To report any story, you need to click the “Report This Story” on the page the story is on. The link will be below the story.
A member of our team will evaluate all reports, and stories that get a lot of negative reports will be removed from the Fantasy Fiction Club database.
The Fantasy Fiction Club is the ultimate destination for reading your favorite adult XXX Stories. Become a member today for as little as £1.99 and enjoy exclusive access to thousands of high-quality sex stories.
If you're a writer who regularly submits original XXX or adult stories not published on other websites you'll receive free membership as a thank-you for contributing fresh, unique content. We believe in creative freedom, so we don’t censor or restrict submissions. However, our members can report stories they feel don't meet the club's standards. Any XXX Stories that receive excessive negative feedback will be removed. Our goal is to showcase only the best Adult xxx stories for our readers.