did you?”

Julie threw her head back and roared with laughter at the look of concern on Sarah face. “No, I didn’t, you daft ninny,” Julie said still laughing, “I told them to go away or I would cut their balls off and make a necklace out of them.”

The two women walked towards the car park in the bright sunshine, cutting a most unlikely pair.

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